
Google LLC ( , GOO-gəl) is an American multinational corporation and technology company focusing on online advertising, search engine technology, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, e-commerce, consumer electronics, and artificial intelligence (AI). It has been referred to as "the most powerful company in the world" by the BBC and is one of the world's most valuable brands due to its market dominance, data collection, and technological advantages in the field of AI. Alongside ... For More Info

Total links:- 1043
Total paper mentions:- 2666

First ACL Paper:- 2001
Latest ACL Paper:- 2019


Alongwith its Literature Mentions
Logical Inference on Dependency-based Compositional Semantics
The Role of Context Types and Dimensionality in Learning Word Embeddings
Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks for Chinese Word Segmentation
Distributed Representations for Unsupervised Semantic Role Labeling
Automatic Inference of the Tense of Chinese Events Using Implicit Linguistic Information
Improving Phrase-Based SMT Using Cross-Granularity Embedding Similarity
Structured Training for Neural Network Transition-Based Parsing
Distributed Representations of Words to Guide Bootstrapped Entity Classifiers
Detecting Semantically Equivalent Questions in Online User Forums
RBPB: Regularization-Based Pattern Balancing Method for Event Extraction
Incremental Graph-based Neural Dependency Parsing
Syntactic Dependencies and Distributed Word Representations for Analogy Detection and Mining
Multichannel Variable-Size Convolution for Sentence Classification
NeRoSim: A System for Measuring and Interpreting Semantic Textual Similarity
Investigating Different Syntactic Context Types and Context Representations for Learning Word Embeddings
Glove: Global Vectors for Word Representation
Neural Word Segmentation Learning for Chinese
Morphological Segmentation and OPUS for Finnish-English Machine Translation
Extracting Bilingual Lexica from Comparable Corpora Using Self-Organizing Maps
Automatically Extracting Variant-Normalization Pairs for Japanese Text Normalization
Entity-balanced Gaussian pLSA for Automated Comparison
Event extraction from Twitter using Non-Parametric Bayesian Mixture Model with Word Embeddings
SensEmbed: Learning Sense Embeddings for Word and Relational Similarity
Learning to Exploit Structured Resources for Lexical Inference
AutoExtend: Combining Word Embeddings with Semantic Resources
Improving Semantic Parsing with Enriched Synchronous Context-Free Grammar
Veracity Computing from Lexical Cues and Perceived Certainty Trends
A Simple and Efficient Method to Generate Word Sense Representations
Boosting Named Entity Recognition with Neural Character Embeddings
NEUDM: A System for Topic-Based Message Polarity Classification
DT_Team at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Similarity Using Alignments, Sentence-Level Embeddings and Gaussian Mixture Model Output
Predicting Valence-Arousal Ratings of Words Using a Weighted Graph Method
Polarity Classification of Short Product Reviews via Multiple Cluster-based SVM Classifiers
IJCNLP-2017 Task 2: Dimensional Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Phrases
Integrating Multiplicative Features into Supervised Distributional Methods for Lexical Entailment
Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing Based on Distributed Representations
Practical issues in developing semantic frameworks for the analysis of verbal fluency data: A Norwegian data case study
Analyzing text in search of bio-molecular events: a high-precision machine learning framework
SemEval-2013 Task 10: Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation
An Evaluation and Possible Improvement Path for Current SMT Behavior on Ambiguous Nouns
Yet Another Language Identifier
Discovering Missing Wikipedia Inter-language Links by means of Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation
ParaSense or How to Use Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation
More than Word Cooccurrence: Exploring Support and Opposition in International Climate Negotiations with Semantic Parsing
Task-Oriented Learning of Word Embeddings for Semantic Relation Classification
CirdoX: an on/off-line multisource speech and sound analysis software
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
An Extension of BLANC to System Mentions
Overcoming the bottleneck in traditional assessments of verbal memory: Modeling human ratings and classifying clinical group membership
Cross-Lingual Word Representations: Induction and Evaluation
Measuring Cognitive Translation Effort with Activity Units
BioNLP Shared Task 2011 - Bacteria Biotope
CorA: A web-based annotation tool for historical and other non-standard language data
NoSta-D Named Entity Annotation for German: Guidelines and Dataset
One Representation per Word - Does it make Sense for Composition?
How to make words with vectors: Phrase generation in distributional semantics
CHISPA on the GO: A mobile Chinese-Spanish translation service for travellers in trouble
Inverted indexing for cross-lingual NLP
POS error detection in automatically annotated corpora
Representing Clinical Notes for Adverse Drug Event Detection
Learning to Understand Phrases by Embedding the Dictionary
Experiments with crowdsourced re-annotation of a POS tagging data set
Supersense tagging for Danish
NTU-MC Toolkit: Annotating a Linguistically Diverse Corpus
Simple task-specific bilingual word embeddings
Overcoming the Memory Bottleneck in Distributed Training of Latent Variable Models of Text
Detecting Nastiness in Social Media
Reading behavior predicts syntactic categories
The Denoised Web Treebank: Evaluating Dependency Parsing under Noisy Input Conditions
Weakly Supervised User Profile Extraction from Twitter
Lemon-aid: using Lemon to aid quantitative historical linguistic analysis
Cross-Document Co-Reference Resolution using Sample-Based Clustering with Knowledge Enrichment
On Approximately Searching for Similar Word Embeddings
Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing of Related Languages with Rich Morphosyntactic Tagsets
Automatic Feature Selection for Agenda-Based Dependency Parsing
Mining for unambiguous instances to adapt part-of-speech taggers to new domains
Old French Dependency Parsing: Results of Two Parsers Analysed from a Linguistic Point of View
DKPro Agreement: An Open-Source Java Library for Measuring Inter-Rater Agreement
DIEGOLab: An Approach for Message-level Sentiment Classification in Twitter
Tackling interoperability issues within UIMA work flows
A Strategic Reasoning Model for Generating Alternative Answers
Adjusting Word Embeddings with Semantic Intensity Orders
Learning a POS tagger for AAVE-like language
LingSync & the Online Linguistic Database: New Models for the Collection and Management of Data for Language Communities, Linguists and Language Learners
What is it? Disambiguating the different readings of the pronoun ‘it’
SCARE ― The Sentiment Corpus of App Reviews with Fine-grained Annotations in German
Improving fast_align by Reordering
POS-tagging of Historical Dutch
Transition-based Neural Constituent Parsing
Towards Using Social Media to Identify Individuals at Risk for Preventable Chronic Illness
A Maximum Entropy Classifier for Cross-Lingual Pronoun Prediction
Expanding the horizons: adding a new language to the news personalization system
Parallel areas detection in multi-documents for multilingual alignment (Détection de zones parallèles à l’intérieur de multi-documents pour l’alignement multilingue) [in French]
Extending a Dutch Text-to-Pictograph Converter to English and Spanish
Word Sense Disambiguation with Multilingual Features
SWAT: Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution using Local Context Matching, Bilingual Dictionaries and Machine Translation
Classifying French Verbs Using French and English Lexical Resources
Multilingual Lexical Network from the Archives of the Digital Silk Road
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
Argviz: Interactive Visualization of Topic Dynamics in Multi-party Conversations
Vision and Feature Norms: Improving automatic feature norm learning through cross-modal maps
QLUT at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Based on Word Embeddings
Integrating Word Embedding Offsets into the Espresso System for Part-Whole Relation Extraction
Semantic Information Extraction for Improved Word Embeddings
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts
Fine-grained Opinion Mining with Recurrent Neural Networks and Word Embeddings
INESC-ID: A Regression Model for Large Scale Twitter Sentiment Lexicon Induction
Distributed Representations of Words and Documents for Discriminating Similar Languages
Incorporating Relation Paths in Neural Relation Extraction
Turku: Broad-Coverage Semantic Parsing with Rich Features
When Are Tree Structures Necessary for Deep Learning of Representations?
Collective Event Detection via a Hierarchical and Bias Tagging Networks with Gated Multi-level Attention Mechanisms
From distributional semantics to feature norms: grounding semantic models in human perceptual data
Learning Sentiment-Specific Word Embedding for Twitter Sentiment Classification
A Long Short-Term Memory Model for Answer Sentence Selection in Question Answering
Bayesian Supervised Domain Adaptation for Short Text Similarity
Leveraging Auxiliary Tasks for Document-Level Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification
Explaining Predictions of Non-Linear Classifiers in NLP
Evaluating distributed word representations for capturing semantics of biomedical concepts
DLIREC: Aspect Term Extraction and Term Polarity Classification System
Sentence Compression by Deletion with LSTMs
Detecting Document-level Context Triggers to Resolve Translation Ambiguity
Bilingual Word Representations with Monolingual Quality in Mind
Cro36WSD: A Lexical Sample for Croatian Word Sense Disambiguation
A Large Automatically-Acquired All-Words List of Multiword Expressions Scored for Compositionality
Dependency Sensitive Convolutional Neural Networks for Modeling Sentences and Documents
Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution with Deep Neural Networks
Component-Enhanced Chinese Character Embeddings
Modeling Situations in Neural Chat Bots
Symmetric Patterns and Coordinations: Fast and Enhanced Representations of Verbs and Adjectives
Conversational Knowledge Teaching Agent that uses a Knowledge Base
NLANGP: Supervised Machine Learning System for Aspect Category Classification and Opinion Target Extraction
Modeling Semantic Expectation: Using Script Knowledge for Referent Prediction
Word Embedding Evaluation and Combination
Humor Recognition and Humor Anchor Extraction
TUGAS: Exploiting unlabelled data for Twitter sentiment analysis
A Position Encoding Convolutional Neural Network Based on Dependency Tree for Relation Classification
CPH: Sentiment analysis of Figurative Language on Twitter #easypeasy #not
Neural Networks for Open Domain Targeted Sentiment
Splitting Compounds by Semantic Analogy
A Unified Learning Framework of Skip-Grams and Global Vectors
An Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization Framework Based on Neural Document Model
Knowledge Portability with Semantic Expansion of Ontology Labels
Self-Reflective Sentiment Analysis
Nonparametric Spherical Topic Modeling with Word Embeddings
Globally Coherent Text Generation with Neural Checklist Models
Don’t count, predict! A systematic comparison of context-counting vs. context-predicting semantic vectors
Automatic Noun Compound Interpretation using Deep Neural Networks and Word Embeddings
Unsupervised Multi-Domain Adaptation with Feature Embeddings
Gaussian LDA for Topic Models with Word Embeddings
Questioning Arbitrariness in Language: a Data-Driven Study of Conventional Iconicity
Japanese Sentiment Classification with Stacked Denoising Auto-Encoder using Distributed Word Representation
Entity Extraction in Biomedical Corpora: An Approach to Evaluate Word Embedding Features with PSO based Feature Selection
Initializing Convolutional Filters with Semantic Features for Text Classification
Community Evaluation and Exchange of Word Vectors at
Pairwise Relation Classification with Mirror Instances and a Combined Convolutional Neural Network
A Progressive Learning Approach to Chinese SRL Using Heterogeneous Data
Distributional vectors encode referential attributes
Leverage Financial News to Predict Stock Price Movements Using Word Embeddings and Deep Neural Networks
Experiments on Active Learning for Croatian Word Sense Disambiguation
WikiQA: A Challenge Dataset for Open-Domain Question Answering
DLS@CU at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Supervised Models of Sentence Similarity
Unsupervised Modeling of Topical Relevance in L2 Learner Text
Witness Identification in Twitter
Using Word Embeddings for Bilingual Unsupervised WSD
Construction of Diachronic Ontologies from People’s Daily of Fifty Years
Shallow Convolutional Neural Network for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Financial Keyword Expansion via Continuous Word Vector Representations
Learning Sentence Embeddings with Auxiliary Tasks for Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification
Demographic Factors Improve Classification Performance
Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
Random Walks and Neural Network Language Models on Knowledge Bases
Predicting the Evocation Relation between Lexicalized Concepts
PhraseRNN: Phrase Recursive Neural Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Joint Learning for Emotion Classification and Emotion Cause Detection
A New Integrated Open-source Morphological Analyzer for Hungarian
Improving Twitter Named Entity Recognition using Word Representations
A Model of Zero-Shot Learning of Spoken Language Understanding
Simplification of Example Sentences for Learners of Japanese Functional Expressions
Jointly Learning Word Representations and Composition Functions Using Predicate-Argument Structures
Temporal Orientation of Tweets for Predicting Income of Users
SHEF-NN: Translation Quality Estimation with Neural Networks
A Word-Embedding-based Sense Index for Regular Polysemy Representation
Word Order Sensitive Embedding Features/Conditional Random Field-based Chinese Grammatical Error Detection
Comparison of Short-Text Sentiment Analysis Methods for Croatian
Care Episode Retrieval
Automatic Prediction of Linguistic Decline in Writings of Subjects with Degenerative Dementia
Semi-Supervised Bootstrapping of Relationship Extractors with Distributional Semantics
Distributional Thesauri for Portuguese: methodology evaluation
Recognizing Complex Negation on Twitter
Evaluation of distributional semantic models: a holistic approach
A Latent Variable Model Approach to PMI-based Word Embeddings
Improving Word Alignment of Rare Words with Word Embeddings
Improved Word Embeddings with Implicit Structure Information
Modifications of Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics by Using Word Embeddings
Open Set Text Classification Using CNNs
可讀性預測於中小學國語文教科書及優良課外讀物之研究(A Study of Readability Prediction on Elementary and Secondary Chinese Textbooks and Excellent Extracurricular Reading Materials) [In Chinese]
WarwickDCS: From Phrase-Based to Target-Specific Sentiment Recognition
A Simple Word Embedding Model for Lexical Substitution
Exploiting Debate Portals for Semi-Supervised Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse
Multi-Granularity Chinese Word Embedding
Stance Detection with Hierarchical Attention Network
Simple task-specific bilingual word embeddings
Encoding Distributional Semantics into Triple-Based Knowledge Ranking for Document Enrichment
A Bilingual Attention Network for Code-switched Emotion Prediction
Unsupervised Learning of Prototypical Fillers for Implicit Semantic Role Labeling
Semantic Clustering and Convolutional Neural Network for Short Text Categorization
Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words with Word Embeddings and Semantic Lexicons for Low Resource Statistical Machine Translation
Representation Based Translation Evaluation Metrics
Integrating Order Information and Event Relation for Script Event Prediction
Unsupervised Most Frequent Sense Detection using Word Embeddings
Opinion Recommendation Using A Neural Model
ECNU: Using Multiple Sources of CQA-based Information for Answers Selection and YES/NO Response Inference
Symmetric Pattern Based Word Embeddings for Improved Word Similarity Prediction
Sentence Based Discourse Classification for Hindi Story Text-to-Speech (TTS) System
Predictability of Distributional Semantics in Derivational Word Formation
Semantic Annotation of the ACL Anthology Corpus for the Automatic Analysis of Scientific Literature
This is how we do it: Answer Reranking for Open-domain How Questions with Paragraph Vectors and Minimal Feature Engineering
Medical Concept Embeddings via Labeled Background Corpora
Argument Extraction from News
Sense Embedding Learning for Word Sense Induction
Do Distributed Semantic Models Dream of Electric Sheep? Visualizing Word Representations through Image Synthesis
Grounding Semantics in Olfactory Perception
EliXa: A Modular and Flexible ABSA Platform
NRC: Infused Phrase Vectors for Named Entity Recognition in Twitter
A Linguistically Informed Convolutional Neural Network
DLS@CU: Sentence Similarity from Word Alignment and Semantic Vector Composition
Let Sense Bags Do Talking: Cross Lingual Word Semantic Similarity for English and Hindi
Vector Space Models for Phrase-based Machine Translation
QLUT at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Word Similarity Based on Word Embedding and Knowledge Base
EstNLTK - NLP Toolkit for Estonian
WordRank: Learning Word Embeddings via Robust Ranking
Event participant modelling with neural networks
Event Extraction via Dynamic Multi-Pooling Convolutional Neural Networks
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Historical English
A Hierarchical Distance-dependent Bayesian Model for Event Coreference Resolution
Improving Vector Space Word Representations Using Multilingual Correlation
Neural Relation Extraction via Inner-Sentence Noise Reduction and Transfer Learning
A Self-Attentive Model with Gate Mechanism for Spoken Language Understanding
Bilingual Correspondence Recursive Autoencoder for Statistical Machine Translation
Accurate Linear-Time Chinese Word Segmentation via Embedding Matching
Hubness and Pollution: Delving into Cross-Space Mapping for Zero-Shot Learning
Orthogonality of Syntax and Semantics within Distributional Spaces
Improving Text Normalization via Unsupervised Model and Discriminative Reranking
NORMAS at SemEval-2016 Task 1: SEMSIM: A Multi-Feature Approach to Semantic Text Similarity
Joint Event Extraction via Recurrent Neural Networks
Merging Verb Senses of Hindi WordNet using Word Embeddings
Looking for Hyponyms in Vector Space
Summarization Evaluation in the Absence of Human Model Summaries Using the Compositionality of Word Embeddings
Generating Abbreviations for Chinese Named Entities Using Recurrent Neural Network with Dynamic Dictionary
RNN-based Derivation Structure Prediction for SMT
Ontologically Grounded Multi-sense Representation Learning for Semantic Vector Space Models
Online Learning of Interpretable Word Embeddings
Convolution-Enhanced Bilingual Recursive Neural Network for Bilingual Semantic Modeling
Punctuation Prediction for Unsegmented Transcript Based on Word Vector
Direct vs. indirect evaluation of distributional thesauri
A Word Embedding Approach to Predicting the Compositionality of Multiword Expressions
Named Entity Recognition on Twitter for Turkish using Semi-supervised Learning with Word Embeddings
Extractive Summarization using Continuous Vector Space Models
Toward Stance Classification Based on Claim Microstructures
Fully Delexicalized Contexts for Syntax-Based Word Embeddings
Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs
Structural Representations for Learning Relations between Pairs of Texts
Identifying Twitter Location Mentions
Detecting Social Roles in Twitter
Inducing Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicons from Unlabeled Corpora
Normalising Medical Concepts in Social Media Texts by Learning Semantic Representation
Using External Resources and Joint Learning for Bigram Weighting in ILP-Based Multi-Document Summarization
Token-Level Metaphor Detection using Neural Networks
Ultradense Word Embeddings by Orthogonal Transformation
A Pipeline Japanese Entity Linking System with Embedding Features
Discriminative Phrase Embedding for Paraphrase Identification
A Generative Word Embedding Model and its Low Rank Positive Semidefinite Solution
Resource-Lean Modeling of Coherence in Commonsense Stories
Lexical Comparison Between Wikipedia and Twitter Corpora by Using Word Embeddings
CIS-positive: A Combination of Convolutional Neural Networks and Support Vector Machines for Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Consistent Translation of Repeated Nouns using Syntactic and Semantic Cues
Context-Dependent Knowledge Graph Embedding
A Two-Stage Approach for Computing Associative Responses to a Set of Stimulus Words
Finding Names in Trove: Named Entity Recognition for Australian Historical Newspapers
Fusing Recency into Neural Machine Translation with an Inter-Sentence Gate Model
A temporal expression recognition system for medical documents by
evision PDF of 'Neural Relation Extraction with Selective Attention over Instances
Modelling the Combination of Generic and Target Domain Embeddings in a Convolutional Neural Network for Sentence Classification
MGNC-CNN: A Simple Approach to Exploiting Multiple Word Embeddings for Sentence Classification
Extended Topic Model for Word Dependency
Parser Adaptation to the Biomedical Domain without Re-Training
Machine Comprehension with Syntax, Frames, and Semantics
Right-truncatable Neural Word Embeddings
Neural-based Noise Filtering from Word Embeddings
SimCompass: Using Deep Learning Word Embeddings to Assess Cross-level Similarity
Identifying Student Leaders from MOOC Discussion Forums through Language Influence
Evaluating Neural Word Representations in Tensor-Based Compositional Settings
Fully unsupervised low-dimensional representation of adverse drug reaction events through distributional semantics
An Effective Neural Network Model for Graph-based Dependency Parsing
Max-Margin Tensor Neural Network for Chinese Word Segmentation
Assisting Discussion Forum Users using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
Automatically Acquired Lexical Knowledge Improves Japanese Joint Morphological and Dependency Analysis
NPRF: A Neural Pseudo Relevance Feedback Framework for Ad-hoc Information Retrieval
A House United: Bridging the Script and Lexical Barrier between Hindi and Urdu
Accurate Cross-lingual Projection between Count-based Word Vectors by Exploiting Translatable Context Pairs
Incorporating Relational Knowledge into Word Representations using Subspace Regularization
Solving Verbal Questions in IQ Test by Knowledge-Powered Word Embedding
Improved Representation Learning for Question Answer Matching
Fill the Gap! Analyzing Implicit Premises between Claims from Online Debates
An Exploration of Embeddings for Generalized Phrases
Improving Machine Translation Quality Estimation with Neural Network Features
KeLP: a Kernel-based Learning Platform for Natural Language Processing
Relation Extraction: Perspective from Convolutional Neural Networks
Learning Semantic Composition to Detect Non-compositionality of Multiword Expressions
Supervised Methods For Ranking Relations In Web Search
Feature Optimization for Constituent Parsing via Neural Networks
Distributional Lesk: Effective Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Word Embeddings vs Word Types for Sequence Labeling: the Curious Case of CV Parsing
That’s So Annoying!!!: A Lexical and Frame-Semantic Embedding Based Data Augmentation Approach to Automatic Categorization of Annoying Behaviors using #petpeeve Tweets
BuzzSaw at SemEval-2017 Task 7: Global vs. Local Context for Interpreting and Locating Homographic English Puns with Sense Embeddings
Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
ReNoun: Fact Extraction for Nominal Attributes
PPDB 2.0: Better paraphrase ranking, fine-grained entailment relations, word embeddings, and style classification
UNIBA: Sentiment Analysis of English Tweets Combining Micro-blogging, Lexicon and Semantic Features
MathLingBudapest: Concept Networks for Semantic Similarity
Unsupervised Topic Modeling for Short Texts Using Distributed Representations of Words
Siamese Network-Based Supervised Topic Modeling
Question Answering over Linked Data Using First-order Logic
Specialising Paragraph Vectors for Text Polarity Detection
Filtering Wiktionary Triangles by Linear Mbetween Distributed Word Models
A Multi-task Approach to Predict Likability of Books
Improving Topic Coherence with Latent Feature Word Representations in MAP Estimation for Topic Modeling
Think Positive: Towards Twitter Sentiment Analysis from Scratch
Task-Oriented Learning of Word Embeddings for Semantic Relation Classification
Dependency Link Embeddings: Continuous Representations of Syntactic Substructures
UoB-UK at SemEval-2016 Task 1: A Flexible and Extendable System for Semantic Text Similarity using Types, Surprise and Phrase Linking
Query Expansion with Locally-Trained Word Embeddings
LEXenstein: A Framework for Lexical Simplification
Joint Embeddings of Chinese Words, Characters, and Fine-grained Subcharacter Components
Distributed Prediction of Relations for Entities: The Easy, The Difficult, and The Impossible
Learning Semantic Representations for Nonterminals in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
N-Hance at SemEval-2017 Task 7: A Computational Approach using Word Association for Puns
Unsupervised Text Normalization Using Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases
Recognizing Salient Entities in Shopping Queries
Measuring Similarity from Word Pair Matrices with Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Associations
Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction via Piecewise Convolutional Neural Networks
Coloring Objects: Adjective-Noun Visual Semantic Compositionality
An Ensemble Method with Sentiment Features and Clustering Support
Revisiting Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction
evision PDF of 'Improving Topic Models with Latent Feature Word Representations
A Joint Segmentation and Classification Framework for Sentiment Analysis
Joint Embedding of Query and Ad by Leveraging Implicit Feedback
Learning Salient Samples and Distributed Representations for Topic-Based Chinese Message Polarity Classification
SemEval-2015 Task 17: Taxonomy Extraction Evaluation (TExEval)
UNIBA: Combining Distributional Semantic Models and Sense Distribution for Multilingual All-Words Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking
Fast and Large-scale Unsupervised Relation Extraction
Different Contexts Lead to Different Word Embeddings
Adapting Phrase-based Machine Translation to Normalise Medical Terms in Social Media Messages
A Dependency-Based Neural Network for Relation Classification
Word embeddings and discourse information for Quality Estimation
Improving Word Embeddings Using Kernel PCA
Integrating Tree Structures and Graph Structures with Neural Networks to Classify Discussion Discourse Acts
A Unified Framework for Discourse Argument Identification via Shallow Semantic Parsing
Integration of Data from a Syntactic Lexicon into Generative and Discriminative Probabilistic Parsers
RED: A Reference Dependency Based MT Evaluation Metric
Mac-Morpho Revisited: Towards Robust Part-of-Speech Tagging
Evaluation of automatic collocation extraction methods for language learning
Situated Language Understanding at 25 Miles per Hour
Challenges in Designing Input Method Editors for Indian Lan-guages: The Role of Word-Origin and Context
A Unified Approach to Transliteration-based Text Input with Online Spelling Correction
Can Crowds Build parallel corpora for Machine Translation Systems?
Mining Hindi-English Transliteration Pairs from Online Hindi Lyrics
SemEval-2019 Task 5: Multilingual Detection of Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women in Twitter
Using the Web to Train a Mobile Device Oriented Japanese Input Method Editor
Topic Models + Word Alignment = A Flexible Framework for Extracting Bilingual Dictionary from Comparable Corpus
領域相關詞彙極性分析及文件情緒分類之研究 (Domain Dependent Word Polarity Analysis for Sentiment Classification) [In Chinese]
Building Language Models for Text with Named Entities
Mutual Disambiguation for Entity Linking
Improved Sentiment Detection via Label Transfer from Monolingual to Synthetic Code-Switched Text
Same domain different discourse style - A case study on Language Resources for data-driven Machine Translation
Experiments with Small-size Corpora in CBMT
Training Data in Statistical Machine Translation - the More, the Better?
