
Stanford University, officially Leland Stanford Junior University, is a private research university in Stanford, California, United States. It was founded in 1885 by railroad magnate Leland Stanford, the eighth governor of and then-incumbent senator from California, and his wife, Jane, in memory of their only child, Leland Jr. The university admitted its first students in 1891, opening as a coeducational and non-denominational institution. It struggled financially after Leland died in 1893 and ... For More Info

Total links:- 466
Total paper mentions:- 1829

First ACL Paper:- 1997
Latest ACL Paper:- 2019


Alongwith its Literature Mentions
Improving Word Representations via Global Context and Multiple Word Prototypes
DeepNL: a Deep Learning NLP pipeline
Predicting Answer Location Using Shallow Semantic Analogical Reasoning in a Factoid Question Answering System
Scenario Forms for Web Information Seeking and Summarizing in Bone Marrow Transplantation
The Curious Case of Metonymic Verbs: A Distributional Characterization
Capturing and Parsing the Mixed Properties of Light Verb Constructions in a Typed Feature Structure Grammar
Cross-lingual Projected Expectation Regularization for Weakly Supervised Learning
IXA pipeline: Efficient and Ready to Use Multilingual NLP tools
Multilingual, Efficient and Easy NLP Processing with IXA Pipeline
Multi-Word Expression Identification Using Sentence Surface Features
Automatic Evaluation of Summary Using Textual Entailment
Semantic Relations between Events and their Time, Locations and Participants for Event Coreference Resolution
Extracting Definitions and Hypernym Relations relying on Syntactic Dependencies and Support Vector Machines
Precise Information Retrieval Exploiting Predicate-Argument Structures
Learning Ensembles of Structured Prediction Rules
A Neural Approach to Automated Essay Scoring
WordForce: Visualizing Controversial Words in Debates
SpatialVOC2K: A Multilingual Dataset of Images with Annotations and Features for Spatial Relations between Objects
Psycholinguistic Models of Sentence Processing Improve Sentence Readability Ranking
Using a Supertagged Dependency Language Model to Select a Good Translation in System Combination
A Corpus of Text Data and Gaze Fixations from Autistic and Non-Autistic Adults
A Data Mining Approach to Learn Reorder Rules for SMT
The MULINCO corpus and corpus platform
Building Concept Frames based on Text Corpora
An ontological representation of LVF and its use in Natural Language Processing (Représentation ontologique du LVF et son utilisation en traitement automatique de la langue) [in French]
SemTagger: A Novel Approach for Semantic Similarity Based Hashtag Recommendation on Twitter
Using unmarked contexts in nominal lexical semantic classification
Using Parallel Corpora to enrich Multilingual Lexical Resources
An Empirical Analysis of Formality in Online Communication
SemantiKLUE: Robust Semantic Similarity at Multiple Levels Using Maximum Weight Matching
FudanNLP: A Toolkit for Chinese Natural Language Processing
Fred’s Reusable Evaluation Device: Providing Support for Quick and Reliable Linguistic Annotation
Towards the Representation of Hashtags in Linguistic Linked Open Data Format
A User and NLP-Assisted Strategic Workflow for a Social Semantic OWL 2-Based Knowledge Platform
Rediscovering 15 Years of Discoveries in Language Resources and Evaluation: The LREC Anthology Analysis
Rationalizing Neural Predictions
V3: Unsupervised Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis for SemEval2015 Task 12
A Comparison of Domain-based Word Polarity Estimation using different Word Embeddings
Words are Vectors, Dependencies are Matrices: Learning Word Embeddings from Dependency Graphs
What a neural language model tells us about spatial relations
Sentiment Analyzer with Rich Features for Ironic and Sarcastic Tweets
Pragmatic Rejection
Twitter Part-of-Speech Tagging for All: Overcoming Sparse and Noisy Data
Conversational Decision-Making Model for Predicting the King’s Decision in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty
Resolving Complex Cases of Definite Pronouns: The Winograd Schema Challenge
Object Counts! Bringing Explicit Detections Back into Image Captioning
Simplifying Lexical Simplification: Do We Need Simplified Corpora?
A Gold Standard Dependency Corpus for English
Knowtator: A Protégé plug-in for annotated corpus construction
Towards Ontology Engineering Based on Linguistic Analysis
Checking a structured pathology report for completeness of content using terminological knowledge
Towards an Ontology for Art and Colours
Djangology: A Light-weight Web-based Tool for Distributed Collaborative Text Annotation
A Knowledge-Modeling Approach for Multilingual Regulus Lexica
A Pilot Experiment in Knowledge Authoring as Dialogue
Efficient Reuse of Structured and Unstructured Resources for Ontology Population
Entity-Centric Information Access with Human in the Loop for the Biomedical Domain
Enriching An Academic knowledge base using Linked Open Data
A Flexible Conversational Dialog System for MP3 Player
An OWL Ontology for HPSG
Workbench with Authoring Tools for Collaborative Multi-lingual Ontological Knowledge Construction and Maintenance
Development and Alignment of a Domain-Specific Ontology for Question Answering
The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus: A Reference Dataset for Bibliographic Research in Computational Linguistics
Open Information Extraction from Conjunctive Sentences
A UIMA Database Interface for Managing NLP-related Text Annotations
Learning to Map into a Universal POS Tagset
Automatically Predicting Sentence Translation Difficulty
Multimodal Semantic Learning from Child-Directed Input
A Class-Based Agreement Model for Generating Accurately Inflected Translations
Parsing Models for Identifying Multiword Expressions
Arabic Native Language Identification
Better Arabic Parsing: Baselines, Evaluations, and Analysis
Ontology Evaluation Functionalities of RDF(S),DAML+OIL, and OWL Parsers and Ontology Platforms
Estimating Reactions and Recommending Products with Generative Models of Reviews
IIT-TUDA at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Beyond Sentiment Lexicon: Combining Domain Dependency and Distributional Semantics Features for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
Determing Trustworthiness in E-Commerce Customer Reviews
Improving Textual Network Embedding with Global Attention via Optimal Transport
Automatic Extraction of Semantic Networks from Text using Leximancer
A Web-based Instructional Platform for Contraint-Based Grammar Formalisms and Parsing
Gene Name Extraction Using FlyBase Resources
Symbolic Preference Using Simple Scoring
Who Did What to Whom? A Contrastive Study of Syntacto-Semantic Dependencies
Chinese Tense Labelling and Causal Analysis
Lexico-syntactic text simplification and compression with typed dependencies
Identifying Cross-Cultural Differences in Word Usage
CoNLL 2017 Shared Task: Multilingual Parsing from Raw Text to Universal Dependencies
Using Parallel Corpora to enrich Multilingual Lexical Resources
Incorporating Speaker and Discourse Features into Speech Summarization
以概念分群為基礎之新聞事件自動摘要 (Concept Cluster Based News Document Summarization) [In Chinese]
Robust Textual Inference via Graph Matching
English-Basque Statistical and Neural Machine Translation
BomJi at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Combining Vector-, Pattern- and Graph-based Information to Identify Discriminative Attributes
Bringing replication and reproduction together with generalisability in NLP: Three reproduction studies for Target Dependent Sentiment Analysis
Using a Recurrent Neural Network Model for Classification of Tweets Conveyed Influenza-related Information
Sense Embeddings in Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Deep Multi-Task Learning for Aspect Term Extraction with Memory Interaction
Emotion Detection and Classification in a Multigenre Corpus with Joint Multi-Task Deep Learning
Comparison of Representations of Named Entities for Document Classification
Mining Cross-Cultural Differences and Similarities in Social Media
An Empirical Study on Fine-Grained Named Entity Recognition
Open-Domain Event Detection using Distant Supervision
Can a Suit of Armor Conduct Electricity? A New Dataset for Open Book Question Answering
SyntNN at SemEval-2018 Task 2: is Syntax Useful for Emoji Prediction? Embedding Syntactic Trees in Multi Layer Perceptrons
NL-FIIT at IEST-2018: Emotion Recognition utilizing Neural Networks and Multi-level Preprocessing
A Helping Hand: Transfer Learning for Deep Sentiment Analysis
YNU-HPCC at EmoInt-2017: Using a CNN-LSTM Model for Sentiment Intensity Prediction
Improving Multi-label Emotion Classification via Sentiment Classification with Dual Attention Transfer Network
Neural Networks for Semantic Textual Similarity
Textual Aggression Detection through Deep Learning
NILC-SWORNEMO at the Surface Realization Shared Task: Exploring Syntax-Based Word Ordering using Neural Models
Evaluation of Domain-specific Word Embeddings using Knowledge Resources
IIIT-H at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Customer Feedback Analysis using Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches
Evaluating text coherence based on semantic similarity graph
NLPZZX at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Using Ensemble Method for Emotion and Sentiment Intensity Determination
Baselines and Test Data for Cross-Lingual Inference
Cyberbullying Intervention Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Implicit Syntactic Features for Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis
Context-Aware Neural Model for Temporal Information Extraction
NIPS Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2017 Winner System: Skill-based Conversational Agent with Supervised Dialog Manager
Triad-based Neural Network for Coreference Resolution
YNU-HPCC at SemEval-2018 Task 2: Multi-ensemble Bi-GRU Model with Attention Mechanism for Multilingual Emoji Prediction
Exploring Optimism and Pessimism in Twitter Using Deep Learning
An Error-Oriented Approach to Word Embedding Pre-Training
Modeling Speech Acts in Asynchronous Conversations: A Neural-CRF Approach
A Simple and Effective Approach to the Story Cloze Test
An Empirical Study of Building a Strong Baseline for Constituency Parsing
DL Team at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Tweet Affect Detection using Sentiment Lexicons and Embeddings
HashCount at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Concatenative Featurization of Tweet and Hashtags for Irony Detection
WikiRef: Wikilinks as a route to recommending appropriate references for scientific Wikipedia pages
IronyMagnet at SemEval-2018 Task 3: A Siamese network for Irony detection in Social media
EmotionX-Area66: Predicting Emotions in Dialogues using Hierarchical Attention Network with Sequence Labeling
Sentence-State LSTM for Text Representation
NTU NLP Lab System at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Verifying Semantic Differences by Integrating Distributional Information and Expert Knowledge
MCScript: A Novel Dataset for Assessing Machine Comprehension Using Script Knowledge
Card-660: Cambridge Rare Word Dataset - a Reliable Benchmark for Infrequent Word Representation Models
A Neural Network Based Model for Loanword Identification in Uyghur
Automatic Labeling of Problem-Solving Dialogues for Computational Microgenetic Learning Analytics
Novelty Goes Deep. A Deep Neural Solution To Document Level Novelty Detection
Combining Shallow and Deep Learning for Aggressive Text Detection
DMCB at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Transfer Learning of Sentiment Classification Using Group LSTM for Emotion Intensity prediction
De-identifying Free Text of Japanese Dummy Electronic Health Records
A Deep Relevance Model for Zero-Shot Document Filtering
Neural Adaptation Layers for Cross-domain Named Entity Recognition
Avaliando a similaridade semântica entre frases curtas através de uma abordagem híbrida (A hybrid approach to measure Semantic Textual Similarity between short sentences in Brazilian Portuguese)[In Portuguese]
Language-Based Automatic Assessment of Cognitive and Communicative Functions Related to Parkinson’s Disease
#TeamINF at SemEval-2018 Task 2: Emoji Prediction in Tweets
Sentence Modeling with Deep Neural Architecture using Lexicon and Character Attention Mechanism for Sentiment Classification
Sentiment Analysis: It’s Complicated!
Forecasting Consumer Spending from Purchase Intentions Expressed on Social Media
Word Relation Autoencoder for Unseen Hypernym Extraction Using Word Embeddings
An Empirical Study on End-to-End Sentence Modelling
UniMa at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Semantic Relation Extraction and Classification from Scientific Publications
Predicting Word Association Strengths
Controlling Length in Abstractive Summarization Using a Convolutional Neural Network
Efficient Contextualized Representation: Language Model Pruning for Sequence Labeling
YNU-HPCC at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Attention-based Bi-directional GRU Model for Customer Feedback Analysis Task of English
EmoNLP at SemEval-2018 Task 2: English Emoji Prediction with Gradient Boosting Regression Tree Method and Bidirectional LSTM
Visual Attention Model for Name Tagging in Multimodal Social Media
Neural Latent Relational Analysis to Capture Lexical Semantic Relations in a Vector Space
DataSEARCH at IEST 2018: Multiple Word Embedding based Models for Implicit Emotion Classification of Tweets with Deep Learning
A Flexible and Easy-to-use Semantic Role Labeling Framework for Different Languages
Relation Induction in Word Embeddings Revisited
Latent Tree Learning with Differentiable Parsers: Shift-Reduce Parsing and Chart Parsing
There’s no ‘Count or Predict’ but task-based selection for distributional models
Supersense Tagging with a Combination of Character, Subword, and Word-level Representations
Gating Mechanisms for Combining Character and Word-level Word Representations: an Empirical Study
Using Similarity Measures to Select Pretraining Data for NER
Filtering Pseudo-References by Paraphrasing for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation
Composition of Sentence Embeddings: Lessons from Statistical Relational Learning
What You Say and How You Say it: Joint Modeling of Topics and Discourse in Microblog Conversations
SWAP at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Emotion detection in conversations through Tweets, CNN and LSTM deep neural networks
Unsupervised Compositionality Prediction of Nominal Compounds
Are Training Samples Correlated? Learning to Generate Dialogue Responses with Multiple References
Global Textual Relation Embedding for Relational Understanding
Integrating Semantic Knowledge to Tackle Zero-shot Text Classification
GCDT: A Global Context Enhanced Deep Transition Architecture for Sequence Labeling
Probing for Semantic Classes: Diagnosing the Meaning Content of Word Embeddings
Delta Embedding Learning
Discourse Representation Structure Parsing with Recurrent Neural Networks and the Transformer Model
Towards Unsupervised Text Classification Leveraging Experts and Word Embeddings
HHU at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Context Does Matter - Tackling Offensive Language Identification and Categorization with ELMo
What You Say and How You Say It Matters: Predicting Stock Volatility Using Verbal and Vocal Cues
Mining Discourse Markers for Unsupervised Sentence Representation Learning
Exploring Sequence-to-Sequence Learning in Aspect Term Extraction
ntuer at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Emotion Classification with Word and Sentence Representations in RCNN
Conversation Initiation by Diverse News Contents Introduction
Learning Multilingual Meta-Embeddings for Code-Switching Named Entity Recognition
Too Many Questions? What Can We Do? : Multiple Question Span Detection
Detection of Adverse Drug Reaction Mentions in Tweets Using ELMo
Modeling Affirmative and Negated Action Processing in the Brain with Lexical and Compositional Semantic Models
JU_ETCE_17_21 at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Efficient Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches for Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Tweets
ABARUAH at SemEval-2019 Task 5 : Bi-directional LSTM for Hate Speech Detection
An Empirical Study on Pre-trained Embeddings and Language Models for Bot Detection
Big BiRD: A Large, Fine-Grained, Bigram Relatedness Dataset for Examining Semantic Composition
Attention and Lexicon Regularized LSTM for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
A Soft Label Strategy for Target-Level Sentiment Classification
Newsroom: A Dataset of 1.3 Million Summaries with Diverse Extractive Strategies
Extracting Lexical Reference Rules from Wikipedia

Efficient Solving and Exploration of Scope Ambiguities
Task-oriented Evaluation of Syntactic Parsers and Their Representations
Stacking or Supertagging for Dependency Parsing – What’s the Difference?
Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding
Interpreting Anaphoric Shell Nouns using Antecedents of Cataphoric Shell Nouns as Training Data
From Language to Programs: Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Maximum Marginal Likelihood
Living a discrete life in a continuous world: Reference in cross-modal entity tracking
Variational Neural Machine Translation
Neural Networks for Integrating Compositional and Non-compositional Sentiment in Sentiment Composition
Do We Really Need Lexical Information? Towards a Top-down Approach to Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews
Semantic Information Extraction for Improved Word Embeddings
Cluster Labeling by Word Embeddings and WordNet's Hypernymy
Text to 3D Scene Generation with Rich Lexical Grounding
Universal Dependencies Parsing for Colloquial Singaporean English
Syntactic Parse Fusion
Parsing Any Domain English text to CoNLL dependencies
A Sentence Interaction Network for Modeling Dependence between Sentences
Identifying Temporal Orientation of Word Senses
Simple Algorithms For Sentiment Analysis On Sentiment Rich, Data Poor Domains.
RiTUAL-UH at TRAC 2018 Shared Task: Aggression Identification
NaCTeM at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Inferring sentence-level semantic similarity from an ensemble of complementary lexical and sentence-level features
Faster and Lighter Phrase-based Machine Translation Baseline
The Operation Sequence Model—Combining N-Gram-Based and Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
A lexicon of perception for the identification of synaesthetic metaphors in corpora
Identification of Relevant Terms to Support the Construction of Domain Ontologies
Lateen EM: Unsupervised Training with Multiple Objectives, Applied to Dependency Grammar Induction
Joint Entity and Event Coreference Resolution across Documents
SUiS–cross-language ontology-driven information retrieval in a restricted domain
Generating Knowledge Graph Paths from Textual Definitions using Sequence-to-Sequence Models
A Dependency Treebank of the Chinese Buddhist Canon
Accurate Identification of the Karta (Subject) Relation in Bangla
Rule-Based Detection of Clausal Coordinate Ellipsis
JU_CSE: A CRF Based Approach to Annotation of Temporal Expression, Event and Temporal Relations
A Knowledge-Intensive Model for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Treebanking for Data-driven Research in the Classroom
Fish Transporters and Miracle Homes: How Compositional Distributional Semantics can Help NP Parsing
Profiting from Mark-Up: Hyper-Text Annotations for Guided Parsing
UO_UA: Using Latent Semantic Analysis to Build a Domain-Dependent Sentiment Resource
To normalize, or not to normalize: The impact of normalization on Part-of-Speech tagging
Light Textual Inference for Semantic Parsing
Extracting Transfer Rules for Multiword Expressions from Parallel Corpora
LEXUS, a web-based tool for manipulating lexical resources lexicon
Logic Based Methods for Terminological Assessment
Lattice-Based Transformer Encoder for Neural Machine Translation
Multi-word verbs in a flective language: the case of Estonian
Detecting Event-Related Links and Sentiments from Social Media Texts
Consistent Storage of Metadata in Inference Lexica: the MetaLex Approach
Book Reviews: Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations
Learning to Skim Text
A Deep Neural Network based Approach for Entity Extraction in Code-Mixed Indian Social Media Text
Speaking, Seeing, Understanding: Correlating semantic models with conceptual representation in the brain
NAI-SEA at SemEval-2018 Task 5: An Event Search System
#NonDicevoSulSerio at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Exploiting Emojis and Affective Content for Irony Detection in English Tweets
Beyond Error Propagation in Neural Machine Translation: Characteristics of Language Also Matter
Answer-focused and Position-aware Neural Question Generation
Multi-Model and Crosslingual Dependency Analysis
SemEval 2018 Task 4: Character Identification on Multiparty Dialogues
RECIPE: Applying Open Domain Question Answering to Privacy Policies
Tensor Product Generation Networks for Deep NLP Modeling
Non-Projective Dependency Parsing with Non-Local Transitions
A Challenge Set and Methods for Noun-Verb Ambiguity
Question Generation from SQL Queries Improves Neural Semantic Parsing
Code-switched Language Models Using Dual RNNs and Same-Source Pretraining
Leveraging Lexical Resources and Constraint Grammar for Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging in Welsh
Modeling Dialogue Acts with Content Word Filtering and Speaker Preferences
A Dynamic Oracle for Linear-Time 2-Planar Dependency Parsing
XMU Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT 17
Discriminating between Similar Languages on Imbalanced Conversational Texts
Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data Using Conditional Random Fields
Forest-Based Neural Machine Translation
UWB at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Emotion Intensity Detection in Tweets
Building a Web-Scale Dependency-Parsed Corpus from CommonCrawl
Automatic Generation of High Quality CCGbanks for Parser Domain Adaptation
From Balustrades to Pierre Vinken: Looking for Syntax in Transformer Self-Attentions
Neural Network Alignment for Sentential Paraphrases
A Simple Approach to Classify Fictional and Non-Fictional Genres
Gradual Argumentation Evaluation for Stance Aggregation in Automated Fake News Detection
Women’s Syntactic Resilience and Men’s Grammatical Luck: Gender-Bias in Part-of-Speech Tagging and Dependency Parsing
Left-to-Right Dependency Parsing with Pointer Networks
Improving Neural Machine Translation with Neural Syntactic Distance
Dynamically Fused Graph Network for Multi-hop Reasoning
Learning to Describe Unknown Phrases with Local and Global Contexts
Towards Explainable NLP: A Generative Explanation Framework for Text Classification
以共現資訊為基礎增進中學英漢翻譯試題與解答之詞彙對列 (Using Co-Occurrence Information to Improve Chinese-English Word Alignment in Translation Test Items for High School Students) [In Chinese]
IITP: Supervised Machine Learning for Aspect based Sentiment Analysis
WordForce: Visualizing Controversial Words in Debates
Automatic Building and Using Parallel Resources for SMT from Comparable Corpora
Manipuri-English Bidirectional Statistical Machine Translation Systems using Morphology and Dependency Relations
UTD: Classifying Semantic Relations by Combining Lexical and Semantic Resources
Extracting Biological Events from Text Using Simple Syntactic Patterns
Natural Language Inference by Tree-Based Convolution and Heuristic Matching
A Query Focused Multi Document Automatic Summarization
Generating Descriptions of Spatial Relations between Objects in Images
Infusion of Labeled Data into Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction
Hypothesis Refinement Using Agreement Constraints in Machine Translation
Jane: Open Source Hierarchical Translation, Extended with Reordering and Lexicon Models
Tiantianzhu7:System Description of Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) in the SemEval-2012 (Task 6)
Higher-order Constituent Parsing and Parser Combination
EVBCorpus - A Multi-Layer English-Vietnamese Bilingual Corpus for Studying Tasks in Comparative Linguistics
User Simulations for Context-Sensitive Speech Recognition in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Dependency Language Models for Transition-based Dependency Parsing
Extracting Opinion Targets in a Single and Cross-Domain Setting with Conditional Random Fields
Unsupervised Approach to Extracting Problem Phrases from User Reviews of Products
NLANGP: Supervised Machine Learning System for Aspect Category Classification and Opinion Target Extraction
Using Verb Subcategorization for Word Sense Disambiguation
How Sentiment Analysis Can Help Machine Translation
ENGAGE: Automated Gestures for Animated Characters
ECNU: A Combination Method and Multiple Features for Aspect Extraction and Sentiment Polarity Classification
Classifying arguments by scheme
SINAI: Syntactic Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Fine-grained Entity Set Refinement with User Feedback
A Fast and Accurate Dependency Parser using Neural Networks
Corpus+WordNet thesaurus generation for ontology enriching
Domain-Assisted Product Aspect Hierarchy Generation: Towards Hierarchical Organization of Unstructured Consumer Reviews
Hedge Classification with Syntactic Dependency Features Based on an Ensemble Classifier
The Forest Convolutional Network: Compositional Distributional Semantics with a Neural Chart and without Binarization
Social Metaphor Detection via Topical Analysis
Spice it up? Mining Refinements to Online Instructions from User Generated Content
Classification of Attributes in a Natural Language Query into Different SQL Clauses
A Progressive Learning Approach to Chinese SRL Using Heterogeneous Data
Recent Improvements in the CMU Large Scale Chinese-English SMT System
Dependency-driven Anaphoricity Determination for Coreference Resolution
Recognizing Stances in Online Debates
Improving the Use of Pseudo-Words for Evaluating Selectional Preferences
Probabilistic Inference for Machine Translation
Speaker Attribution in Cabinet Protocols
Exploiting Multi-Features to Detect Hedges and their Scope in Biomedical Texts
Multi-Word Unit Dependency Forest-based Translation Rule Extraction
An Integrated Probabilistic and Logic Approach to Encyclopedia Relation Extraction with Multiple Features
A Hybrid Word Alignment Model for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Translating Common English and Chinese Verb-Noun Pairs in Technical Documents with Collocational and Bilingual Information
evision PDF of 'Argumentative analysis of the ACL Anthology (Analyse argumentative du corpus de l’ACL (ACL Anthology)) [in French]
BioEve: Bio-Molecular Event Extraction from Text Using Semantic Classification and Dependency Parsing
UCD : Diachronic Text Classification with Character, Word, and Syntactic N-grams
Modeling topic dependencies in semantically coherent text spans with copulas
Towards an on-demand Simple Portuguese Wikipedia
Detection and Correction of Preposition and Determiner Errors in English: HOO 2012
Case markers and Morphology: Addressing the crux of the fluency problem in English-Hindi SMT
NAIST at the NLI 2013 Shared Task
Jointly or Separately: Which is Better for Parsing Heterogeneous Dependencies?
Effects of Combining Bilingual and Collocational Information on Translation of English and Chinese Verb-Noun Pairs
中英文的文字蘊涵與閱讀測驗的初步探索 (An Exploration of Textual Entailment and Reading Comprehension for Chinese and English) [In Chinese]
Soft Dependency Constraints for Reordering in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
Fracking Sarcasm using Neural Network
Combinaison d’approches pour l’extraction automatique d’événements (Automatic events extraction by combining multiple approaches) [in French]
A Proposal for a Coherence Corpus in Machine Translation
中文文字蘊涵系統之特徵分析 (Feature Analysis of Chinese Textual Entailment System) [In Chinese]
Classifying Temporal Relations Between Events
Exploring Different Preposition Sets, Models and Feature Sets in Automatic Generation of Spatial Image Descriptions
Capturing Argument Relationship for Chinese Semantic Role Labeling
Joint Decoding of Tree Transduction Models for Sentence Compression
Multi-Document Summarization by Capturing the Information Users are Interested in
電腦輔助句子重組試題編製 (Computer assisted test-item generation for sentence reconstruction) [In Chinese]
基於字元階層之語音合成用文脈訊息擷取 (Character-Level Linguistic Features Extraction for Text-to-Speech System) [In Chinese]
Joint Modeling of Trigger Identification and Event Type Determination in Chinese Event Extraction
On Reverse Feature Engineering of Syntactic Tree Kernels
Optimizing Textual Entailment Recognition Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Relation Classification using Entity Sequence Kernels
May I check the English of your paper!!!
ECNU: One Stone Two Birds: Ensemble of Heterogenous Measures for Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment
Semi-Supervised Classification for Extracting Protein Interaction Sentences using Dependency Parsing
Combining Tree Structures, Flat Features and Patterns for Biomedical Relation Extraction
Argument Inference from Relevant Event Mentions in Chinese Argument Extraction
Grammarless Parsing for Joint Inference
A Novel Reordering Model Based on Multi-layer Phrase for Statistical Machine Translation
A Study on Dependency Tree Kernels for Automatic Extraction of Protein-Protein Interaction
A Hierarchical Entity-Based Approach to Structuralize User Generated Content in Social Media: A Case of Yahoo! Answers
Graph Based Similarity Measures for Synonym Extraction from Parsed Text
Word Alignment-Based Reordering of Source Chunks in PB-SMT
Disease Mention Recognition with Specific Features
Go Climb a Dependency Tree and Correct the Grammatical Errors
Large-scale Opinion Relation Extraction with Distantly Supervised Neural Network
UCM-I: A Rule-based Syntactic Approach for Resolving the Scope of Negation
NAIST at the HOO 2012 Shared Task
Parsing Models for Identifying Multiword Expressions
Automatic Refinement of Syntactic Categories in Chinese Word Structures
A Step-wise Usage-based Method for Inducing Polysemy-aware Verb Classes
ECNUCS: Measuring Short Text Semantic Equivalence Using Multiple Similarity Measurements
Cohere: A Toolkit for Local Coherence
A Corpus-Based Quantitative Study of Nominalizations across Chinese and British Media English
Handling Named Entities and Compound Verbs in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Tree Kernel-based Negation and Speculation Scope Detection with Structured Syntactic Parse Features
Aspect Ranking: Identifying Important Product Aspects from Online Consumer Reviews
Extracting Contextual Evaluativity
Bootstrapping Method for Chunk Alignment in Phrase Based SMT
Sentiment Analyzer with Rich Features for Ironic and Sarcastic Tweets
Learning the Impact and Behavior of Syntactic Structure: A Case Study in Semantic Textual Similarity
Extractive Summarization using Continuous Vector Space Models
Describing Spatial Relationships between Objects in Images in English and French
Identification of Genia Events using Multiple Classifiers
Multi-Document Summarization using Automatic Key-Phrase Extraction
Graph Based Sentiment Aggregation using ConceptNet Ontology
SentiSense: An easily scalable concept-based affective lexicon for sentiment analysis
Dependency-directed Tree Kernel-based Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literature
The Trouble with Machine Translation Coherence
A Hybrid Approach to Emotional Sentence Polarity and Intensity Classification
Incorporating Dependency Trees Improve Identification of Pregnant Women on Social Media Platforms
BioNLP Shared Task 2011: Supporting Resources
AnnoMarket: An Open Cloud Platform for NLP
Parser Adaptation to the Biomedical Domain without Re-Training
Human-like Natural Language Generation Using Monte Carlo Tree Search
UC3M: A kernel-based approach to identify and classify DDIs in bio-medical texts.
Data-Driven Parsing using Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
ECNU: Leveraging on Ensemble of Heterogeneous Features and Information Enrichment for Cross Level Semantic Similarity Estimation
An Empirical Study of Translation Rule Extraction with Multiple Parsers
Dependency-Driven Feature-based Learning for Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions from Biomedical Text
Building Monolingual Word Alignment Corpus for the Greater China Region
Event-Driven Headline Generation
Event and Event Actor Alignment in Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation
應用句型結構與部份樣本樹於對話行為之偵測 (Dialogue Act Detection Using Sentence Structure and Partial Pattern Trees) [In Chinese]
Generating Image Descriptions Using Dependency Relational Patterns
A System for Generating Multiple Choice Questions: With a Novel Approach for Sentence Selection
ECNU at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Extracting Effective Features from Relevant Fragments in Sentence for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis in Reviews
Speculation and Negation Scope Detection via Convolutional Neural Networks
Predicting Stance in Ideological Debate with Rich Linguistic Knowledge
NIL_UCM: Extracting Drug-Drug interactions from text through combination of sequence and tree kernels
以語文特徵為基之中學閱讀測驗短文分級 (Using Linguistic Features to Classify Texts for Reading Comprehension Tests at the High School Levels) [In Chinese]
Automatic Cost Estimation for Tree Edit Distance Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Combining Translation Memories and Syntax-Based SMT: Experiments with Real Industrial Data
Discriminative Neural Sentence Modeling by Tree-Based Convolution
Multiword Expression Identification with Tree Substitution Grammars: A Parsing tour de force with French
Enriching Source for English-to-Urdu Machine Translation
基於意見詞修飾關係之微網誌情感分析技術 (Microblog Sentiment Analysis based on Opinion Target Modifying Relations) [In Chinese]
Generalized Sentiment-Bearing Expression Features for Sentiment Analysis
Classifier-Based Tense Model for SMT
Improving Combinatory Categorial Grammar Parse Reranking with Dependency Grammar Features
Social Metaphor Detection via Topical Analysis
Inducing Example-based Semantic Frames from a Massive Amount of Verb Uses
基於特徵為本及使用SVM 的文本對蘊涵關係的自動推論方法 (Textual Entailment Recognition Using Textual Features and SVM) [In Chinese]
Overview of BioNLP’09 Shared Task on Event Extraction
Ch2R: A Chinese Chatter Robot for Online Shopping Guide
All Fragments Count in Parser Evaluation
Improving Japanese-to-English Neural Machine Translation by Voice Prediction
SINAI: Voting System for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
Sentimantics: Conceptual Spaces for Lexical Sentiment Polarity Representation with Contextuality
ECNU: Extracting Effective Features from Multiple Sequential Sentences for Target-dependent Sentiment Analysis in Reviews
Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Event Chains
JU_CSE: A Conditional Random Field (CRF) Based Approach to Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
Contingency and Comparison Relation Labeling and Structure Prediction in Chinese Sentences
GENIA-GR: a Grammatical Relation Corpus for Parser Evaluation in the Biomedical Domain
Sentiment Aggregation using ConceptNet Ontology
MT Quality Estimation: The CMU System for WMT‘13
完全基於類神經網路之語音合成系統初步研究 (A Preliminary Study on Fully Neural Network-based Speech Synthesis System) [In Chinese]
CICBUAPnlp: Graph-Based Approach for Answer Selection in Community Question Answering Task
Cross-Lingual Identification of Ambiguous Discourse Connectives for Resource-Poor Language
Word Sense Disambiguation-based Sentence Similarity
Learning Semantic Representations for Nonterminals in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
Classifying Relations via Long Short Term Memory Networks along Shortest Dependency Paths
Discovering the Discriminative Views: Measuring Term Weights for Sentiment Analysis
A Dependency-to-String Model for Chinese-Japanese SMT System
N-gram-based Tense Models for Statistical Machine Translation
A Cross-lingual Annotation Projection Approach for Relation Detection
Semi-supervised Relation Extraction with Large-scale Word Clustering
The Impact of Selectional Preference Agreement on Semantic Relational Similarity
UNAL-NLP: Combining Soft Cardinality Features for Semantic Textual Similarity, Relatedness and Entailment
The Stanford Typed Dependencies Representation
ECNUCS: A Surface Information Based System Description of Sentiment Analysis in Twitter in the SemEval-2013 (Task 2)
Cross-media User Profiling with Joint Textual and Social User Embedding
Significance of Bridging Real-world Documents and NLP Technologies
Answering Questions from Multiple Documents – the Role of Multi-Document Summarization
Approach to Selecting Best Development Set for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 19, Number 2, June 2014
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 21, Number 2, December 2016
Learning Paraphrasing for Multiword Expressions
Exploring Supervised LDA Models for Assigning Attributes to Adjective-Noun Phrases
A Study of Academic Collaborations in Computational Linguistics using a Latent Mixture of Authors Model
Topic Modeling Based Classification of Clinical Reports
Making Headlines in Hindi: Automatic English to Hindi News Headline Translation
Exploring Optimal Voting in Native Language Identification
CRF tagging for head recognition based on Stanford parser
Consistent Translation of Repeated Nouns using Syntactic and Semantic Cues
IITP English-Hindi Machine Translation System at WAT 2016
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar Parsing on Penn Treebank
BTG-based Machine Translation with Simple Reordering Model using Structured Perceptron
From Chinese Word Segmentation to Extraction of Constructions: Two Sides of the Same Algorithmic Coin
A UIMA Database Interface for Managing NLP-related Text Annotations
Towards an Inferential Lexicon of Event Selecting Predicates for French
Good Neighbors Make Good Senses: Exploiting Distributional Similarity for Unsupervised WSD
Unsupervised Induction of Modern Standard Arabic Verb Classes Using Syntactic Frames and LSA
Linguistically Motivated Features for Enhanced Back-of-the-Book Indexing
Hierarchical Taxonomy Integration Using Semantic Feature Expansion on Category-Specific Terms
基於階層架構資訊及關鍵詞語義擴展的階層式目錄整合研究 (A Study on Hierarchical Catalog Integration based on Hierarchical Information and Keyword Semantic Expansion) [In Chinese]
Semi-automatic Building Method for a Multidimensional Affect Dictionary for a New Language
Comparison of Similarity Models for the Relation Discovery Task
Monolingual and Bilingual Concept Visualization from Corpora
Dimensionality Reduction Aids Term Co-Occurrence Based Multi-Document Summarization
Domain Adaptation with Active Learning for Coreference Resolution
Sentiment Analyzer with Rich Features for Ironic and Sarcastic Tweets
Multi-Human Dialogue Understanding for Assisting Artifact-Producing Meetings
ECNU at SemEval-2018 Task 11: Using Deep Learning Method to Address Machine Comprehension Task
Transition-based Neural RST Parsing with Implicit Syntax Features
Dependency-based Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Embedding
The Syntax-Semantics Interface of Resultative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese
MultiVal - towards a multilingual valence lexicon
English Resource Semantics;
Learning Graph Walk Based Similarity Measures for Parsed Text
The PARLANCE mobile application for interactive search in English and Mandarin
Looking Beyond the Surface: A Challenge Set for Reading Comprehension over Multiple Sentences
Building a Generator for Italian Sign Language
UWB at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
Word Embeddings as Metric Recovery in Semantic Spaces
Finki at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Deep Learning Architecture for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Sequential Clustering and Contextual Importance Measures for Incremental Update Summarization
Do Neural Network Cross-Modal Mappings Really Bridge Modalities?
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Evaluating Effective Features on Machine Learning Methods for Twitter Message Polarity Classification
ECNU at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Evaluating Simple but Effective Features on Machine Learning Methods for Semantic Difference Detection
WordRank: Learning Word Embeddings via Robust Ranking
Is an Image Worth More than a Thousand Words? On the Fine-Grain Semantic Differences between Visual and Linguistic Representations
Abstractive Document Summarization with a Graph-Based Attentional Neural Model
Learning Representations Specialized in Spatial Knowledge: Leveraging Language and Vision
Classifying mood in plurks
ABARUAH at SemEval-2019 Task 5 : Bi-directional LSTM for Hate Speech Detection
Text Understanding with GETARUNS for Q/A and Summarization
Generating Bilingual Pragmatic Color References
Optimizing Typed Feature Structure Grammar Parsing through Non-Statistical Indexing
Effacement de dimensions de similarité textuelle pour l’exploration de collections de rapports d’incidents aéronautiques (Deletion of dimensions of textual similarity for the exploration of collections of accident reports in aviation) [in French]
Learning Hierarchical Linguistic Descriptions of Visual Datasets
An Empirical Study on Pre-trained Embeddings and Language Models for Bot Detection
Aggression-annotated Corpus of Hindi-English Code-mixed Data
Compressing Trigram Language Models With Golomb Coding;
MSR SPLAT, a language analysis toolkit
An Evaluation Summary Method Based on a Combination of Content and Linguistic Metrics
Overview of the CL-SciSumm 2016 Shared Task
Joint Dependency Parsing and Multiword Expression Tokenization
Finding The Best Model Among Representative Compositional Models
An Empirical Study of Differences between Conversion Schemes and Annotation Guidelines
UDel: Named Entity Recognition and Reference Regeneration from Surface Text
Structure-based Clustering of Novels
Logical Inference on Dependency-based Compositional Semantics
Terminology Extraction Approaches for Product Aspect Detection in Customer Reviews
Sentence Similarity based on Dependency Tree Kernels for Multi-document Summarization
English to Hungarian Morpheme-based Statistical Machine Translation System with Reordering Rules
The Inside-Outside Recursive Neural Network model for Dependency Parsing
Learning Latent Personas of Film Characters
DLIREC: Aspect Term Extraction and Term Polarity Classification System
Acquiring a Dictionary of Emotion-Provoking Events
Hypergraph Modelization of a Syntactically Annotated English Wikipedia Dump
Exploring English Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese Sentiment Analysis
UNBNLP at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Evaluating unsupervised approaches to capturing discriminative attributes
Graph-based Dependency Parsing with Bidirectional LSTM
Temporal Classification of Medical Events
Improved Pattern Learning for Bootstrapped Entity Extraction
Predicting Chinese Abbreviations with Minimum Semantic Unit and Global Constraints
Sense-Aware Statistical Machine Translation using Adaptive Context-Dependent Clustering
Overview of the Cancer Genetics (CG) task of BioNLP Shared Task 2013
Hierarchical Recursive Tagset for Annotating Cooking Recipes
Encoding Generalized Quantifiers in Dependency-based Compositional Semantics
Learning to Rank Answer Candidates for Automatic Resolution of Crossword Puzzles
Applying a Naive Bayes Similarity Measure to Word Sense Disambiguation
A Multi-Pass Sieve for Coreference Resolution
A Method of Accounting Bigrams in Topic Models
Two Practical Rhetorical Structure Theory Parsers
Conditional Random Fields for Responsive Surface Realisation using Global Features
From Speaker Identification to Affective Analysis: A Multi-Step System for Analyzing Children’s Stories
Emergent Predication Structure in Hidden State Vectors of Neural Readers
Online Information Retrieval for Language Learning
LAF/GrAF-grounded Representation of Dependency Structures
Improved Dependency Parsing using Implicit Word Connections Learned from Unlabeled Data
Stanford’s Multi-Pass Sieve Coreference Resolution System at the CoNLL-2011 Shared Task
Knowledge Graph and Text Jointly Embedding
Named Entity Corpus Construction using Wikipedia and DBpedia Ontology
Tokenization: Returning to a Long Solved Problem — A Survey, Contrastive Experiment, Recommendations, and Toolkit —
Tense and Aspect Error Correction for ESL Learners Using Global Context
Subcategorisation Acquisition from Raw Text for a Free Word-Order Language
The Effect of Dependency Representation Scheme on Syntactic Language Modelling
Named Entity Recognition and Hashtag Decomposition to Improve the Classification of Tweets
An English Reading Tool as a NLP Showcase
Supervised Sentence Fusion with Single-Stage Inference
Classifying Temporal Relations with Rich Linguistic Knowledge
More Constructions, More Genres: Extending Stanford Dependencies
Hidden Markov Tree Model for Word Alignment
A Model of Coherence Based on Distributed Sentence Representation
Creating Annotated Dialogue Resources: Cross-domain Dialogue Act Classification
kLogNLP: Graph Kernel–based Relational Learning of Natural Language
Evaluating the Impact of Alternative Dependency Graph Encodings on Solving Event Extraction Tasks
A Domain Agnostic Approach to Verbalizing n-ary Events without Parallel Corpora
Automatic Satire Detection: Are You Having a Laugh?
Discontinuous Incremental Shift-reduce Parsing
Fast and Robust Joint Models for Biomedical Event Extraction
Neural Networks Leverage Corpus-wide Information for Part-of-speech Tagging
Efficient Dependency Graph Matching with the IMS Open Corpus Workbench
The University of Alicante at MultiLing 2015: approach, results and further insights
TGermaCorp – A (Digital) Humanities Resource for (Computational) Linguistics
End-to-End Relation Extraction using LSTMs on Sequences and Tree Structures
Topic Models: Accounting Component Structure of Bigrams
MiniExperts: An SVM Approach for Measuring Semantic Textual Similarity for better language modelling
Discovering Causal Relations in Textual Instructions
Classifying Standard Linguistic Processing Functionalities based on Fundamental Data Operation Types
UWM: Disorder Mention Extraction from Clinical Text Using CRFs and Normalization Using Learned Edit Distance Patterns
Generating Templates of Entity Summaries with an Entity-Aspect Model and Pattern Mining
Unsupervised Cross-Domain Word Representation Learning
A Cascaded Classification Approach to Semantic Head Recognition
Semgrex-Plus: a Tool for Automatic Dependency-Graph Rewriting
Topic-Driven Multi-Document Summarization with Encyclopedic Knowledge and Spreading Activation
以範例為基礎之英漢TIMSS詴題輔助翻譯 (Example Based Machine Translation of TIMSS Test Items) [In Chinese]
Linguistic Models for Analyzing and Detecting Biased Language
Learning to Extract International Relations from Political Context
Resolving “This-issue” Anaphora
Extracting Latent Attributes from Video Scenes Using Text as Background Knowledge
This is how we do it: Answer Reranking for Open-domain How Questions with Paragraph Vectors and Minimal Feature Engineering
A Parallel Recurrent Neural Network for Language Modeling with POS Tags
Is Wikipedia Really Neutral? A Sentiment Perspective Study of War-related Wikipedia Articles since 1945
Measuring Sentiment Annotation Complexity of Text
Towards a General Rule for Identifying Deceptive Opinion Spam
The CNGL-DCU-Prompsit Translation Systems for WMT13
Extracting Complex Biological Events with Rich Graph-Based Feature Sets
The Life and Death of Discourse Entities: Identifying Singleton Mentions
YEDDA: A Lightweight Collaborative Text Span Annotation Tool
Does Size Matter? Text and Grammar Revision for Parsing Social Media Data
Mining the Twentieth Century’s History from the Time Magazine Corpus
Using Discourse Information for Paraphrase Extraction
A Multigraph Model for Coreference Resolution
Modelling Sentence Pairs with Tree-structured Attentive Encoder
The ADAPT Bilingual Document Alignment system at WMT16
Feature Space Selection and Combination for Native Language Identification
Adversarial Multi-task Learning for Text Classification
Large-Scale Semantic Indexing and Question Answering in Biomedicine
Multi-Task Learning of Keyphrase Boundary Classification
Sentiment Lexicon Interpolation and Polarity Estimation of Objective and Out-Of-Vocabulary Words to Improve Sentiment Classification on Microblogging
Unsupervised Dependency Parsing without Gold Part-of-Speech Tags
Generating Focused Topic-Specific Sentiment Lexicons
Extraction of Bilingual Technical Terms for Chinese-Japanese Patent Translation
Latent Semantic Analysis Models on Wikipedia and TASA
Using Tweets to Help Sentence Compression for News Highlights Generation
Extending Monolingual Semantic Textual Similarity Task to Multiple Cross-lingual Settings
Enhancing Named Entity Recognition in Twitter Messages Using Entity Linking
A Discriminative Syntactic Model for Source Permutation via Tree Transduction
Statistical Machine Translation with Automatic Identification of Translationese
Hierarchical Search for Parsing
Disambiguating Explicit Discourse Connectives without Oracles
Efficient Stacked Dependency Parsing by Forest Reranking
RealText-asg: A Model to Present Answers Utilizing the Linguistic Structure of Source Question
Discriminative Reranking for Grammatical Error Correction with Statistical Machine Translation
Detecting Expressions of Blame or Praise in Text
Annotating Anaphoric Shell Nouns with their Antecedents
Using Context Events in Neural Network Models for Event Temporal Status Identification
Reverse Engineering of Tree Kernel Feature Spaces
Using Stanford Part-of-Speech Tagger for the Morphologically-rich Filipino Language
Generalizing Dependency Features for Opinion Mining
Tackling Error Propagation through Reinforcement Learning: A Case of Greedy Dependency Parsing
Detecting Hedge Cues and their Scopes with Average Perceptron
Generating Synthetic Comparable Questions for News Articles
DIEGOLab: An Approach for Message-level Sentiment Classification in Twitter
The IUCL+ System: Word-Level Language Identification via Extended Markov Models
Approximation Strategies for Multi-Structure Sentence Compression
Travatar: A Forest-to-String Machine Translation Engine based on Tree Transducers
Measuring the Structural and Conceptual Similarity of Folktales using Plot Graphs
Creating Summarization Systems with SUMMA
Mining Wikipedia for Large-scale Repositories of Context-Sensitive Entailment Rules
Distant Supervision for Entity Linking
Learning Semantically and Additively Compositional Distributional Representations
K-Best A* Parsing
A Domain-independent Rule-based Framework for Event Extraction
Punctuation: Making a Point in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing
Refining Word Segmentation Using a Manually Aligned Corpus for Statistical Machine Translation
NiuParser: A Chinese Syntactic and Semantic Parsing Toolkit
Why are You Taking this Stance? Identifying and Classifying Reasons in Ideological Debates
Content-Based Conflict of Interest Detection on Wikipedia
Towards Domain Adaptation for Parsing Web Data
SemEval-2015 Task 15: A CPA dictionary-entry-building task
Recurrent Neural Networks for Word Alignment Model
The Stanford CoreNLP Natural Language Processing Toolkit
Context-Sensitive Syntactic Source-Reordering by Statistical Transduction
Learning a POS tagger for AAVE-like language
Sampling-based Alignment and Hierarchical Sub-sentential Alignment in Chinese–Japanese Translation of Patents
SPIED: Stanford Pattern based Information Extraction and Diagnostics
Shallow Semantic Analysis of Interactive Learner Sentences
Wordnet-Based Cross-Language Identification of Semantic Relations
Leveraging coreference to identify arms in medical abstracts: An experimental study
Can the Crowd be Controlled?: A Case Study on Crowd Sourcing and Automatic Validation of Completed Tasks based on User Modeling
Combining Distant and Partial Supervision for Relation Extraction
BENGAL: An Automatic Benchmark Generator for Entity Recognition and Linking
CFO: Conditional Focused Neural Question Answering with Large-scale Knowledge Bases
Unsupervised extractive summarization via coverage maximization with syntactic and semantic concepts
Predicting Conjunct Propagation and Other Extended Stanford Dependencies
Customizing an Information Extraction System to a New Domain
V3: Unsupervised Generation of Domain Aspect Terms for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
Linguistically Aware Information Retrieval: Providing Input Enrichment for Second Language Learners
Discourse Relations and Conjoined VPs: Automated Sense Recognition
ICT: System Description for CoNLL-2012
Larger-Context Language Modelling with Recurrent Neural Network
Classifying Temporal Relations with Simple Features
Recognizing Biomedical Named Entities Using Skip-Chain Conditional Random Fields
Phrase-based Compressive Cross-Language Summarization
Summarizing Contrastive Viewpoints in Opinionated Text
On the unification of syntactic annotations under the Stanford dependency scheme: A case study on BioInfer and GENIA
Profiting from Mark-Up: Hyper-Text Annotations for Guided Parsing
Technical Term Extraction Using Measures of Neology
Detection of Product Comparisons - How Far Does an Out-of-the-Box Semantic Role Labeling System Take You?
Sentence Compression with Joint Structural Inference
Bilingually Motivated Domain-Adapted Word Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation
Recursive Deep Models for Discourse Parsing
Illinois-LH: A Denotational and Distributional Approach to Semantics
A Named Entity Labeler for German: Exploiting Wikipedia and Distributional Clusters
Graph-Structures Matching for Review Relevance Identification
The Ellogon Pattern Engine: Context-free Grammars over Annotations
An NLP-based Reading Tool for Aiding Non-native English Readers
Transition-based Neural Constituent Parsing
Evaluating Multilanguage-Comparability of Subjectivity Analysis Systems
Why We Need New Evaluation Metrics for NLG
A Simple Bayesian Modelling Approach to Event Extraction from Twitter
Cluster-based Prediction of User Ratings for Stylistic Surface Realisation
A Latent Variable Model for Discourse-aware Concept and Entity Disambiguation
Automatically Evaluating Text Coherence Using Discourse Relations
On Learning Subtypes of the Part-Whole Relation: Do Not Mix Your Seeds
Challenges of studying and processing dialects in social media
Noisy Or-based model for Relation Extraction using Distant Supervision
Topic Modeling on Historical Newspapers
Multi-level Translation Quality Prediction with QuEst++
Resolving Shell Nouns
Using Natural Language Processing to Extract Drug-Drug Interaction Information from Package Inserts
Graph Based Algorithm for Automatic Domain Segmentation of WordNet
Disambiguating Verbs by Collocation: Corpus Lexicography meets Natural Language Processing
SACRY: Syntax-based Automatic Crossword puzzle Resolution sYstem
Data-Driven Metaphor Recognition and Explanation
A Sentence Simplification System for Improving Relation Extraction
Leave-one-out Word Alignment without Garbage Collector Effects
Deep Investigation of Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection Methods
Automatically Identifying Implicit Arguments to Improve Argument Linking and Coherence Modeling
Dependency Parser for Chinese Constituent Parsing
Annotated Gigaword
Improving Neural Translation Models with Linguistic Factors
evision PDF of 'Word Segmentation of Informal Arabic with Domain Adaptation
Word embeddings and discourse information for Quality Estimation
Overview of the 5th Workshop on Asian Translation
The (Non-)Utility of Structural Features in BiLSTM-based Dependency Parsers
Unsupervised Topic-Specific Domain Dependency Graphs for Aspect Identification in Sentiment Analysis
Hierarchical Machine Translation With Discontinuous Phrases
使用流暢性改善詞組翻譯的統計式機器翻譯 (Using Phrase and Fluency to Improve Statistical Machine Translation) [In Chinese]
Cultural Shift or Linguistic Drift? Comparing Two Computational Measures of Semantic Change
Deep Neural Networks with Massive Learned Knowledge
Context-Sensitive Inference Rule Discovery: A Graph-Based Method
Automated Identification of Synonyms in Biomedical Acronym Sense Inventories
Alignment-HMM-based Extraction of Abbreviations from Biomedical Text
A Simple Word Embedding Model for Lexical Substitution
Simple and Phrasal Implicatives