An Empirical Study of Differences between Conversion Schemes and Annotation Guidelines
Down-stream effects of tree-to-dependency conversions
Using the Web as a Corpus for the Syntactic-Based Collocation Identification
Attribute-Based and Value-Based Clustering: An Evaluation
A Large Subcategorization Lexicon for Natural Language Processing Applications
Integrating Pattern-Based and Distributional Similarity Methods for Lexical Entailment Acquisition
Word Order Does NOT Differ Significantly Between Chinese and Japanese
Towards Accurate and Efficient Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging
Multi-Word Unit Dependency Forest-based Translation Rule Extraction
Cross-Lingual POS Tagging through Ambiguous Learning: First Experiments (Apprentissage partiellement supervisé d’un étiqueteur morpho-syntaxique par transfert cross-lingue) [in French]
A Graph-based Cross-lingual Projection Approach for Weakly Supervised Relation Extraction
A Phrase Orientation Model for Hierarchical Machine Translation
Twitter Translation using Translation-Based Cross-Lingual Retrieval
CUni Multilingual Matrix in the WMT 2013 Shared Task
Predicting and Eliciting Addressee’s Emotion in Online Dialogue
Translation-Based Projection for Multilingual Coreference Resolution
Model Invertibility Regularization: Sequence Alignment With or Without Parallel Data
Automatic Translation of Scholarly Terms into Patent Terms Using Synonym Extraction Techniques
PorTAl: Recursos e Ferramentas de Tradução Automática para o Português do Brasil (PorTAl: Resources and Tools for Machine Translation of Brazilian Portuguese) [in Portuguese]
Data Issues of the Multilingual Translation Matrix
Transliteration of Name Entity via Improved Statistical Translation on Character Sequences
Language Modeling with Power Low Rank Ensembles
Factored Statistical Machine Translation for Grammatical Error Correction
A Cross-lingual Annotation Projection-based Self-supervision Approach for Open Information Extraction
Machine Translation without Words through Substring Alignment
Travatar: A Forest-to-String Machine Translation Engine based on Tree Transducers
The Effect of Learner Corpus Size in Grammatical Error Correction of ESL Writings
Using Common Sense to generate culturally contextualized Machine Translation
Rule-based Reordering Space in Statistical Machine Translation
A Diagnostic Evaluation Approach Targeting MT Systems for Indian Languages
N-Gram-Based Statistical Machine Translation versus Syntax Augmented Machine Translation: Comparison and System Combination
Capturing Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Lexical Relations: Towards Accurate Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging
System Description of bjtu_nlp Neural Machine Translation System
Combining Lexical Semantic Resources with Question & Answer Archives for Translation-Based Answer Finding
ICT: System Description for CoNLL-2012
Unsupervised Concept Annotation using Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Segmental Methods
A Novel Translation Framework Based on Rhetorical Structure Theory
The TALP-UPC Ngram-Based Statistical Machine Translation System for ACL-WMT 2008
NAIST at 2013 CoNLL Grammatical Error Correction Shared Task
ClearTK-TimeML: A minimalist approach to TempEval 2013
Parsing to 1-Endpoint-Crossing, Pagenumber-2 Graphs
基於階層架構資訊及關鍵詞語義擴展的階層式目錄整合研究 (A Study on Hierarchical Catalog Integration based on Hierarchical Information and Keyword Semantic Expansion) [In Chinese]
Ckylark: A More Robust PCFG-LA Parser
ProphetMT: A Tree-based SMT-driven Controlled Language Authoring/Post-Editing Tool
The Penn Parsed Corpus of Modern British English: First Parsing Results and Analysis
Ambiguity-aware Ensemble Training for Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing
Parser Adaptation to the Biomedical Domain without Re-Training
Feature Optimization for Constituent Parsing via Neural Networks
Parser Evaluation Using Derivation Trees: A Complement to evalb
Linguistic Structured Sparsity in Text Categorization
Data-Driven Broad-Coverage Grammars for Opinionated Natural Language Generation (ONLG)
Utilizing Citations of Foreign Words in Corpus-Based Dictionary Generation
Closing the Loop: Fast, Interactive Semi-Supervised Annotation With Queries on Features and Instances
evision PDF of 'Behavioral Factors in Interactive Training of Text Classifiers
Open Domain Event Extraction Using Neural Latent Variable Models
Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Are You Sure That This Happened? Assessing the Factuality Degree of Events in Text
Extracting Bacteria Biotopes with Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition and Coreference Resolution
Collaborative Development and Evaluation of Text-processing Workflows in a UIMA-supported Web-based Workbench
Comparison of Visual and Logical Character Segmentation in Tesseract OCR Language Data for Indic Writing Scripts
Akamon: An Open Source Toolkit for Tree/Forest-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Probabilistic Modeling of Joint-context in Distributional Similarity
A Comparative Study of Target Dependency Structures for Statistical Machine Translation
Faster and Smaller N-Gram Language Models
Spell Checking for Chinese
NAIST at 2013 CoNLL Grammatical Error Correction Shared Task
Designing Language Technology Applications: A Wizard of Oz Driven Prototyping Framework
Which ASR should I choose for my dialogue system?
Comparison of Visual and Logical Character Segmentation in Tesseract OCR Language Data for Indic Writing Scripts
BioNLP Shared Task 2013 – An overview of the Genic Regulation Network Task
NAIST at the HOO 2012 Shared Task
phloat : Integrated Writing Environment for ESL learners
papago: A Machine Translation Service with Word Sense Disambiguation and Currency Conversion
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Accuracy Using Bilingual Lexicon Extractionwith Paraphrases
Parallel Sentence Extraction from Comparable Corpora with Neural Network Features
Transfer Learning Based Free-Form Speech Command Classification for Low-Resource Languages
Experiments with Easy-first nonprojective constituent parsing
Domain-Specific Corpus Expansion with Focused Webcrawling
Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): First Steps
Automatic Generation of Information State Update Dialogue Systems that Dynamically Create Voice XML, as Demonstrated on the iPhone
Map Translation Using Geo-tagged Social Media
基於階層架構資訊及關鍵詞語義擴展的階層式目錄整合研究 (A Study on Hierarchical Catalog Integration based on Hierarchical Information and Keyword Semantic Expansion) [In Chinese]
Integrating Deep Linguistic Features in Factuality Prediction over Unified Datasets
The Interplay of Form and Meaning in Complex Medical Terms: Evidence from a Clinical Corpus
Cross-Sentence Grammatical Error Correction
Word Translation Disambiguation via Dependency (利用依存關係之辭彙翻譯)
Extracting word lists for domain-specific implicit opinions from corpora
Chinese Sentiments on the Clouds: A Preliminary Experiment on Corpus Processing and Exploration on Cloud Service
Building Multilingual Search Index using open source framework
POLYGLOT: Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling with Unified Labels
“Hidden semantics”: what can we learn from the names in an ontology?
docrep: A lightweight and efficient document representation framework
Ranking and Semi-supervised Classification on Large Scale Graphs Using Map-Reduce
Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
ConvLab: Multi-Domain End-to-End Dialog System Platform
SemEval-2019 Task 5: Multilingual Detection of Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women in Twitter
Collaboratively Building Language Resources while Localising the Web
SetExpander: End-to-end Term Set Expansion Based on Multi-Context Term Embeddings
A Regularized Compression Method to Unsupervised Word Segmentation
Fully Unsupervised Word Segmentation with BVE and MDL
Multi-Source Transfer of Delexicalized Dependency Parsers
A Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset
運用Python結合語音辨識及合成技術於自動化音文同步之實作(A Python Implementation of Automatic Speech-text Synchronization Using Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Technology)[In Chinese]
Identifying dialects with textual and acoustic cues
Chinese–Japanese Parallel Sentence Extraction from Quasi–Comparable Corpora
SCTB: A Chinese Treebank in Scientific Domain
An Empirical Comparison of Domain Adaptation Methods for Neural Machine Translation
Parallel Sentence Extraction from Comparable Corpora with Neural Network Features
Accurate Parallel Fragment Extraction from Quasi–Comparable Corpora using Alignment Model and Translation Lexicon
Constructing a Chinese—Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wikipedia
iParaphrasing: Extracting Visually Grounded Paraphrases via an Image
Simple Discriminative Training for Machine Transliteration
Osaka University MT Systems for WAT 2018: Rewarding, Preordering, and Domain Adaptation
Adapting VerbNet to French using existing resources
Deeper syntax for better semantic parsing
Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
What topic do you want to hear about? A bilingual talking robot using English and Japanese Wikipedias
iKernels-Core: Tree Kernel Learning for Textual Similarity
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of Syntactic Structure in Semantic Textual Similarity and Semantic Relatedness Tasks
Learning Semantic Textual Similarity with Structural Representations
A Survey of Machine Translation Work in the Philippines: From 1998 to 2018
Building a WordNet for Sinhala
Linguistic Models for Analyzing and Detecting Biased Language
USAAR-WLV: Hypernym Generation with Deep Neural Nets
Cross-lingual Flames Detection in News Discussions
Identifying civilians killed by police with distantly supervised entity-event extraction
MediaGist: A Cross-lingual Analyser of Aggregated News and Commentaries
Semi-Automatic Construction of a Textual Entailment Dataset: Selecting Candidates with Vector Space Models
Neural News Recommendation with Long- and Short-term User Representations;
Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP for Medicine and Biology associated with RANLP 2013
Inverted indexing for cross-lingual NLP
SemEval-2017 Task 2: Multilingual and Cross-lingual Semantic Word Similarity
Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Models and Auxiliary Loss
Jmp8 at SemEval-2017 Task 2: A simple and general distributional approach to estimate word similarity
Simple task-specific bilingual word embeddings
Querying Word Embeddings for Similarity and Relatedness
Sparse Coding of Neural Word Embeddings for Multilingual Sequence Labeling
SZTE-NLP at SemEval-2017 Task 10: A High Precision Sequence Model for Keyphrase Extraction Utilizing Sparse Coding for Feature Generation
Addressing Low-Resource Scenarios with Character-aware Embeddings
POS induction with distributional and morphological information using a distance-dependent Chinese restaurant process
Transition-Based Parsing for Deep Dependency Structures
Chinese Sentiments on the Clouds: A Preliminary Experiment on Corpus Processing and Exploration on Cloud Service
Automated learning of everyday patients’ language for medical blogs analytics
A Semi-Supervised Bayesian Network Model for Microblog Topic Classification
Some Chances and Challenges in Applying Language Technologies to Historical Studies in Chinese
Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks through Topic modeling
Efficient dictionary and language model compression for input method editors
Adapting and evaluating a generic term extraction tool
TTC TermSuite - A UIMA Application for Multilingual Terminology Extraction from Comparable Corpora
Design and Data Collection for the Accentological Corpus of the Russian Language
Cross-lingual Transfer of Correlations between Parts of Speech and Gaze Features
NCSU_SAS_SAM: Deep Encoding and Reconstruction for Normalization of Noisy Text
Mining Hindi-English Transliteration Pairs from Online Hindi Lyrics
Are Word Embedding-based Features Useful for Sarcasm Detection?
Revisiting the Design Issues of Local Models for Japanese Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis
Aggression Detection on Social Media Text Using Deep Neural Networks
Insights from Russian second language readability classification: complexity-dependent training requirements, and feature evaluation of multiple categories
Lemmatization and Morphosyntactic Tagging of Croatian and Serbian
{bs,hr,sr}WaC - Web Corpora of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Measuring Comparability of Documents in Non-Parallel Corpora for Efficient Extraction of (Semi-)Parallel Translation Equivalents
Transliteration by Sequence Labeling with Lattice Encodings and Reranking
Aggressive Language Identification Using Word Embeddings and Sentiment Features
Detecting Aggression and Toxicity using a Multi Dimension Capsule Network
An Empirical Evaluation of doc2vec with Practical Insights into Document Embedding Generation
GEC into the future: Where are we going and how do we get there?
Findings of the WMT 2018 Shared Task on Parallel Corpus Filtering
Detecting English-French Cognates Using Orthographic Edit Distance
Multi-modal Visualization and Search for Text and Prosody Annotations
The CoNLL 2008 Shared Task on Joint Parsing of Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies
BioNLP Shared Task 2011: Supporting Resources
Whitepaper for Shared Task on Learning Reordering from Word Alignments at RSMT 2012
Report of the Shared Task on Learning Reordering from Word Alignments at RSMT 2012
Class Label Enhancement via Related Instances
A Graph-based Cross-lingual Projection Approach for Weakly Supervised Relation Extraction
HARPY: Hypernyms and Alignment of Relational Paraphrases
Supervised and Semi-supervised Methods based Organization Name Disambiguity
Twitter Polarity Classification with Label Propagation over Lexical Links and the Follower Graph
Semi-supervised Classification of Twitter Messages for Organization Name Disambiguation
ManTIME: Temporal expression identification and normalization in the TempEval-3 challenge
Towards Cross-Domain PDTB-Style Discourse Parsing
Using Stem-Templates to Improve Arabic POS and Gender/Number Tagging
TALN-UPF: Taxonomy Learning Exploiting CRF-Based Hypernym Extraction on Encyclopedic Definitions
Crowdsourcing and annotating NER for Twitter #drift
The role of artificially generated negative data for quality estimation of machine translation
Multiple Many-to-Many Sequence Alignment for Combining String-Valued Variables: A G2P Experiment
Mining for unambiguous instances to adapt part-of-speech taggers to new domains
Data enhancement and selection strategies for the word-level Quality Estimation
Comparative Evaluation of Argument Extraction Algorithms in Discourse Relation Parsing
Quality Estimation for Machine Translation Using the Joint Method of Evaluation Criteria and Statistical Modeling
Joint Mention Extraction and Classification with Mention Hypergraphs
With Blinkers on: Robust Prediction of Eye Movements across Readers
A Comparison of Word Embeddings for English and Cross-Lingual Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation
Towards Cross-Language Word Sense Disambiguation for Quechua
Cross-Lingual Discriminative Learning of Sequence Models with Posterior Regularization
English-Basque Statistical and Neural Machine Translation
Comparing Machine Translation and Human Translation: A Case Study
Parallel Creation of Gigaword Corpora for Medium Density Languages - an Interim Report
Opinion Mining on YouTube
N-gram Counts and Language Models from the Common Crawl
The representation and extraction of qunatitative information
Command-line utilities for managing and exploring annotated corpora
GrapAL: Connecting the Dots in Scientific Literature
Extending NegEx with Kernel Methods for Negation Detection in Clinical Text
Language Resources for Semantic Document Annotation and Crosslingual Retrieval
Sensing Emotions in Text Messages: An Application and Deployment Study of EmotionPush
Minoan linguistic resources: The Linear A Digital Corpus
Associative Multichannel Autoencoder for Multimodal Word Representation
TechWatchTool: Innovation and Trend Monitoring
Finding More Bilingual Webpages with High Credibility via Link Analysis
SemEval-2015 Task 6: Clinical TempEval
Recognition of Polish Temporal Expressions
SemEval 2018 Task 6: Parsing Time Normalizations
Improved Recognition and Normalisation of Polish Temporal Expressions
Building a Domain-specific Document Collection for Evaluating Metadata Effects on Information Retrieval
Argument Mining on Twitter: Arguments, Facts and Sources
An Annotated Corpus of Film Dialogue for Learning and Characterizing Character Style
Classificação de Prioridade de Tweets utilizando Máquinas de Vetor de Suporte (Tweet Priority Classification Using Support Vector Machines) [in Portuguese]
Robust Conversion of CCG Derivations to Phrase Structure Trees
Extracting Subevents via an Effective Two-phase Approach
EVBCorpus - A Multi-Layer English-Vietnamese Bilingual Corpus for Studying Tasks in Comparative Linguistics
Building English-Vietnamese Named Entity Corpus with Aligned Bilingual News Articles
SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation
An Interactive Analytic Tool for Peer-Review Exploration
Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates
The KiezDeutsch Korpus (KiDKo) Release 1.0
ZeuScansion: a tool for scansion of English poetry
Fast Bootstrapping of Grapheme to Phoneme System for Under-resourced Languages - Application to the Iban Language
Building Monolingual Comparable and Annotated Corpora: An experimental study from a pos tagged corpus (Construire un corpus monolingue annoté comparable Expérience à partir d’un corpus annoté morpho-syntaxiquement) [in French]
The GRUVE Challenge: Generating Routes under Uncertainty in Virtual Environments
BootCaT: Bootstrapping Corpora and Terms from the Web
Learning Domain-Specific Information Extraction Patterns from the Web
Web Services Architecture for Language Resources
Learning Unsupervised SVM Classifier for Answer Selection in Web Question Answering
Design and Data Collection for the Accentological Corpus of the Russian Language
Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): First Steps
SinoCoreferencer: An End-to-End Chinese Event Coreference Resolver
Simple Effective Microblog Named Entity Recognition: Arabic as an Example
Building Trainable Taggers in a Web-based, UIMA-Supported NLP Workbench
Named Entity Recognition using Cross-lingual Resources: Arabic as an Example
Why-Question Answering using Intra- and Inter-Sentential Causal Relations
Hierarchical Chunk-to-String Translation
Mining Scientific Terms and their Definitions: A Study of the ACL Anthology
The acquisition and dialog act labeling of the EDECAN-SPORTS corpus
Sentiment Analysis in Czech Social Media Using Supervised Machine Learning
Sarcasm Detection on Czech and English Twitter
VSoLSCSum: Building a Vietnamese Sentence-Comment Dataset for Social Context Summarization
An I-vector Based Approach to Compact Multi-Granularity Topic Spaces Representation of Textual Documents
Improving Entity Linking using Surface Form Refinement
BEL Networks Derived from Qualitative Translations of BioNLP Shared Task Annotations
Finite-State Chart Constraints for Reduced Complexity Context-Free Parsing Pipelines
Good News vs. Bad News: What are they talking about?
Universal Sentence Encoder for English
Automatic identification of general and specific sentences by leveraging discourse annotations
Exploring Individual Differences in Student Writing with a Narrative Composition Support Environment
The Taming of Reconcile as a Biomedical Coreference Resolver
Building a Coreference-Annotated Corpus from the Domain of Biochemistry
NAIST at 2013 CoNLL Grammatical Error Correction Shared Task
Estimating Numerical Attributes by Bringing Together Fragmentary Clues
Extracting a Repository of Events and Event References from News Clusters
Multi-modal Summarization for Asynchronous Collection of Text, Image, Audio and Video
Cross-Lingual News Group Recommendation Using Cluster-Based Cross-Training
Context Comparison of Bursty Events in Web Search and Online Media
Evidentiality for Text Trustworthiness Detection
Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution with Rich Linguistic Features
Acquiring Synonyms from Monolingual Comparable Texts
Profiting from Mark-Up: Hyper-Text Annotations for Guided Parsing
Annotation Challenges for Reconstructing the Structural Elaboration of Middle Low German
Efficient Disfluency Detection with Transition-based Parsing
Transition-Based Disfluency Detection using LSTMs
Language Technology Challenges of a ‘Small’ Language (Catalan)
Generating Topic-Oriented Summaries Using Neural Attention
Weakly supervised learning of allomorphy
A Structured Variational Autoencoder for Contextual Morphological Inflection
Interpreting Neural Networks with Nearest Neighbors
Multi-modular domain-tailored OCR post-correction
All-In-1 at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Short Text Classification with One Model for All Languages
Training Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Morphological Inflection
ADAPT at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: A Multinomial Naive Bayes Classification Approach for Customer Feedback Analysis task
Introduction to Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT): 7th Workshop on Rhetorical Structure Theory and Related Formalisms
Disentangled Representation Learning for Non-Parallel Text Style Transfer
Overview of the MEDIQA 2019 Shared Task on Textual Inference, Question Entailment and Question Answering
A Report on the Third VarDial Evaluation Campaign
UIMA Ruta Workbench: Rule-based Text Annotation
Le corpus Sequoia : annotation syntaxique et exploitation pour l’adaptation d’analyseur par pont lexical (The Sequoia Corpus : Syntactic Annotation and Use for a Parser Lexical Domain Adaptation Method) [in French]
Dependency-based empty category detection via phrase structure trees
CRF tagging for head recognition based on Stanford parser
Multiple TreeBanks Integration for Chinese Phrase Structure Grammar Parsing Using Bagging
Products of Random Latent Variable Grammars
Stacking Heterogeneous Joint Models of Chinese POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing
Tree Kernel-based Negation and Speculation Scope Detection with Structured Syntactic Parse Features
Chinese Parsing Exploiting Characters
Chasing the ghost: recovering empty categories in the Chinese Treebank
A New Entity Salience Task with Millions of Training Examples
The German Reference Corpus DeReKo: New Developments – New Opportunities
Détection et caractérisation des régions d’erreurs dans des transcriptions de contenus multimédia : application à la recherche des noms de personnes (Error region detection and characterization in transcriptions of multimedia documents : application to person name search) [in French]
CogALex-V Shared Task: LexNET - Integrated Path-based and Distributional Method for the Identification of Semantic Relations
A Comparative Study of Likelihood Ratio Based Forensic Text Comparison in Procedures: Multivariate Kernel Density vs. Gaussian Mixture Model-Universal Background Model
An Effect of Background Population Sample Size on the Performance of a Likelihood Ratio-based Forensic Text Comparison System: A Monte Carlo Simulation with Gaussian Mixture Model
A Comparative Study of Two Statistical Modelling Approaches for Estimating Multivariate Likelihood Ratios in Forensic Voice Comparison
Likelihood Ratio-based Forensic Voice Comparison on L2 speakers: A Case of Hong Kong native male production of English vowels
The Effect of the Within-speaker Sample Size on the Performance of Likelihood Ratio Based Forensic Voice Comparison: Monte Carlo Simulations
Java Libraries for Accessing the Princeton Wordnet: Comparison and Evaluation
PyDial: A Multi-domain Statistical Dialogue System Toolkit
Bilingual Co-Training for Sentiment Classification of Chinese Product Reviews
Statistical Machine Translation Improves Question Retrieval in Community Question Answering via Matrix Factorization
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis using Machine Translation?
Author Commitment and Social Power: Automatic Belief Tagging to Infer the Social Context of Interactions
Trick Me If You Can: Adversarial Writing of Trivia Challenge Questions
Using Language Learner Data for Metaphor Detection
Ckylark: A More Robust PCFG-LA Parser
Using Automated Metaphor Identification to Aid in Detection and Prediction of First-Episode Schizophrenia
Tools facilitating better use of online dictionaries: Technical aspects of Multidict, Wordlink and Clilstore
A Probabilistic Co-Bootstrapping Method for Entity Set Expansion
Document retrieval and question answering in medical documents. A large-scale corpus challenge.
Anchor Text Extraction for Academic Search
The ACL Anthology Reference Corpus: A Reference Dataset for Bibliographic Research in Computational Linguistics
LDC Language Resource Database: Building a Bibliographic Database
Semantic Annotation and Terminology Validation in full scientific articles in Social Sciences and Humanities (Annotation sémantique et validation terminologique en texte intégral en SHS) [in French]
Integrating UIMA with Alveo, a human communication science virtual laboratory
A broad-coverage collection of portable NLP components for building shareable analysis pipelines
Cross-Lingual POS Tagging through Ambiguous Learning: First Experiments (Apprentissage partiellement supervisé d’un étiqueteur morpho-syntaxique par transfert cross-lingue) [in French]
Demonstration of PLOW: A Dialogue System for One-Shot Task Learning
Automatic Expansion of the MRC Psycholinguistic Database Imageability Ratings
Semantic Web based Machine Translation
電腦輔助推薦學術會議論文評審委員之初探 (An Exploration of Algorithmic Recommendation of Reviewers for Conference Manuscripts) [In Chinese]
A Bootstrapping Approach to Unsupervised Detection of Cue Phrase Variants
TALN Archives : a digital archive of French research articles in Natural Language Processing (TALN Archives : une archive numérique francophone des articles de recherche en Traitement Automatique de la Langue) [in French]
The Validation of MRCPD Cross-language Expansions on Imageability Ratings
Exploring the Efficacy of Caption Search for Bioscience Journal Search Interfaces
OCR++: A Robust Framework For Information Extraction from Scholarly Articles
Text Mining for Semantic Relations as a Support Base of a Scientific Portal Generator
Online Learning Approaches in Computer Assisted Translation
Query Expansion for Khmer Information Retrieval
Geocoding Multilingual Texts: Recognition, Disambiguation and Visualisation
Comparison of Resource Discovery Methods
SCARE ― The Sentiment Corpus of App Reviews with Fine-grained Annotations in German
A Joint Graph Model for Pinyin-to-Chinese Conversion with Typo Correction
Delimiting Morphosyntactic Search Space with Source-Side Reordering Models
The TALP-UPC Approach to System Selection: Asiya Features and Pairwise Classification Using Random Forests
Modelling the Adjunct/Argument Distinction in Hierarchical Phrase-Based SMT
An Empirical Study of Diversity of Word Alignment and its Symmetrization Techniques for System Combination
Building Monolingual Word Alignment Corpus for the Greater China Region
It-disambiguation and source-aware language models for cross-lingual pronoun prediction
Discontinuous Verb Phrases in Parsing and Machine Translation of English and German
IIIT-H at IJCNLP-2017 Task 3: A Bidirectional-LSTM Approach for Review Opinion Diversification
JUNLP at IJCNLP-2017 Task 3: A Rank Prediction Model for Review Opinion Diversification
Tackling interoperability issues within UIMA work flows
Named Entity Based Answer Extraction form Hindi Text Corpus Using n-grams
Comparison of Annotating Methods for Named Entity Corpora
Voice Builder: A Tool for Building Text-To-Speech Voices
Arabizi Identification in Twitter Data
Voice Builder: A Tool for Building Text-To-Speech Voices
Hierarchical Phrase Table Combination for Machine Translation
A Multiple-Domain Ontology Builder
LIMSI: Learning Semantic Similarity by Selecting Random Word Subsets
Exploring gap filling as a cheaper alternative to reading comprehension questionnaires when evaluating machine translation for gisting
Future Directions in Technological Support for Language Documentation
A Corpus of Scientific Biomedical Texts Spanning over 168 Years Annotated for Uncertainty
mwetoolkit: a Framework for Multiword Expression Identification
Mining Opinion Words and Opinion Targets in a Two-Stage Framework
Parsing Morphologically Complex Words
The Role of Syntax During Pronoun Resolution: Evidence from fMRI
CASSA: A Context-Aware Synonym Simplification Algorithm
Modeling Brain Activity Associated with Pronoun Resolution in English and Chinese
Syntactic Annotations for the Google Books NGram Corpus
“Let Everything Turn Well in Your Wife”: Generation of Adult Humor Using Lexical Constraints
CASSAurus: A Resource of Simpler Spanish Synonyms
Enhanced Search with Wildcards and Morphological Inflections in the Google Books Ngram Viewer
SMR-Cmp: Square-Mean-Root Approach to Comparison of Monolingual Contrastive Corpora
Towards Temporal Scoping of Relational Facts based on Wikipedia Data
Product Feature Mining: Semantic Clues versus Syntactic Constituents
Semi-supervised Word Sense Disambiguation with Neural Models
Lexical Substitution for the Medical Domain
Finding Negative Key Phrases for Internet Advertising Campaigns using Wikipedia
Narrowing the Loop: Integration of Resources and Linguistic Dataset Development with Interactive Machine Learning
Sentence Boundary Detection for Social Media Text
Building a Crisis Management Term Resource for Social Media: The Case of Floods and Protests
Presenting a New Dataset for the Timeline Generation Problem
Crowdsourcing Salient Information from News and Tweets
Predicting the Difficulty of Multiple Choice Questions in a High-stakes Medical Exam
DALILA: The Dialectal Arabic Linguistic Learning Assistant
Importance weighting and unsupervised domain adaptation of POS taggers: a negative result
Robustness Analysis of Adaptive Chinese Input Methods
Building English-Vietnamese Named Entity Corpus with Aligned Bilingual News Articles
Temporal Information Processing of a New Language: Fast Porting with Minimal Resources
TimeBankPT: A TimeML Annotated Corpus of Portuguese
Enlarging Monolingual Dictionaries for Machine Translation with Active Learning and Non-Expert Users
Personalized Machine Translation: Preserving Original Author Traits
Assessment of Non-native Prosody for Spanish as L2 using quantitative scores and perceptual evaluation
Punctuation Prediction with Transition-based Parsing
Identification of Chinese Personal Names in Unrestricted Texts
A System for Generating Multiple Choice Questions: With a Novel Approach for Sentence Selection
Towards Automatic Topical Question Generation
Towards Topic-to-Question Generation
Estonian-English Reversible Smart Phone Dictionary of Military Terms and Relevant Vocabulary
Looking at Unbalanced Specialized Comparable Corpora for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction
Separating Fact from Fear: Tracking Flu Infections on Twitter
Twitter Catches The Flu: Detecting Influenza Epidemics using Twitter
QA better than IR ?