An ACG Analysis of the G-TAG Generation Process
Learning Script Participants from Unlabeled Data
A Database of Narrative Schemas
Bayesian Optimization of Text Representations
A Graph Model for Unsupervised Lexical Acquisition
Interfacing Sentential and Discourse TAG-based Grammars
A Retrospective Analysis of the Fake News Challenge Stance-Detection Task
Measuring MWE Compositionality Using Semantic Annotation
Representation of Atypical Entities in Ontologies
Measuring Comparability of Documents in Non-Parallel Corpora for Efficient Extraction of (Semi-)Parallel Translation Equivalents
Recurrent Residual Learning for Sequence Classification
Cross Lingual Sentiment Analysis using Modified BRAE
Unsupervised Cross-Lingual Scaling of Political Texts
An Open Source Grammar Development Environment and Broad-coverage English Grammar Using HPSG;
What’s in a name? In some languages, grammatical gender
Semantic Linking in Convolutional Neural Networks for Answer Sentence Selection
Inducing Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicons from Unlabeled Corpora
Text Generation: Reexamining G-TAG with Abstract Categorial Grammars (Génération de textes : G-TAG revisité avec les Grammaires Catégorielles Abstraites) [in French]
Learning finite state word representations for unsupervised Twitter adaptation of POS taggers
A Wikipedia-LDA Model for Entity Linking with Batch Size Changing Instance Selection
A Rule-Based Approach to Aspect Extraction from Product Reviews
OSMAN ― A Novel Arabic Readability Metric
Monolingual Social Media Datasets for Detecting Contradiction and Entailment
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature
A Tangled Web: The Faint Signals of Deception in Text - Boulder Lies and Truth Corpus (BLT-C)
Exploiting Social Network Structure for Person-to-Person Sentiment Analysis
Symbolic Preference Using Simple Scoring
Enhanced UD Dependencies with Neutralized Diathesis Alternation
Identification of Character Adjectives from Mahabharata
Syntax-Enhanced Neural Machine Translation with Syntax-Aware Word Representations
Automatic Extraction of Idioms using Graph Analysis and Asymmetric Lexicosyntactic Patterns
Arabic Dialect Identification in the Context of Bivalency and Code-Switching
Evaluating GETARUNS parser with GREVAL test suite
EVBCorpus - A Multi-Layer English-Vietnamese Bilingual Corpus for Studying Tasks in Comparative Linguistics
Mining User Relations from Online Discussions using Sentiment Analysis and Probabilistic Matrix Factorization
An Information Theoretic Approach to Bilingual Word Clustering
Identifying Comparable Corpora Using LDA
Improving Chunk-based Semantic Role Labeling with Lexical Features
Building English-Vietnamese Named Entity Corpus with Aligned Bilingual News Articles
Tradition and Modernity in 20th Century Chinese Poetry
Composition of Word Representations Improves Semantic Role Labelling
Handling Unlike Coordinated Phrases in TAG by Mixing Syntactic Category and Grammatical Function
Residual Stacking of RNNs for Neural Machine Translation
Semantics and Discourse Processing for Expressive TTS
Analysis and Enhancement of Wikification for Microblogs with Context Expansion
Context-Free Grammar Rewriting and the Transfer of Packed Linguistic Representations
Automatic Noun Compound Interpretation using Deep Neural Networks and Word Embeddings
SpRL-CWW: Spatial Relation Classification with Independent Multi-class Models
Neural-based Noise Filtering from Word Embeddings
Distinguishing Antonyms and Synonyms in a Pattern-based Neural Network
evision PDF of 'Improving Topic Models with Latent Feature Word Representations
Biomedical Event Annotation with CRFs and Precision Grammars,GloVeversion1.2
Extracting Social Networks from Literary Text with Word Embedding Tools
An extractive supervised two-stage method for sentence compression
Constructing an Annotated Corpus for Protest Event Mining
Breaking Out of Local Optima with Count Transforms and Model Recombination: A Study in Grammar Induction
Fine-grained Opinion Mining with Recurrent Neural Networks and Word Embeddings
Unsupervised Approach to Extracting Problem Phrases from User Reviews of Products
Determing Trustworthiness in E-Commerce Customer Reviews
IIIT-H at IJCNLP-2017 Task 3: A Bidirectional-LSTM Approach for Review Opinion Diversification
Generating More Interesting Responses in Neural Conversation Models with Distributional Constraints
Tractability and Structural Closures in Attribute Logic Type Signatures
Sketching the Dependency Relations of Words in Chinese
Solving Feature Sparseness in Text Classification using Core-Periphery Decomposition
Joint Learning of Sense and Word Embeddings
Personal Sense and Idiolect: Combining Authorship Attribution and Opinion Analysis
A sense-based lexicon of count and mass expressions: The Bochum English Countability Lexicon
Answering Questions from Multiple Documents – the Role of Multi-Document Summarization
Evaluation of Word Vector Representations by Subspace Alignment
Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons
Sparse Overcomplete Word Vector Representations
Non-distributional Word Vector Representations
Learning Emotion-enriched Word Representations
Selecting Text Features for Gene Name Classification: from Documents to Terms
Neighborhood Mixture Model for Knowledge Base Completion
Predicting Opinion Dependency Relations for Opinion Analysis
Representing Italian Complex Nominals: A Pilot Study
Multiword expressions: linguistic precision and reusability

Neural word embeddings with multiplicative feature interactions for tensor-based compositions
Identifying Concept Attributes Using a Classifier
Adopting the Word-Pair-Dependency-Triplets with Individual Comparison for Natural Language Inference
Finding Contradictions in Text
Constraint relaxation with weighted feature structures
GENEVAL: A Proposal for Shared-task Evaluation in NLG
Exploiting the Russian National Corpus in the Development of a Russian Resource Grammar
The FinSBD-2019 Shared Task: Sentence Boundary Detection in PDF Noisy Text in the Financial Domain
Multi-Timescale Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Modelling Sentences and Documents
Exploring Different Dimensions of Attention for Uncertainty Detection
Idiom-Aware Compositional Distributed Semantics
Task-oriented Word Embedding for Text Classification
Learning What to Share: Leaky Multi-Task Network for Text Classification
Sentence Modeling with Gated Recursive Neural Network
Bayesian Optimization of Text Representations
Deep Multi-Task Learning with Shared Memory for Text Classification
The Genia Event Extraction Shared Task, 2013 Edition - Overview
Amobee at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Deep Learning System for Sentiment Detection on Twitter
Online Readability and Text Complexity Analysis with TextEvaluator
Towards Semantic Modeling of Contradictions and Disagreements: A Case Study of Medical Guidelines
Improving Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition with Discourse-specific Word Embeddings
Generating Multilingual Descriptions from Linguistically Annotated OWL Ontologies: the NaturalOWL System
Using the Swadesh list for creating a simple common taxonomy
Twitter in Mass Emergency: What NLP Can Contribute
The LRE Map disclosed
Interactive health insight miner: an adaptive, semantic-based approach
An Ontology for Accessing Transcription Systems (OATS)
Exploring the inference role in automatic information extraction from texts
On the annotation of vague expressions: a case study on Romanian historical texts
Foundations of a Multilayer Annotation Framework for Twitter Communications During Crisis Events
“Human Language Technology Elements in a Knowledge Organisation System - The VID Project”
An ontological approach to model and query multimodal concurrent linguistic annotations
A Multiple-Domain Ontology Builder
Modeling, Managing, Exposing, and Linking Ontologies with a Wiki-based Tool
LT World: Ontology and Reference Information Portal
Evaluating an Ontology-Driven WYSIWYM Interface
SentiProfiler: Creating Comparable Visual Profiles of Sentimental Content in Texts
Multi-Human Dialogue Understanding for Assisting Artifact-Producing Meetings
Semantic Annotation of Papers: Interface & Enrichment Tool (SAPIENT)
MAE and MAI: Lightweight Annotation and Adjudication Tools
The TermiNet Project: an Overview
Towards Model Driven Architectures for Human Language Technologies
A Framework for Improved Access to Museum Databases in the Semantic Web
Talking NPCs in a Virtual Game World
Ontology-based Extraction of Structured Information from Publications on Preclinical Experiments for Spinal Cord Injury Treatments
Towards a Standardized Linguistic Annotation of the Textual Content of Labels in Knowledge Representation Systems
A Common Multimedia Annotation Framework for Cross Linking Cultural Heritage Digital Collections
A Unified Tagging Approach to Text Normalization
Constructing an Ontology of Japanese Lexical Properties: Specifying its Property Structures and Lexical Entries
An Intelligent Authoring Environment for Abstract Semantic Representations of Cultural Object Descriptions
Ontolexical resources for feature-based opinion mining: a case-study
A Semantic Study on Yami Ontology in Traditional Songs
A Text-based Query Interface to OWL Ontologies
Feature based Sentiment Analysis using a Domain Ontology
Verb-centered Sentiment Inference with Description Logics
A Linguistically-Informed Fusion Approach for Multimodal Depression Detection
Automatic Set Instance Extraction using the Web
Self-Reflective Sentiment Analysis
Multi-Timescale Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network for Modelling Sentences and Documents
Multichannel Variable-Size Convolution for Sentence Classification
Learning What to Share: Leaky Multi-Task Network for Text Classification
Speaker Identification Method Using Earth Mover’s Distance for CCC Speaker Recognition Evaluation 2006
Credibility Adjusted Term Frequency: A Supervised Term Weighting Scheme for Sentiment Analysis and Text Classification
Evaluating the Inferential Utility of Lexical-Semantic Resources
Solving Verbal Questions in IQ Test by Knowledge-Powered Word Embedding
Co-learning of Word Representations and Morpheme Representations
Larger-Context Language Modelling with Recurrent Neural Network
Baselines and Bigrams: Simple, Good Sentiment and Topic Classification
Learning Word Importance with the Neural Bag-of-Words Model
Cheap and Fast – But is it Good? Evaluating Non-Expert Annotations for Natural Language Tasks
Deep Multi-Task Learning with Shared Memory for Text Classification
Using Skipgrams, Bigrams, and Part of Speech Features for Sentiment Classification of Twitter Messages
Identifying Sentiment Words Using an Optimization-based Model without Seed Words
Neural Self-Training through Spaced Repetition
Building English-to-Serbian Machine Translation System for IMDb Movie Reviews
Joint POS Tagging and Transition-based Constituent Parsing in Chinese with Non-local Features
A Calibration Method for Evaluation of Sentiment Analysis
Towards a Generic and Flexible Citation Classifier Based on a Faceted Classification Scheme
中英文的文字蘊涵與閱讀測驗的初步探索 (An Exploration of Textual Entailment and Reading Comprehension for Chinese and English) [In Chinese]
A Hybrid Model For Grammatical Error Correction
Supervised Within-Document Event Coreference using Information Propagation
Learning beyond Datasets: Knowledge Graph Augmented Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing
Aggressive Language Identification Using Word Embeddings and Sentiment Features
THU_NGN at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Capturing Discriminative Attributes with MLP-CNN model
Head-Lexicalized Bidirectional Tree LSTMs
A Deep Neural Network based Approach for Entity Extraction in Code-Mixed Indian Social Media Text
CogALex-V Shared Task: GHHH - Detecting Semantic Relations via Word Embeddings
Learning Visually-Grounded Semantics from Contrastive Adversarial Samples
Context-Sensitive Lexicon Features for Neural Sentiment Analysis
Neural News Recommendation with Long- and Short-term User Representations
Constructing Interpretive Spatio-Temporal Features for Multi-Turn Responses Selection
Scalable Semantic Parsing with Partial Ontologies
Extracting inflectional class assignment in Pite Saami: Nouns, verbs and those pesky adjectives
Indexing methods for efficient parsing
Layering and Merging Linguistic Annotations
An Empirical Evaluation of various Deep Learning Architectures for Bi-Sequence Classification Tasks
Natural Language Inference by Tree-Based Convolution and Heuristic Matching
How Transferable are Neural Networks in NLP Applications?
Reading and Thinking: Re-read LSTM Unit for Textual Entailment Recognition
Efficient Learning for Undirected Topic Models
Chinese Relation Classification using Long Short Term Memory Networks
Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution
Extracting Case Law Sentences for Argumentation about the Meaning of Statutory Terms
Generating Referring Expressions that Involve Gradable Properties
Modality and Negation: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Coling 2008: Proceedings of the workshop on Cross-Framework and Cross-Domain Parser Evaluation
Linguistic Template Extraction for Recognizing Reader-Emotion and Emotional Resonance Writing Assistance
What Makes Writing Great? First Experiments on Article Quality Prediction in the Science Journalism Domain
Entity Linking for Tweets
Linguistic Template Extraction for Recognizing Reader-Emotion
Combining Multiple Classifiers Using Global Ranking for Post Triage
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 21, Number 1, June 2016
Early Deletion of Fillers In Processing Conversational Speech
Evaluating Human Correction Quality for Machine Translation from Crowdsourcing
Gene–disease association extraction by text mining and network analysis
A Tale of Two Cultures: Bringing Literary Analysis and Computational Linguistics Together
Generating Semantically Precise Scene Graphs from Textual Descriptions for Improved Image Retrieval
NOMOS: A Semantic Web Software Framework for Annotation of Multimodal Corpora
Representing a System of Lexical Types Using Default Unification
TITPI: Web People Search Task Using Semi-Supervised Clustering Approach
Extending a Parser to Distant Domains Using a Few Dozen Partially Annotated Examples
Multi-Human Dialogue Understanding for Assisting Artifact-Producing Meetings
Targeted Help for Spoken Dialogue Systems
XNMT: The eXtensible Neural Machine Translation Toolkit
Improving Lexical Choice in Neural Machine Translation
Contextual Neural Model for Translating Bilingual Multi-Speaker Conversations
Dense Information Flow for Neural Machine Translation
Syntax-Enhanced Neural Machine Translation with Syntax-Aware Word Representations
Towards Accurate and Efficient Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging
Model Invertibility Regularization: Sequence Alignment With or Without Parallel Data
A sense-based lexicon of count and mass expressions: The Bochum English Countability Lexicon
From Baby Steps to Leapfrog: How “Less is More” in Unsupervised Dependency Parsing
Translating Granularity of Event Slots into Features for Event Coreference Resolution.
Capturing Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Lexical Relations: Towards Accurate Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging
Classifying Temporal Relations with Simple Features
Profiting from Mark-Up: Hyper-Text Annotations for Guided Parsing
A Neural Local Coherence Model

Discriminant Ranking for Efficient Treebanking
Recognizing Textual Relatedness with Predicate-Argument Structures
Constructing a Textual Semantic Relation Corpus Using a Discourse Treebank
A Corpus of Fine-Grained Entailment Relations
Finding Contradictions in Text
Albanian Part-of-Speech Tagging: Gold Standard and Evaluation
Diachronic Word Embeddings Reveal Statistical Laws of Semantic Change
A Retrospective Analysis of the Fake News Challenge Stance-Detection Task
LyS at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Exploiting Neural Activation Values for Twitter Sentiment Classification and Quantification
Author Profiling for Abuse Detection
Emo2Vec: Learning Generalized Emotion Representation by Multi-task Training
Context-Sensitive Lexicon Features for Neural Sentiment Analysis
HUMIR at IEST-2018: Lexicon-Sensitive and Left-Right Context-Sensitive BiLSTM for Implicit Emotion Recognition
Web Information Extraction for the Creation of Metadata in Semantic Web
IXA pipeline: Efficient and Ready to Use Multilingual NLP tools
Multilingual, Efficient and Easy NLP Processing with IXA Pipeline
USNA: A Dual-Classifier Approach to Contextual Sentiment Analysis
Building Trainable Taggers in a Web-based, UIMA-Supported NLP Workbench
Using Tree Kernels for Classifying Temporal Relations between Events
Simple Semi-Supervised Learning for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Reducing Dimensions of Tensors in Type-Driven Distributional Semantics
A Study of using Syntactic and Semantic Structures for Concept Segmentation and Labeling
Tagging Spanish Texts: the Problem of Problem of “SE”
Syntactic Tree-based Relation Extraction Using a Generalization of Collins and Duffy Convolution Tree Kernel
An Exploration of Discourse-Based Sentence Spaces for Compositional Distributional Semantics
Putting it Simply: a Context-Aware Approach to Lexical Simplification
Authorship Attribution with Convolutional Neural Networks and POS-Eliding
Korean Phrase Structure Grammar and Its Implementations into the LKB System
D-Tree Substitution Grammars
Building a Large Lexical Databank Which Provides Deep Semantics