Integration of a Multilingual Keyword Extractor in a Document Management System
Named Entity Recognition for Question Answering
Joint Learning for Coreference Resolution with Markov Logic
Statistical Measures of the Semi-Productivity of Light Verb Constructions
Comparing Knowledge Sources for Nominal Anaphora Resolution
Incorporating User Models in Question Answering to ImproveReadability
Constructing text sense representations
Extracting Exact Answers using a Meta Question Answering System
Using Cooccurrence Statistics and the Web to Discover Synonyms in a Technical Language
Quality-biased Ranking of Short Texts in Microblogging Services
An Integrated Approach to Measuring Semantic Similarity between Words Using Information Available on the Web
KUI: an ubiquitous tool for collective intelligence development
Learning of Graph Rules for Question Answering
Adaptivity in Question Answering with User Modelling and a Dialogue Interface
Base Noun Phrase Translation Using Web Data and the EM Algorithm
Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down? Semantic Orientation Applied to Unsupervised Classification of Reviews
Learning Domain-Specific Information Extraction Patterns from the Web
Creating Multilingual Translation Lexicons with Regional Variations Using Web Corpora
Reranking Answers for Definitional QA Using Language Modeling
Answer validation by keyword association
Using the Web as a Bilingual Dictionary
Finding Relevant Concepts for Unknown Terms Using a Web-based Approach
Automated Alignment and Extraction of Bilingual Domain Ontology for Medical Domain Web Search
Exploiting a Multilingual Web-based Encyclopedia for Bilingual Terminology Extraction
Hypothesis Selection in Machine Transliteration: A Web Mining Approach
WikiSense: Supersense Tagging of Wikipedia Named Entities Based WordNet
Korean-Chinese Cross-Language Information Retrieval Based on Extension of Dictionaries and Transliteration
WikiKreator: Improving Wikipedia Stubs Automatically
Is it Useful to Support Users with Lexical Resources? A User Study.
Unsupervised Classification with Dependency Based Word Spaces
Joint Training of Dependency Parsing Filters through Latent Support Vector Machines
Chinese Named Entity Abbreviation Generation Using First-Order Logic
Discourse Level Explanatory Relation Extraction from Product Reviews Using First-Order Logic
Jointly Identifying Predicates, Arguments and Senses using Markov Logic
Jointly Disambiguating and Clustering Concepts and Entities with Markov Logic
Argument Relation Classification Using a Joint Inference Model
Global Inference for Bridging Anaphora Resolution
Question Answering over Linked Data Using First-order Logic
Unrestricted Bridging Resolution
A Latent Variable Model for Discourse-aware Concept and Entity Disambiguation
Finding the Storyteller: Automatic Spoiler Tagging using Linguistic Cues
Building a Web-Scale Dependency-Parsed Corpus from CommonCrawl
New Tools for Web-Scale N-grams
Text Classification into Abstract Classes Based on Discourse Structure
Rescue Activity for the Great East Japan Earthquake Based on a Website that Extracts Rescue Requests from the Net
Tools for Building a Corpus to Study the Historical and Geographical Variation of the Romanian Language
Neural Machine Translation for English-Tamil
Scalable Modified Kneser-Ney Language Model Estimation
Comparison of Visual and Logical Character Segmentation in Tesseract OCR Language Data for Indic Writing Scripts
PronouncUR: An Urdu Pronunciation Lexicon Generator
Searching for Language Resources on the Web: User Behaviour in the Open Language Archives Community
SentiWordNet for Indian Languages
Improving Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition with Discourse-specific Word Embeddings
Extracting and Aggregating False Information from Microblogs
A Framework and Tool for Collaborative Extraction of Reliable Information
Team Z: Wiktionary as a L2 Writing Assistant
PDTB XML: the XMLization of the Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0
A Compact and Language-Sensitive Multilingual Translation Method
Subversive Toxicity Detection using Sentiment Information
Tackling interoperability issues within UIMA work flows
BahaBa: A Route Generator System for Mobile Devices
基於階層架構資訊及關鍵詞語義擴展的階層式目錄整合研究 (A Study on Hierarchical Catalog Integration based on Hierarchical Information and Keyword Semantic Expansion) [In Chinese]
ICT: System Description for CoNLL-2012
Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): First Steps
LCCT: A Semi-supervised Model for Sentiment Classification
Sentiment Classification on Polarity Reviews: An Empirical Study Using Rating-based Features
A Multilingual Speech Resource: The Nordic Dialect Corpus
Report on the Second Second Challenge on Generating Instructions in Virtual Environments (GIVE-2.5)
KALAKA-2: a TV Broadcast Speech Database for the Recognition of Iberian Languages in Clean and Noisy Environments
Parsing German: How Much Morphology Do We Need?
WINGS:Writing with Intelligent Guidance and Suggestions
UMDuluth-CS8761 at SemEval-2018 Task 2: Emojis: Too many Choices?
Where Things Happen: On the Semantics of Event Localization
Zipfian corruptions for robust POS tagging
Adapting taggers to Twitter with not-so-distant supervision
Accurate Word Segmentation and POS Tagging for Japanese Microblogs: Corpus Annotation and Joint Modeling with Lexical Normalization
The Benefit of Pseudo-Reference Translations in Quality Estimation of MT Output
Information Extraction over Structured Data: Question Answering with Freebase
Ambient Search: A Document Retrieval System for Speech Streams
KySS 1.0: a Framework for Automatic Evaluation of Chinese Input Method Engines
A Pipeline Japanese Entity Linking System with Embedding Features
Evaluating the Use of Empirically Constructed Lexical Resources for Named Entity Recognition
UNIBA: Distributional Semantics for Textual Similarity
Enrichir et raisonner sur des espaces sémantiques pour l’attribution de mots-clés (Enriching and reasoning on semantic spaces for keyword extraction) [in French]
Modelling Word Meaning using Efficient Tensor Representations
Combining semantic spaces along with structure and constraints (Combiner espaces sémantiques, structure et contraintes) [in French]
Fast and Large-scale Unsupervised Relation Extraction
Word2Vec vs DBnary: Augmenting METEOR using Vector Representations or Lexical Resources?
Are you serious?: Rhetorical Questions and Sarcasm in Social Media Dialog
Sequence to Sequence Mixture Model for Diverse Machine Translation
The FinSBD-2019 Shared Task: Sentence Boundary Detection in PDF Noisy Text in the Financial Domain
Japanese Idiom Recognition: Drawing a Line between Literal and Idiomatic Meanings
Automatic Tweet Generation From Traffic Incident Data
Question Answering Using Web News as Knowledge Base
Building a 70 billion word corpus of English from ClueWeb
SemEval-2010 Task 17: All-words Word Sense Disambiguation on a Specific Domain
English-to-Japanese Translation vs. Dictation vs. Post-editing: Comparing Translation Modes in a Multilingual Setting
Negation Detection in Swedish Clinical Text
Using Finite State Transducers for Helping Foreign Language Learning
Evaluating Automatic Speech Recognition in Translation
Benchmarking SMT Performance for Farsi Using the TEP++ Corpus
Moses & Treex Hybrid MT Systems Bestiary
Paraphrasing of Italian Support Verb Constructions based on Lexical and Grammatical Resources
How Robust Are Character-Based Word Embeddings in Tagging and MT Against Wrod Scramlbing or Randdm Nouse?
Discourse and Document-level Information for Evaluating Language Output Tasks
Patterns of Terminological Variation in Post-editing and of Cognate Use in Machine Translation in Contrast to Human Translation
Enlarging Scarce In-domain English-Croatian Corpus for SMT of MOOCs Using Serbian
SERGIOJIMENEZ at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Effectively Combining Paraphrase Database, String Matching, WordNet, and Word Embedding for Semantic Textual Similarity
Is Wikipedia Really Neutral? A Sentiment Perspective Study of War-related Wikipedia Articles since 1945
A Workbench for Rapid Generation of Cross-Lingual Summaries
Language Related Issues for Machine Translation between Closely Related South Slavic Languages
Robust Dictionary Lookup in Multiple Noisy Orthographies
IITP at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Auto Analysis of Customer Feedback using CNN and GRU Network
Projection of Argumentative Corpora from Source to Target Languages
Investigating the potential of post-ordering SMT output to improve translation quality
Cross-Lingual Sentiment Analysis Without (Good) Translation
Limitations of Cross-Lingual Learning from Image Search
XL-NBT: A Cross-lingual Neural Belief Tracking Framework
Urdu Word Embeddings
Computing Sentiment Scores of Verb Phrases for Vietnamese
Syntactic methods for negation detection in radiology reports in Spanish
Reputation System: Evaluating Reputation among All Good Sellers
Decoding Anagrammed Texts Written in an Unknown Language and Script
Discontinuous Verb Phrases in Parsing and Machine Translation of English and German
Re-assessing the Impact of SMT Techniques with Human Evaluation: a Case Study on English—Croatian
Twitter Language Identification Of Similar Languages And Dialects Without Ground Truth
Improving Machine Translation of English Relative Clauses with Automatic Text Simplification
Producing Monolingual and Parallel Web Corpora at the Same Time - SpiderLing and Bitextor’s Love Affair
Filtering Pseudo-References by Paraphrasing for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation
On Measuring Gender Bias in Translation of Gender-neutral Pronouns
Neural Machine Translation: Hindi-Nepali
Medical Word Embeddings for Spanish: Development and Evaluation
Large-scale Machine Translation Evaluation of the iADAATPA Project
Detecting dementia in Mandarin Chinese using transfer learning from a parallel corpus
Arabic Dialect Identification Using iVectors and ASR Transcripts
Adapting SimpleNLG to German
Accommodations in Tuscany as Linked Data
System Combination for Grammatical Error Correction
Extracting Biomedical Events and Modifications Using Subgraph Matching with Noisy Training Data
A Generative Joint, Additive, Sequential Model of Topics and Speech Acts in Patient-Doctor Communication
Système de prédiction de néologismes formels : le cas des N suffixés par -IER dénotant des artefacts (Prediction Device of Formal Neologisms : the Case of -IER Suffixed Nouns Denoting Artifacts) [in French]
A Framework for Machine Translation Output Combination
An Investigation of Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics in Cross-lingual Question Answering
Building a Non-Trivial Paraphrase Corpus Using Multiple Machine Translation Systems
New Dimensions in Testimony Demonstration
Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Processing for Time-Offset Interaction
Extracting Pronunciation-translated Names from Chinese Texts using Bootstrapping Approach
Enabling Monolingual Translators: Post-Editing vs. Options
Joint Learning of Entity Linking Constraints Using a Markov-Logic Network
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 19, Number 1, March 2014
Combining Open Source Annotators for Entity Linking through Weighted Voting
A Study on Linking Wikipedia Categories to Wordnet Synsets using Text Similarity
Translation Errors and Incomprehensibility: a Case Study using Machine-Translated Second Language Proficiency Tests
Evaluating Machine Translation Systems with Second Language Proficiency Tests
Building a Web-Based Parallel Corpus and Filtering Out Machine-Translated Text
More than Word Cooccurrence: Exploring Support and Opposition in International Climate Negotiations with Semantic Parsing
2-Slave Dual Decomposition for Generalized Higher Order CRFs
LIPN-CORE: Semantic Text Similarity using n-grams, WordNet, Syntactic Analysis, ESA and Information Retrieval based Features
Tackling interoperability issues within UIMA work flows
FudanNLP: A Toolkit for Chinese Natural Language Processing
Enhancing Language Resources with Maps
基於意見詞修飾關係之微網誌情感分析技術 (Microblog Sentiment Analysis based on Opinion Target Modifying Relations) [In Chinese]
Terminological Ontology and Cognitive Processes in Translation
以學習者平行語料庫為本之西班牙語連接詞研究 (Parallel Corpus-based Study of Conjunctions) [In Chinese]
Developing Japanese WordNet Affect for Analyzing Emotions
Simple supervised document geolocation with geodesic grids
CogALex-V Shared Task: GHHH - Detecting Semantic Relations via Word Embeddings
A Lightweight and High Performance Monolingual Word Aligner
Answer Extraction as Sequence Tagging with Tree Edit Distance
Semi-Markov Phrase-Based Monolingual Alignment
Automatic Coupling of Answer Extraction and Information Retrieval
Comparison of Annotating Methods for Named Entity Corpora
Correlation Analysis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and its Biomarkers Using the Word Embeddings
A Contrastive Study of Function Verbs in English and Japanese : Cut and Kiru
A Casual Conversation System Using Modality and Word Associations Retrieved from the Web
OMS-J: An Opinion Mining System for Japanese Weblog Reviews Using a Combination of Supervised and Unsupervised Approaches
Automatic Construction of Japanese KATAKANA Variant List from Large Corpus
Modifying SO-PMI for Japanese Weblog Opinion Mining by Using a Balancing Factor and Detecting Neutral Expressions
JATE 2.0: Java Automatic Term Extraction with Apache Solr
Predicting and Using Implicit Discourse Elements in Chinese-English Translation
A Reading Comprehension Corpus for Machine Translation Evaluation
Open Information Extraction from Conjunctive Sentences
Semantic Similarity Analysis for Paraphrase Identification in Arabic Texts
OSIAN: Open Source International Arabic News Corpus - Preparation and Integration into the CLARIN-infrastructure
Java Libraries for Accessing the Princeton Wordnet: Comparison and Evaluation
An API for Multi-lingual Ontology Matching
Labeling Unlabeled Data using Cross-Language Guided Clustering
Chinese Novelty Mining
Generating Supplementary Travel Guides from Social Media
Extending an interoperable platform to facilitate the creation of multilingual and multimodal NLP applications
Researcher affiliation extraction from homepages
A Distributed Resource Repository for Cloud-Based Machine Translation
Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS
SPIED: Stanford Pattern based Information Extraction and Diagnostics
Using Mined Coreference Chains as a Resource for a Semantic Task
Robust kaomoji detection in Twitter\-entity\-tagger/
Short-Term Projects, Long-Term Benefits: Four Student NLP Projects for Low-Resource Languages
QA better than IR ?
Exploiting Latent Semantic Relations in Highly Linked Hypertext for Information Retrieval in Wikis
An Automatic Query Augmentation Model for Answering Well-Defined Questions in Top-1 Search Result
Translating Named Entities Using Monolingual and Bilingual Resources
Uma abordagem de classificação automática para Tipo de Pergunta e Tipo de Resposta (An Automatic Approach for Classification of Question Type and Answer Type) [in Portuguese]
Multilingual Extension of a Temporal Expression Normalizer using Annotated Corpora
Producing a Large-scale Encyclopedic Corpus over the Web
SemEval-2010 Task 18: Disambiguating Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives
Exploiting Web-Derived Selectional Preference to Improve Statistical Dependency Parsing
Building Bilingual Lexicons using Lexical Translation Probabilities via Pivot Languages
Organizing Encyclopedic Knowledge based on the Web and its Application to Question Answering
An EM Algorithm for Context-Based Searching and Disambiguation with Application to Synonym Term Alignment
以部落格語料進行情緒趨勢分析 (Emotion Trend Analysis Using Blog Corpora) [In Chinese]
TITPI: Web People Search Task Using Semi-Supervised Clustering Approach
Question Answering Using Encyclopedic Knowledge Generated from the Web
以籠統查詢評估查詢擴展方法與線上搜尋引擎之資訊檢索效能 (Evaluating the Information Retrieval Performance of Query Expansion Method and On-line Search Engine on General Query) [In Chinese]
Disambiguating Dynamic Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives
Heuristic Methods for Reducing Errors of Geographic Named Entities Learned by Bootstrapping
LiveTrans: Translation Suggestion for Cross-Language Web Search from Web Anchor Texts and Search Results
Feature-Rich Statistical Translation of Noun Phrases
Summarizing Encyclopedic Term Descriptions on the Web
Learning a Translation Lexicon from Monolingual Corpora
The Bilingual Web Dictionary on Demand
Collocation Extraction Using Web Statistics
Sentiment Classification for Movie Reviews in Chinese Using Parsing-based Methods
Resolving Abstract Definite Anaphora in Chinese Texts
Retrieving Similar Lyrics for Music Recommendation System
Java Libraries for Accessing the Princeton Wordnet: Comparison and Evaluation
Bilingual Termbank Creation via Log-Likelihood Comparison and Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Unsupervised Induction of Linguistic Categories with Records of Reading, Speaking, and Writing
Terminology Extraction with Term Variant Detection
RED, The DCU-CASICT Submission of Metrics Tasks
Universal Dependencies for Croatian (that work for Serbian, too)
Joint Morphological and Syntactic Analysis for Richly Inflected Languages
Stacking or Supertagging for Dependency Parsing – What’s the Difference?
Domain Adaptation for Dependency Parsing via Self-Training
Unsupervised Learning of Prototypical Fillers for Implicit Semantic Role Labeling
A Comparison of Selectional Preference Models for Automatic Verb Classification
Advancing Linguistic Features and Insights by Label-informed Feature Grouping: An Exploration in the Context of Native Language Identification
Copenhagen-Malmö: Tree Approximations of Semantic Parsing Problems
{bs,hr,sr}WaC - Web Corpora of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Modeling the interaction between sensory and affective meanings for detecting metaphor
Exploring Syntactic Features for Native Language Identification: A Variationist Perspective on Feature Encoding and Ensemble Optimization
Dimensions of Metaphorical Meaning
Exploring Confidence-based Self-training for Multilingual Dependency Parsing in an Under-Resourced Language Scenario
Visualizing Deep-Syntactic Parser Output
Multi-view Chinese Treebanking
Efficient CCG Parsing: A* versus Adaptive Supertagging
Term Set Expansion based NLP Architect by Intel AI Lab
SWOW-8500: Word Association task for Intrinsic Evaluation of Word Embeddings
The Mysterious Letter J
DialPort, Gone Live: An Update After A Year of Development
An Experiment in Integrating Sentiment Features for Tech Stock Prediction in Twitter
Jointly Identifying Temporal Relations with Markov Logic
Entity Disambiguation Using a Markov-Logic Network
Jointly Extracting Japanese Predicate-Argument Relation with Markov Logic
Sentence Compression with Semantic Role Constraints
Jointly Identifying Predicates, Arguments and Senses using Markov Logic
Jointly Modeling WSD and SRL with Markov Logic
Identification of relations between answers with global constraints for Community-based Question Answering services
Emotion in Code-switching Texts: Corpus Construction and Analysis
Identifying the sentiment styles of YouTube’s vloggers
Observational Comparison of Geo-tagged and Randomly-drawn Tweets
Acquisition of Translation Lexicons for Historically Unwritten Languages via Bridging Loanwords
Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing
A free and open-source tool that reads movie subtitles aloud
Limited memory incremental coreference resolution
Automatically Detecting the Position and Type of Psychiatric Evaluation Report Sections
A Hybrid Segmentation of Web Pages for Vibro-Tactile Access on Touch-Screen Devices
Transforming trees into hedges and parsing with “hedgebank” grammars
Natural Questions: A Benchmark for Question Answering Research
Syntactical Analysis of the Weaknesses of Sentiment Analyzers
Voice Builder: A Tool for Building Text-To-Speech Voices
PanLex: Building a Resource for Panlingual Lexical Translation
Using Common Sense to generate culturally contextualized Machine Translation
Design Challenges for Entity Linking
Ckylark: A More Robust PCFG-LA Parser
A Taxonomy of Spanish Nouns, a Statistical Algorithm to Generate it and its Implementation in Open Source Code
Analyzing Semantic Change in Japanese Loanwords
Automatic Feature Selection for Agenda-Based Dependency Parsing
Leveraging BERT to Improve the FEARS Index for Stock Forecasting
Towards Efficient Named-Entity Rule Induction for Customizability
Joint Morphological and Syntactic Analysis for Richly Inflected Languages
Why does PairDiff work? - A Mathematical Analysis of Bilinear Relational Compositional Operators for Analogy Detection
SemEval-2012 Task 2: Measuring Degrees of Relational Similarity
Measuring Similarity from Word Pair Matrices with Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Associations
Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): First Steps
IIT-KGP at MEDIQA 2019: Recognizing Question Entailment using Sci-BERT stacked with a Gradient Boosting Classifier
Comparison of Visual and Logical Character Segmentation in Tesseract OCR Language Data for Indic Writing Scripts
Kleene, a Free and Open-Source Language for Finite-State Programming
A Morphological Analyzer For Wolof Using Finite-State Techniques
FreeLing 3.0: Towards Wider Multilinguality
KRAUTS: A German Temporally Annotated News Corpus
Challenges of language technologies for the indigenous languages of the Americas
Author-aware Aspect Topic Sentiment Model to Retrieve Supporting Opinions from Reviews
Suggesting Sentences for ESL using Kernel Embeddings
JU NITM at IJCNLP-2017 Task 5: A Classification Approach for Answer Selection in Multi-choice Question Answering System
Hierarchical Neural Networks for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Scientific Abstracts
Cost Weighting for Neural Machine Translation Domain Adaptation
Semantic Indexing of Multilingual Corpora and its Application on the History Domain
Classifying Referential and Non-referential It Using Gaze
All-words Word Sense Disambiguation Using Concept Embeddings
DTSim at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Semantic Similarity Model Including Multi-Level Alignment and Vector-Based Compositional Semantics
Sense Embeddings in Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
A Two-Phase Approach Towards Identifying Argument Structure in Natural Language
A Retrospective Analysis of the Fake News Challenge Stance-Detection Task
One vs. Many QA Matching with both Word-level and Sentence-level Attention Network
Learning Target-Specific Representations of Financial News Documents For Cumulative Abnormal Return Prediction
Using contextual information for automatic triage of posts in a peer-support forum
An LSTM-CRF Based Approach to Token-Level Metaphor Detection
Towards Lexical Chains for Knowledge-Graph-based Word Embeddings
MIPA: Mutual Information Based Paraphrase Acquisition via Bilingual Pivoting
Batch IS NOT Heavy: Learning Word Representations From All Samples
Sentence Similarity Measures for Fine-Grained Estimation of Topical Relevance in Learner Essays
SeVeN: Augmenting Word Embeddings with Unsupervised Relation Vectors
Centroid-based Text Summarization through Compositionality of Word Embeddings
De-Conflated Semantic Representations
YNU-HPCC at EmoInt-2017: Using a CNN-LSTM Model for Sentiment Intensity Prediction
Fast Gated Neural Domain Adaptation: Language Model as a Case Study
Comparing Pretrained Multilingual Word Embeddings on an Ontology Alignment Task
Sensing Emotions in Text Messages: An Application and Deployment Study of EmotionPush
Encoding Sentiment Information into Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment Classification towards Question-Answering with Hierarchical Matching Network
A Redundancy-Aware Sentence Regression Framework for Extractive Summarization
NLANGP at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Improving Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using Neural Network Features
BUSEM at SemEval-2017 Task 4A Sentiment Analysis with Word Embedding and Long Short Term Memory RNN Approaches
Classifying Temporal Relations by Bidirectional LSTM over Dependency Paths
Combination of Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis of Short Texts
Mapping the Paraphrase Database to WordNet
Joint Embedding of Hierarchical Categories and Entities for Concept Categorization and Dataless Classification
UNBNLP at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity: A Unified Framework for Semantic Processing and Evaluation
Local-Global Vectors to Improve Unigram Terminology Extraction
A Sequential Matching Framework for Multi-Turn Response Selection in Retrieval-Based Chatbots
Subsumption Preservation as a Comparative Measure for Evaluating Sense-Directed Embeddings
Know-Center at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Using Word Vectors with Typed Dependencies for Opinion Target Expression Extraction
Conditional Generators of Words Definitions
CNN- and LSTM-based Claim Classification in Online User Comments
Incorporating Deep Visual Features into Multiobjective based Multi-view Search Results Clustering
Evaluation of Domain-specific Word Embeddings using Knowledge Resources
A Framework for Developing and Evaluating Word Embeddings of Drug-named Entity
Building a Monolingual Parallel Corpus for Text Simplification Using Sentence Similarity Based on Alignment between Word Embeddings
Exploiting Syntactic Structures for Humor Recognition
Cancer Hallmark Text Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
An Empirical Evaluation of doc2vec with Practical Insights into Document Embedding Generation
Fracking Sarcasm using Neural Network
Sentiment Analysis for Low Resource Languages: A Study on Informal Indonesian Tweets
Bridge Text and Knowledge by Learning Multi-Prototype Entity Mention Embedding
命名實體識別運用於產品同義詞擴增(Using Named Entity Recognition Increases the Synonym of Products)[In Chinese]
SRHR at SemEval-2017 Task 6: Word Associations for Humour Recognition
Cyberbullying Intervention Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
QASSIT at SemEval-2016 Task 13: On the integration of Semantic Vectors in Pretopological Spaces for Lexical Taxonomy Acquisition
Attending to Characters in Neural Sequence Labeling Models
Automatic Distractor Suggestion for Multiple-Choice Tests Using Concept Embeddings and Information Retrieval
A Hierarchical Latent Structure for Variational Conversation Modeling
Identifying civilians killed by police with distantly supervised entity-event extraction
Abstractive Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization using Paraphrastic Sentence Fusion
MMQA: A Multi-domain Multi-lingual Question-Answering Framework for English and Hindi
Self-training improves Recurrent Neural Networks performance for Temporal Relation Extraction
UniPI at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentiment Classification
SERGIOJIMENEZ at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Effectively Combining Paraphrase Database, String Matching, WordNet, and Word Embedding for Semantic Textual Similarity
Unsupervised Detection of Metaphorical Adjective-Noun Pairs
All-in-one: Multi-task Learning for Rumour Verification
An Error-Oriented Approach to Word Embedding Pre-Training
PICO Element Detection in Medical Text via Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
Learning Word Embeddings for Low-Resource Languages by PU Learning
Modeling Speech Acts in Asynchronous Conversations: A Neural-CRF Approach
evision PDF of 'Low-resource Cross-lingual Event Type Detection via Distant Supervision with Minimal Effort
A Language Independent Method for Generating Large Scale Polarity Lexicons
Semi-supervised Multitask Learning for Sequence Labeling
THU_NGN at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Capturing Discriminative Attributes with MLP-CNN model
IUCL at SemEval-2016 Task 6: An Ensemble Model for Stance Detection in Twitter
Towards producing bilingual lexica from monolingual corpora
An RNN-based Binary Classifier for the Story Cloze Test
Multi-modal Summarization for Asynchronous Collection of Text, Image, Audio and Video
WASSA-2017 Shared Task on Emotion Intensity
DL Team at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Tweet Affect Detection using Sentiment Lexicons and Embeddings
Learning to Define Terms in the Software Domain
Bilingual Sentiment Embeddings: Joint Projection of Sentiment Across Languages
What Sentence are you Referring to and Why? Identifying Cited Sentences in Scientific Literature
Large-scale Opinion Relation Extraction with Distantly Supervised Neural Network
Borrow a Little from your Rich Cousin: Using Embeddings and Polarities of English Words for Multilingual Sentiment Classification
NileTMRG at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Aspect Category and Sentiment Extraction
The CLaC Discourse Parser at CoNLL-2016
Aff2Vec: Affect–Enriched Distributional Word Representations
CNRC at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Experiments in Crosslingual Semantic Textual Similarity
Facing the most difficult case of Semantic Role Labeling: A collaboration of word embeddings and co-training
THU_NGN at IJCNLP-2017 Task 2: Dimensional Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Phrases with Deep LSTM
DalGTM at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Importance-Aware Compositional Approach to Short Text Similarity
Recognizing Humour using Word Associations and Humour Anchor Extraction
Attention for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
What works and what does not: Classifier and feature analysis for argument mining
Recognizing Explicit and Implicit Hate Speech Using a Weakly Supervised Two-path Bootstrapping Approach
Event Linking with Sentential Features from Convolutional Neural Networks
Detecting and Explaining Causes From Text For a Time Series Event
Maximum Margin Reward Networks for Learning from Explicit and Implicit Supervision
Question Retrieval with Distributed Representations and Participant Reputation in Community Question Answering
Improving Translation Selection with Supersenses
RiTUAL-UH at TRAC 2018 Shared Task: Aggression Identification
Deep Enhanced Representation for Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition
Characters or Morphemes: How to Represent Words?
Extracting Discriminative Keyphrases with Learned Semantic Hierarchies
Modeling the Non-Substitutability of Multiword Expressions with Distributional Semantics and a Log-Linear Model
NTU NLP Lab System at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Verifying Semantic Differences by Integrating Distributional Information and Expert Knowledge
Real-Time Keyword Extraction from Conversations
Cross-lingual Distillation for Text Classification
Neural Metaphor Detecting with CNN-LSTM Model
Multi-Domain Aspect Extraction Using Support Vector Machines
Using Semantics for Granularities of Tokenization
Extract with Order for Coherent Multi-Document Summarization
Card-660: Cambridge Rare Word Dataset - a Reliable Benchmark for Infrequent Word Representation Models
A Report on the Complex Word Identification Shared Task 2018
Incorporating Dependency Trees Improve Identification of Pregnant Women on Social Media Platforms
Neural Reordering Model Considering Phrase Translation and Word Alignment for Phrase-based Translation
Story Cloze Ending Selection Baselines and Data Examination
Right-truncatable Neural Word Embeddings
Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Network for Arabic Sentiment Classification
Cross-Lingual Sentiment Analysis Without (Good) Translation
IHS-RD-Belarus at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Multistage Approach for Measuring Semantic Similarity
Benben: A Chinese Intelligent Conversational Robot
Towards a text analysis system for political debates
DMCB at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Transfer Learning of Sentiment Classification Using Group LSTM for Emotion Intensity prediction
bunji at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Neural and Syntactic Models of Entity-Attribute Relationship for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Discriminative Deep Random Walk for Network Classification
Speculation and Negation Scope Detection via Convolutional Neural Networks
Improved Representation Learning for Question Answer Matching
Inner Attention based Recurrent Neural Networks for Answer Selection
Distributional Hypernym Generation by Jointly Learning Clusters and Projections
Detecting Online Hate Speech Using Context Aware Models
Opinion Mining in a Code-Mixed Environment: A Case Study with Government Portals
D-GloVe: A Feasible Least Squares Model for Estimating Word Embedding Densities
Semantics-Driven Recognition of Collocations Using Word Embeddings
Does the Geometry of Word Embeddings Help Document Classification? A Case Study on Persistent Homology-Based Representations
Word Sense Disambiguation with Recurrent Neural Networks
IITP at SemEval-2017 Task 5: An Ensemble of Deep Learning and Feature Based Models for Financial Sentiment Analysis
Refining Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis
UH-PRHLT at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Combining Lexical and Semantic-based Features for Community Question Answering
Urdu Word Embeddings
Composition of Compound Nouns Using Distributional Semantics
Mutux at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Exploring Impacts of Context Information On Emotion Detection
Using Word Vectors to Improve Word Alignments for Low Resource Machine Translation
Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Selectional Preferences
Concept Equalization to Guide Correct Training of Neural Machine Translation
Sub-Word Similarity based Search for Embeddings: Inducing Rare-Word Embeddings for Word Similarity Tasks and Language Modelling
Multi-level Gated Recurrent Neural Network for dialog act classification
Cross-Pair Text Representations for Answer Sentence Selection
Hashtag Recommendation Using End-To-End Memory Networks with Hierarchical Attention
Transferred Embeddings for Igbo Similarity, Analogy, and Diacritic Restoration Tasks
Vocabulary Tailored Summary Generation
Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations Based on a Novel Tagging Scheme
Multivariate Gaussian Document Representation from Word Embeddings for Text Categorization
Joint Modeling for Query Expansion and Information Extraction with Reinforcement Learning
Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for Clinical Concept Extraction
Alibaba Submission to the WMT18 Parallel Corpus Filtering Task
Rationale-Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification
Predicting Word Association Strengths
pkudblab at SemEval-2016 Task 6 : A Specific Convolutional Neural Network System for Effective Stance Detection
Towards a Seamless Integration of Word Senses into Downstream NLP Applications
Interaction-Aware Topic Model for Microblog Conversations through Network Embedding and User Attention
Igbo Diacritic Restoration using Embedding Models
Generating Topical Poetry
Guess What: A Question Answering Game via On-demand Knowledge Validation
TakeLab at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Combining Sparse and Dense Features for Relation Classification in Scientific Texts
Towards Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization Using Submodular Function-Based Framework, Sentence Compression and Merging
Semi-supervised Convolutional Networks for Translation Adaptation with Tiny Amount of In-domain Data
A Hybrid Learning Scheme for Chinese Word Embedding
TakeLab at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Stance Classification in Tweets Using a Genetic Algorithm Based Ensemble
Towards a unified framework for bilingual terminology extraction of single-word and multi-word terms
Disambiguating False-Alarm Hashtag Usages in Tweets for Irony Detection
CogALex-V Shared Task: CGSRC - Classifying Semantic Relations using Convolutional Neural Networks
Projecting Embeddings for Domain Adaption: Joint Modeling of Sentiment Analysis in Diverse Domains
HCCL at SemEval-2018 Task 8: An End-to-End System for Sequence Labeling from Cybersecurity Reports
DataSEARCH at IEST 2018: Multiple Word Embedding based Models for Implicit Emotion Classification of Tweets with Deep Learning
On Why Coarse Class Classification is Bottleneck in Noun Compound Interpretation
I2RNTU at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Classifier Fusion for Polarity Classification in Twitter
Coordination Boundary Identification with Similarity and Replaceability
NLP_HZ at SemEval-2018 Task 9: a Nearest Neighbor Approach
Toward Socially-Infused Information Extraction: Embedding Authors, Mentions, and Entities
Treat us like the sequences we are: Prepositional Paraphrasing of Noun Compounds using LSTM
Tohoku at SemEval-2016 Task 6: Feature-based Model versus Convolutional Neural Network for Stance Detection
Relation Induction in Word Embeddings Revisited
Challenges in Finding Metaphorical Connections
There’s no ‘Count or Predict’ but task-based selection for distributional models
Words are Vectors, Dependencies are Matrices: Learning Word Embeddings from Dependency Graphs
Retrieval-Enhanced Adversarial Training for Neural Response Generation
Analysing Rhetorical Structure as a Key Feature of Summary Coherence
Fact or Factitious? Contextualized Opinion Spam Detection
CodeForTheChange at SemEval-2019 Task 8: Skip-Thoughts for Fact Checking in Community Question Answering
Lipstick on a Pig: Debiasing Methods Cover up Systematic Gender Biases in Word Embeddings But do not Remove Them
Effective Dimensionality Reduction for Word Embeddings
Unsupervised Compositionality Prediction of Nominal Compounds
Learning to Explicitate Connectives with Seq2Seq Network for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification
THU-HCSI at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Hierarchical Ensemble Classification of Contextual Emotion in Conversation
Using Multi-Sense Vector Embeddings for Reverse Dictionaries
Convolutional Neural Networks for Financial Text Regression
Neural Word Decomposition Models for Abusive Language Detection
NULI at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Transfer Learning for Offensive Language Detection using Bidirectional Transformers
Semantic Matching of Documents from Heterogeneous Collections: A Simple and Transparent Method for Practical Applications
Better Automatic Evaluation of Open-Domain Dialogue Systems with Contextualized Embeddings
SNU IDS at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Addressing Training-Test Class Distribution Mismatch in Conversational Classification
Content-based Dwell Time Engagement Prediction Model for News Articles
Argument Component Classification by Relation Identification by Neural Network and TextRank
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 22, Number 2, December 2017-Special Issue on Selected Papers from ROCLING XXIX
VCWE: Visual Character-Enhanced Word Embeddings
DKPro Keyphrases: Flexible and Reusable Keyphrase Extraction Experiments
An ontology-driven system for detecting global health events
Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Transferring Distribution via Parallel Guidance and Entropy Regularization
Large-scale Exact Decoding: The IMS-TTT submission to WMT14
Incrementally Updating the SMT Reordering Model
Predicate-Argument Structure-based Preordering for Japanese-English Statistical Machine Translation of Scientific Papers
Part of Speech Tagging for French Social Media Data
Enhancing Grammatical Cohesion: Generating Transitional Expressions for SMT
A Hybrid Chinese Spelling Correction Using Language Model and Statistical Machine Translation with Reranking
Using Universal Dependencies in cross-linguistic complexity research
HFT-CNN: Learning Hierarchical Category Structure for Multi-label Short Text Categorization
UKP-WSI: UKP Lab Semeval-2013 Task 11 System Description
HOO 2012 Shared Task: UKP Lab System Description
Helping Our Own 2011: UKP Lab System Description
Exploratory Relation Extraction in Large Text Corpora
Correcting Automatic Translations through Collaborations between MT and Monolingual Target-Language Users
Lexical Access, a Search-Problem
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of Syntactic Structure in Semantic Textual Similarity and Semantic Relatedness Tasks
FBK-HLT: A New Framework for Semantic Textual Similarity
Comparing two acquisition systems for automatically building an English—Croatian parallel corpus from multilingual websites
The ILSP/ARC submission to the WMT 2016 Bilingual Document Alignment Shared Task
Bitextor’s participation in WMT’16: shared task on document alignment
A light way to collect comparable corpora from the Web
Stand-off Annotation of Web Content as a Legally Safer Alternative to Crawling for Distribution
Large Scale Semantic Annotation, Indexing and Search at The National Archives
Learning Bilingual Sentiment Word Embeddings for Cross-language Sentiment Classification
Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Text Input Methods (WTIM 2011)
Annotating Arguments: The NOMAD Collaborative Annotation Tool
Étude des manifestations de la relation de méronymie dans une ressource distributionnelle (Study of Meronymy in a Distribution-Based Lexical Resource) [in French]
Probabilistic Refinement Algorithms for the Generation of Referring Expressions
Learning Based Approaches for Vietnamese Question Classification Using Keywords Extraction from the Web
(Re)ranking Meets Morphosyntax: State-of-the-art Results from the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task
Universal Dependencies for Finnish
Introducing the IMS-Wrocław-Szeged-CIS entry at the SPMRL 2014 Shared Task: Reranking and Morpho-syntax meet Unlabeled Data
Advancing Linguistic Features and Insights by Label-informed Feature Grouping: An Exploration in the Context of Native Language Identification
Exploring Syntactic Features for Native Language Identification: A Variationist Perspective on Feature Encoding and Ensemble Optimization
Automatic Selection of Context Configurations for Improved Class-Specific Word Representations
Is “Universal Syntax” Universally Useful for Learning Distributed Word Representations?
Multi-source annotation projection of coreference chains: assessing strategies and testing opportunities
Functions of Silences towards Information Flow in Spoken Conversation
基於階層架構資訊及關鍵詞語義擴展的階層式目錄整合研究 (A Study on Hierarchical Catalog Integration based on Hierarchical Information and Keyword Semantic Expansion) [In Chinese]
Evaluating the Similarity Estimator component of the TWIN Personality-based Recommender System
Sentiment Lexicon Creation using Continuous Latent Space and Neural Networks
Which Synthetic Voice Should I Choose for an Evocative Task?
Relation Classification via Convolutional Deep Neural Network
Relation Extraction: Perspective from Convolutional Neural Networks
Traversal-Free Word Vector Evaluation in Analogy Space
Towards Automatic Fake News Detection: Cross-Level Stance Detection in News Articles
Building a Corpus for Personality-dependent Natural Language Understanding and Generation
SetExpander: End-to-end Term Set Expansion Based on Multi-Context Term Embeddings
Term Set Expansion based NLP Architect by Intel AI Lab
Multilingual WikiTalk: Wikipedia-based talking robots that switch languages.
A Lightweight Recurrent Network for Sequence Modeling
NLProlog: Reasoning with Weak Unification for Question Answering in Natural Language
Detecting Political Bias in News Articles Using Headline Attention
A Beam-Search Decoder for Disfluency Detection
The LIGM-Alpage architecture for the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: Multiword Expression Analysis and Dependency Parsing
Strategies for Contiguous Multiword Expression Analysis and Dependency Parsing
A Stacking Gated Neural Architecture for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification
Multi-task Attention-based Neural Networks for Implicit Discourse Relationship Representation and Identification
Shallow Discourse Parsing Using Convolutional Neural Network
Implicit Discourse Relation Recognition with Context-aware Character-enhanced Embeddings
Learning Noun Phrase Query Segmentation
Compositional Operations of Mandarin Chinese Perception Verb “kàn”: A Generative Lexicon Approach
The Benefit of Pseudo-Reference Translations in Quality Estimation of MT Output
UHH Submission to the WMT17 Metrics Shared Task
Cross-Lingual Abstract Meaning Representation Parsing
LSIS at SemEval-2016 Task 7: Using Web Search Engines for English and Arabic Unsupervised Sentiment Intensity Prediction
Multi-step Natural Language Understanding
Recipes for building voice search UIs for automotive
English-Basque Statistical and Neural Machine Translation
Analyzing Time Series Changes of Correlation between Market Share and Concerns on Companies measured through Search Engine Suggests
Use of Semantic Knowledge Base for Enhancement of Coherence of Code-mixed Topic-Based Aspect Clusters!topic/
An Empirical Evaluation of doc2vec with Practical Insights into Document Embedding Generation
Extraction of Semantic Word Relations in Turkish from Dictionary Definitions
Phoneme Similarity Matrices to Improve Long Audio Alignment for Automatic Subtitling
Development and Application of a Cross-language Document Comparability Metric
JU_CSE_NLP: Language Independent Cross-lingual Textual Entailment System
FBK-HLT: An Application of Semantic Textual Similarity for Answer Selection in Community Question Answering
The CogALex-V Shared Task on the Corpus-Based Identification of Semantic Relations
Word Order Does NOT Differ Significantly Between Chinese and Japanese
Automatic Voice Selection in Japanese based on Various Linguistic Information
Building a Corpus of Manually Revised Texts from Discourse Perspective
phloat : Integrated Writing Environment for ESL learners
Fast and Large-scale Unsupervised Relation Extraction\#es/fr/
Anaphora Resolution for Machine Translation (Résolution d’anaphores et traitement des pronoms en traduction automatique à base de règles) [in French]
Text Reuse Detection using a Composition of Text Similarity Measures
OSIAN: Open Source International Arabic News Corpus - Preparation and Integration into the CLARIN-infrastructure
Sharing Copies of Synthetic Clinical Corpora without Physical Distribution — A Case Study to Get Around IPRs and Privacy Constraints Featuring the German JSYNCC Corpus
An Empirical Study of Differences between Conversion Schemes and Annotation Guidelines
Learnability-Based Syntactic Annotation Design
Transition-based Semantic Role Labeling Using Predicate Argument Clustering
Down-stream effects of tree-to-dependency conversions
Using Natural Language Processing to Extract Drug-Drug Interaction Information from Package Inserts
Information Status Distinctions and Referring Expressions: An Empirical Study of References to People in News Summaries
Tradition and Modernity in 20th Century Chinese Poetry
Qme! : A Speech-based Question-Answering system on Mobile Devices
Speech-Driven Access to the Deep Web on Mobile Devices
Language-Sites: Accessing and Presenting Language Resources via Geographic Information Systems
XLING: Matching Query Sentences to a Parallel Corpus using Topic Models for WSD
Learning the Impact and Behavior of Syntactic Structure: A Case Study in Semantic Textual Similarity
A Preliminary Evaluation of the Impact of Syntactic Structure in Semantic Textual Similarity and Semantic Relatedness Tasks
FBK-HLT: A New Framework for Semantic Textual Similarity
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 5: An Ensemble of Regression Algorithms with Effective Features for Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis in Financial Domain
Evaluation by Association: A Systematic Study of Quantitative Word Association Evaluation
HyperLex: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Graded Lexical Entailment
The Teams Corpus and Entrainment in Multi-Party Spoken Dialogues
A New Corpus and Imitation Learning Framework for Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing
Mining the Sentiment Expectation of Nouns Using Bootstrapping Method
Matrix and Tensor Factorization Methods for Natural Language Processing
Spatial Descriptions in Type Theory with Records
Augmenting Librispeech with French Translations: A Multimodal Corpus for Direct Speech Translation Evaluation
Tools facilitating better use of online dictionaries: Technical aspects of Multidict, Wordlink and Clilstore
Aligning Bilingual Literary Works: a Pilot Study
Linguistically Motivated Features for Enhanced Back-of-the-Book Indexing
Explorations in Automatic Book Summarization
A Joint Graph Model for Pinyin-to-Chinese Conversion with Typo Correction
KySS 1.0: a Framework for Automatic Evaluation of Chinese Input Method Engines
Improving Patent Translation using Bilingual Term Extraction and Re-tokenization for Chinese–Japanese
Toward Cross-theory Discourse Relation Annotation
Cross-Lingual Content Scoring
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Leverage Kernel-based Traditional NLP features and Neural Networks to Build a Universal Model for Multilingual and Cross-lingual Semantic Textual Similarity
Neural Network Language Models for Candidate Scoring in Hybrid Multi-System Machine Translation
Instance Selection Improves Cross-Lingual Model Training for Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis
Cross-Lingual Argumentative Relation Identification: from English to Portuguese
Modeling Second-Language Learning from a Psychological Perspective
Merging knowledge bases in different languages
Multi-system machine translation using online APIs for English-Latvian
Bingo at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Augmenting Data using Machine Translation for Cross-linguistic Customer Feedback Classification
Syntax-based Multi-system Machine Translation
Identifying Effective Translations for Cross-lingual Arabic-to-English User-generated Speech Search
DCU-SEManiacs at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Synthetic Paragram Embeddings for Semantic Textual Similarity
Assessing Back-Translation as a Corpus Generation Strategy for non-English Tasks: A Study in Reading Comprehension and Word Sense Disambiguation
Deep Learning Paradigm with Transformed Monolingual Word Embeddings for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis
Tracking Sentiment in Mail: How Genders Differ on Emotional Axes
Sharing Cultural Heritage: the Clavius on the Web Project
Applying the Cognitive Machine Translation Evaluation Approach to Arabic
SOFTCARDINALITY: Learning to Identify Directional Cross-Lingual Entailment from Cardinalities and SMT
A Challenge Set Approach to Evaluating Machine Translation
Learning Neural Representation for CLIR with Adversarial Framework
Scheduled Multi-Task Learning: From Syntax to Translation
Interactive Second Language Learning from News Websites
Semi-supervised Training Data Generation for Multilingual Question Answering
Adversarial Feature Adaptation for Cross-lingual Relation Classification
Sentiment Lexicons for Arabic Social Media
Translating Literary Text between Related Languages using SMT
Cross-lingual Opinion Analysis via Negative Transfer Detection
Developing a Neural Machine Translation Service for the 2017-2018 European Union Presidency
MMQA: A Multi-domain Multi-lingual Question-Answering Framework for English and Hindi
Earth Mover’s Distance Minimization for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Multi-modal Summarization for Asynchronous Collection of Text, Image, Audio and Video
Bilingual Sentiment Embeddings: Joint Projection of Sentiment Across Languages
From Chinese Word Segmentation to Extraction of Constructions: Two Sides of the Same Algorithmic Coin
Automatic Wordnet Mapping: from CoreNet to Princeton WordNet
Tilde MT Platform for Developing Client Specific MT Solutions
Adversarial Deep Averaging Networks for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification
Inducing Bilingual Lexica From Non-Parallel Data With Earth Mover’s Distance Regularization
Mining Parallel Corpora from Sina Weibo and Twitter
UHH Submission to the WMT17 Quality Estimation Shared Task
Discriminating Similar Languages with Token-Based Backoff
North-Sámi to Finnish rule-based machine translation system
Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Automatic Enrichment of Terminological Resources: the IATE RDF Example
Joint Approach to Deromanization of Code-mixed Texts
Evaluating Gender Bias in Machine Translation
SMILEE: Symmetric Multi-modal Interactions with Language-gesture Enabled (AI) Embodiment
Improving cross-domain dependency parsing with dependency-derived clusters
Developing a Biosurveillance Application Ontology for Influenza-Like-Illness
Investigating Public Health Surveillance using Twitter
Classification of Attributes in a Natural Language Query into Different SQL Clauses
Discourse-sensitive Automatic Identification of Generic Expressions
Situation entity types: automatic classification of clause-level aspect
Semantic Similarity of Arabic Sentences with Word Embeddings
Adapting Freely Available Resources to Build an Opinion Mining Pipeline in Portuguese
Proceedings of the IWCS Shared Task on Semantic Parsing
LSDSCC: a Large Scale Domain-Specific Conversational Corpus for Response Generation with Diversity Oriented Evaluation Metrics
Refining the most frequent sense baseline
Applying the Cognitive Machine Translation Evaluation Approach to Arabic
Effect of Language and Error Models on Efficiency of Finite-State Spell-Checking and Correction
Constructing a Chinese—Japanese Parallel Corpus from Wikipedia
Uma Ferramenta para Projeto de Sistemas de Diálogos para Call Center Baseados em Asterisk (A Tool for the Design of Dialog Systems for Asterisk-based Call Centers) [in Portuguese]
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2009 Workshop on Semi-supervised Learning for Natural Language Processing
Comparing Data Sources and Architectures for Deep Visual Representation Learning in Semantics
Developing a Dataset for Evaluating Approaches for Document Expansion with Images
Multimodal Pivots for Image Caption Translation
A Corpus for Reasoning about Natural Language Grounded in Photographs
magyarlanc: A Tool for Morphological and Dependency Parsing of Hungarian
Cross-lingual Model Transfer Using Feature Representation Projection
Do dependency parsing metrics correlate with human judgments?
Automated Speech Recognition Technology for Dialogue Interaction with Non-Native Interlocutors
Which ASR should I choose for my dialogue system?