Towards Semantic Modeling of Contradictions and Disagreements: A Case Study of Medical Guidelines
Exploiting Source-side Monolingual Data in Neural Machine Translation
Ranking Reader Emotions Using Pairwise Loss Minimization and Emotional Distribution Regression
Using unlabeled dependency parsing for pre-reordering for Chinese-to-Japanese statistical machine translation
Recent Improvements in the CMU Large Scale Chinese-English SMT System
Sentiment Classification in Resource-Scarce Languages by using Label Propagation
Distortion Model Considering Rich Context for Statistical Machine Translation
Bilingual Markov Reordering Labels for Hierarchical SMT
Translating Common English and Chinese Verb-Noun Pairs in Technical Documents with Collocational and Bilingual Information
Overview of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation
Effects of Combining Bilingual and Collocational Information on Translation of English and Chinese Verb-Noun Pairs
A Distribution-based Model to Learn Bilingual Word Embeddings
Improving Patent Translation using Bilingual Term Extraction and Re-tokenization for Chinese–Japanese
Building The Sense-Tagged Multilingual Parallel Corpus
POI 擷取:商家名稱辨識與地址配對之研究 (POI Extraction from the Web: Store Name Recognition and Address Matching) [In Chinese]
Cross Lingual Adaptation: An Experiment on Sentiment Classifications
Overview of the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation
Arabic Native Language Identification
Overview of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation
Decoder-based Discriminative Training of Phrase Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation
以部落格語料進行情緒趨勢分析 (Emotion Trend Analysis Using Blog Corpora) [In Chinese]
Towards a Universal Sentiment Classifier in Multiple languages
Leveraging Compounds to Improve Noun Phrase Translation from Chinese and German
Accurate Cross-lingual Projection between Count-based Word Vectors by Exploiting Translatable Context Pairs
System Description of bjtu_nlp Neural Machine Translation System
Word Alignment Combination over Multiple Word Segmentation
Lost in Translations? Building Sentiment Lexicons using Context Based Machine Translation
Dependency-based Pre-ordering for Chinese-English Machine Translation
Contingency and Comparison Relation Labeling and Structure Prediction in Chinese Sentences
Enhancing Statistical Machine Translation with Character Alignment
A Novel Approach for Handling Unknown Word Problem in Chinese-Vietnamese Machine Translation
A Dependency-to-String Model for Chinese-Japanese SMT System
應用平行語料建構中文斷詞組件 (Applications of Parallel Corpora for Chinese Segmentation) [In Chinese]
Neural Responding Machine for Short-Text Conversation
Using Bilingual Information for Cross-Language Document Summarization
Two Knives Cut Better Than One: Chinese Word Segmentation with Dual Decomposition
Overview of the 2nd Workshop on Asian Translation
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2014)
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 19, Number 1, March 2014
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 19, Number 4, December 2014 - Special Issue on Selected Papers from ROCLING XXVI
Recursive Routing Networks: Learning to Compose Modules for Language Understanding
PKUSUMSUM : A Java Platform for Multilingual Document Summarization
Generating Clinically Relevant Texts: A Case Study on Life-Changing Events
DynamicPower at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Processing syntactic parse trees with a Dynamic Semantics core
A Convolutional Encoder Model for Neural Machine Translation
Homotopy-Based Semi-Supervised Hidden Markov Models for Sequence Labeling
Task-oriented Word Embedding for Text Classification
A Discriminative Alignment Model for Abbreviation Recognition
Robust Approach to Abbreviating Terms: A Discriminative Latent Variable Model with Global Information
Detecting Compositionality of Verb-Object Combinations using Selectional Preferences
The Collection of Distributionally Idiosyncratic Items: A Multilingual Resource for Linguistic Research
Chinese Coreference Resolution via Ordered Filtering
Sources of Evidence for Implicit Argument Resolution
Deterministic Coreference Resolution Based on Entity-Centric, Precision-Ranked Rules
An Exercise in Reuse of Resources: Adapting General Discourse Coreference Resolution for Detecting Lexical Chains in Patent Documentation
Event-Driven Headline Generation
Infusion of Labeled Data into Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction
Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with an Incomplete Knowledge Base
Using Graphs of Classifiers to Impose Constraints on Semi-supervised Relation Extraction
Relation Extraction with Multi-instance Multi-label Convolutional Neural Networks
Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Matrix Completion
Word Semantic Representations using Bayesian Probabilistic Tensor Factorization
Community Evaluation and Exchange of Word Vectors at
A SICK cure for the evaluation of compositional distributional semantic models
Zero-shot Entity Extraction from Web Pages
Better Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks for Morphology
Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing
evision PDF of 'Modeling Biological Processes for Reading Comprehension
Co-learning of Word Representations and Morpheme Representations
Grounded Textual Entailment
Scaling up Biomedical Event Extraction to the Entire PubMed
Contextualized Word Representations for Multi-Sense Embedding
evision PDF of 'SemEval-2016 Task 12: Clinical TempEval
Representing Sentences as Low-Rank Subspaces
Incorporating Latent Meanings of Morphological Compositions to Enhance Word Embeddings
End-to-end Sequence Labeling via Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF
Improving Chinese Word Segmentation on Micro-blog Using Rich Punctuations
IITPB at SemEval-2017 Task 5: Sentiment Prediction in Financial Text
Predicting Foreign Language Usage from English-Only Social Media Posts
Associative Multichannel Autoencoder for Multimodal Word Representation
evision PDF of 'ConceptNet at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Extending Word Embeddings with Multilingual Relational Knowledge
Learning Embeddings to lexicalise RDF Properties
Supervised and unsupervised approaches to measuring usage similarity
Learning Semantically and Additively Compositional Distributional Representations
Improving Verb Metaphor Detection by Propagating Abstractness to Words, Phrases and Individual Senses
Which argument is more convincing? Analyzing and predicting convincingness of Web arguments using bidirectional LSTM
Idea density for predicting Alzheimer’s disease from transcribed speech
He Said, She Said: Gender in the ACL Anthology
aueb.twitter.sentiment at SemEval-2016 Task 4: A Weighted Ensemble of SVMs for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
CompiLIG at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection Methods for Semantic Textual Similarity
A* CCG Parsing with a Supertag and Dependency Factored Model
Reporting Score Distributions Makes a Difference: Performance Study of LSTM-networks for Sequence Tagging
Measuring Semantic Similarity of Words Using Concept Networks
Generating Recommendation Dialogs by Extracting Information from User Reviews
Adapting Phrase-based Machine Translation to Normalise Medical Terms in Social Media Messages
SWOW-8500: Word Association task for Intrinsic Evaluation of Word Embeddings
Variational Pretraining for Semi-supervised Text Classification
Focused Evaluation for Image Description with Binary Forced-Choice Tasks
Monolingual Social Media Datasets for Detecting Contradiction and Entailment
A Study of Machine Learning Algorithms for Recognizing Textual Entailment
Building Textual Entailment Specialized Data Sets: a Methodology for Isolating Linguistic Phenomena Relevant to Inference
Before Name-Calling: Dynamics and Triggers of Ad Hominem Fallacies in Web Argumentation
Quantum-Inspired Complex Word Embedding;
Neural-Davidsonian Semantic Proto-role Labeling
詞義辨識:機器學習演算法特徵的選取與組合 (Feature Selections in Word Sense Disambiguation) [In Chinese]
A Long Short-Term Memory Model for Answer Sentence Selection in Question Answering
Unsupervised Separation of Transliterable and Native Words for Malayalam

Analyzing the Dynamics of Research by Extracting Key Aspects of Scientific Papers
Collecting Resources in Sub-Saharan African Languages for Automatic Speech Recognition: a Case Study of Wolof
Neural Models of Factuality
Unsupervised methods for developing taxonomies by combining syntactic and statistical information
Multiple Document Summarization Using Principal Component Analysis Incorporating Semantic Vector Space Model

MiTextExplorer: Linked brushing and mutual information for exploratory text data analysis
Anaphora and Discourse Structure
Unsupervised Verb Inference from Nouns Crossing Root Boundary
An Example-Based Approach to Difficult Pronoun Resolution
Identification of Flexible Multiword Expressions with the Help of Dependency Structure Annotation
Towards a Tight Integration of Syntactic Parsing with Semantic Disambiguation by means of Declarative Programming
Sketching the Dependency Relations of Words in Chinese
Down-stream effects of tree-to-dependency conversions
Extracting and Normalizing Entity-Actions from Users’ Comments
Multiword expressions: linguistic precision and reusability
AVM Description Compilation using Types as Modes
An Open Source Grammar Development Environment and Broad-coverage English Grammar Using HPSG
An Algebra for Semantic Construction in Constraint-based Grammars
Balancing Clarity and Efficiency in Typed Feature Logic Through Delaying
Book Reviews: Linguistic Evolution through Language Acquisition: Formal and Computational Models edited by Ted Briscoe; Implementing Typed Feature Structure Grammars by Ann Copestake
Generalized Encoding of Description Spaces and its Application to Typed Feature Structures
Using an Open-Source Unification-Based System for CL/NLP Teaching
On Learning Better Embeddings from Chinese Clinical Records: Study on Combining In-Domain and Out-Domain Data
Relation Extraction Using Label Propagation Based Semi-Supervised Learning
Word Sense Disambiguation Using Label Propagation Based Semi-Supervised Learning
Some Chances and Challenges in Applying Language Technologies to Historical Studies in Chinese
Enriching Source for English-to-Urdu Machine Translation
Bridging the Gap: Improve Part-of-speech Tagging for Chinese Social Media Texts with Foreign Words
UMCC_DLSI: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter using Polirity Lexicons and Tweet Similarity

SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation
Conceptual Change and Distributional Semantic Models: an Exploratory Study on Pitfalls and Possibilities
Deceptive Opinion Spam Detection Using Neural Network
Twist Bytes - German Dialect Identification with Data Mining Optimization
Suggesting Sentences for ESL using Kernel Embeddings
Pluralizing Nouns across Agglutinating Bantu Languages
WikiWalk: Random walks on Wikipedia for Semantic Relatedness
Semantic Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs
Finding Short Definitions of Terms on Web Pages
Creating POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing Experts via Topic Modeling
Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: A Cross-Framework Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages
Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons
Diamonds in the Rough: Event Extraction from Imperfect Microblog Data
Improved Pattern Learning for Bootstrapped Entity Extraction
A Local Alignment Kernel in the Context of NLP
Community Evaluation and Exchange of Word Vectors at
Improved Dependency Parsing using Implicit Word Connections Learned from Unlabeled Data
Wiki-ly Supervised Part-of-Speech Tagging
Gated Self-Matching Networks for Reading Comprehension and Question Answering
Sparse Overcomplete Word Vector Representations
Ruchi: Rating Individual Food Items in Restaurant Reviews
Sentiment Classification using Automatically Extracted Subgraph Features
Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank
Paraphrase Recognition Using Machine Learning to Combine Similarity Measures
Learning Constraints for Consistent Timeline Extraction
Wikipedia Titles As Noun Tag Predictors
TASTY: Interactive Entity Linking As-You-Type
Extractive Multi-Document Summarization with Integer Linear Programming and Support Vector Regression
A Call for Clarity in Reporting BLEU Scores
Adaptive Parser-Centric Text Normalization
Deep Learning for NLP (without Magic)
CoastalCPH at SemEval-2016 Task 11: The importance of designing your Neural Networks right
以部落格語料進行情緒趨勢分析 (Emotion Trend Analysis Using Blog Corpora) [In Chinese]
Similarity Based Genre Identification for POS Tagging Experts & Dependency Parsing
Joint Word Alignment and Bilingual Named Entity Recognition Using Dual Decomposition
Extractive Summarization using Continuous Vector Space Models
Evidentiality for Text Trustworthiness Detection
The Word Analogy Testing Caveat
Tackling Error Propagation through Reinforcement Learning: A Case of Greedy Dependency Parsing
Better Word Representations with Recursive Neural Networks for Morphology
An extractive supervised two-stage method for sentence compression
QCRI: Answer Selection for Community Question Answering - Experiments for Arabic and English
Adjusting Word Embeddings with Semantic Intensity Orders
SPIED: Stanford Pattern based Information Extraction and Diagnostics
Learning Biological Processes with Global Constraints
Real-valued Syntactic Word Vectors (RSV) for Greedy Neural Dependency Parsing
Robust Disambiguation of Named Entities in Text
A method for in-depth comparative evaluation: How (dis)similar are outputs of pos taggers, dependency parsers and coreference resolvers really?
Question Answering System using Multiple Information Source and Open Type Answer Merge
Detecting Context Dependent Messages in a Conversational Environment
A Unified Kernel Approach for Learning Typed Sentence Rewritings
Did It Happen? The Pragmatic Complexity of Veridicality Assessment
Learning Semantic Representations of Users and Products for Document Level Sentiment Classification
A Generate and Rank Approach to Sentence Paraphrasing
Syntactic Parse Fusion
Unsupervised Dialogue Act Induction using Gaussian Mixtures
Unsupervised Relation Extraction From Web Documents
Context-Dependent Sentiment Analysis in User-Generated Videos
A Database of Narrative Schemas
EigenSent: Spectral sentence embeddings using higher-order Dynamic Mode Decomposition

MiTextExplorer: Linked brushing and mutual information for exploratory text data analysis

Natural Solution to FraCaS Entailment Problems
*SEM 2013 shared task: Semantic Textual Similarity
MiTextExplorer: Linked brushing and mutual information for exploratory text data analysis
ADAPT at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: A Multinomial Naive Bayes Classification Approach for Customer Feedback Analysis task
Extracting Weighted Language Lexicons from Wikipedia
Lightly-supervised Representation Learning with Global Interpretability
Large Scale Multilingual Broadcast Data Collection to Support Machine Translation and Distillation Technology Development
Unsupervised Relation Extraction of In-Domain Data from Focused Crawls
A Framework for (Under)specifying Dependency Syntax without Overloading Annotators
Sentiment Analysis on the People’s Daily
DeepNNNER: Applying BLSTM-CNNs and Extended Lexicons to Named Entity Recognition in Tweets
Learning to recognise named entities in tweets by exploiting weakly labelled data
INESC-ID: A Regression Model for Large Scale Twitter Sentiment Lexicon Induction
The Forest Convolutional Network: Compositional Distributional Semantics with a Neural Chart and without Binarization
Compositional Distributional Semantics with Long Short Term Memory
Query Expansion with Locally-Trained Word Embeddings
CANE: Context-Aware Network Embedding for Relation Modeling
Deep Dependencies from Context-Free Statistical Parsers: Correcting the Surface Dependency Approximation
Contextual Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Language Models: A Generative Approach to Sentiment Analysis
A Two-Stage Classifier for Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Classification on Polarity Reviews: An Empirical Study Using Rating-based Features
BIRA: Improved Predictive Exchange Word Clustering
Evaluating Dialogs based on Grice’s Maxims
Generating Chinese Named Entity Data from a Parallel Corpus
Exploring Compositional Architectures and Word Vector Representations for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
IDI@NTNU at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets Using Shallow Features and GloVe Vectors for Word Representation
Parsing Tweets into Universal Dependencies
Large-Scale Induction and Evaluation of Lexical Resources from the Penn-II and Penn-III Treebanks
An Empirical Study on Sentiment Classification of Chinese Review using Word Embedding
Multi-Task Learning for Sequence Tagging: An Empirical Study
Bibliometrics, Information Retrieval and Natural Language Processing: Natural Synergies to Support Digital Library Research
Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA
Ckylark: A More Robust PCFG-LA Parser
Structural Embedding of Syntactic Trees for Machine Comprehension
Paraphrase Detection for Short Answer Scoring
Construction of a Multilingual Corpus Annotated with Translation Relations
OSMAN ― A Novel Arabic Readability Metric
Learning Dictionaries for Named Entity Recognition using Minimal Supervision
Learning Continuous Word Embedding with Metadata for Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering
Syntax-based Simultaneous Translation through Prediction of Unseen Syntactic Constituents
CoNLL 2014 Shared Task: Grammatical Error Correction with a Syntactic N-gram Language Model from a Big Corpora
Universal Dependencies for Learner English
Learning Tone and Attribution for Financial Text Mining
TeamDL at SemEval-2018 Task 8: Cybersecurity Text Analysis using Convolutional Neural Network and Conditional Random Fields
以範例為基礎之英漢TIMSS詴題輔助翻譯 (Example Based Machine Translation of TIMSS Test Items) [In Chinese]
針對數學與科學教育領域之電腦輔助英中試題翻譯系統 (An Exploration of Computer Assisted Translation of Test Items for Mathematics and Sciences) [In Chinese]
Same Referent, Different Words: Unsupervised Mining of Opaque Coreferent Mentions
Bounded-Depth High-Coverage Search Space for Noncrossing Parses
NLP Web Services for Resource-Scarce Languages
Is Three the Optimal Context Window for Memory-Based Word Sense Disambiguation?