Deep Learning from Web-Scale Corpora for Better Dictionary Interfaces
SINAI at SemEval-2017 Task 4: User based classification
Exploiting Structured Ontology to Organize Scattered Online Opinions
Book Review: Statistical Machine Translation by Philipp Koehn
Author Commitment and Social Power: Automatic Belief Tagging to Infer the Social Context of Interactions
I Can Has Cheezburger? A Nonparanormal Approach to Combining Textual and Visual Information for Predicting and Generating Popular Meme Descriptions
Simple or Complex? Classifying Questions by Answering Complexity
LILI: A Simple Language Independent Approach for Language Identification
Stanford University’s Submissions to the WMT 2014 Translation Task
Dialog Act Annotation for Twitter Conversations
Quantifying the Language of Schizophrenia in Social Media
Towards Universal Web Parsebanks
Quantifying Mental Health Signals in Twitter
The CMU Submission for the Shared Task on Language Identification in Code-Switched Data
CLPsych 2015 Shared Task: Depression and PTSD on Twitter
“ye word kis lang ka hai bhai?” Testing the Limits of Word level Language Identification
AIDA2: A Hybrid Approach for Token and Sentence Level Dialect Identification in Arabic
N-gram Counts and Language Models from the Common Crawl
From ADHD to SAD: Analyzing the Language of Mental Health on Twitter through Self-Reported Diagnoses
Language Identification and Modeling in Specialized Hardware
Edinburgh’s Phrase-based Machine Translation Systems for WMT-14
Analysing Temporally Annotated Corpora with CAVaT
TechWatchTool: Innovation and Trend Monitoring
Task-Oriented Query Reformulation with Reinforcement Learning
PerspectroScope: A Window to the World of Diverse Perspectives
Fangorn: A System for Querying very large Treebanks
An Experiment in Integrating Sentiment Features for Tech Stock Prediction in Twitter
An Evaluation of Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis Techniques for the Plays of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
Travatar: A Forest-to-String Machine Translation Engine based on Tree Transducers
Discriminative Language Models as a Tool for Machine Translation Error Analysis
The Minho Quotation Resource
Error Correcting Romaji-kana Conversion for Japanese Language Education
Efficient dictionary and language model compression for input method editors
The Edit Distance Transducer in Action: The University of Cambridge English-German System at WMT16
Wiki-ly Supervised Part-of-Speech Tagging
User Demographics and Language in an Implicit Social Network
The S-Space Package: An Open Source Package for Word Space Models
Reducing the Size of the Representation for the uDOP-Estimate
Syntactically Guided Neural Machine Translation
Learning from evolving data streams: online triage of bug reports
A Python Toolkit for Universal Transliteration
TTS for Low Resource Languages: A Bangla Synthesizer
Color Aesthetics and Social Networks in Complete Tang Poems: Explorations and Discoveries
使用流暢性改善詞組翻譯的統計式機器翻譯 (Using Phrase and Fluency to Improve Statistical Machine Translation) [In Chinese]
Revisiting Word Embedding for Contrasting Meaning
ZeuScansion: a tool for scansion of English poetry
TOTEMSS: Topic-based, Temporal Sentiment Summarisation for Twitter
What topic do you want to hear about? A bilingual talking robot using English and Japanese Wikipedias
Temporal Expressions in Swedish Medical Text – A Pilot Study
Better Summarization Evaluation with Word Embeddings for ROUGE
How Transferable are Neural Networks in NLP Applications?
Robust Word Vectors: Context-Informed Embeddings for Noisy Texts
Unsupervised Text Segmentation Using Semantic Relatedness Graphs
End-to-End Trainable Attentive Decoder for Hierarchical Entity Classification
Complexity of Word Collocation Networks: A Preliminary Structural Analysis
Sentiment Intensity Ranking among Adjectives Using Sentiment Bearing Word Embeddings
Neural word embeddings with multiplicative feature interactions for tensor-based compositions
Empirical Linguistic Study of Sentence Embeddings
Sentiment Analysis for Multilingual Corpora
A Hybrid Model for Globally Coherent Story Generation
Transfer Learning for Causal Sentence Detection
EigenSent: Spectral sentence embeddings using higher-order Dynamic Mode Decomposition
Fine-tuning Pre-Trained Transformer Language Models to Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction
A Pipeline Approach to Chinese Personal Name Disambiguation
Joint English Spelling Error Correction and POS Tagging for Language Learners Writing
Towards Building Advanced Natural Language Applications - An Overview of the Existing Primary Resources and Applications in Nepali
Harnessing NLP Techniques in the Processes of Multilingual Content Management
The USAGE review corpus for fine grained multi lingual opinion analysis
Neural Network Language Model for Chinese Pinyin Input Method Engine
mhirano at the FinSBD Task: Pointwise Prediction Based on Multi-layer Perceptron for Sentence Boundary Detection
EmotionX-AR: CNN-DCNN autoencoder based Emotion Classifier
Automatic and Manual Web Annotations in an Infrastructure to handle Fake News and other Online Media Phenomena
Correlating Twitter Language with Community-Level Health Outcomes
POLYGLOT: Multilingual Semantic Role Labeling with Unified Labels
UIMA Ruta Workbench: Rule-based Text Annotation
SPA: Web-based Platform for easy Access to Speech Processing Modules
Sparse Bilingual Word Representations for Cross-lingual Lexical Entailment
A Machine Learning Approach to Automatic Term Extraction using a Rich Feature Set
Building a semantically annotated corpus for congestive heart and renal failure from clinical records and the literature
evision PDF of 'The Linguistic Ideologies of Deep Abusive Language Classification
Fermi at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media using Sentence Embeddings
FERMI at SemEval-2019 Task 5: Using Sentence embeddings to Identify Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women in Twitter
A Framework for Public Health Surveillance
Using Deep Linguistic Features for Finding Deceptive Opinion Spam
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Chinese-English Mixed Texts with Dynamic Features
Detecting Hedge Cues and their Scopes with Average Perceptron
Triplet-Based Chinese Word Sense Induction
Sketching the Dependency Relations of Words in Chinese
Personalized Page Rank for Named Entity Disambiguation
Graph Ranking for Collective Named Entity Disambiguation
Collective Named Entity Disambiguation using Graph Ranking and Clique Partitioning Approaches
‘BonTen’ – Corpus Concordance System for ‘NINJAL Web Japanese Corpus’
UBA: Using Automatic Translation and Wikipedia for Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution
UKPDIPF: Lexical Semantic Approach to Sentiment Polarity Prediction in Twitter Data
Context Comparison of Bursty Events in Web Search and Online Media
Using JRC-ACQUIS in SMT Experiments for Romanian and German
Automatic Labeling of Voiced Consonants for Morphological Analysis of Modern Japanese Literature
Semantic Classification of Automatically Acquired Nouns using Lexico-Syntactic Clues
Enhancing Instructor-Student and Student-Student Interactions with Mobile Interfaces and Summarization
LingSync & the Online Linguistic Database: New Models for the Collection and Management of Data for Language Communities, Linguists and Language Learners
Creating Textual Driver Feedback from Telemetric Data
A Novel Distributional Approach to Multilingual Conceptual Metaphor Recognition
Developing Text Resources for Ten South African Languages
On generating coherent multilingual descriptions of museum objects from Semantic Web ontologies
LIPN: Introducing a new Geographical Context Similarity Measure and a Statistical Similarity Measure based on the Bhattacharyya coefficient
Extracting fine-grained durations for verbs from Twitter
Extracting and modeling durations for habits and events from Twitter
An Update on PENG Light
Applying Multi-Dimensional Analysis to a Russian Webcorpus: Searching for Evidence of Genres
Universal Neural Machine Translation for Extremely Low Resource Languages
Meta-Learning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation
Automated Essay Scoring by Maximizing Human-Machine Agreement
An Entity-centric Approach for Overcoming Knowledge Graph Sparsity
Learning Topics and Positions from Debatepedia
BabyCloud, a Technological Platform for Parents and Researchers
Rule-based Machine Translation between Indonesian and Malaysian
Chinese-to-Spanish rule-based machine translation system
OpenNMT System Description for WNMT 2018: 800 words/sec on a single-core CPU
A Dataset for Multimodal Question Answering in the Cultural Heritage Domain
Towards Building a SentiWordNet for Tamil
Borrow a Little from your Rich Cousin: Using Embeddings and Polarities of English Words for Multilingual Sentiment Classification
How to Know the Best Machine Translation System in Advance before Translating a Sentence?
Amrita_CEN at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Semantic Relation from Word Embeddings in Higher Dimension
pke: an open source python-based keyphrase extraction toolkit
Enriching Dictionaries with Images from the Internet - Targeting Wikipedia and a Japanese Semantic Lexicon: Lexeed -
BioNLP Shared Task 2011: Supporting Resources
Accurate Language Identification of Twitter Messages
Resource Creation for Training and Testing of Transliteration Systems for Indian Languages
Improved Relation Extraction with Feature-Rich Compositional Embedding Models
Automatic Searching for English-Vietnamese Documents on the Internet
Mining Japanese Compound Words and Their Pronunciations from Web Pages and Tweets
Dealing with Out-Of-Vocabulary Problem in Sentence Alignment Using Word Similarity
Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation
Information Extraction over Structured Data: Question Answering with Freebase
Statistical Sandhi Splitter and its Effect on NLP Applications
Using Bilingual Knowledge and Ensemble Techniques for Unsupervised Chinese Sentiment Analysis
Cross-Language Document Summarization Based on Machine Translation Quality Prediction
Exploiting Bilingual Translation for Question Retrieval in Community-Based Question Answering
Co-Training for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification
HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
evision PDF of 'The Linguistic Ideologies of Deep Abusive Language Classification
A temporal expression recognition system for medical documents by
Information Extraction over Structured Data: Question Answering with Freebase
“Poetic” Statistical Machine Translation: Rhyme and Meter
IPA and STOUT: Leveraging Linguistic and Source-based Features for Machine Translation Evaluation
{bs,hr,sr}WaC - Web Corpora of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
caWaC – A web corpus of Catalan and its application to language modeling and machine translation
Kyoto University Participation to WAT 2016
Web-Based Recording and Visualization Framework for Moving Trajectories [In Chinese]
Towards Understanding End-of-trip Instructions in a Taxi Ride Scenario
Entity Resolution and Location Disambiguation in the Ancient Hindu Temples Domain using Web Data
Proceedings 14th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation
Unsupervised Learning of Distributional Relation Vectors!topic/word2vec-
Short Text Clustering via Convolutional Neural Networks
Hierarchical Web Catalog Integration with Conceptual Relationships in a Thesaurus
Why ADAGRAD Fails for Online Topic Modeling
Question Answering over Knowledge Base using Factual Memory Networks
KALAKA-3: a database for the recognition of spoken European languages on YouTube audios
Entity Resolution and Location Disambiguation in the Ancient Hindu Temples Domain using Web Data
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Technologies for MT of Low Resource Languages
SuperAgent: A Customer Service Chatbot for E-commerce Websites
Benben: A Chinese Intelligent Conversational Robot
Towards Identifying Hindi/Urdu Noun Templates in Support of a Large-Scale LFG Grammar
Mind the GAP: A Balanced Corpus of Gendered Ambiguous Pronouns
Location Name Extraction from Targeted Text Streams using Gazetteer-based Statistical Language Models
Lithium NLP: A System for Rich Information Extraction from Noisy User Generated Text on Social Media
DiscoFuse: A Large-Scale Dataset for Discourse-Based Sentence Fusion
Matching the Blanks: Distributional Similarity for Relation Learning
Developing collection management tools to create more robust and reliable linguistic data
Syntactic methods for negation detection in radiology reports in Spanish
Discriminative Phrase-based Lexicalized Reordering Models using Weighted Reordering Graphs
Entropy-based Pruning for Phrase-based Machine Translation
Reordering Modeling using Weighted Alignment Matrices
A surprisingly effective out-of-the-box char2char model on the E2E NLG Challenge dataset
YNU_DYX at SemEval-2019 Task 5: A Stacked BiGRU Model Based on Capsule Network in Detection of Hate
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammar and Related Frameworks (TAG+10)
JMaxAlign: A Maximum Entropy Parallel Sentence Alignment Tool
Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Network for Arabic Sentiment Classification
Developing a Biosurveillance Application Ontology for Influenza-Like-Illness
以多重表示選擇文章分類的樣本(Using Multiple Representations to Select Instances for Text Classification)[In Chinese]
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty” – Understanding the psycho-sociological influences to it
Incrementality all the way up
Semantic overfitting: what ‘world’ do we consider when evaluating disambiguation of text?
Accurate SHRG-Based Semantic Parsing
The Dynamics of Action Corrections in Situated Interaction
User Edits Classification Using Document Revision Histories
Inverted indexing for cross-lingual NLP
Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing Based on Distributed Representations
MiniExperts: An SVM Approach for Measuring Semantic Textual Similarity
Efficient dictionary and language model compression for input method editors
Language-Sites: Accessing and Presenting Language Resources via Geographic Information Systems
A Unified Structure for Dutch Dialect Dictionary Data
Efficient Word Lattice Generation for Joint Word Segmentation and POS Tagging in Japanese
Word Embedding and WordNet Based Metaphor Identification and Interpretation
Using Linguistic Data for English and Spanish Verb-Noun Combination Identification
Book Review: Discourse Processing by Manfred Stede
Neural-based Natural Language Generation in Dialogue using RNN Encoder-Decoder with Semantic Aggregation
R{j} : English - Serbo-Croatian Electronic Dictionary
Phrase Clustering for Discriminative Learning
A2Q: An Agent-based Architecure for Multilingual Q&A
NLP-enhanced Content Filtering Within the POESIA Project
Manawi: Using Multi-Word Expressions and Named Entities to Improve Machine Translation
From digital library to n-grams: NB N-gram
GHH at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Discovering Discriminative Attributes in Distributional Semantics
Lump at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Towards an Interlingua Semantic Similarity
Document-Level Machine Translation with Word Vector Models
Word Embeddings as Metric Recovery in Semantic Spaces
Linguistic Regularities in Sparse and Explicit Word Representations
Joint Semantic Relevance Learning with Text Data and Graph Knowledge
Probabilistic Modeling of Joint-context in Distributional Similarity
The TALP–UPC Spanish–English WMT Biomedical Task: Bilingual Embeddings and Char-based Neural Language Model Rescoring in a Phrase-based System
Using a generic neural model for lexical substitution (Utiliser un modèle neuronal générique pour la substitution lexicale) [in French]
Arabic Textual Entailment with Word Embeddings
Learning and Knowledge Transfer with Memory Networks for Machine Comprehension
Word’s Vector Representations meet Machine Translation
BALLGAME: A Corpus for Computational Semantics
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
System Combination for Multi-document Summarization
Unsupervised extractive summarization via coverage maximization with syntactic and semantic concepts
The Inside-Outside Recursive Neural Network model for Dependency Parsing
Unsupervised Dependency Parsing with Transferring Distribution via Parallel Guidance and Entropy Regularization
Cross-lingual Transfer Parsing for Low-Resourced Languages: An Irish Case Study
Adventures in Multilingual Parsing
Universal Dependency Annotation for Multilingual Parsing
Treebank Translation for Cross-Lingual Parser Induction
RDI_Team at SemEval-2016 Task 3: RDI Unsupervised Framework for Text Ranking
Modelling time and space in Brazilian culture
Towards an automatic identification of chiasmus of words (Vers une identification automatique du chiasme de mots) [in French]
VERTa: a Linguistically-motivated Metric at the WMT15 Metrics Task
From Visual Attributes to Adjectives through Decompositional Distributional Semantics
NLP for uncertain data at scale
Geração de Expressões de Referência usando Relações Espaciais (Referring Expression Generation Using Spatial Relations) [in Portuguese]
Learning Deep Transformer Models for Machine Translation
Using JRC-ACQUIS in SMT Experiments for Romanian and German
Creating rich online dictionaries for the Lao–French language pair, reusable for Machine Translation
GutenTag: an NLP-driven Tool for Digital Humanities Research in the Project Gutenberg Corpus
NewsReader: recording history from daily news streams
Incrementally Updating the SMT Reordering Model
Constructing and Using Broad-coverage Lexical Resource for Enhancing Morphological Analysis of Arabic
Fine-Grain Morphological Analyzer and Part-of-Speech Tagger for Arabic Text
Informative Image Captioning with External Sources of Information
Story tracking: linking similar news over time and across languages
Une étude en 3D de la paraphrase: types de corpus, langues et techniques (A Study of Paraphrase along 3 Dimensions : Corpus Types, Languages and Techniques) [in French]
Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution
Overcoming the Lack of Parallel Data in Sentence Compression
Corporator: A tool for creating RSS-based specialized corpora
Generalizing Sub-sentential Paraphrase Acquisition across Original Signal Type of Text Pairs
Using a sledgehammer to crack a nut? Lexical diversity and event coreference resolution
Monolingual Machine Translation for Paraphrase Generation
A Generalized Knowledge Hunting Framework for the Winograd Schema Challenge
An Empirical Assessment of Contemporary Online Media in Ad-Hoc Corpus Creation for Social Events
Multi-Sentence Compression: Finding Shortest Paths in Word Graphs
Comparative News Summarization Using Linear Programming
Multilingual Multi-class Sentiment Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Looking at word meaning. An interactive visualization of Semantic Vector Spaces for Dutch synsets
Kernel-based Reranking for Named-Entity Extraction
KT-Speech-Crawler: Automatic Dataset Construction for Speech Recognition from YouTube Videos
Quantifiers in a Multimodal World: Hallucinating Vision with Language and Sound
Knowledge Graph Embedding with Hierarchical Relation Structure
Joint Bilingual Sentiment Classification with Unlabeled Parallel Corpora
NewsReader: recording history from daily news streams
Reading Documents for Bayesian Online Change Point Detection
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Young Investigators Workshop on Computational Approaches to Languages of the Americas
NLEL UPV Autoritas Participation at Discrimination between Similar Languages (DSL) 2015 Shared Task
Cross-Lingual News Group Recommendation Using Cluster-Based Cross-Training
A Linked Data Model for Multimodal Sentiment and Emotion Analysis
Using the Web to Train a Mobile Device Oriented Japanese Input Method Editor
Non-linear Mapping for Improved Identification of 1300+ Languages
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Literature
運用Python結合語音辨識及合成技術於自動化音文同步之實作(A Python Implementation of Automatic Speech-text Synchronization Using Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech Technology)[In Chinese]
Diversity-aware Evaluation for Paraphrase Patterns
Typed Entity and Relation Annotation on Computer Science Papers
CLARIN’s Key Resource Families
UT-DB: An Experimental Study on Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Freebase QA: Information Extraction or Semantic Parsing?
Back to Basics for Monolingual Alignment: Exploiting Word Similarity and Contextual Evidence
Cross-Pair Text Representations for Answer Sentence Selection
Okapi+QuEst: Translation Quality Estimation within Okapi
Issues in Translating Verb-Particle Constructions from German to English
Stream-based Translation Models for Statistical Machine Translation
MedNLPDoc: Japanese Shared Task for Clinical NLP
Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
Argument Mining on Twitter: Arguments, Facts and Sources
Towards an Automatic Classification of Illustrative Examples in a Large Japanese-French Dictionary Obtained by OCR
How Transferable are Neural Networks in NLP Applications?
{bs,hr,sr}WaC - Web Corpora of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Word Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Network for Arabic Sentiment Classification
Measuring Readability of Polish Texts: Baseline Experiments
caWaC – A web corpus of Catalan and its application to language modeling and machine translation
Semi-supervised Graph-based Genre Classification for Web Pages
Down-stream effects of tree-to-dependency conversions
Improving Black-box Speech Recognition using Semantic Parsing
Lessons in Dialogue System Deployment
Open ASR for Icelandic: Resources and a Baseline System
Predicting the Difficulty of Language Proficiency Tests
Toward Tweets Normalization Using Maximum Entropy
Challenges in the development of annotated corpora of computer-mediated communication in Indian Languages: A Case of Hindi
Korean Twitter Emotion Classification Using Automatically Built Emotion Lexicons and Fine-Grained Features
Generation of Conceptual-Level Text Cloud with Graph Diffusion
A Python Toolkit for Universal Transliteration
{bs,hr,sr}WaC - Web Corpora of Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
caWaC – A web corpus of Catalan and its application to language modeling and machine translation
Phoneme Similarity Matrices to Improve Long Audio Alignment for Automatic Subtitling
Predicting the Spelling Difficulty of Words for Language Learners
Web Mining for Unsupervised Classification
Anotação de corpus com a OpenWordNet-PT: um exercício de desambiguação (Sense annotation with OpenWordNet-PT: an exercise of word sense disambiguation)
MMFeat: A Toolkit for Extracting Multi-Modal Features
ELISA-EDL: A Cross-lingual Entity Extraction, Linking and Localization System
The Use of Object Labels and Spatial Prepositions as Keywords in a Web-Retrieval-Based Image Caption Generation System
Learning Multilingual Word Embeddings Using Image-Text Data
GEC into the future: Where are we going and how do we get there?
KBGen – Text Generation from Knowledge Bases as a New Shared Task
Par4Sim – Adaptive Paraphrasing for Text Simplification
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
On the contribution of word embeddings to temporal relation classification
Towards a Data Model for the Universal Corpus
Low-Resource Semantic Role Labeling
Multiple System Combination for Transliteration
Bootstrapping Transliteration with Constrained Discovery for Low-Resource Languages
Morphological Reinflection via Discriminative String Transduction
A Universal Dependencies Treebank for Marathi
Online Information Retrieval for Language Learning
Storybase: Towards Building a Knowledge Base for News Events
Linguistically Aware Information Retrieval: Providing Input Enrichment for Second Language Learners
Semantically Constrained Multilayer Annotation: The Case of Coreference
Socially Responsible NLP
Heloise — A Reengineering of Ariane-G5 SLLPs for Application to π-languages
Comparison of Visual and Logical Character Segmentation in Tesseract OCR Language Data for Indic Writing Scripts
Extracting Parallel Fragments from Comparable Corpora for Data-to-text Generation
Unsupervised Alignment of Comparable Data and Text Resources
A NLG-based Application for Walking Directions
The KnowledgeStore: an Entity-Based Storage System
Design and Data Collection for the Accentological Corpus of the Russian Language
A Framework and Tool for Collaborative Extraction of Reliable Information
Reranking with Linguistic and Semantic Features for Arabic Optical Character Recognition
Experiments with DBpedia, WordNet and SentiWordNet as resources for sentiment analysis in micro-blogging
Finding Salient Dates for Building Thematic Timelines
Combinaison d’approches pour la reconnaissance du rôle des locuteurs (Combination of approaches for speaker role recognition) [in French]
Semantic annotation influence on coreference detection using perceptron approach (Influence des annotations sémantiques sur un système de détection de coréférence à base de perceptron multi-couches) [in French]
Memory Augmented Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing
Efficient Higher-Order CRFs for Morphological Tagging
Special Techniques for Constituent Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages
Stacking or Supertagging for Dependency Parsing – What’s the Difference?
(Re)ranking Meets Morphosyntax: State-of-the-art Results from the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task
Introducing the IMS-Wrocław-Szeged-CIS entry at the SPMRL 2014 Shared Task: Reranking and Morpho-syntax meet Unlabeled Data
Dependency parsing with latent refinements of part-of-speech tags
A Morphology-Based Representation Model for LSTM-Based Dependency Parsing of Agglutinative Languages
Experiments in Non-Coherent Post-editing
Keyphrase Extraction for N-best Reranking in Multi-Sentence Compression
A contrastive review of paraphrase acquisition techniques
An Improved Graph Model for Chinese Spell Checking
IIIT at SemEval-2016 Task 11: Complex Word Identification using Nearest Centroid Classification
Wolves at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Semantic Discrimination based on Knowledge and Association
Minimally Supervised Classification to Semantic Categories using Automatically Acquired Symmetric Patterns
That’s sick dude!: Automatic identification of word sense change across different timescales
Diachronic word embeddings and semantic shifts: a survey
Compasses, Magnets, Water Microscopes: Annotation of Terminology in a Diachronic Corpus of Scientific Texts
Distributional Semantic Models
Code-Mixed Question Answering Challenge: Crowd-sourcing Data and Techniques
Using Context Events in Neural Network Models for Event Temporal Status Identification
Building Context-aware Clause Representations for Situation Entity Type Classification
Improving Implicit Discourse Relation Classification by Modeling Inter-dependencies of Discourse Units in a Paragraph
SemEval-2019 Task 5: Multilingual Detection of Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women in Twitter
Multi-source named entity typing for social media
mhirano at the FinSBD Task: Pointwise Prediction Based on Multi-layer Perceptron for Sentence Boundary Detection
Korean Language Resources for Everyone
Using the Web and Social Media as Corpora for Monitoring the Spread of Neologisms. The case of ‘rapefugee’, ‘rapeugee’, and ‘rapugee’.
Exploring Distributional Representations and Machine Translation for Aspect-based Cross-lingual Sentiment Classification.
Ranking Translation Candidates Acquired from Comparable Corpora
Combining Lightly-Supervised Text Classification Models for Accurate Contextual Advertising
Introduction to BIT Chinese Spelling Correction System at CLP 2014 Bake-off
Graph Model for Chinese Spell Checking
An Improved Graph Model for Chinese Spell Checking;
Deep Learning for Conversational AI
TechWatchTool: Innovation and Trend Monitoring
Measuring Popularity of Machine-Generated Sentences Using Term Count, Document Frequency, and Dependency Language Model
An Empirical Assessment of Contemporary Online Media in Ad-Hoc Corpus Creation for Social Events
Word Segmentation, Unknown-word Resolution, and Morphological Agreement in a Hebrew Parsing System
Effects of Empty Categories on Machine Translation
Head-Driven Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation
Parse Reranking Based on Higher-Order Lexical Dependencies
Phrase Structure Parsing with Dependency Structure
Improving PCFG Chinese Parsing with Context-Dependent Probability Re-estimation
Refining Grammars for Parsing with Hierarchical Semantic Knowledge
Discriminative Strategies to Integrate Multiword Expression Recognition and Parsing
Joint Modeling of Trigger Identification and Event Type Determination in Chinese Event Extraction
Domain Adaptation with Active Learning for Coreference Resolution
Learning the Scope of Negation via Shallow Semantic Parsing
Argument Inference from Relevant Event Mentions in Chinese Argument Extraction
Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Korean Parsing
Multi-Predicate Semantic Role Labeling
Treebank Conversion based Self-training Strategy for Parsing
NAIST at the HOO 2012 Shared Task
Hybrid Constituent and Dependency Parsing with Tsinghua Chinese Treebank
Using Syntactic Head Information in Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation
BioNLP Shared Task 2011: Supporting Resources
Handling Unknown Words in Statistical Latent-Variable Parsing Models for Arabic, English and French
An Empirical Study of Translation Rule Extraction with Multiple Parsers
NEU Systems in SIGHAN Bakeoff 2012
Stacking of Dependency and Phrase Structure Parsers
Unsupervised Syntactic Alignment with Inversion Transduction Grammars
Improved Chinese Parsing Using Named Entity Cue
All Fragments Count in Parser Evaluation
Better Synchronous Binarization for Machine Translation
A Novel Translation Framework Based on Rhetorical Structure Theory
A Unified Framework for Scope Learning via Simplified Shallow Semantic Parsing
Improving Nominal SRL in Chinese Language with Verbal SRL Information and Automatic Predicate Recognition
Joint Hebrew Segmentation and Parsing using a PCFGLA Lattice Parser
An Out-of-Domain Test Suite for Dependency Parsing of German
An Automatic Learning of an Algerian Dialect Lexicon by using Multilingual Word Embeddings
Proper Name Machine Translation from Japanese to Japanese Sign Language
SMILEE: Symmetric Multi-modal Interactions with Language-gesture Enabled (AI) Embodiment
Rich Prior Knowledge in Learning for Natural Language Processing
Automatic Keyphrase Extraction: A Survey of the State of the Art
Measuring Term Informativeness in Context
Using WYSIWYM to Create an Open-ended Interface for the Semantic Grid
Meaning_space at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Combining explicitly encoded knowledge with information extracted from word embeddings
Adjusting Word Embeddings with Semantic Intensity Orders
Learning Compositionality Functions on Word Embeddings for Modelling Attribute Meaning in Adjective-Noun Phrases
Many Languages, One Parser
Visualizing Deep-Syntactic Parser Output
The Role of Queries in Ranking Labeled Instances Extracted from Text
JEDI: Joint Entity and Relation Detection using Type Inference
AgreeCalc: Uma Ferramenta para Análise da Concordância entre Múltiplos Anotadores (AgreeCalc: A Tool for the Analysis of Agreement Between Multiple Annotators) [in Portuguese]
Multi-modular domain-tailored OCR post-correction
Open Entity Extraction from Web Search Query Logs
A Tree Transducer Model for Grammatical Error Correction
Semantic Web based Machine Translation
A Comparative Study on Regularization Strategies for Embedding-based Neural Networks
Towards a Domain Independent Semantics: Enhancing Semantic Representation with Construction Grammar
UVA Wahoos at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Hate Speech Identification using Ensemble Machine Learning
The Titans at SemEval-2019 Task 5: Detection of hate speech against immigrants and women in Twitter
Embeddia at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Detecting Hate with Neural Network and Transfer Learning Approaches
Nikolov-Radivchev at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Tweet Classification with BERT and Ensembles
bhanodaig at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Categorizing Offensive Language in social media
The Titans at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Language Identification, Categorization and Target Identification
CN-HIT-MI.T at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Language Identification Based on BiLSTM with Double Attention
Ghmerti at SemEval-2019 Task 6: A Deep Word- and Character-based Approach to Offensive Language Identification
JU_ETCE_17_21 at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Efficient Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches for Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Tweets
MIDAS at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Identifying Offensive Posts and Targeted Offense from Twitter
SSN_NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Language Identification in Social Media using Traditional and Deep Machine Learning Approaches
Gold Standard Annotations for Preposition and Verb Sense with Semantic Role Labels in Adult-Child Interactions
A Survey and Classification of Controlled Natural Languages
Dual Constrained Question Embeddings with Relational Knowledge Bases for Simple Question Answering
Question Generation for Question Answering
TypeSQL: Knowledge-Based Type-Aware Neural Text-to-SQL Generation
Automatic Distractor Suggestion for Multiple-Choice Tests Using Concept Embeddings and Information Retrieval
Representation Learning of Entities and Documents from Knowledge Base Descriptions
Pattern-revising Enhanced Simple Question Answering over Knowledge Bases
Distant Supervision for Entity Linking
The USAGE review corpus for fine grained multi lingual opinion analysis
QLUT at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Based on Word Embeddings
Universal Semantic Parsing
A Dataset and Classifier for Recognizing Social Media English
Comparing Pretrained Multilingual Word Embeddings on an Ontology Alignment Task
Language classification from bilingual word embedding graphs
Automatic Selection of Context Configurations for Improved Class-Specific Word Representations
QLUT at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Word Similarity Based on Word Embedding and Knowledge Base
Cross-Lingual Syntactically Informed Distributed Word Representations
HHU at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Fast Hash-Based Embeddings for Semantic Word Similarity Assessment
Cross-lingual Transfer of Named Entity Recognizers without Parallel Corpora
Sub-Word Similarity based Search for Embeddings: Inducing Rare-Word Embeddings for Word Similarity Tasks and Language Modelling
Multi-view and multi-task training of RST discourse parsers
Is “Universal Syntax” Universally Useful for Learning Distributed Word Representations?
On Learning Word Embeddings From Linguistically Augmented Text Corpora
Automatically Assessing the Post Quality in Online Discussions on Software
Using Emoticons to Reduce Dependency in Machine Learning Techniques for Sentiment Classification
SemEval-2016 Task 13: Taxonomy Extraction Evaluation (TExEval-2)
SemEval-2015 Task 17: Taxonomy Extraction Evaluation (TExEval)
Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
TALC-sef A Manually-Revised POS-TAgged Literary Corpus in Serbian, English and French
Semantic Similarity of Arabic Sentences with Word Embeddings
LIM-LIG at SemEval-2017 Task1: Enhancing the Semantic Similarity for Arabic Sentences with Vectors Weighting
Lemmatization of Multi-word Common Noun Phrases and Named Entities in Polish
A Study of Reuse and Plagiarism in LREC papers
Providing and Analyzing NLP Terms for our Community
Predictive Modeling: Guessing the NLP Terms of Tomorrow
Adverse Drug Event classification of health records using dictionary based pre-processing and machine learning
Query Expansion for Khmer Information Retrieval
Sentence Boundary Detection and the Problem with the U.S.
Sentence Boundary Detection: A Long Solved Problem?
以範例為基礎之英漢TIMSS詴題輔助翻譯 (Example Based Machine Translation of TIMSS Test Items) [In Chinese]
針對數學與科學教育領域之電腦輔助英中試題翻譯系統 (An Exploration of Computer Assisted Translation of Test Items for Mathematics and Sciences) [In Chinese]
LingSync & the Online Linguistic Database: New Models for the Collection and Management of Data for Language Communities, Linguists and Language Learners
First Approaches on Spanish Medical Record Classification Using Diagnostic Term to Class Transduction
Query Expansion for Khmer Information Retrieval
Overview of the 3rd Workshop on Asian Translation
Overview of the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation
Overview of the 4th Workshop on Asian Translation
Using the Web to Train a Mobile Device Oriented Japanese Input Method Editor
Overview of the 2nd Workshop on Asian Translation
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2014)
Online-Monitoring of Security-Related Events
SpatialML: Annotation Scheme, Corpora, and Tools
Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): First Steps
The NewSoMe Corpus: A Unifying Opinion Annotation Framework across Genres and in Multiple Languages
Emotion Impacts Speech Recognition Performance
ANEW+: Automatic Expansion and Validation of Affective Norms of Words Lexicons in Multiple Languages
A data-driven model of explanations for a chatbot that helps to practice conversation in a foreign language
A Twitter Corpus and Benchmark Resources for German Sentiment Analysis
phloat : Integrated Writing Environment for ESL learners
The Wild Thing
Chinese Function Tag Labeling
Extracting MWEs from Italian corpora: A case study for refining the POS-pattern methodology
Sentence Classification for Investment Rules Detection
Universal Sentence Encoder for English
Sentylic at IEST 2018: Gated Recurrent Neural Network and Capsule Network Based Approach for Implicit Emotion Detection
ArbEngVec : Arabic-English Cross-Lingual Word Embedding Model
Segmentation of Argumentative Texts with Contextualised Word Representations
Vox Populi Annotation: Measuring Intensity of Ideological Perspectives by Aggregating Group Judgments
Using the Wikipedia Link Structure to Correct the Wikipedia Link Structure,cd
Crowdsourcing for (almost) Real-time Question Answering
Web-imageability of the Behavioral Features of Basic-level Concepts
Chinese Named Entity Abbreviation Generation Using First-Order Logic
Mawdoo3 AI at MADAR Shared Task: Arabic Fine-Grained Dialect Identification with Ensemble Learning
Model adaptation and adaptive training for the recognition of dysarthric speech
Learning the Impact and Behavior of Syntactic Structure: A Case Study in Semantic Textual Similarity
Top-down Tree Structured Decoding with Syntactic Connections for Neural Machine Translation and Parsing
Measuring the Impact of Sense Similarity on Word Sense Induction
Embedding Semantic Similarity in Tree Kernels for Domain Adaptation of Relation Extraction
Event Detection in Blogs using Temporal Random Indexing
Gold Standard Annotations for Preposition and Verb Sense with Semantic Role Labels in Adult-Child Interactions
The Revised Arabic PropBank
Propbank Instance Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Jubilee
Multilingual Propbank Annotation Tools: Cornerstone and Jubilee
Propbank Frameset Annotation Guidelines Using a Dedicated Editor, Cornerstone
CAT: the CELCT Annotation Tool
Discriminative Language Models as a Tool for Machine Translation Error Analysis
On Committee Representations of Adversarial Learning Models for Question-Answer Ranking
A Method of Augmenting Bilingual Terminology by Taking Advantage of the Conceptual Systematicity of Terminologies
Hidden Markov Tree Model for Word Alignment
Noise-Aware Character Alignment for Bootstrapping Statistical Machine Transliteration from Bilingual Corpora
Overview of the 5th Workshop on Asian Translation
Visualizing the “Dictionary of Regionalisms of France” (DRF)
Collocation Extraction Using Web Statistics
Learning to Automatically Solve Algebra Word Problems
A Graph Approach to Spelling Correction in Domain-Centric Search
Readers vs. Writers vs. Texts: Coping with Different Perspectives of Text Understanding in Emotion Annotation
Contextualized Character Representation for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
A Chinese Writing Correction System for Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language
Automatic Grammatical Error Detection for Chinese based on Conditional Random Field
SCARE ― The Sentiment Corpus of App Reviews with Fine-grained Annotations in German
DeepAnalyzer at SemEval-2019 Task 6: A deep learning-based ensemble method for identifying offensive tweets
Using a Cross-Language Information Retrieval System based on OHSUMED to Evaluate the Moses and KantanMT Statistical Machine Translation Systems
Connotation Frames of Power and Agency in Modern Films
TwittDict: Extracting Social Oriented Keyphrase Semantics from Twitter
Analyzing Time Series Changes of Correlation between Market Share and Concerns on Companies measured through Search Engine Suggests
Sentence Classification for Investment Rules Detection
ELDEN: Improved Entity Linking Using Densified Knowledge Graphs
Disfluency Detection Using Multi-step Stacked Learning
A Fast, Compact, Accurate Model for Language Identification of Codemixed Text
Weakly Supervised User Profile Extraction from Twitter
gdbank: The beginnings of a corpus of dependency structures and type-logical grammar in Scottish Gaelic
Modeling Acoustic-Prosodic Cues for Word Importance Prediction in Spoken Dialogues!MNkrJRXZM3WN
Text Categorization by Learning Predominant Sense of Words as Auxiliary Task
Cooking with Semantics
Comparison of Visual and Logical Character Segmentation in Tesseract OCR Language Data for Indic Writing Scripts
Visualizing the “Dictionary of Regionalisms of France” (DRF)
Geração de instruções em mundos virtuais: primeiros passos (Generation of Instructions in Virtual Worlds: First Steps) [in Portuguese]
Analysis and Performance of Morphological Query Expansion and Language-Filtering Words on Basque Web Searching
Using the Web as a Corpus for the Syntactic-Based Collocation Identification
A Universal Dependencies Treebank for Marathi
Improving Distributed Representation of Word Sense via WordNet Gloss Composition and Context Clustering
A Large Scale Ranker-Based System for Search Query Spelling Correction
Learning Phrase-Based Spelling Error Models from Clickthrough Data
UHH Submission to the WMT17 Quality Estimation Shared Task
UHH Submission to the WMT17 Metrics Shared Task
MSejrKu at SemEval-2016 Task 14: Taxonomy Enrichment by Evidence Ranking
Modeling Human Inference Process for Textual Entailment Recognition
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 19, Number 3, September 2014
Design of an Input Method for Taiwanese Hokkien using Unsupervized Word Segmentation for Language Modeling
Automated Verb Sense Labelling Based on Linked Lexical Resources
Multilingual Subjectivity: Are More Languages Better?
The SAWA Corpus: A Parallel Corpus English - Swahili
A Log-Linear Block Transliteration Model based on Bi-Stream HMMs
Dictionary Alignment for Context-sensitive Word Glossing
Multilingual Subjectivity Analysis Using Machine Translation
Candidate evaluation strategies for improved difficulty prediction of language tests
LG-Eval: A Toolkit for Creating Online Language Evaluation Experiments
Integrating support verb constructions into a parser
Recognizing Arguing Subjectivity and Argument Tags
Improved relation classification by deep recurrent neural networks with data augmentation
Tackling interoperability issues within UIMA work flows
Chinese Sentiments on the Clouds: A Preliminary Experiment on Corpus Processing and Exploration on Cloud Service
Smart vs. Solid Solutions in Computational Linguistics—Machine Translation or Information Retrieval
tucSage: Grammar Rule Induction for Spoken Dialogue Systems via Probabilistic Candidate Selection
SemEval-2014 Task 2: Grammar Induction for Spoken Dialogue Systems
UBY - A Large-Scale Unified Lexical-Semantic Resource Based on LMF
Measuring Contextual Fitness Using Error Contexts Extracted from the Wikipedia Revision History
Study and Implementation of Monolingual Approach on Indonesian Question Answering for Factoid and Non-Factoid Question
FBK-UPV-UEdin participation in the WMT14 Quality Estimation shared-task
Quantifying Qualitative Data for Understanding Controversial Issues
基於字典釋義關聯方法的同義詞概念擷取:以《同義詞詞林(擴展版)》為例 (A Definition-based Shared-concept Extraction within Groups of Chinese Synonyms: A Study Utilizing the Extended Chinese Synonym Forest) [In Chinese]
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 18, Number 2, June 2013-Special Issue on Chinese Lexical Resources: Theories and Applications
Robust Learning in Random Subspaces: Equipping NLP for OOV Effects
Evaluating a City Exploration Dialogue System with Integrated Question-Answering and Pedestrian Navigation
What topic do you want to hear about? A bilingual talking robot using English and Japanese Wikipedias
An Improved Phrase-based Approach to Annotating and Summarizing Student Course Responses
An Empirical Study of Information Synthesis Task
Prune-and-Score: Learning for Greedy Coreference Resolution
Latent Trees for Coreference Resolution
Scoring Coreference Partitions of Predicted Mentions: A Reference Implementation
Developing a Sina Weibo Incident Monitor for Disasters
TEXT2TABLE: Medical Text Summarization System Based on Named Entity Recognition and Modality Identification
From digital library to n-grams: NB N-gram
Can We Make Computers Laugh at Talks?
Transparent, Efficient, and Robust Word Embedding Access with WOMBAT
Fermi at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media using Sentence Embeddings
FERMI at SemEval-2019 Task 5: Using Sentence embeddings to Identify Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women in Twitter
Tackling interoperability issues within UIMA work flows
Efficient Matrix-Encoded Grammars and Low Latency Parallelization Strategies for CYK
A Reading Comprehension Corpus for Machine Translation Evaluation
Acquiring Synonyms from Monolingual Comparable Texts
Exploring the Role of Prior Beliefs for Argument Persuasion
When and Why Are Pre-Trained Word Embeddings Useful for Neural Machine Translation?
Toward An Epic Epigraph Graph An Off-the-shelf Language Identification Tool
A Repository of Free Lexical Resources for African Languages: The Project and the Method
Adaptive Quality Estimation for Machine Translation
Comparison of Assorted Models for Transliteration
Transition-Based Parsing for Deep Dependency Structures
Towards an Inferential Lexicon of Event Selecting Predicates for French
WINGS:Writing with Intelligent Guidance and Suggestions
Disease Event Detection based on Deep Modality Analysis
Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Shallow Parsing
Universal Sentence Encoder for English
A Customizable Editor for Text Simplification
Proactive Learning for Named Entity Recognition
Análise de Medidas de Similaridade Semântica na Tarefa de Reconhecimento de Implicação Textual (Analysis of Semantic Similarity Measures in the Recognition of Textual Entailment Task)[In Portuguese]
KALAKA-3: a database for the recognition of spoken European languages on YouTube audios
ILLINOISCLOUDNLP: Text Analytics Services in the Cloud
SCARE ― The Sentiment Corpus of App Reviews with Fine-grained Annotations in German
A Computational Approach to Automatic Prediction of Drunk-Texting
Topic Models for Word Sense Disambiguation and Token-Based Idiom Detection
FCC: Modeling Probabilities with GIZA++ for Task 2 and 3 of SemEval-2
BUAP: Lexical and Semantic Similarity for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment
Learning Word Representations by Jointly Modeling Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations
Detecting Cyberbullying Entries on Informal School Websites Based on Category Relevance Maximization
Hidden Markov Tree Model for Word Alignment
Dependency Analysis of Scrambled References for Better Evaluation of Japanese Translation
A Comparison of Rule-Based and Machine Learning Methods for Medical Information Extraction
Automatic Translation of Scholarly Terms into Patent Terms Using Synonym Extraction Techniques
Mining Japanese Compound Words and Their Pronunciations from Web Pages and Tweets
Two-Stage Pre-ordering for Japanese-to-English Statistical Machine Translation
An Abstract Generation System for Social Scientific Papers
A Boosting-based Algorithm for Classification of Semi-Structured Text using the Frequency of Substructures
A Japanese Learning Support System Matching Individual Abilities
Using the Web to Train a Mobile Device Oriented Japanese Input Method Editor
Learning an Executable Neural Semantic Parser
Transforming Dependency Structures to Logical Forms for Semantic Parsing
Paraphrase Generation from Latent-Variable PCFGs for Semantic Parsing
Tailor knowledge graph for query understanding: linking intent topics by propagation
Fast and Accurate Arc Filtering for Dependency Parsing
Joint Training of Dependency Parsing Filters through Latent Support Vector Machines
Building a Better Bitext for Structurally Different Languages through Self-training
Construction and Annotation of a French Folkstale Corpus
Tilde’s Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2017
The University of Cambridge Russian-English System at WMT13 An Off-the-shelf Language Identification Tool
Mining Parallel Corpora from Sina Weibo and Twitter
NLEL UPV Autoritas Participation at Discrimination between Similar Languages (DSL) 2015 Shared Task
KenLM: Faster and Smaller Language Model Queries
Exploring Surface-Level Heuristics for Negation and Speculation Discovery in Clinical Texts
Analyzing Patient Records to Establish If and When a Patient Suffered from a Medical Condition
UConcordia: CLaC Negation Focus Detection at *Sem 2012
NIL_UCM: Extracting Drug-Drug interactions from text through combination of sequence and tree kernels
Modality and Negation: An Introduction to the Special Issue
Crowdsourcing for (almost) Real-time Question Answering
EVBCorpus - A Multi-Layer English-Vietnamese Bilingual Corpus for Studying Tasks in Comparative Linguistics
Phrase translation using a bilingual dictionary and n-gram data: A case study from Vietnamese to English
Weakly-Supervised Neural Semantic Parsing with a Generative Ranker
Learning Structured Natural Language Representations for Semantic Parsing
Agreement Constraints for Statistical Machine Translation into German
Ecological Evaluation of Persuasive Messages Using Google AdWords
Soundex-based Translation Correction in Urdu–English Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Tajik-Farsi Persian Transliteration Using Statistical Machine Translation
Building a Corpus of Errors and Quality in Machine Translation: Experiments on Error Impact
Building a Dataset of Multilingual Cognates for the Romanian Lexicon
Co-Regression for Cross-Language Review Rating Prediction
Mining Name Translations from Entity Graph Mapping
Exploring English Lexicon Knowledge for Chinese Sentiment Analysis
Exodus - Exploring SMT for EU Institutions
Polyglot: Distributed Word Representations for Multilingual NLP
Dealing with Data Sparseness in SMT with Factured Models and Morphological Expansion: a Case Study on Croatian
A Dictionary-Based Approach for Evaluating Orthographic Methods in Cognates Identification
Multi-Domain Adaptation for SMT Using Multi-Task Learning
Meerkat Mafia: Multilingual and Cross-Level Semantic Textual Similarity Systems
ParaDi: Dictionary of Paraphrases of Czech Complex Predicates with Light Verbs
Cross-Language Text Classification Using Structural Correspondence Learning
HITSZ-ICRC: Exploiting Classification Approach for Answer Selection in Community Question Answering
SemEval-2013 Task 10: Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation
Mining a Comparable Text Corpus for a Vietnamese-French Statistical Machine Translation System
Un critère de cohésion thématique fondé sur un graphe de cooccurrences (Topical Cohesion using Graph Random Walks) [in French]
Bilingual Active Learning for Relation Classification via Pseudo Parallel Corpora
Multi-domain Cross-lingual Information Extraction from Clean and Noisy Texts
Context-Dependent Sentiment Analysis in User-Generated Videos
HCTI at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Use convolutional neural network to evaluate Semantic Textual Similarity
VARTRA: A Comparable Corpus for Analysis of Translation Variation
Towards Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment
The FAUST Corpus of Adequacy Assessments for Real-World Machine Translation Output
Towards Automatic Error Analysis of Machine Translation Output
Generating a Non-English Subjectivity Lexicon: Relations That Matter
Cross-Lingual Genre Classification
PanLex: Building a Resource for Panlingual Lexical Translation
Modeling Regular Polysemy: A Study on the Semantic Classification of Catalan Adjectives
Translation-Based Projection for Multilingual Coreference Resolution
An Etymological Approach to Cross-Language Orthographic Similarity. Application on Romanian
Findings of the 2016 Conference on Machine Translation
Validation sur le Web de reformulations locales: application à la Wikipédia (Assisted Rephrasing for Wikipedia Contributors through Web-based Validation) [in French]
English-to-Traditional Chinese Cross-lingual Link Discovery in Articles with Wikipedia Corpus
Collaborative Development of a Rule-Based Machine Translator between Croatian and Serbian
Context-Dependent Multilingual Lexical Lookup for Under-Resourced Languages
Yet Another Language Identifier
The Architecture of FunGramKB
Automatic Knowledge Acquisition for Case Alternation between the Passive and Active Voices in Japanese
Reporting Preliminary Automatic Comparable Corpora Compilation Results
Personalising Speech-To-Speech Translation in the EMIME Project
UAlacant: Using Online Machine Translation for Cross-Lingual Textual Entailment
BIT at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Using Semantic Information Space to Evaluate Semantic Textual Similarity
Using Parallel Features in Parsing of Machine-Translated Sentences for Correction of Grammatical Errors
Answering the question you wish they had asked: The impact of paraphrasing for Question Answering
Stand-off Annotation of Web Content as a Legally Safer Alternative to Crawling for Distribution
Ranking Right-Wing Extremist Social Media Profiles by Similarity to Democratic and Extremist Groups
Pre-reordering for Statistical Machine Translation of Non-fictional Subtitles
SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation
Learning to Adapt Credible Knowledge in Cross-lingual Sentiment Analysis
Using on-line available sources of bilingual information for word-level machine translation quality estimation
Pattern-based English-Latvian Toponym Translation
Detecting Grammatical Errors in Machine Translation Output Using Dependency Parsing and Treebank Querying
Language Portability for Dialogue Systems: Translating a Question-Answering System from English into Tamil
Findings of the 2009 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
UAlacant word-level and phrase-level machine translation quality estimation systems at WMT 2016
Response-based Learning for Grounded Machine Translation
On the Romance Languages Mutual Intelligibility
SentiWS - A Publicly Available German-language Resource for Sentiment Analysis
Development of a Complete Urdu-Hindi Transliteration System
UAlacant word-level machine translation quality estimation system at WMT 2015
Negation Detection in Swedish Clinical Text
HindEnCorp - Hindi-English and Hindi-only Corpus for Machine Translation
Web-based Validation for Contextual Targeted Paraphrasing
Multilingual Lexical Network from the Archives of the Digital Silk Road
Redundancy Detection in ESL Writings
Combining statistical and semantic approaches to the translation of ontologies and taxonomies
Dealing with unknown words in statistical machine translation
Two Database Resources for Processing Social Media English Text
Were the clocks striking or surprising? Using WSD to improve MT performance
LIMSI’s participation to the 2013 shared task on Native Language Identification
Identifying main obstacles for statistical machine translation of morphologically rich South Slavic languages
Translation of TO infinitives in Anusaaraka Platform: an English Hindi MT system
A Voting Mechanism for Named Entity Translation in English–Chinese Question Answering
Machine Translation for Crimean Tatar to Turkish
PRINCIPLE: Providing Resources in Irish, Norwegian, Croatian and Icelandic for the Purposes of Language Engineering
Crowdsourcing and Validating Event-focused Emotion Corpora for German and English
SIMPLIFICA: a tool for authoring simplified texts in Brazilian Portuguese guided by readability assessments
Fostering Digital Inclusion and Accessibility: The PorSimples project for Simplification of Portuguese Texts
Multi-Domain Neural Machine Translation through Unsupervised Adaptation
DKPro Agreement: An Open-Source Java Library for Measuring Inter-Rater Agreement
UKPDIPF: Lexical Semantic Approach to Sentiment Polarity Prediction in Twitter Data
Assessing the Performance of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems When Used by Native and Non-Native Speakers of Three Major Languages in Dictation Workflows
Open-Domain Information Access with Talking Robots
Building an Arabic Machine Translation Post-Edited Corpus: Guidelines and Annotation
Learning Word Embeddings for Low-Resource Languages by PU Learning
SemEval 2017 Task 10: ScienceIE - Extracting Keyphrases and Relations from Scientific Publications;
Extending Monolingual Semantic Textual Similarity Task to Multiple Cross-lingual Settings
Application of the BLEU Method for Evaluating Free-text Answers in an E-learning Environment
On the Elements of an Accurate Tree-to-String Machine Translation System
Cross-Lingual Topical Relevance Models
On the Elements of an Accurate Tree-to-String Machine Translation System
A Model of Vietnamese Person Named Entity Question Answering System
Making Travel Smarter: Extracting Travel Information From Email Itineraries Using Named Entity Recognition
Distributional semantics from text and images
Encoding syntactic dependencies by vector permutation
Word Sense Inventories by Non-Experts.
The Web as a Parallel Corpus
An Impact Analysis of Features in a Classification Approach to Irony Detection in Product Reviews
Held-out versus Gold Standard: Comparison of Evaluation Strategies for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction from Medline abstracts
Improving distant supervision using inference learning
Dr Sentiment Knows Everything!