Automatically Tagging Constructions of Causation and Their Slot-Fillers
Topic Modeling with Sentiment Clues and Relaxed Labeling Schema
Retrieval of Reading Materials for Vocabulary and Reading Practice
Neural Machine Translation Decoding with Terminology Constraints
What does Neural Bring? Analysing Improvements in Morphosyntactic Annotation and Lemmatisation of Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian
Composition of Sentence Embeddings: Lessons from Statistical Relational Learning
Adopting the Word-Pair-Dependency-Triplets with Individual Comparison for Natural Language Inference
Baselines and Test Data for Cross-Lingual Inference
Metric for Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation based on Universal Sentence Representations
RUSE: Regressor Using Sentence Embeddings for Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation
Breaking NLI Systems with Sentences that Require Simple Lexical Inferences
Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Natural Language Understanding
A Novel Machine Learning Approach for the Identification of Named Entity Relations
Is your Statement Purposeless? Predicting Computer Science Graduation Admission Acceptance based on Statement Of Purpose
Developing a Deep Linguistic Databank Supporting a Collection of Treebanks: the CINTIL DeepGramBank
Deterministic Coreference Resolution Based on Entity-Centric, Precision-Ranked Rules
Syntactic Sentence Simplification for French
Tregex and Tsurgeon: tools for querying and manipulating tree data structures
Generating Semantically Precise Scene Graphs from Textual Descriptions for Improved Image Retrieval
A Corpus-Based Quantitative Study of Nominalizations across Chinese and British Media English
Resources for the Detection of Conventionalized Metaphors in Four Languages
Simplification syntaxique de phrases pour le français (Syntactic Simplification for French Sentences) [in French]
Sequence to Sequence Mixture Model for Diverse Machine Translation
A Multi-sentiment-resource Enhanced Attention Network for Sentiment Classification
Developing a Deep Grammar of Indonesian within the ParGram Framework: Theoretical and Implementational Challenges
ECNU at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Exploration on Irony Detection from Tweets via Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods
Temporal Information Extraction by Predicting Relative Time-lines
Evaluation of Unsupervised Compositional Representations
Learning Word Embeddings for Low-Resource Languages by PU Learning
An Improved Neural Network Model for Joint POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing
Tracking State Changes in Procedural Text: a Challenge Dataset and Models for Process Paragraph Comprehension
Rotated Word Vector Representations and their Interpretability
Attending Sentences to detect Satirical Fake News
Building a Web-Scale Dependency-Parsed Corpus from CommonCrawl
A Comparison of Context-sensitive Models for Lexical Substitution
Effectiveness of Character Language Model for Vietnamese Named Entity Recognition
A Large Multilingual and Multi-domain Dataset for Recommender Systems
Words are not Equal: Graded Weighting Model for Building Composite Document Vectors
Parallel Forms in Estonian Finite State Morphology
Unrestricted Quantifier Scope Disambiguation
Plurality, Negation, and Quantification:Towards Comprehensive Quantifier Scope Disambiguation
A Corpus of Scope-disambiguated English Text
A Web-based Instructional Platform for Contraint-Based Grammar Formalisms and Parsing
Robust Accurate Statistical Annotation of General Text
Efficient Global Learning of Entailment Graphs
Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation with Word-Level Domain Context Discrimination
Deconfounded Lexicon Induction for Interpretable Social Science
A Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Semantic Role Labeling
Learning Neural Word Salience Scores
Which Melbourne? Augmenting Geocoding with Maps
Possessors Change Over Time: A Case Study with Artworks
Coherence-Aware Neural Topic Modeling
Albanian Part-of-Speech Tagging: Gold Standard and Evaluation
Detecting Figurative Word Occurrences Using Recurrent Neural Networks
Did the Model Understand the Question?
UWB at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Capturing Discriminative Attributes from Word Distributions
Named Entity Recognition on Code-Switched Data Using Conditional Random Fields
Baseline Needs More Love: On Simple Word-Embedding-Based Models and Associated Pooling Mechanisms
Reversing Gradients in Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Question Deduplication and Textual Entailment Tasks
Gating Mechanisms for Combining Character and Word-level Word Representations: an Empirical Study
Unsupervised Information Extraction: Regularizing Discriminative Approaches with Relation Distribution Losses
Improving Domain Adaptation Translation with Domain Invariant and Specific Information
ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Deep Adversarial Learning for NLP
Generating Recommendation Dialogs by Extracting Information from User Reviews
Informing Determiner and Preposition Error Correction with Hierarchical Word Clustering
Solving logic puzzles: From robust processing to precise semantics
Towards an ACL Anthology Corpus with Logical Document Structure. An Overview of the ACL 2012 Contributed Task
Unsupervised Learning of Field Segmentation Models for Information Extraction
A User Study: Technology to Increase Teachers’ Linguistic Awareness to Improve Instructional Language Support for English Language Learners
A Multiple-Domain Ontology Builder

Automatic Extraction of Idioms using Graph Analysis and Asymmetric Lexicosyntactic Patterns
Using Treebanking Discriminants as Parse Disambiguation Features
Handling Unlike Coordinated Phrases in TAG by Mixing Syntactic Category and Grammatical Function
Can We Create a Tool for General Domain Event Analysis?
Annotating Causal Language Using Corpus Lexicography of Constructions
Finite-state Representations Embodying Temporal Relations
SemEval-2018 Task 9: Hypernym Discovery
Phrasal: A Toolkit for New Directions in Statistical Machine Translation
Human Effort and Machine Learnability in Computer Aided Translation
Scrutable Feature Sets for Stance Classification
Part of Speech Tagging for New Words (Étiquetage morpho-syntaxique pour des mots nouveaux) [in French]
An Investigation of the Interactions Between Pre-Trained Word Embeddings, Character Models and POS Tags in Dependency Parsing
Deep Reinforcement Learning for NLP
Geolocating Political Events in Text
A Dynamic Speaker Model for Conversational Interactions
Dialogue-Act Prediction of Future Responses Based on Conversation History
Data mining Mandarin tone contour shapes