Learning from errors: Using vector-based compositional semantics for parse reranking
Rediscovering 15 Years of Discoveries in Language Resources and Evaluation: The LREC Anthology Analysis,5&
NLP can help parents to understand rare diseases
An Empirical Assessment of Contemporary Online Media in Ad-Hoc Corpus Creation for Social Events
LingSync & the Online Linguistic Database: New Models for the Collection and Management of Data for Language Communities, Linguists and Language Learners
UIMA-Based JCoRe 2.0 Goes GitHub and Maven Central ― State-of-the-Art Software Resource Engineering and Distribution of NLP Pipelines
Enhancing The RATP-DECODA Corpus With Linguistic Annotations For Performing A Large Range Of NLP Tasks
Numbers Normalisation in the Inflected Languages: a Case Study of Polish
結合線上翻譯服務的跨語言專利檢索系統 (Integrating Query Translation and Text Classification in a Cross-Language Patent Retrieval System) [In Chinese]
Text Classification into Abstract Classes Based on Discourse Structure
Matching sets of parse trees for answering multi-sentence questions
Going beyond sentences when applying tree kernels
Neural Utterance Ranking Model for Conversational Dialogue Systems
Soft Cross-lingual Syntax Projection for Dependency Parsing
DCU-Lingo24 Participation in WMT 2014 Hindi-English Translation task
Bayesian Subtree Alignment Model based on Dependency Trees
A Computational Approach to the Automation of Creative Naming
Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Alignments for MT: An Empirical Study
Cross-Language Entity Linking
Better Punctuation Prediction with Dynamic Conditional Random Fields
Alignment by Bilingual Generation and Monolingual Derivation
Semantic Parsing on Freebase from Question-Answer Pairs
TransChat: Cross-Lingual Instant Messaging for Indian Languages
Semantic Interpretation of Superlative Expressions via Structured Knowledge Bases
A Multilingual Information Extraction Pipeline for Investigative Journalism
Auto-hMDS: Automatic Construction of a Large Heterogeneous Multilingual Multi-Document Summarization Corpus
SentencePiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text Processing
Imitation Learning of Agenda-based Semantic Parsers
Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing
Multilingual Open Relation Extraction Using Cross-lingual Projection
Limitations of Cross-Lingual Learning from Image Search
Representing Topics Using Images
Using the Web and Social Media as Corpora for Monitoring the Spread of Neologisms. The case of ‘rapefugee’, ‘rapeugee’, and ‘rapugee’.
Type-Aware Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction with Linked Arguments
A Corpus and Cloze Evaluation for Deeper Understanding of Commonsense Stories
A Web-scale system for scientific knowledge exploration
Lithium NLP: A System for Rich Information Extraction from Noisy User Generated Text on Social Media
Implicit Discourse Relation Identification for Open-domain Dialogues
Distant Learning for Entity Linking with Automatic Noise Detection
Learning Representation Mapping for Relation Detection in Knowledge Base Question Answering
FAKTA: An Automatic End-to-End Fact Checking System
Synergy of Nederlab and
Construction and Annotation of a French Folkstale Corpus
LSTMEmbed: Learning Word and Sense Representations from a Large Semantically Annotated Corpus with Long Short-Term Memories
“President Vows to Cut <Taxes> Hair”: Dataset and Analysis of Creative Text Editing for Humorous Headlines
BomJi at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Combining Vector-, Pattern- and Graph-based Information to Identify Discriminative Attributes
DOC: Deep Open Classification of Text Documents
Adapting Word Embeddings to New Languages with Morphological and Phonological Subword Representations
Paraphrase Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
LaSTUS/TALN at Complex Word Identification (CWI) 2018 Shared Task
LIPN-IIMAS at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Random Forest Regression Experiments on Align-and-Differentiate and Word Embeddings penalizing strategies
Sentence-Level Grammatical Error Identification as Sequence-to-Sequence Correction
Phrase Table Induction Using In-Domain Monolingual Data for Domain Adaptation in Statistical Machine Translation
Topic Extraction from Microblog Posts Using Conversation Structures
PACRR: A Position-Aware Neural IR Model for Relevance Matching
Representing Sentences as Low-Rank Subspaces
Domain Adapted Word Embeddings for Improved Sentiment Classification
Annotating tense, mood and voice for English, French and German
Online Automatic Post-editing for MT in a Multi-Domain Translation Environment
Global Relation Embedding for Relation Extraction
Alleviating Poor Context with Background Knowledge for Named Entity Disambiguation
RiTUAL-UH at SemEval-2017 Task 5: Sentiment Analysis on Financial Data Using Neural Networks
Demographic Word Embeddings for Racism Detection on Twitter
DiegoLab16 at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter using Centroids, Clusters, and Sentiment Lexicons
On Modeling Sense Relatedness in Multi-prototype Word Embedding
End-to-end Sequence Labeling via Bi-directional LSTM-CNNs-CRF
Low-Resource Machine Transliteration Using Recurrent Neural Networks of Asian Languages
Generalizing Word Embeddings using Bag of Subwords
Overcoming Language Variation in Sentiment Analysis with Social Attention
Semantic Features Based on Word Alignments for Estimating Quality of Text Simplification
The Importance of Automatic Syntactic Features in Vietnamese Named Entity Recognition
NNVLP: A Neural Network-Based Vietnamese Language Processing Toolkit
Domain Adapted Word Embeddings for Improved Sentiment Classification
Apples to Apples: Learning Semantics of Common Entities Through a Novel Comprehension Task
L2F/INESC-ID at SemEval-2017 Tasks 1 and 2: Lexical and semantic features in word and textual similarity
The (too Many) Problems of Analogical Reasoning with Word Vectors
Firearms and Tigers are Dangerous, Kitchen Knives and Zebras are Not: Testing whether Word Embeddings Can Tell
Extracting token-level signals of syntactic processing from fMRI - with an application to PoS induction
UWat-Emote at EmoInt-2017: Emotion Intensity Detection using Affect Clues, Sentiment Polarity and Word Embeddings
Predicting Foreign Language Usage from English-Only Social Media Posts
Predicting Word Embeddings Variability
Albanian Part-of-Speech Tagging: Gold Standard and Evaluation
Modeling Context Words as Regions: An Ordinal Regression Approach to Word Embedding
Learning Text Representations for 500K Classification Tasks on Named Entity Disambiguation
TTI-COIN at SemEval-2017 Task 10: Investigating Embeddings for End-to-End Relation Extraction from Scientific Papers
evision PDF of 'ConceptNet at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Extending Word Embeddings with Multilingual Relational Knowledge
Cross-Lingual Generation and Evaluation of a Wide-Coverage Lexical Semantic Resource
Classifying Lexical-semantic Relationships by Exploiting Sense/Concept Representations
Integrating WordNet for Multiple Sense Embeddings in Vector Semantics
FontLex: A Typographical Lexicon based on Affective Associations
Prediction of Prospective User Engagement with Intelligent Assistants
TakeLab at SemEval-2017 Task 6: #RankingHumorIn4Pages
LightRel at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Lightweight and Fast Relation Classification
You Tweet What You Speak: A City-Level Dataset of Arabic Dialects
Identifying Participation of Individual Verbs or VerbNet Classes in the Causative Alternation
Learning to Skim Text
Weakly Supervised Part-of-speech Tagging Using Eye-tracking Data
Modeling Sentiment Association in Discourse for Humor Recognition
IITP at IJCNLP-2017 Task 4: Auto Analysis of Customer Feedback using CNN and GRU Network
Learning principled bilingual mappings of word embeddings while preserving monolingual invariance
Multi-Model and Crosslingual Dependency Analysis
USI-IR at IEST 2018: Sequence Modeling and Pseudo-Relevance Feedback for Implicit Emotion Detection
How (not) to train a dependency parser: The curious case of jackknifing part-of-speech taggers
Word Embeddings for Multi-label Document Classification
Uncovering Divergent Linguistic Information in Word Embeddings with Lessons for Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation
Discovering Stylistic Variations in Distributional Vector Space Models via Lexical Paraphrases
Self-Attention: A Better Building Block for Sentiment Analysis Neural Network Classifiers
Sparse Coding of Neural Word Embeddings for Multilingual Sequence Labeling
Measuring the Similarity of Sentential Arguments in Dialogue
A supervised approach to taxonomy extraction using word embeddings
A Vector Space for Distributional Semantics for Entailment
Crowdsourcing Semantic Label Propagation in Relation Classification
Using Complex Argumentative Interactions to Reconstruct the Argumentative Structure of Large-Scale Debates
Learning Word Embeddings for Data Sparse and Sentiment Rich Data Sets
Improving Verb Metaphor Detection by Propagating Abstractness to Words, Phrases and Individual Senses
Towards Automatic Fake News Detection: Cross-Level Stance Detection in News Articles
Content-Based Conflict of Interest Detection on Wikipedia
Addressing Low-Resource Scenarios with Character-aware Embeddings
T-REx: A Large Scale Alignment of Natural Language with Knowledge Base Triples
EICA at SemEval-2017 Task 4: A Simple Convolutional Neural Network for Topic-based Sentiment Classification
Assessing State-of-the-Art Sentiment Models on State-of-the-Art Sentiment Datasets
Learning to Negate Adjectives with Bilinear Models
Pruning Basic Elements for Better Automatic Evaluation of Summaries
Phrase-Level Metaphor Identification Using Distributed Representations of Word Meaning
SCARE ― The Sentiment Corpus of App Reviews with Fine-grained Annotations in German
A Conditional Variational Framework for Dialog Generation
Polite Dialogue Generation Without Parallel Data
Moving TIGER beyond Sentence-Level
Reporting Score Distributions Makes a Difference: Performance Study of LSTM-networks for Sequence Tagging
Parameter Free Hierarchical Graph-Based Clustering for Analyzing Continuous Word Embeddings
Measuring Semantic Similarity of Words Using Concept Networks
bot.zen @ EmpiriST 2015 - A minimally-deep learning PoS-tagger (trained for German CMC and Web data)
Economic Event Detection in Company-Specific News Text
Debunking Sentiment Lexicons: A Case of Domain-Specific Sentiment Classification for Croatian
Analyzing Semantic Change in Japanese Loanwords
Cross-domain Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing
Double Embeddings and CNN-based Sequence Labeling for Aspect Extraction
Differentia compositionem facit. A Slower-Paced and Reliable Parser for Latin
‘Lighter’ Can Still Be Dark: Modeling Comparative Color Descriptions
Learning Domain Representation for Multi-Domain Sentiment Classification
An Exploration of Word Embedding Initialization in Deep-Learning Tasks
Query Expansion with Locally-Trained Word Embeddings
Evaluating Unsupervised Dutch Word Embeddings as a Linguistic Resource
Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling using High-quality Surface and Deep Case Frames
UFAL at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Recurrent Neural Networks for Sentence Classification
A Word-Complexity Lexicon and A Neural Readability Ranking Model for Lexical Simplification
Knowing the Author by the Company His Words Keep
UWAV at SemEval-2017 Task 7: Automated feature-based system for locating puns
Discourse Relation Sense Classification Using Cross-argument Semantic Similarity Based on Word Embeddings
Integrating Meaning into Quality Evaluation of Machine Translation
Collective Entity Disambiguation with Structured Gradient Tree Boosting
Effects of Creativity and Cluster Tightness on Short Text Clustering Performance
Dave the debater: a retrieval-based and generative argumentative dialogue agent
Topically Driven Neural Language Model
TakeLab at SemEval-2017 Task 5: Linear aggregation of word embeddings for fine-grained sentiment analysis of financial news
Automatic Negation and Speculation Detection in Veterinary Clinical Text
What’s Wrong, Python? – A Visual Differ and Graph Library for NLP in Python
A Web-scale system for scientific knowledge exploration
Word Emotion Induction for Multiple Languages as a Deep Multi-Task Learning Problem
CommonCOW: Massively Huge Web Corpora from CommonCrawl Data and a Method to Distribute them Freely under Restrictive EU Copyright Laws
Pronoun Prediction with Linguistic Features and Example Weighing
On the Importance of Distinguishing Word Meaning Representations: A Case Study on Reverse Dictionary Mapping
Acquiring Annotated Data with Cross-lingual Explicitation for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification
Segmentation-free compositional n-gram embedding-gram embedding
Subword-based Compact Reconstruction of Word Embeddings
NICT’s Unsupervised Neural and Statistical Machine Translation Systems for the WMT19 News Translation Task
Automatic Domain Adaptation Outperforms Manual Domain Adaptation for Predicting Financial Outcomes
HiGRU: Hierarchical Gated Recurrent Units for Utterance-Level Emotion Recognition
Japanese Sentiment Classification using a Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory with Attention
Medical Word Embeddings for Spanish: Development and Evaluation
Exploiting Out-of-Domain Parallel Data through Multilingual Transfer Learning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation
A Benchmark Corpus of English Misspellings and a Minimally-supervised Model for Spelling Correction
LSTMEmbed: Learning Word and Sense Representations from a Large Semantically Annotated Corpus with Long Short-Term Memories
Ranking of Potential Questions
sthruggle at SemEval-2019 Task 5: An Ensemble Approach to Hate Speech Detection
Modeling Semantic Relationship in Multi-turn Conversations with Hierarchical Latent Variables
Unsupervised Joint Training of Bilingual Word Embeddings
Topic Sensitive Attention on Generic Corpora Corrects Sense Bias in Pretrained Embeddings
Improving the neural network-based machine transliteration for low-resourced language pair
NICT’s Machine Translation Systems for the WMT19 Similar Language Translation Task
Learning to Describe Unknown Phrases with Local and Global Contexts
Context is Key: Grammatical Error Detection with Contextual Word Representations
Lump at SemEval-2017 Task 1: Towards an Interlingua Semantic Similarity
Machine Translation of Medical Texts in the Khresmoi Project
Jointly optimizing word representations for lexical and sentential tasks with the C-PHRASE model
Large-scale Exact Decoding: The IMS-TTT submission to WMT14
Enjambment Detection in a Large Diachronic Corpus of Spanish Sonnets
Training an adaptive dialogue policy for interactive learning of visually grounded word meanings
Handling Homographs in Neural Machine Translation
Don’t count, predict! A systematic comparison of context-counting vs. context-predicting semantic vectors
Comparing Attribute Classifiers for Interactive Language Grounding
A Neural Layered Model for Nested Named Entity Recognition
Detecting Hate Speech in Social Media
Bootstrapping incremental dialogue systems from minimal data: the generalisation power of dialogue grammars
SoMaJo: State-of-the-art tokenization for German web and social media texts
Learning how to Learn: An Adaptive Dialogue Agent for Incrementally Learning Visually Grounded Word Meanings
Building a Corpus for Japanese Wikification with Fine-Grained Entity Classes
A Repository of Data and Evaluation Resources for Natural Language Generation
A Model of Zero-Shot Learning of Spoken Language Understanding
The SpeDial datasets: datasets for Spoken Dialogue Systems analytics
Fact Checking: Task definition and dataset construction
Selection method of an appropriate response in chat-oriented dialogue systems
OpenNMT: Open-Source Toolkit for Neural Machine Translation
Construction of a Free Large Part-of-Speech Annotated Corpus in French (Construction d’un large corpus écrit libre annoté morpho-syntaxiquement en français) [in French]
Overview of the 2014 NLP Unshared Task in PoliInformatics
Classifying Lexical-semantic Relationships by Exploiting Sense/Concept Representations
The BURCHAK corpus: a Challenge Data Set for Interactive Learning of Visually Grounded Word Meanings
How agents see things: On visual representations in an emergent language game
Investigating Continuous Space Language Models for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Tel(s)-Telle(s)-Signs: Highly Accurate Automatic Crosslingual Hypernym Discovery
Visualizing the “Dictionary of Regionalisms of France” (DRF)
This is how we do it: Answer Reranking for Open-domain How Questions with Paragraph Vectors and Minimal Feature Engineering
VOILA: An Optimised Dialogue System for Interactively Learning Visually-Grounded Word Meanings (Demonstration System)
Who caught a cold ? - Identifying the subject of a symptom
Semantics and Pragmatics of Cantonese Polar Questions: an inquisitive approach
Training & Quality Assessment of an Optical Character Recognition Model for Northern Haida
The LAMBADA dataset: Word prediction requiring a broad discourse context
Towards Replicability in Parsing
Discriminating Non-Native English with 350 Words
Biomedical entity extraction using machine-learning based approaches
A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German
A Database of Full Body Virtual Interactions Annotated with Expressivity Scores
Automatic Evaluation of Neural Personality-based Chatbots
The Word Analogy Testing Caveat
Towards Neural Speaker Modeling in Multi-Party Conversation: The Task, Dataset, and Models
Cipher Type Detection
Building Evaluation Datasets for Consumer-Oriented Information Retrieval
CAS: French Corpus with Clinical Cases
DCU-ADAPT: Learning Edit Operations for Microblog Normalisation with the Generalised Perceptron
Lexical Correction of Polish Twitter Political Data
Context Sensitive Neural Lemmatization with Lematus
HyperLex: A Large-Scale Evaluation of Graded Lexical Entailment
A Deep Neural Network Sentence Level Classification Method with Context Information
PARSEME Survey on MWE Resources
BrainBench: A Brain-Image Test Suite for Distributional Semantic Models
Fusion of Simple Models for Native Language Identification
bot.zen @ EmpiriST 2015 - A minimally-deep learning PoS-tagger (trained for German CMC and Web data)
Differentia compositionem facit. A Slower-Paced and Reliable Parser for Latin
Measuring Word Meaning in Context
SoMeWeTa: A Part-of-Speech Tagger for German Social Media and Web Texts
Knowing the Author by the Company His Words Keep
Building Evaluation Datasets for Cultural Microblog Retrieval
Object Hallucination in Image Captioning
MEANTIME, the NewsReader Multilingual Event and Time Corpus
Evaluation of Medical Concept Annotation Systems on Clinical Records
NoSta-D Named Entity Annotation for German: Guidelines and Dataset
Findings of the 2014 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Lexically-Triggered Hidden Markov Models for Clinical Document Coding
Exact Decoding with Multi Bottom-Up Tree Transducers
Fatal or not? Finding errors that lead to dialogue breakdowns in chat-oriented dialogue systems
EmpiriST 2015: A Shared Task on the Automatic Linguistic Annotation of Computer-Mediated Communication and Web Corpora
Transfer-Based Learning-to-Rank Assessment of Medical Term Technicality
Introduction to Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking (DISRPT): 7th Workshop on Rhetorical Structure Theory and Related Formalisms
Unsupervised Pretraining for Neural Machine Translation Using Elastic Weight Consolidation
Miss Tools and Mr Fruit: Emergent Communication in Agents Learning about Object Affordances
Attention over Heads: A Multi-Hop Attention for Neural Machine Translation
The Titans at SemEval-2019 Task 5: Detection of hate speech against immigrants and women in Twitter
Embeddia at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Detecting Hate with Neural Network and Transfer Learning Approaches
Low-resource Deep Entity Resolution with Transfer and Active Learning
Nikolov-Radivchev at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Tweet Classification with BERT and Ensembles
bhanodaig at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Categorizing Offensive Language in social media
Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Recent Advances in RST and Related Formalisms
Fine-tuning for Named Entity Recognition Using Part-of-Speech Tagging
Consistency by Agreement in Zero-Shot Neural Machine Translation
ImageTTR: Grounding Type Theory with Records in Image Classification for Visual Question Answering
The Titans at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Language Identification, Categorization and Target Identification
CN-HIT-MI.T at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Language Identification Based on BiLSTM with Double Attention
Ghmerti at SemEval-2019 Task 6: A Deep Word- and Character-based Approach to Offensive Language Identification
Revisiting Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation: A Case Study
Self-Regulated Interactive Sequence-to-Sequence Learning
JU_ETCE_17_21 at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Efficient Machine Learning and Neural Network Approaches for Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Tweets
MIDAS at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Identifying Offensive Posts and Targeted Offense from Twitter
SSN_NLP at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Offensive Language Identification in Social Media using Traditional and Deep Machine Learning Approaches
Times Are Changing: Investigating the Pace of Language Change in Diachronic Word Embeddings
Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference of the EAMT: Projects/Products
phloat : Integrated Writing Environment for ESL learners
The Unified Annotation of Syntax and Discourse in the Copenhagen Dependency Treebanks
A Comparative Study of English-Chinese Translations of Court Texts by Machine and Human Translators and the Word2Vec Based Similarity Measure’s Ability To Gauge Human Evaluation Biases
Analysing Temporally Annotated Corpora with CAVaT
Building a 70 billion word corpus of English from ClueWeb
SentiWordNet for Indian Languages
Applying mpaligner to Machine Transliteration with Japanese-Specific Heuristics
Polynomial Time Joint Structural Inference for Sentence Compression
基於階層架構資訊及關鍵詞語義擴展的階層式目錄整合研究 (A Study on Hierarchical Catalog Integration based on Hierarchical Information and Keyword Semantic Expansion) [In Chinese]
Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution: An Unsupervised Probabilistic Model Rivaling Supervised Resolvers
Structural Opinion Mining for Graph-based Sentiment Representation
Seeing is Correcting: curating lexical resources using social interfaces
On metric embedding for boosting semantic similarity computations
Wordnet-Based Cross-Language Identification of Semantic Relations
Non-Orthogonal Explicit Semantic Analysis
A Corpus-Based Study of Edit Categories in Featured and Non-Featured Wikipedia Articles
Robust Systems for Preposition Error Correction Using Wikipedia Revisions
Building the multilingual TUT parallel treebank
A Comparison of Entity Matching Methods between English and Japanese Katakana
BahaBa: A Route Generator System for Mobile Devices
Short-Term Projects, Long-Term Benefits: Four Student NLP Projects for Low-Resource Languages
Using Search-Logs to Improve Query Tagging
Fully Character-Level Neural Machine Translation without Explicit Segmentation
#Emotional Tweets
DialPort, Gone Live: An Update After A Year of Development
Knowledge Acquisition Strategies for Goal-Oriented Dialog Systems
Fostering digital representation of EU regional and minority languages: the Digital Language Diversity Project
USFD2: Annotating Temporal Expresions and TLINKs for TempEval-2
A Prototype Tool Set to Support Machine-Assisted Annotation
Capturing Coercions in Texts: a First Annotation Exercise
Extracting Subevents via an Effective Two-phase Approach
Word Sense Disambiguation via PropStore and OntoNotes for Event Mention Detection|zh-CN|
基於對照表以及語言模型之簡繁字體轉換 (Chinese Characters Conversion System based on Lookup Table and Language Model) [In Chinese]
基於對照表以及語言模型之簡繁字體轉換 (Chinese Characters Conversion System based on Lookup Table and Language Model) [In Chinese]
BEL Networks Derived from Qualitative Translations of BioNLP Shared Task Annotations
Building Sentiment Lexicons for All Major Languages
A fuzzier approach to machine translation evaluation: A pilot study on post-editing productivity and automated metrics in commercial settings
Forest-to-String SMT for Asian Language Translation: NAIST at WAT 2014
Discriminative Neural Sentence Modeling by Tree-Based Convolution
Instant Feedback for Increasing the Presence of Solutions in Peer Reviews
Analyzing Patient Records to Establish If and When a Patient Suffered from a Medical Condition
Integrating Models Derived from non-Parametric Bayesian Co-segmentation into a Statistical Machine Transliteration System
Letter-Phoneme Alignment: An Exploration
Applying mpaligner to Machine Transliteration with Japanese-Specific Heuristics
Transliteration Generation and Mining with Limited Training Resources
Data-Driven Broad-Coverage Grammars for Opinionated Natural Language Generation (ONLG)
Dialectometric analysis of language variation in Twitter
Advertising Legality Recognition
Voice Builder: A Tool for Building Text-To-Speech Voices
Improving Grammaticality in Statistical Sentence Generation: Introducing a Dependency Spanning Tree Algorithm with an Argument Satisfaction Model
Learning Dictionaries for Named Entity Recognition using Minimal Supervision
Evaluating the Relationship between Linguistic and Geographic Distances using a 3D Visualization
Saturnalia: A Latin-Catalan Parallel Corpus for Statistical MT
Automatic annotation of head velocity and acceleration in Anvil
Comparing Non-projective Strategies for Labeled Graph-Based Dependency Parsing
ICARUS – An Extensible Graphical Search Tool for Dependency Treebanks
Syntactic Analysis of Phrasal Compounds in Corpora: a Challenge for NLP Tools
Top Accuracy and Fast Dependency Parsing is not a Contradiction
A Graph-based Lattice Dependency Parser for Joint Morphological Segmentation and Syntactic Analysis
Data-driven Dependency Parsing With Empty Heads
IMS at the CoNLL 2017 UD Shared Task: CRFs and Perceptrons Meet Neural Networks
Generalization of Words for Chinese Dependency Parsing
Morphological and Syntactic Case in Statistical Dependency Parsing
The Effects of Syntactic Features in Automatic Prediction of Morphology
Author Commitment and Social Power: Automatic Belief Tagging to Infer the Social Context of Interactions
Apples to Apples: Learning Semantics of Common Entities Through a Novel Comprehension Task
Automatic Acquisition of Huge Training Data for Bio-Medical Named Entity Recognition
Generalizing Biomedical Event Extraction
Extracting Bacteria Biotopes with Semi-supervised Named Entity Recognition and Coreference Resolution
BioNLP Shared Task 2011: Supporting Resources
Building a Named Entity Recognizer in Three Days: Application to Disease Name Recognition in Bulgarian Epicrises
Rich Prior Knowledge in Learning for Natural Language Processing
Combining Supervised and Unsupervised Parsing for Distributional Similarity
Inferring the location of authors from words in their texts
A Universal Dependencies Treebank for Marathi
CoSACT: A Collaborative Tool for Fine-Grained Sentiment Annotation and Consolidation of Text
An Evaluation of Lexicon-based Sentiment Analysis Techniques for the Plays of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
UTFPR at WMT 2018: Minimalistic Supervised Corpora Filtering for Machine Translation
Improved Zero-shot Neural Machine Translation via Ignoring Spurious Correlations
A Compact and Language-Sensitive Multilingual Translation Method
Sequence to Sequence Mixture Model for Diverse Machine Translation
Distribution of Emotional Reactions to News Articles in Twitter
SlugNERDS: A Named Entity Recognition Tool for Open Domain Dialogue Systems
Domain Adaptation for Medical Text Translation using Web Resources
A Report on the 2017 Native Language Identification Shared Task
NLP and Online Health Reports: What do we say and what do we mean?