Large-scale Analysis of Counseling Conversations: An Application of Natural Language Processing to Mental Health
Hierarchical Neural Networks for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Scientific Abstracts
End-to-End Neural Relation Extraction with Global Optimization
Learning to Progressively Recognize New Named Entities with Sequence to Sequence Models
What It Takes to Achieve 100% Condition Accuracy on WikiSQL
Mittens: an Extension of GloVe for Learning Domain-Specialized Representations
Knowledge as A Bridge: Improving Cross-domain Answer Selection with External Knowledge
Answerable or Not: Devising a Dataset for Extending Machine Reading Comprehension
CogALex-V Shared Task: GHHH - Detecting Semantic Relations via Word Embeddings
IDI@NTNU at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets Using Shallow Features and GloVe Vectors for Word Representation
Emo2Vec: Learning Generalized Emotion Representation by Multi-task Training
IITP at SemEval-2017 Task 8 : A Supervised Approach for Rumour Evaluation
Query Expansion with Locally-Trained Word Embeddings
A Transition-Based Algorithm for Unrestricted AMR Parsing
AIG Investments.AI at the FinSBD Task: Sentence Boundary Detection through Sequence Labelling and BERT Fine-tuning
Sentence Embedding for Neural Machine Translation Domain Adaptation
The Idiom–Reference Connection
Survey: Multiword Expression Processing: A Survey
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Using Domain Bilingual Multiword Expressions
Bilingual Word Representations with Monolingual Quality in Mind
Bilingual Word Embeddings with Bucketed CNN for Parallel Sentence Extraction
Recursive Neural Networks Can Learn Logical Semantics
Deep Neural Language Models for Machine Translation
Building an Argument Search Engine for the Web
Learning General Connotation of Words using Graph-based Algorithms
A Compositional and Interpretable Semantic Space
Baselines and Bigrams: Simple, Good Sentiment and Topic Classification
Guiding Semi-Supervision with Constraint-Driven Learning
Double Double, Morphology and Trouble: Looking into Reduplication in Indonesian
Connotation Lexicon: A Dash of Sentiment Beneath the Surface Meaning
Monte Carlo Syntax Marginals for Exploring and Using Dependency Parses
Robust Machine Translation Evaluation with Entailment Features
An Investigation of Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics in Cross-lingual Question Answering
Expanding Arabic Treebank to Speech: Results from Broadcast News
Extending a wordnet framework for simplicity and scalability
Chinese Event Coreference Resolution: Understanding the State of the Art
Joint Modeling for Chinese Event Extraction with Rich Linguistic Features
Introduction to the Special Issue on Language in Social Media: Exploiting Discourse and Other Contextual Information
A Statistical Parsing Framework for Sentiment Classification
The Forest Convolutional Network: Compositional Distributional Semantics with a Neural Chart and without Binarization
Sentence Level Temporality Detection using an Implicit Time-sensed Resource
Re-ordering Source Sentences for SMT
LIPN: Introducing a new Geographical Context Similarity Measure and a Statistical Similarity Measure based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient
Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision
Columbia-Jadavpur submission for EMNLP 2016 Code-Switching Workshop Shared Task: System description
A Legal Perspective on Training Models for Natural Language Processing
Exploiting OWL Ontologies in the Multilingual Generation of Object Descriptions
Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar
Using Crowdsourcing to get Representations based on Regular Expressions
Neural Storyline Extraction Model for Storyline Generation from News Articles
Document Level Novelty Detection: Textual Entailment Lends a Helping Hand
Context-Dependent Multilingual Lexical Lookup for Under-Resourced Languages
Semantic Taxonomy Induction from Heterogenous Evidence
Learning to Merge Word Senses
Semgrex-Plus: a Tool for Automatic Dependency-Graph Rewriting
Filling Missing Paths: Modeling Co-occurrences of Word Pairs and Dependency Paths for Recognizing Lexical Semantic Relations
Cold-Start Aware User and Product Attention for Sentiment Classification
Paraphrase Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
TeamCEN at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Global Vectors Representation in Emotion Detection
Cross-Lingual Argumentative Relation Identification: from English to Portuguese
Domain Adapted Word Embeddings for Improved Sentiment Classification
Beyond Word2Vec: Embedding Words and Phrases in Same Vector Space
OpenNMT System Description for WNMT 2018: 800 words/sec on a single-core CPU
The Importance of Automatic Syntactic Features in Vietnamese Named Entity Recognition
Domain Adapted Word Embeddings for Improved Sentiment Classification
Entity Commonsense Representation for Neural Abstractive Summarization
The (too Many) Problems of Analogical Reasoning with Word Vectors
UWat-Emote at EmoInt-2017: Emotion Intensity Detection using Affect Clues, Sentiment Polarity and Word Embeddings
Predicting Psychological Health from Childhood Essays with Convolutional Neural Networks for the CLPsych 2018 Shared Task (Team UKNLP)
Modeling Context Words as Regions: An Ordinal Regression Approach to Word Embedding
Dynamic Sentence Sampling for Efficient Training of Neural Machine Translation
GradAscent at EmoInt-2017: Character and Word Level Recurrent Neural Network Models for Tweet Emotion Intensity Detection
SINAI at IEST 2018: Neural Encoding of Emotional External Knowledge for Emotion Classification
Syntax Helps ELMo Understand Semantics: Is Syntax Still Relevant in a Deep Neural Architecture for SRL?
Modelling Salient Features as Directions in Fine-Tuned Semantic Spaces
Are BLEU and Meaning Representation in Opposition?
Neural Document Summarization by Jointly Learning to Score and Select Sentences
Joint Learning for Targeted Sentiment Analysis
UNAM at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Unsupervised Semantic Discriminative Attribute Identification in Neural Word Embedding Cones
Element-wise Bilinear Interaction for Sentence Matching
Selective Decoding for Cross-lingual Open Information Extraction
Findings of the Second Workshop on Neural Machine Translation and Generation
Dynamic Meta-Embeddings for Improved Sentence Representations
Learning to select data for transfer learning with Bayesian Optimization
Team GESIS Cologne: An all in all sentence-based approach for FEVER
Deeper Attention to Abusive User Content Moderation
Learning Word Embeddings for Data Sparse and Sentiment Rich Data Sets
Deep Learning for User Comment Moderation
Using context to identify the language of face-saving
Phrase-Level Metaphor Identification Using Distributed Representations of Word Meaning
HumorHawk at SemEval-2017 Task 6: Mixing Meaning and Sound for Humor Recognition
Modeling Dialogue Acts with Content Word Filtering and Speaker Preferences
Economic Event Detection in Company-Specific News Text
Learning Universal Sentence Representations with Mean-Max Attention Autoencoder
Learning Named Entity Tagger using Domain-Specific Dictionary
Detecting Gang-Involved Escalation on Social Media Using Context
Dependency Parsing with Partial Annotations: An Empirical Comparison
Fine-Grained Temporal Orientation and its Relationship with Psycho-Demographic Correlates
Neural Networks and Spelling Features for Native Language Identification
Supervised Learning of Universal Sentence Representations from Natural Language Inference Data
Automated Fact-Checking of Claims in Argumentative Parliamentary Debates
Learning to Collaborate for Question Answering and Asking
SINAI-DL at SemEval-2019 Task 5: Recurrent networks and data augmentation by paraphrasing
Twitter Homophily: Network Based Prediction of User’s Occupation
The Risk of Racial Bias in Hate Speech Detection
Subword-based Compact Reconstruction of Word Embeddings
Automatic Generation of High Quality CCGbanks for Parser Domain Adaptation
Issue Framing in Online Discussion Fora
Attention Guided Graph Convolutional Networks for Relation Extraction
ConSSED at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Configurable Semantic and Sentiment Emotion Detector
evision PDF of 'CoAStaL at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Affect Classification in Dialogue using Attentive BiLSTMs
Conceptor Debiasing of Word Representations Evaluated on WEAT
LIMSI-MULTISEM at the IJCAI SemDeep-5 WiC Challenge: Context Representations for Word Usage Similarity Estimation
Transfer Learning in Biomedical Natural Language Processing: An Evaluation of BERT and ELMo on Ten Benchmarking Datasets
Contextualized Diachronic Word Representations
Toward Comprehensive Understanding of a Sentiment Based on Human Motives
Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods to Find Mentions of Adverse Drug Reactions in Social Media
LSTMEmbed: Learning Word and Sense Representations from a Large Semantically Annotated Corpus with Long Short-Term Memories
CN-HIT-MI.T at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Language Identification Based on BiLSTM with Double Attention
MoonGrad at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Ensemble BiRNNs for Contextual Emotion Detection in Dialogues
Ranking-Based Autoencoder for Extreme Multi-label Classification
Conversing by Reading: Contentful Neural Conversation with On-demand Machine Reading
The Sally Smedley Hyperpartisan News Detector at SemEval-2019 Task 4
Evidence-based Trustworthiness
On Knowledge distillation from complex networks for response prediction
Multi-Level Matching and Aggregation Network for Few-Shot Relation Classification
Joint Effects of Context and User History for Predicting Online Conversation Re-entries
Word Usage Similarity Estimation with Sentence Representations and Automatic Substitutes
ToNy: Contextual embeddings for accurate multilingual discourse segmentation of full documents
Semi-Supervised Teacher-Student Architecture for Relation Extraction
Attention Neural Model for Temporal Relation Extraction
Annotation of Entities and Relations in Spanish Radiology Reports
Exploring Markov Logic Networks for Question Answering
Topic Memory Networks for Short Text Classification
Recurrent Entity Networks with Delayed Memory Update for Targeted Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
Evaluating neural network explanation methods using hybrid documents and morphosyntactic agreement
Emergent Predication Structure in Hidden State Vectors of Neural Readers
Experiments with Domain Dependent Dialogue Act Classification using Open-Domain Dialogue Corpora
Causal Explanation Analysis on Social Media
Denoising Distantly Supervised Open-Domain Question Answering
Yuanfudao at SemEval-2018 Task 11: Three-way Attention and Relational Knowledge for Commonsense Machine Comprehension
On Tree-Based Neural Sentence Modeling
Answer-focused and Position-aware Neural Question Generation
Element-wise Bilinear Interaction for Sentence Matching
Uncovering Divergent Linguistic Information in Word Embeddings with Lessons for Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation
Verb Argument Structure Alternations in Word and Sentence Embeddings
Multi-channel BiLSTM-CRF Model for Emerging Named Entity Recognition in Social Media
Investigating the Role of Argumentation in the Rhetorical Analysis of Scientific Publications with Neural Multi-Task Learning Models
Semantic Parsing with Syntax- and Table-Aware SQL Generation
Estimating Linguistic Complexity for Science Texts
Distant Learning for Entity Linking with Automatic Noise Detection
Predicting Annotation Difficulty to Improve Task Routing and Model Performance for Biomedical Information Extraction
Japanese Sentiment Classification using a Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory with Attention
Legal Area Classification: A Comparative Study of Text Classifiers on Singapore Supreme Court Judgments
evision PDF of 'Predicting Helpful Posts in Open-Ended Discussion Forums: A Neural Architecture
Harry Potter and the Action Prediction Challenge from Natural Language
End-to-End Sequential Metaphor Identification Inspired by Linguistic Theories
Bridging by Word: Image Grounded Vocabulary Construction for Visual Captioning
Zero-shot Word Sense Disambiguation using Sense Definition Embeddings
Self-Attention Architectures for Answer-Agnostic Neural Question Generation
Sequence-to-Nuggets: Nested Entity Mention Detection via Anchor-Region Networks
Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing
Colors in Context: A Pragmatic Neural Model for Grounded Language Understanding
Linking Syntactic and Semantic Arguments in a Dependency-based Formalism
LIMSI@WMT’15 : Translation Task
A Method of Augmenting Bilingual Terminology by Taking Advantage of the Conceptual Systematicity of Terminologies
Extracting Opinion Targets in a Single and Cross-Domain Setting with Conditional Random Fields
Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Text Generation
Sentiment Analysis of Figurative Language using a Word Sense Disambiguation Approach
Opinion Word Expansion and Target Extraction through Double Propagation
Extracting Synonyms from Dictionary Definitions
Meerkat Mafia: Multilingual and Cross-Level Semantic Textual Similarity Systems
Solving Data Sparsity by Morphology Injection in Factored SMT
Sentiment Classification in Resource-Scarce Languages by using Label Propagation
Analyzing Urdu Social Media for Sentiments using Transfer Learning with Controlled Translations
Resolving Object and Attribute Coreference in Opinion Mining
Distortion Model Considering Rich Context for Statistical Machine Translation
An Integrated Probabilistic and Logic Approach to Encyclopedia Relation Extraction with Multiple Features
JU_CSE_NLP: Multi-grade Classification of Semantic Similarity between Text Pairs
SINAI: Voting System for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Joint Inference for Heterogeneous Dependency Parsing
A Multiple-Domain Ontology Builder
An Analysis of Biomedical Tokenization: Problems and Strategies
Extracting and Visualizing Semantic Relationships from Chinese Biomedical Text
Morphological Productivity Rankings of Complex Adjectives
Optimal Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing with Structured Perceptron
Two Decades of Unsupervised POS Induction: How Far Have We Come?
BaseNPs that contain gene names: domain specificity and genericity
Learning Representations for Weakly Supervised Natural Language Processing Tasks
A Proposal for a Coherence Corpus in Machine Translation
Using Cross-Lingual Projections to Generate Semantic Role Labeled Annotated Corpus for Urdu - A Resource Poor Language
UMBC_EBIQUITY-CORE: Semantic Textual Similarity Systems
Ebiquity: Paraphrase and Semantic Similarity in Twitter using Skipgrams
Weiwei: A Simple Unsupervised Latent Semantics based Approach for Sentence Similarity
Extracting Opinion Targets and Opinion Words from Online Reviews with Graph Co-ranking
Ngram Search Engine with Patterns Combining Token, POS, Chunk and NE Information
ECNU: One Stone Two Birds: Ensemble of Heterogenous Measures for Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment
Exploiting Lexical Dependencies from Large-Scale Data for Better Shift-Reduce Constituency Parsing
Detecting Domain Dedicated Polar Words
Towards producing bilingual lexica from monolingual corpora
Word Alignment-Based Reordering of Source Chunks in PB-SMT
ECNU: Expression- and Message-level Sentiment Orientation Classification in Twitter Using Multiple Effective Features
Identification of Technology Terms in Patents
Time Expression Analysis and Recognition Using Syntactic Token Types and General Heuristic Rules
Event Based Emotion Classification for News Articles
Entropy-based Training Data Selection for Domain Adaptation
Automatic Evaluation of Summary Using Textual Entailment
Sentence Compression with Semantic Role Constraints
ECNUCS: Measuring Short Text Semantic Equivalence Using Multiple Similarity Measurements
Cohere: A Toolkit for Local Coherence
Improved Parsing and POS Tagging Using Inter-Sentence Consistency Constraints
WordTopic-MultiRank: A New Method for Automatic Keyphrase Extraction
Syntactic Patterns versus Word Alignment: Extracting Opinion Targets from Online Reviews
Multi-Document Summarization using Automatic Key-Phrase Extraction
Urdu Summary Corpus
Graph Based Sentiment Aggregation using ConceptNet Ontology
Automatic Prediction of Aesthetics and Interestingness of Text Passages
Fast and Accurate Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing
Extending the Semantics in Natural Language Understanding
IITP: Supervised Machine Learning for Aspect based Sentiment Analysis
The Trouble with Machine Translation Coherence
Leveraging Compounds to Improve Noun Phrase Translation from Chinese and German
Identifying Temporal Relations by Sentence and Document Optimizations
ECNU: Leveraging on Ensemble of Heterogeneous Features and Information Enrichment for Cross Level Semantic Similarity Estimation
Lyrics-based Analysis and Classification of Music
Extracting Social Power Relationships from Natural Language
Improving Phrase-Based Translation with Prototypes of Short Phrases
Extracting Definitions and Hypernym Relations relying on Syntactic Dependencies and Support Vector Machines
Sentiment-Aspect Extraction based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Accurate Cross-lingual Projection between Count-based Word Vectors by Exploiting Translatable Context Pairs
Extracting and Normalizing Entity-Actions from Users’ Comments
Public Dialogue: Analysis of Tolerance in Online Discussions
以語文特徵為基之中學閱讀測驗短文分級 (Using Linguistic Features to Classify Texts for Reading Comprehension Tests at the High School Levels) [In Chinese]
Modelling Discourse Relations for Arabic
基於意見詞修飾關係之微網誌情感分析技術 (Microblog Sentiment Analysis based on Opinion Target Modifying Relations) [In Chinese]
Clustering for Simultaneous Extraction of Aspects and Features from Reviews
Efficient Discontinuous Phrase-Structure Parsing via the Generalized Maximum Spanning Arborescence
Dependency Parsing with Bounded Block Degree and Well-nestedness via Lagrangian Relaxation and Branch-and-Bound
SentiWS - A Publicly Available German-language Resource for Sentiment Analysis
Towards Enhanced Opinion Classification using NLP Techniques.
Semi-supervised Graph-based Genre Classification for Web Pages
Method of Extracting Is-A and Part-Of Relations Using Pattern Pairs in Mass Corpus
Morphological Analysis with Limited Resources: Latvian Example
evision PDF of 'Modeling Sentences in the Latent Space
The IIT Bombay Hindi-English Translation System at WMT 2014
“Love ya, jerkface”: Using Sparse Log-Linear Models to Build Positive and Impolite Relationships with Teens
Sentiment Aggregation using ConceptNet Ontology
Personalized Machine Translation: Preserving Original Author Traits
CICBUAPnlp: Graph-Based Approach for Answer Selection in Community Question Answering Task
Contextual term equivalent search using domain-driven disambiguation
Modeling Term Translation for Document-informed Machine Translation
Opinion Target Extraction Using Word-Based Translation Model
Jointly Modeling Aspects and Opinions with a MaxEnt-LDA Hybrid
JU_CSE_NLP: Language Independent Cross-lingual Textual Entailment System
JU_CSE_TEMP: A First Step towards Evaluating Events, Time Expressions and Temporal Relations
ECNUCS: A Surface Information Based System Description of Sentiment Analysis in Twitter in the SemEval-2013 (Task 2)
Building English-Vietnamese Named Entity Corpus with Aligned Bilingual News Articles
Modeling of Stylistic Variation in Social Media with Stretchy Patterns
A Voting Mechanism for Named Entity Translation in English–Chinese Question Answering
A Framework for Temporal Resolution
Joint Training of Candidate Extraction and Answer Selection for Reading Comprehension
Deep Markov Neural Network for Sequential Data Classification
NLTK: The Natural Language Toolkit
Ontologically Grounded Multi-sense Representation Learning for Semantic Vector Space Models
Semi-Supervised Lexicon Learning for Wide-Coverage Semantic Parsing
Extracting the Unextractable: A Case Study on Verb-particles
The Syntax-Semantics Interface of Resultative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese
A Retrospective Analysis of the Fake News Challenge Stance-Detection Task
Solving Data Sparsity for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis Using Cross-Linguality and Multi-Linguality
Generating Fine-Grained Reviews of Songs from Album Reviews
Learning to Grade Short Answer Questions using Semantic Similarity Measures and Dependency Graph Alignments
gdbank: The beginnings of a corpus of dependency structures and type-logical grammar in Scottish Gaelic
Towards Universal Web Parsebanks
KrakeN: N-ary Facts in Open Information Extraction
Coordination-Aware Dependency Parsing (Preliminary Report)
Extracting Definitions and Hypernym Relations relying on Syntactic Dependencies and Support Vector Machines
Annotated Gigaword
A Calibration Method for Evaluation of Sentiment Analysis
Open Information Extraction Using Wikipedia
UTD-HLT-CG: Semantic Architecture for Metonymy Resolution and Classification of Nominal Relations
372:Comparing the Benefit of Different Dependency Parsers for Textual Entailment Using Syntactic Constraints Only
Determining causal and non-causal relationships in biomedical text by classifying verbs using a Naive Bayesian Classifier
Accurate Unlexicalized Parsing
Emotional Tendency Identification for Micro-blog Topics Based on Multiple Characteristics
Latvian and Lithuanian Named Entity Recognition with TildeNER
Open-source Tools for Creation, Maintenance, and Storage of Lexical Resources for Language Generation from Ontologies
Extracting Disease-Symptom Relationships by Learning Syntactic Patterns from Dependency Graphs
Entity Centric Opinion Mining from Blogs
Creation of a New Domain and Evaluation of Comparison Generation in a Natural Language Generation System
Improving Slot Filling Performance with Attentive Neural Networks on Dependency Structures
Using Argumentative Zones for Extractive Summarization of Scientific Articles
Annotating Named Entities in Twitter Data with Crowdsourcing
An Empirical Study of the Occurrence and Co-Occurrence of Named Entities in Natural Language Corpora
Lifelong-RL: Lifelong Relaxation Labeling for Separating Entities and Aspects in Opinion Targets
Linguistic Template Extraction for Recognizing Reader-Emotion and Emotional Resonance Writing Assistance
You Shall Know People by the Company They Keep: Person Name Disambiguation for Social Network Construction
Classification of Interviews - A Case Study on Cancer Patients
Event Extraction Using Distant Supervision
Generating Chinese Named Entity Data from a Parallel Corpus
Ontology-based Technical Text Annotation
Bipolar Person Name Identification of Topic Documents Using Principal Component Analysis
UdS-Sant: English–German Hybrid Machine Translation System
Paraphrase Detection for Short Answer Scoring
Collaborative Ranking: A Case Study on Entity Linking
A Multi-Strategy Approach for Location Mining in Tweets: AUT NLP Group Entry for ALTA-2014 Shared Task
Amobee at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Deep Learning System for Sentiment Detection on Twitter
An Integrated Probabilistic and Logic Approach to Encyclopedia Relation Extraction with Multiple Features
JU_CSE_NLP: Multi-grade Classification of Semantic Similarity between Text Pairs
The Impact of Query Refinement in the Web People Search Task
A Joint Phrasal and Dependency Model for Paraphrase Alignment
A Multiple-Domain Ontology Builder
Query Translation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval using Multilingual Word Clusters
Legal NERC with ontologies, Wikipedia and curriculum learning
Linking Entities to a Knowledge Base with Query Expansion
Detection of Topic and its Extrinsic Evaluation Through Multi-Document Summarization
Development and Application of a Cross-language Document Comparability Metric
Evaluating Ensemble Based Pre-annotation on Named Entity Corpus Construction in English and Chinese
Cross-lingual Coreference Resolution of Pronouns
Utilizing Microblogs for Automatic News Highlights Extraction
A Generative Entity-Mention Model for Linking Entities with Knowledge Base
JU_NLP at SemEval-2016 Task 11: Identifying Complex Words in a Sentence
ECNUCS: Measuring Short Text Semantic Equivalence Using Multiple Similarity Measurements
Handling Named Entities and Compound Verbs in Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Annotating and Detecting Medical Events in Clinical Notes
A Hybrid Approach for Event Extraction and Event Actor Identification
Answering Opinion Questions on Products by Exploiting Hierarchical Organization of Consumer Reviews
A Data Driven Approach for Person Name Disambiguation in Web Search Results
An Adaptive Framework for Named Entity Combination
基於已知名稱搜尋結果的網路實體辨識模型建立工具(A Tool for Web NER Model Generation Using Search Snippets of Known Entities) [In Chinese]
CIST System Report for ACL MultiLing 2013 – Track 1: Multilingual Multi-document Summarization
Identifying Event-Sentiment Association using Lexical Equivalence and Co-reference Approaches
Event and Event Actor Alignment in Phrase Based Statistical Machine Translation
The role of named entities in Web People Search
Linguistic Template Extraction for Recognizing Reader-Emotion
基於意見詞修飾關係之微網誌情感分析技術 (Microblog Sentiment Analysis based on Opinion Target Modifying Relations) [In Chinese]
Towards Robust Linguistic Analysis using OntoNotes
BUT-TYPED: Using domain knowledge for computing typed similarity
Semi-supervised Graph-based Genre Classification for Web Pages
Question Answering over Linked Data Using First-order Logic
A simple feature-copying approach for long-distance dependencies
Manawi: Using Multi-Word Expressions and Named Entities to Improve Machine Translation
TeamHCMUS: Analysis of Clinical Text
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
JU: A Supervised Approach to Identify Semantic Relations from Paired Nominals
A Cross-lingual Annotation Projection Approach for Relation Detection
Chinese-English Organization Name Translation Based on Correlative Expansion
JU_CSE_NLP: Language Independent Cross-lingual Textual Entailment System
A Multilingual, Multi-style and Multi-granularity Dataset for Cross-language Textual Similarity Detection
A Hybrid Stepwise Approach for De-identifying Person Names in Clinical Documents
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 21, Number 1, June 2016
Back to Basics for Monolingual Alignment: Exploiting Word Similarity and Contextual Evidence
Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction with Matrix Completion
Linguistically Motivated Question Classification
Scalable Wide and Deep Learning for Computer Assisted Coding
What is the Role of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) in an Image Caption Generator?
QuickEdit: Editing Text & Translations by Crossing Words Out
Improving Neural Machine Translation with Conditional Sequence Generative Adversarial Nets
Joint Learning for Coreference Resolution with Markov Logic
UNIBA-CORE: Combining Strategies for Semantic Textual Similarity
Same Referent, Different Words: Unsupervised Mining of Opaque Coreferent Mentions
Limited memory incremental coreference resolution
UT-DB: An Experimental Study on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Towards Compositional Tree Kernels
Using Data Mining Techniques for Sentiment Shifter Identification
Automated Essay Scoring by Maximizing Human-Machine Agreement
Noun Compound and Named Entity Recognition and their Usability in Keyphrase Extraction
IXA pipeline: Efficient and Ready to Use Multilingual NLP tools
Common Space Embedding of Primal-Dual Relation Semantic Spaces
SinoCoreferencer: An End-to-End Chinese Event Coreference Resolver
Application-Driven Relation Extraction with Limited Distant Supervision
A Random Walk Approach to Selectional Preferences Based on Preference Ranking and Propagation
iTac: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using Sentiment Trees and Dictionaries
Entity Centric Opinion Mining from Blogs
Subgroup Detector: A System for Detecting Subgroups in Online Discussions
Automatic Term Extraction Combining Different Information (Extraction automatique de termes combinant différentes informations) [in French]
Unsupervised Verb Inference from Nouns Crossing Root Boundary
A Meta Learning Approach to Grammatical Error Correction
A comparison and analysis of models for event trigger detection
Shallow Convolutional Neural Network for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Lexical Event Ordering with an Edge-Factored Model
Unsupervised learning of rhetorical structure with un-topic models
Chinese Native Language Identification
Sentence Boundary Detection: A Long Solved Problem?
Native Language Identification With Classifier Stacking and Ensembles
Exploration of functional semantics of prepositions from corpora of descriptions of visual scenes
Multilingual, Efficient and Easy NLP Processing with IXA Pipeline
Learning Compositional Semantics for Open Domain Semantic Parsing
Document Summarization via Guided Sentence Compression
Korean NLP2RDF Resources
Reducing Lexical Features in Parsing by Word Embeddings
The University of Cambridge Russian-English System at WMT13
Towards Social Event Detection and Contextualisation for Journalists
Using Shallow Semantic Parsing and Relation Extraction for Finding Contradiction in Text
Improving Multi-documents Summarization by Sentence Compression based on Expanded Constituent Parse Trees
docrep: A lightweight and efficient document representation framework
Wikification of Concept Mentions within Spoken Dialogues Using Domain Constraints from Wikipedia
Towards Improving Dialogue Topic Tracking Performances with Wikification of Concept Mentions
UNITOR-CORE_TYPED: Combining Text Similarity and Semantic Filters through SV Regression
Discriminating Rhetorical Analogies in Social Media
Better Twitter Summaries?
SNAP: A Multi-Stage XML-Pipeline for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
A Concrete Chinese NLP Pipeline
Incremental Joint Extraction of Entity Mentions and Relations
DIT: Summarisation and Semantic Expansion in Evaluating Semantic Similarity
Variational Neural Discourse Relation Recognizer
Adaptive Clustering for Coreference Resolution with Deterministic Rules and Web-Based Language Models
An NLP Curator (or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love NLP Pipelines)
Interactive Learning of Spatial Knowledge for Text to 3D Scene Generation
UNITOR-HMM-TK: Structured Kernel-based learning for Spatial Role Labeling
ClearTK 2.0: Design Patterns for Machine Learning in UIMA
Sentiment Analyzer with Rich Features for Ironic and Sarcastic Tweets
Structural Representations for Learning Relations between Pairs of Texts
Hybrid Simplification using Deep Semantics and Machine Translation
Using External Resources and Joint Learning for Bigram Weighting in ILP-Based Multi-Document Summarization
UKPDIPF: Lexical Semantic Approach to Sentiment Polarity Prediction in Twitter Data
Exploiting Domain Knowledge in Aspect Extraction
COMMIT-P1WP3: A Co-occurrence Based Approach to Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis
BioNLP Shared Task 2011: Supporting Resources
Measuring Lexical Cohesion: Beyond Word Repetition
User Edits Classification Using Document Revision Histories
PolyUCOMP-CORE_TYPED: Computing Semantic Textual Similarity using Overlapped Senses
SSMT:A Machine Translation Evaluation View To Paragraph-to-Sentence Semantic Similarity
Extracting Relations between Non-Standard Entities using Distant Supervision and Imitation Learning
A System for Generating Multiple Choice Questions: With a Novel Approach for Sentence Selection
An Analysis of Causality between Events and its Relation to Temporal Information
VSoLSCSum: Building a Vietnamese Sentence-Comment Dataset for Social Context Summarization
Catching the Red Priest: Using Historical Editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica to Track the Evolution of Reputations
KeLP: a Kernel-based Learning Platform for Natural Language Processing
Language Resources and Annotation Tools for Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction
Enriching Source for English-to-Urdu Machine Translation
SemantiKLUE: Semantic Textual Similarity with Maximum Weight Matching
NRC-Canada-2014: Detecting Aspects and Sentiment in Customer Reviews
TeamHCMUS: Analysis of Clinical Text
Linguistic and Statistical Traits Characterising Plagiarism
Two-Stage Hashing for Fast Document Retrieval
JU_CSE: A Conditional Random Field (CRF) Based Approach to Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
evision PDF of 'Textual Inference and Meaning Representation in Human Robot Interaction
Detecting Turnarounds in Sentiment Analysis: Thwarting
Semantic Parsing for Text to 3D Scene Generation
Seed Selection for Distantly Supervised Web-Based Relation Extraction
UoW: NLP techniques developed at the University of Wolverhampton for Semantic Similarity and Textual Entailment
Generating English Determiners in Phrase-Based Translation with Synthetic Translation Options
Annotating Relation Mentions in Tabloid Press
Unsupervised Induction of Contingent Event Pairs from Film Scenes
Feature Selection Using a Semantic Hierarchy for Event Recognition and Type Classification
Recognition of Sarcasms in Tweets Based on Concept Level Sentiment Analysis and Supervised Learning Approaches
The DBOX Corpus Collection of Spoken Human-Human and Human-Machine Dialogues
Document-Level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification as Machine Comprehension
A Hybrid Stepwise Approach for De-identifying Person Names in Clinical Documents
Extending an interoperable platform to facilitate the creation of multilingual and multimodal NLP applications
The Grammar of English Deverbal Compounds and their Meaning

Learning to Negate Adjectives with Bilinear Models
Topic-Specific Sentiment Analysis Can Help Identify Political Ideology
Exploring Optimism and Pessimism in Twitter Using Deep Learning
Bridging CNNs, RNNs, and Weighted Finite-State Machines
Gating Mechanisms for Combining Character and Word-level Word Representations: an Empirical Study
Improving classification of Adverse Drug Reactions through Using Sentiment Analysis and Transfer Learning
Optimal Data Set Selection: An Application to Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
Co-Simmate: Quick Retrieving All Pairwise Co-Simrank Scores
SemTagger: A Novel Approach for Semantic Similarity Based Hashtag Recommendation on Twitter
evision PDF of 'Word Segmentation of Informal Arabic with Domain Adaptation
DynamicPower at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Processing syntactic parse trees with a Dynamic Semantics core
AI_Blues at FinSBD Shared Task: CRF-based Sentence Boundary Detection in PDF Noisy Text in the Financial Domain
Modelling and Detecting Decisions in Multi-party Dialogue
Cross-Pair Text Representations for Answer Sentence Selection
Automated Essay Scoring with Discourse-Aware Neural Models
EquGener: A Reasoning Network for Word Problem Solving by Generating Arithmetic Equations
Algorithms for Ontological Mediation
Annotating and Detecting Medical Events in Clinical Notes
Deep RNNs Encode Soft Hierarchical Syntax
A TAG-derived Database for Treebank Search and Parser Analysis

Importance sampling for unbiased on-demand evaluation of knowledge base population
Context-Sensitive Lexicon Features for Neural Sentiment Analysis
Key-Value Retrieval Networks for Task-Oriented Dialogue
Discovering Implicit Knowledge with Unary Relations
Clausal Modifiers in the Grammar Matrix
Word Ordering as Unsupervised Learning Towards Syntactically Plausible Word Representations
A sense-based lexicon of count and mass expressions: The Bochum English Countability Lexicon
Two/Too Simple Adaptations of Word2Vec for Syntax Problems
Combining Discrete and Continuous Features for Deterministic Transition-based Dependency Parsing
Making Dependency Labeling Simple, Fast and Accurate
Exploring Semi-Supervised Coreference Resolution of Medical Concepts using Semantic and Temporal Features
Detecting Expressions of Blame or Praise in Text
Content-Based Conflict of Interest Detection on Wikipedia
Arabic Dialect Identification in the Context of Bivalency and Code-Switching
Interpreting Anaphoric Shell Nouns using Antecedents of Cataphoric Shell Nouns as Training Data
All Fingers are not Equal: Intensity of References in Scientific Articles
Proceedings of the ACL 2001 Workshop on Evaluation Methodologies for Language and Dialogue Systems
“Andre ord” – a wordnet browser for the Danish wordnet, DanNet
IndoWordnet Visualizer: A Graphical User Interface for Browsing and Exploring Wordnets of Indian Languages
The impact of near domain transfer on biomedical named entity recognition
Arguments for Parallel Distributed Parsing: Toward the Integration of Lexical and Sublexical (Semantic) Parsings
Context-Sensitive Inference Rule Discovery: A Graph-Based Method
Pretraining Sentiment Classifiers with Unlabeled Dialog Data
An Adversarial Learning Framework For A Persona-Based Multi-Turn Dialogue Model
Narrative Schema as World Knowledge for Coreference Resolution

Parsing Paraphrases with Joint Inference
The Dependency-Parsed FrameNet Corpus
Graph-based Coherence Modeling For Assessing Readability
Generating Coherent Event Schemas at Scale
Parsing entire discourses as very long strings: Capturing topic continuity in grounded language learning
Semantic v.s. Positions: Utilizing Balanced Proximity in Language Model Smoothing for Information Retrieval
Segmentation-Free Word Embedding for Unsegmented Languages
Building a Multilingual Lexical Resource for Named Entity Disambiguation, Translation and Transliteration
Unsupervised Induction of a Syntax-Semantics Lexicon Using Iterative Refinement
What’s in a p-value in NLP?
Sentiment Intensity Ranking among Adjectives Using Sentiment Bearing Word Embeddings
An Arabic Slot Grammar Parser
ATT1: Temporal Annotation Using Big Windows and Rich Syntactic and Semantic Features
Top-Performing Robust Constituency Parsing of Portuguese: Freely Available in as Many Ways as you Can Get it
Correcting and Validating Syntactic Dependency in the Spoken French Treebank Rhapsodie
Extracting Opinion Expressions with semi-Markov Conditional Random Fields
SLATE: A Super-Lightweight Annotation Tool for Experts
Learning Alignments and Leveraging Natural Logic
Learning Hierarchical Linguistic Descriptions of Visual Datasets
Ngram2vec: Learning Improved Word Representations from Ngram Co-occurrence Statistics
Different Contexts Lead to Different Word Embeddings
IIRG: A Naive Approach to Evaluating Phrasal Semantics
A Context-Aware Topic Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Finding the Storyteller: Automatic Spoiler Tagging using Linguistic Cues
Online Deception Detection Refueled by Real World Data Collection
Labeling Documents with Timestamps: Learning from their Time Expressions
Consistent Translation of Repeated Nouns using Syntactic and Semantic Cues
Sentiment Flow - A General Model of Web Review Argumentation
Graph-Based Collective Lexical Selection for Statistical Machine Translation
It Depends: Dependency Parser Comparison Using A Web-based Evaluation Tool
Evaluation by Association: A Systematic Study of Quantitative Word Association Evaluation
A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German
Word Order Does NOT Differ Significantly Between Chinese and Japanese
Part-of-Speech Tagging of Transcribed Speech
Comparing Information Extraction Pattern Models
A tree is a Baum is an árbol is a sach’a: Creating a trilingual treebank
Context-Dependent Multilingual Lexical Lookup for Under-Resourced Languages
Freebase QA: Information Extraction or Semantic Parsing?
Memory-based Grammatical Error Correction
A Comparative Study of Syntactic Parsers for Event Extraction
Seeing more than whitespace — Tokenisation and disambiguation in a North Sámi grammar checker
LIST-LUX: Disorder Identification from Clinical Texts

Robust Temporal Processing of News
Generic refinement of expressive grammar formalisms with an application to discontinuous constituent parsing
Representing Italian Complex Nominals: A Pilot Study
AKTSKI at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis for Consumer Reviews
Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using Sentiment Flow with Local and Non-local Neighbor Information
Text Classification Improved by Integrating Bidirectional LSTM with Two-dimensional Max Pooling
UPC-USMBA at SemEval-2017 Task 3: Combining multiple approaches for CQA for Arabic
The Role of Context Types and Dimensionality in Learning Word Embeddings
Dependency Parsing as Head Selection
DTSim at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Semantic Similarity Model Including Multi-Level Alignment and Vector-Based Compositional Semantics
Classifying Frames at the Sentence Level in News Articles
Evaluating distributed word representations for capturing semantics of biomedical concepts
A Study of Suggestions in Opinionated Texts and their Automatic Detection
Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Dependency Sensitive Convolutional Neural Networks for Modeling Sentences and Documents
Predicting human similarity judgments with distributional models: The value of word associations.
A Position-aware Bidirectional Attention Network for Aspect-level Sentiment Analysis
Aspect Level Sentiment Classification with Deep Memory Network
Gated-Attention Readers for Text Comprehension
PKU_ICL at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Keyphrase Extraction with Model Ensemble and External Knowledge
Attention-based Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Essay Scoring
Event Coreference Resolution by Iteratively Unfolding Inter-dependencies among Events
A Unified Learning Framework of Skip-Grams and Global Vectors
TKLBLIIR: Detecting Twitter Paraphrases with TweetingJay
Mental Illness Detection at the World Well-Being Project for the CLPsych 2015 Shared Task
YNU-HPCC at SemEval 2017 Task 4: Using A Multi-Channel CNN-LSTM Model for Sentiment Classification
ECNU at SemEval-2016 Task 7: An Enhanced Supervised Learning Method for Lexicon Sentiment Intensity Ranking
Combining Lightly-Supervised Text Classification Models for Accurate Contextual Advertising
Retrofitting Word Representations for Unsupervised Sense Aware Word Similarities
Amobee at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Deep Learning System for Sentiment Detection on Twitter
Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Machine Comprehension
Neural Sparse Topical Coding
NLANGP at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Improving Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using Neural Network Features
Local-Global Vectors to Improve Unigram Terminology Extraction
Detecting Opinion Polarities using Kernel Methods
Transductive Non-linear Learning for Chinese Hypernym Prediction
Improving Twitter Named Entity Recognition using Word Representations
Automatic Identification of Age-Appropriate Ratings of Song Lyrics
Learning to Search for Recognizing Named Entities in Twitter
Learning to Answer Questions from Wikipedia Infoboxes
Multichannel Variable-Size Convolution for Sentence Classification
NeRoSim: A System for Measuring and Interpreting Semantic Textual Similarity
UTA DLNLP at SemEval-2016 Task 12: Deep Learning Based Natural Language Processing System for Clinical Information Identification from Clinical Notes and Pathology Reports
Ngram2vec: Learning Improved Word Representations from Ngram Co-occurrence Statistics
INSIGHT-1 at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Classification and Quantification
A Latent Variable Model Approach to PMI-based Word Embeddings
Word Re-Embedding via Manifold Dimensionality Retention
Tweet Sarcasm Detection Using Deep Neural Network
Learning to Rank Semantic Coherence for Topic Segmentation
PersoNER: Persian Named-Entity Recognition
Evaluating the Stability of Embedding-based Word Similarities
Semantic Clustering and Convolutional Neural Network for Short Text Categorization
Assessing Convincingness of Arguments in Online Debates with Limited Number of Features
SERGIOJIMENEZ at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Effectively Combining Paraphrase Database, String Matching, WordNet, and Word Embedding for Semantic Textual Similarity
Modeling Context-sensitive Selectional Preference with Distributed Representations
Sentiment Lexicon Creation using Continuous Latent Space and Neural Networks
Cross-Sentence N-ary Relation Extraction with Graph LSTMs
IUCL at SemEval-2016 Task 6: An Ensemble Model for Stance Detection in Twitter
Sarcastic or Not: Word Embeddings to Predict the Literal or Sarcastic Meaning of Words
NRC: Infused Phrase Vectors for Named Entity Recognition in Twitter
Are Word Embedding-based Features Useful for Sarcasm Detection?
Improving Semantic Parsing via Answer Type Inference
MayoNLP at SemEval 2017 Task 10: Word Embedding Distance Pattern for Keyphrase Classification in Scientific Publications
FastHybrid: A Hybrid Model for Efficient Answer Selection
Modelling Sentence Pairs with Tree-structured Attentive Encoder
Effective LSTMs for Target-Dependent Sentiment Classification
A Self-Attentive Model with Gate Mechanism for Spoken Language Understanding
Orthogonality of Syntax and Semantics within Distributional Spaces
Recurrent Attention Network on Memory for Aspect Sentiment Analysis
DalGTM at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Importance-Aware Compositional Approach to Short Text Similarity
X575: Writing rengas with web services
Punctuation Prediction for Unsegmented Transcript Based on Word Vector
Maximum Margin Reward Networks for Learning from Explicit and Implicit Supervision
Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs
Evaluation by Association: A Systematic Study of Quantitative Word Association Evaluation
Sparse Coding of Neural Word Embeddings for Multilingual Sequence Labeling
AI-KU at SemEval-2016 Task 11: Word Embeddings and Substring Features for Complex Word Identification
ITNLP-AiKF at SemEval-2016 Task 3 a quesiton answering system using community QA repository
A Generative Word Embedding Model and its Low Rank Positive Semidefinite Solution
Charagram: Embedding Words and Sentences via Character n-grams
Addressee and Response Selection for Multi-Party Conversation
A Latent Concept Topic Model for Robust Topic Inference Using Word Embeddings
SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation
IDI@NTNU at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Detecting Stance in Tweets Using Shallow Features and GloVe Vectors for Word Representation
Inter-Weighted Alignment Network for Sentence Pair Modeling
MGNC-CNN: A Simple Approach to Exploiting Multiple Word Embeddings for Sentence Classification
Right-truncatable Neural Word Embeddings
Neural Tree Indexers for Text Understanding
UTCNN: a Deep Learning Model of Stance Classification on Social Media Text
UTA DLNLP at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity: A Unified Framework for Semantic Processing and Evaluation
PickleTeam! at SemEval-2018 Task 2: English and Spanish Emoji Prediction from Tweets
D-GloVe: A Feasible Least Squares Model for Estimating Word Embedding Densities
IITP at SemEval-2017 Task 5: An Ensemble of Deep Learning and Feature Based Models for Financial Sentiment Analysis
Refining Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis
Integrating Topic Modeling with Word Embeddings by Mixtures of vMFs
MIT at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Relation Extraction with Convolutional Neural Networks
UH-PRHLT at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Combining Lexical and Semantic-based Features for Community Question Answering
Replicability Analysis for Natural Language Processing: Testing Significance with Multiple Datasets
Neural Semantic Encoders
Predictive Linguistic Features of Schizophrenia
Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for Clinical Concept Extraction
Diversity driven attention model for query-based abstractive summarization
End-to-end Relation Extraction using Neural Networks and Markov Logic Networks
Learning Word Importance with the Neural Bag-of-Words Model
Recovering Question Answering Errors via Query Revision
Vancouver Welcomes You! Minimalist Location Metonymy Resolution
A Sentence Interaction Network for Modeling Dependence between Sentences
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 8: Rumour Evaluation Using Effective Features and Supervised Ensemble Models
Integrating Multiplicative Features into Supervised Distributional Methods for Lexical Entailment
Attention-based LSTM for Aspect-level Sentiment Classification
Distance Metric Learning for Aspect Phrase Grouping
Word Sense Disambiguation using a Bidirectional LSTM
CodeForTheChange at SemEval-2019 Task 8: Skip-Thoughts for Fact Checking in Community Question Answering
Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition using Positive-Unlabeled Learning
Multi-grained Attention with Object-level Grounding for Visual Question Answering
Deep Unknown Intent Detection with Margin Loss
Context-aware Embedding for Targeted Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Using Query Patterns to Learn the Duration of Events
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
Cross-Cutting Aspects of Cross-Language Question Answering Systems
Semantic Document Distance Measures and Unsupervised Document Revision Detection
FCICU at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Sense-Based Language Independent Semantic Textual Similarity Approach
A Universal Dependencies Treebank for Marathi
Catching Metaphors
Automatic Prediction of Aesthetics and Interestingness of Text Passages
Consistent Translation of Repeated Nouns using Syntactic and Semantic Cues
JMaxAlign: A Maximum Entropy Parallel Sentence Alignment Tool
Predicting Stance in Ideological Debate with Rich Linguistic Knowledge
I do not disagree: leveraging monolingual alignment to detect disagreement in dialogue
Choosing the Right Translation: A Syntactically Informed Classification Approach
UM-Checker: A Hybrid System for English Grammatical Error Correction
Translating the XTAG English grammar to HPSG
An Analysis of Biomedical Tokenization: Problems and Strategies
A Portable Method for Parallel and Comparable Document Alignment
Generating Questions and Multiple-Choice Answers using Semantic Analysis of Texts
Accurate Non-Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
An Empirical Comparison of Features and Tuning for Phrase-based Machine Translation
Solving logic puzzles: From robust processing to precise semantics
From Chinese Word Segmentation to Extraction of Constructions: Two Sides of the Same Algorithmic Coin
A Probabilistic Lexical Model for Ranking Textual Inferences;
Mapping Unseen Words to Task-Trained Embedding Spaces
Encoder-Decoder Shift-Reduce Syntactic Parsing
Stance Detection with Hierarchical Attention Network
Statistical Analysis of Missing Translation in Simultaneous Interpretation Using A Large-scale Bilingual Speech Corpus
THU_NGN at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Capturing Discriminative Attributes with MLP-CNN model
Neural Relation Extraction via Inner-Sentence Noise Reduction and Transfer Learning
Neural Metaphor Detecting with CNN-LSTM Model
Can spontaneous spoken language disfluencies help describe syntactic dependencies? An empirical study
Annotation and Classification of Sentence-level Revision Improvement
Sentence Modeling with Deep Neural Architecture using Lexicon and Character Attention Mechanism for Sentiment Classification
Incorporating Linguistic Constraints into Keyphrase Generation
Inferring Selectional Preferences from Part-Of-Speech N-grams
MSR-NLP Entry in BioNLP Shared Task 2011
Orthogonal Negation in Vector Spaces for Modelling Word-Meanings and Document Retrieval
Unsupervised methods for developing taxonomies by combining syntactic and statistical information
Text Classification Improved by Integrating Bidirectional LSTM with Two-dimensional Max Pooling
Semantic Word Clusters Using Signed Spectral Clustering
A Comparative Study on Regularization Strategies for Embedding-based Neural Networks
Learning Robust Representations of Text
Learning Sentence Embeddings with Auxiliary Tasks for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification
Combination of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts
Discriminative Neural Sentence Modeling by Tree-Based Convolution
Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
Robust Training under Linguistic Adversity
Compositional Distributional Semantics with Long Short Term Memory
From Random to Supervised: A Novel Dropout Mechanism Integrated with Global Information
Linguistic Structured Sparsity in Text Categorization
An Effective Label Noise Model for DNN Text Classification
Stepwise Mining of Multi-Word Expressions in Hindi
Learning the Fine-Grained Information Status of Discourse Entities
Socially Responsible NLP
The (too Many) Problems of Analogical Reasoning with Word Vectors