Design and Data Collection for the Accentological Corpus of the Russian Language
Identifying Cognate Sets Across Dictionaries of Related Languages
Unsupervised Abstractive Meeting Summarization with Multi-Sentence Compression and Budgeted Submodular Maximization
NER for Medical Entities in Twitter using Sequence to Sequence Neural Networks
Contextualized Character Representation for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis
ECNU at SemEval-2016 Task 4: An Empirical Investigation of Traditional NLP Features and Word Embedding Features for Sentence-level and Topic-level Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
Towards Compact and Fast Neural Machine Translation Using a Combined Method
Mapping Text to Knowledge Graph Entities using Multi-Sense LSTMs
ECNU at SemEval-2016 Task 7: An Enhanced Supervised Learning Method for Lexicon Sentiment Intensity Ranking
ECNU at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Exploration on Irony Detection from Tweets via Machine Learning and Deep Learning Methods
Word Embeddings-Based Uncertainty Detection in Financial Disclosures
Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Evaluating Effective Features on Machine Learning Methods for Twitter Message Polarity Classification
ECNU at SemEval 2016 Task 6: Relevant or Not? Supportive or Not? A Two-step Learning System for Automatic Detecting Stance in Tweets
Chat Detection in an Intelligent Assistant: Combining Task-oriented and Non-task-oriented Spoken Dialogue Systems
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 7: Using Supervised and Unsupervised Methods to Detect and Locate English Puns
Automatic Triage of Mental Health Forum Posts
ECNU at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Evaluating Simple but Effective Features on Machine Learning Methods for Semantic Difference Detection
Earth Mover’s Distance Minimization for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Multilingual Modal Sense Classification using a Convolutional Neural Network
SimiHawk at SemEval-2016 Task 1: A Deep Ensemble System for Semantic Textual Similarity
Distantly Supervised NER with Partial Annotation Learning and Reinforcement Learning
ECNU at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Extracting Effective Features from Relevant Fragments in Sentence for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis in Reviews
Detecting Egregious Conversations between Customers and Virtual Agents
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 5: An Ensemble of Regression Algorithms with Effective Features for Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis in Financial Domain
Integrating Vision and Language Datasets to Measure Word Concreteness
Compressing Neural Language Models by Sparse Word Representations
Incremental Skip-gram Model with Negative Sampling
DISCO: A System Leveraging Semantic Search in Document Review
Spot the Odd Man Out: Exploring the Associative Power of Lexical Resources
ECNU at SemEval-2017 Task 8: Rumour Evaluation Using Effective Features and Supervised Ensemble Models
Adversarial Training for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Distilling Discrimination and Generalization Knowledge for Event Detection via Delta-Representation Learning
Multi-Context Term Embeddings: the Use Case of Corpus-based Term Set Expansion
Text Classification with Few Examples using Controlled Generalization
What's great and what's not: learning to classify the scope of negation for improved sentiment analysis
Akamon: An Open Source Toolkit for Tree/Forest-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Magnets for Sarcasm: Making Sarcasm Detection Timely, Contextual and Very Personal
The UPC Submission to the WMT 2012 Shared Task on Quality Estimation
Simple Discriminative Training for Machine Transliteration
Discriminative Modeling of Extraction Sets for Machine Translation
No Noun Phrase Left Behind: Detecting and Typing Unlinkable Entities
ANNLOR: A Naïve Notation-system for Lexical Outputs Ranking
Extracting Opinion Targets and Opinion Words from Online Reviews with Graph Co-ranking
A Naive Bayes classifier for automatic correction of preposition and determiner errors in ESL text
Syntactic Patterns versus Word Alignment: Extracting Opinion Targets from Online Reviews
Sentiment-Aspect Extraction based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Enhanced Search with Wildcards and Morphological Inflections in the Google Books Ngram Viewer
Opinion Target Extraction Using Word-Based Translation Model
JUNLP at SemEval-2016 Task 13: A Language Independent Approach for Hypernym Identification
Parser Showdown at the Wall Street Corral: An Empirical Investigation of Error Types in Parser Output
Joint POS Tagging and Transition-based Constituent Parsing in Chinese with Non-local Features
Multi-view Chinese Treebanking
An Empirical Examination of Challenges in Chinese Parsing
Selection of Japanese-English Equivalents by Integrating High-quality Corpora and Huge Amounts of Web Data
Exploring Large-Data Issues in the Curriculum: A Case Study with MapReduce
PDTB XML: the XMLization of the Penn Discourse TreeBank 2.0
Filtering news for epidemic surveillance: towards processing more languages with fewer resources
A NLG-based Application for Walking Directions
Agile Corpus Annotation in Practice: An Overview of Manual and Automatic Annotation of CVs
Trivia Score and Ranking Estimation Using Support Vector Regression and RankNet
Boosting Open Information Extraction with Noun-Based Relations
Dr Sentiment Knows Everything!
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis using Machine Translation?
TMTprime: A Recommender System for MT and TM Integration
Bilingual Segmented Topic Model
Improving Sentiment Analysis in Twitter Using Multilingual Machine Translated Data
Exploiting Qualitative Information from Automatic Word Alignment for Cross-lingual NLP Tasks
Combining Morpheme-based Machine Translation with Post-processing Morpheme Prediction
Cross-lingual Sentiment Lexicon Learning With Bilingual Word Graph Label Propagation
Hindi Subjective Lexicon: A Lexical Resource for Hindi Adjective Polarity Classification
Cross-Lingual Mixture Model for Sentiment Classification
Une plate-forme générique et ouverte pour le traitement des expressions polylexicales (An Open and Generic Framework for the Acquisition of Multiword Expressions) [in French]
Predicting the Compositionality of Multiword Expressions Using Translations in Multiple Languages
ONTS: “Optima” News Translation System
VARTRA: A Comparable Corpus for Analysis of Translation Variation
Post-édition statistique pour l’adaptation aux domaines de spécialité en traduction automatique (Statistical Post-Editing of Machine Translation for Domain Adaptation) [in French]
OpAL: Applying Opinion Mining Techniques for the Disambiguation of Sentiment Ambiguous Adjectives in SemEval-2 Task 18
HDU: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment with SMT Features
Linguistically-Augmented Bulgarian-to-English Statistical Machine Translation Model
Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification with Bilingual Document Representation Learning
A Distributed Platform for Sanskrit Processing
Exploring Distributional Representations and Machine Translation for Aspect-based Cross-lingual Sentiment Classification.
Finding the Best Approach for Multi-lingual Text Summarisation: A Comparative Analysis
Akamon: An Open Source Toolkit for Tree/Forest-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Semeval-2013 Task 8: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment for Content Synchronization
The taraXÜ corpus of human-annotated machine translations
Construction of a Portuguese Opinion Lexicon from multiple resources
Instance Level Transfer Learning for Cross Lingual Opinion Analysis
Sense Clustering Using Wikipedia
Word Sense Disambiguation with Multilingual Features
SWAT: Cross-Lingual Lexical Substitution using Local Context Matching, Bilingual Dictionaries and Machine Translation
PET: a Tool for Post-editing and Assessing Machine Translation
Towards the Global SentiWordNet
Building a WordNet for Sinhala
Service Composition Scenarios for Task-Oriented Translation
Multilingual Metaphor Processing: Experiments with Semi-Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Building Specialized Bilingual Lexicons Using Large Scale Background Knowledge
Semeval-2012 Task 8: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment for Content Synchronization
Composing Human and Machine Translation Services: Language Grid for Improving Localization Processes
Statistical Metaphor Processing
Semantic Similarity Computation for Abstract and Concrete Nouns Using Network-based Distributional Semantic Models
Cross-lingual Slot Filling from Comparable Corpora
Paraphrasing 4 Microblog Normalization
Rule-based Machine Translation between Indonesian and Malaysian
A Diagnostic Evaluation Approach Targeting MT Systems for Indian Languages
Creating and Curating a Cross-Language Person-Entity Linking Collection
Biomedical Chinese-English CLIR Using an Extended CMeSH Resource to Expand Queries
Source Language Adaptation Approaches for Resource-Poor Machine Translation
CLCM - A Linguistic Resource for Effective Simplification of Instructions in the Crisis Management Domain and its Evaluations
Machine Translation for Multilingual Summary Content Evaluation
Multi-document multilingual summarization corpus preparation, Part 2: Czech, Hebrew and Spanish
Lost in Translations? Building Sentiment Lexicons using Context Based Machine Translation
A Multilingual Speech Resource: The Nordic Dialect Corpus
Joint Bilingual Sentiment Classification with Unlabeled Parallel Corpora
Evaluating Multilanguage-Comparability of Subjectivity Analysis Systems
Automatic Searching for English-Vietnamese Documents on the Internet
Directions for Exploiting Asymmetries in Multilingual Wikipedia
On-going Cooperative Research towards Developing Economy-Oriented Chinese-French SMT Systems with a New SMT Framework
SMT Helps Bitext Dependency Parsing
Learning Semantics with Deep Belief Network for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Using Bilingual Information for Cross-Language Document Summarization
Adaptation of a Rule-Based Translator to Río de la Plata Spanish
Attention-based LSTM Network for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification
VERTa: Facing a Multilingual Experience of a Linguistically-based MT Evaluation
Cross-domain and Cross-lingual Abusive Language Detection: A Hybrid Approach with Deep Learning and a Multilingual Lexicon
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2011)
Event Role Labelling using a Neural Network Model (Étiquetage en rôles événementiels fondé sur l’utilisation d’un modèle neuronal) [in French]
Convolutional Neural Network with Word Embeddings for Chinese Word Segmentation
Evaluation of Word Vector Representations by Subspace Alignment
Using Word Embeddings for Improving Statistical Machine Translation of Phrasal Verbs
Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons
Neural Paraphrase Generation with Stacked Residual LSTM Networks
Learning Semantic Word Embeddings based on Ordinal Knowledge Constraints
UWB at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
Normalized Word Embedding and Orthogonal Transform for Bilingual Word Translation
Convolutional Sentence Kernel from Word Embeddings for Short Text Categorization
Making Sense of Word Embeddings
A Hybrid CNN-RNN Alignment Model for Phrase-Aware Sentence Classification
Neural Network for Heterogeneous Annotations
ECNU: Using Traditional Similarity Measurements and Word Embedding for Semantic Textual Similarity Estimation
Query Translation for Cross-Language Information Retrieval using Multilingual Word Clusters
Using Mined Coreference Chains as a Resource for a Semantic Task
Sparse Overcomplete Word Vector Representations
Morpho-syntactic Regularities in Continuous Word Representations: A multilingual study.
The DCU Discourse Parser for Connective, Argument Identification and Explicit Sense Classification
Building a shared world: mapping distributional to model-theoretic semantic spaces
Online Sentence Novelty Scoring for Topical Document Streams
Summarization Based on Embedding Distributions
ECNU: Leveraging Word Embeddings to Boost Performance for Paraphrase in Twitter
ANTUSD: A Large Chinese Sentiment Dictionary
Lexical Chains meet Word Embeddings in Document-level Statistical Machine Translation
The DCU Discourse Parser: A Sense Classification Task
DeepAlignment: Unsupervised Ontology Matching with Refined Word Vectors
Investigating the Working of Text Classifiers
DeepNL: a Deep Learning NLP pipeline
Instances and concepts in distributional space
Combining Relational and Distributional Knowledge for Word Sense Disambiguation
Non-distributional Word Vector Representations
Watset: Automatic Induction of Synsets from a Graph of Synonyms
Embedding a Semantic Network in a Word Space
SLS at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Neural-based Approaches for Ranking in Community Question Answering
VectorSLU: A Continuous Word Vector Approach to Answer Selection in Community Question Answering Systems
Learning to Recognize Ancillary Information for Automatic Paraphrase Identification
WINGS:Writing with Intelligent Guidance and Suggestions
Learning Emotion-enriched Word Representations
Neural word embeddings with multiplicative feature interactions for tensor-based compositions
Distributed Word Representations Improve NER for e-Commerce
Multilevel Heuristics for Rationale-Based Entity Relation Classification in Sentences
Applying Machine Translation to Psychology: Automatic Translation of Personality Adjectives
Collecting Highly Parallel Data for Paraphrase Evaluation
FontLex: A Typographical Lexicon based on Affective Associations
Query Expansion for Khmer Information Retrieval
Natural Language Inference by Tree-Based Convolution and Heuristic Matching
Towards Cross-Domain PDTB-Style Discourse Parsing
Event Role Extraction using Domain-Relevant Word Representations
Albanian Part-of-Speech Tagging: Gold Standard and Evaluation
An Automatic Approach for Document-level Topic Model Evaluation
Neural Networks For Negation Scope Detection
MITRE at SemEval-2018 Task 11: Commonsense Reasoning without Commonsense Knowledge
Let Sense Bags Do Talking: Cross Lingual Word Semantic Similarity for English and Hindi
Improving Implicit Semantic Role Labeling by Predicting Semantic Frame Arguments
A Corpus of Annotated Revisions for Studying Argumentative Writing
ArgRewrite: A Web-based Revision Assistant for Argumentative Writings
Generating Factoid Questions With Recurrent Neural Networks: The 30M Factoid Question-Answer Corpus
UPV-28-UNITO at SemEval-2019 Task 7: Exploiting Post’s Nesting and Syntax Information for Rumor Stance Classification
Unsupervised Multilingual Word Embedding with Limited Resources using Neural Language Models
Question Pre-Processing in a QA System on Internet Discussion Groups
Sinuhe – Statistical Machine Translation using a Globally Trained Conditional Exponential Family Translation Model
Temporal Context: Applications and Implications for Computational Linguistics
Better Evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction
Visualizing word senses in WordNet Atlas
Billions of Parallel Words for Free: Building and Using the EU Bookshop Corpus
A Simple Baseline for Discriminating Similar Languages
Learning Polylingual Topic Models from Code-Switched Social Media Documents
Pre- and In-Parsing Models for Neural Empty Category Detection
JTAV: Jointly Learning Social Media Content Representation by Fusing Textual, Acoustic, and Visual Features
Voice Builder: A Tool for Building Text-To-Speech Voices
AraNLP: a Java-based Library for the Processing of Arabic Text.
Combining Minimally-supervised Methods for Arabic Named Entity Recognition
Data Formats and Management Strategies from the Perspective of Language Resource Producers ― Personal Diachronic and Social Synchronic Data Sharing ―
NewsReader: recording history from daily news streams
An Incremental Entity-Mention Model for Coreference Resolution with Restrictive Antecedent Accessibility
Collocation Extraction Using Web Statistics
Textual Entailment based Question Generation
Measuring Contextual Fitness Using Error Contexts Extracted from the Wikipedia Revision History
Multimodal Russian Corpus (MURCO): First Steps
Inforex — a collaborative system for text corpora annotation and analysis
Extracting Salient Keywords from Instructional Videos Using Joint Text, Audio and Visual Cues
Tackling interoperability issues within UIMA work flows
Weakly Supervised User Profile Extraction from Twitter
Sentence Boundary Detection for Social Media Text
CIST System Report for ACL MultiLing 2013 – Track 1: Multilingual Multi-document Summarization
Three dimensions of the so-called “interoperability” of annotation schemes”
French Resources for Extraction and Normalization of Temporal Expressions with HeidelTime
HeidelTime: Tuning English and Developing Spanish Resources for TempEval-3
Probabilistic FastText for Multi-Sense Word Embeddings
Exploring Word Embedding for Drug Name Recognition
The MultiTal NLP tool infrastructure
Phonologic Patterns of Brazilian Portuguese: a grapheme to phoneme converter based study
Translation Invariant Word Embeddings
The BURCHAK corpus: a Challenge Data Set for Interactive Learning of Visually Grounded Word Meanings
Shared Task Proposal: Multilingual Surface Realization Using Universal Dependency Trees
The dialogue breakdown detection challenge: Task description, datasets, and evaluation metrics
CimS – The CIS and IMS joint submission to WMT 2014 translating from English into German
Survey: Computational Sociolinguistics: A Survey
Attentive listening system with backchanneling, response generation and flexible turn-taking
Semantic Analysis and Helpfulness Prediction of Text for Online Product Reviews
Citius at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Cross-Lingual Similarity from Comparable Corpora and Dependency-Based Contexts
The Role of Diacritics in Increasing the Difficulty of Arabic Lexical Recognition Tests
Motif discovery in infant- and adult-directed speech
Constructing a Japanese Basic Named Entity Corpus of Various Genres
Storytelling from Structured Data and Knowledge Graphs : An NLG Perspective
Word Vector Space Specialisation
Discourse Representation Parsing for Sentences and Documents
The DISRPT 2019 Shared Task on Elementary Discourse Unit Segmentation and Connective Detection
Memory Augmented Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing
Towards a General Abstract Meaning Representation Corpus for Brazilian Portuguese
Relational Word Embeddings
Interoperability Framework: The FLaReNet Action Plan Proposal
Question Answering in the Biomedical Domain
Using Morphemes from Agglutinative Languages like Quechua and Finnish to Aid in Low-Resource Translation
Fermi at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Identifying and Categorizing Offensive Language in Social Media using Sentence Embeddings
FERMI at SemEval-2019 Task 5: Using Sentence embeddings to Identify Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women in Twitter
Towards Syntax-aware Compositional Distributional Semantic Models
Transducing Sentences to Syntactic Feature Vectors: an Alternative Way to “Parse”?
TakeLab at SemEval-2017 Task 6: #RankingHumorIn4Pages
Towards a Semantic Annotation of English Television News - Building and Evaluating a Constraint Grammar FrameNet
A Large-scale Recipe and Meal Data Collection as Infrastructure for Food Research
Single-Person and Multi-Party 3D Visualizations for Nonverbal Communication Analysis
Typologie des questions à réponses multiples pour un système de question-réponse (Typology of Multiple Answer Questions for a Question-answering System) [in French]
Web pages segmentation for document selection in Question Answering (Pré-segmentation de pages web et sélection de documents pertinents en Questions-Réponses) [in French]
Local Methods for On-Demand Out-of-Vocabulary Word Retrieval
Evaluating Models of Latent Document Semantics in the Presence of OCR Errors
AMR-to-text generation as a Traveling Salesman Problem
Aggressive Language Identification Using Word Embeddings and Sentiment Features
evision PDF of 'The Linguistic Ideologies of Deep Abusive Language Classification
DeepAnalyzer at SemEval-2019 Task 6: A deep learning-based ensemble method for identifying offensive tweets
DA-LD-Hildesheim at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Tracking Offensive Content with Deep Learning using Shallow Representation
Improving Optical Character Recognition of Finnish Historical Newspapers with a Combination of Fraktur & Antiqua Models and Image Preprocessing
Rediscovering 15 Years of Discoveries in Language Resources and Evaluation: The LREC Anthology Analysis
Comparison of Visual and Logical Character Segmentation in Tesseract OCR Language Data for Indic Writing Scripts
Higher-order Constituent Parsing and Parser Combination
BlogSet-BR: A Brazilian Portuguese Blog Corpus
Voice Builder: A Tool for Building Text-To-Speech Voices
SemEval-2014 Task 7: Analysis of Clinical Text
TeamHCMUS: Analysis of Clinical Text
Simpler unsupervised POS tagging with bilingual projections
Exploring Grammatical Error Correction with Not-So-Crummy Machine Translation
QuickView: NLP-based Tweet Search
A corpus of general and specific sentences from news
Distributional Semantics in Technicolor
Creating Speech and Language Data With Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
Comparison of the Baseline Knowledge-, Corpus-, and Web-based Similarity Measures for Semantic Relations Extraction
Paragraph Acquisition and Selection for List Question Using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk
From Visualisation to Hypothesis Construction for Second Language Acquisition
A Use Case for Controlled Languages as Interfaces to Semantic Web Applications
Concept-based Selectional Preferences and Distributional Representations from Wikipedia Articles
Towards Using Social Media to Identify Individuals at Risk for Preventable Chronic Illness
Discourse-Based Modeling for AAC
SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation
Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bilingual Graph-Based Projections
A Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset
An Unsupervised Neural Attention Model for Aspect Extraction
Unsupervised Topic Modeling for Short Texts Using Distributed Representations of Words
CYUT at IJCNLP-2017 Task 3: System Report for Review Opinion Diversification
Spelling Correction of User Search Queries through Statistical Machine Translation
Ecological Evaluation of Persuasive Messages Using Google AdWords
Universalizing BulTreeBank: a Linguistic Tale about Glocalization
Graph-Based Translation Via Graph Segmentation
The LIGM-Alpage architecture for the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: Multiword Expression Analysis and Dependency Parsing
Parsing Heterogeneous Corpora with a Rich Dependency Grammar
Access control by query rewriting: the case of KorAP
Composition of Word Representations Improves Semantic Role Labelling
Transformation and Decomposition for Efficiently Implementing and Improving Dependency-to-String Model In Moses
A Hybrid Model For Grammatical Error Correction
The CNGL-DCU-Prompsit Translation Systems for WMT13
Dependency Graph-to-String Translation
Projection-based Annotation of a Polish Dependency Treebank
Memory-Based Acquisition of Argument Structures and its Application to Implicit Role Detection
Old French Dependency Parsing: Results of Two Parsers Analysed from a Linguistic Point of View
Structural Alignment for Comparison Detection
Strategies for Contiguous Multiword Expression Analysis and Dependency Parsing
Stacking of Dependency and Phrase Structure Parsers
Down-stream effects of tree-to-dependency conversions
Parsing Software Requirements with an Ontology-based Semantic Role Labeler
On the Role of Explicit Morphological Feature Representation in Syntactic Dependency Parsing for German
Detection of Product Comparisons - How Far Does an Out-of-the-Box Semantic Role Labeling System Take You?
Building a Large Automatically Parsed Corpus of Finnish
Pre-ordering of phrase-based machine translation input in translation workflow
Towards the Unsupervised Acquisition of Implicit Semantic Roles
The Best of BothWorlds – A Graph-based Completion Model for Transition-based Parsers
Dependency Parsing: Past, Present, and Future
SimPA: A Sentence-Level Simplification Corpus for the Public Administration Domain
Emotive or Non-emotive: That is The Question
Expanding Paraphrase Lexicons by Exploiting Lexical Variants
Automatic Voice Selection in Japanese based on Various Linguistic Information
Automatic News Source Detection in Twitter Based on Text Segmentation
Linguistic and Acoustic Features for Automatic Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children’s Narrative
Shift-Reduce Word Reordering for Machine Translation
phloat : Integrated Writing Environment for ESL learners
Improving Chinese-to-Japanese Patent Translation Using English as Pivot Language
Evaluation Dataset and System for Japanese Lexical Simplification
Using the Web to Train a Mobile Device Oriented Japanese Input Method Editor
Boosting Cross-Language Retrieval by Learning Bilingual Phrase Associations from Relevance Rankings
Hashtag Sense Clustering Based on Temporal Similarity
Improving Native Language Identification by Using Spelling Errors
Native Language Identification With Classifier Stacking and Ensembles
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications
Massively Multilingual Neural Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion
From Word Segmentation to POS Tagging for Vietnamese
Transliteration of Arabizi into Arabic Orthography: Developing a Parallel Annotated Arabizi-Arabic Script SMS/Chat Corpus
Arabizi Detection and Conversion to Arabic
Automatic Transliteration of Romanized Dialectal Arabic
Polynomial to Linear: Efficient Classification with Conjunctive Features
Spanish NER with Word Representations and Conditional Random Fields
Part-of-speech Tagging of Code-mixed Social Media Content: Pipeline, Stacking and Joint Modelling
WorldTree: A Corpus of Explanation Graphs for Elementary Science Questions supporting Multi-hop Inference
Automatic Inference of the Temporal Location of Situations in Chinese Text
The Role of Pseudo References in MT Evaluation
Annotating “tense” in a Tense-less Language
Growing Related Words from Seed via User Behaviors: A Re-Ranking Based Approach
Employing Topic Models for Pattern-based Semantic Class Discovery
Automatic Set Expansion for List Question Answering
Constructing a Named Entity Ontology from Web Corpora
Biomedical Named Entity Recognition using Conditional Random Fields and Rich Feature Sets
Semi-Automatic Entity Set Refinement
Question Answering Using Constraint Satisfaction: QA-By-Dossier-With-Contraints
An Approach to Using the Web as a Live Corpus for Spoken Transliteration Name Access
On the Difficulty of Clustering Microblog Texts for Online Reputation Management
BACO - A large database of text and co-occurrences
Named Entity Recognition in Chinese News Comments on the Web
Answering List Questions using Co-occurrence and Clustering
Using Sketches to Estimate Associations
The Scielo Corpus: a Parallel Corpus of Scientific Publications for Biomedicine|bn|
Cross-Lingual Topical Relevance Models
Sublexical Translations for Low-Resource Language
Comparison of Annotating Methods for Named Entity Corpora
Steve Martin at SemEval-2019 Task 4: Ensemble Learning Model for Detecting Hyperpartisan News
HamleDT 2.0: Thirty Dependency Treebanks Stanfordized
Structure-based Clustering of Novels
Comparing two acquisition systems for automatically building an English—Croatian parallel corpus from multilingual websites
HamleDT: To Parse or Not to Parse?
Language Identification for Creating Language-Specific Twitter Collections
Discriminative Parse Reranking for Chinese with Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Annotations
ICARUS – An Extensible Graphical Search Tool for Dependency Treebanks
Combining the Sparsity and Unambiguity Biases for Grammar Induction
Improving Chinese Semantic Role Labeling with Rich Syntactic Features
Special Techniques for Constituent Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages
A Model for the Cross-Modal Influence of Visual Context upon Language Procesing
Wiki-ly Supervised Part-of-Speech Tagging
Twitter Translation using Translation-Based Cross-Lingual Retrieval
Translating Italian connectives into Italian Sign Language
TopicTiling: A Text Segmentation Algorithm based on LDA
ZAP: An Open-Source Multilingual Annotation Projection Framework
(Re)ranking Meets Morphosyntax: State-of-the-art Results from the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task
A Support Platform for Event Detection using Social Intelligence
Using Factual Density to Measure Informativeness of Web Documents
The ILSP/ARC submission to the WMT 2018 Parallel Corpus Filtering Shared Task
Arabizi Detection and Conversion to Arabic
Efficient induction of probabilistic word classes with LDA
The Projector: An Interactive Annotation Projection Visualization Tool
An Unsupervised and Data-Driven Approach for Spell Checking in Vietnamese OCR-scanned Texts
A System for Multilingual Sentiment Learning On Large Data Sets
C4Corpus: Multilingual Web-size Corpus with Free License
Using Paraphrases and Lexical Semantics to Improve the Accuracy and the Robustness of Supervised Models in Situated Dialogue Systems
The PASCAL Challenge on Grammar Induction
Travatar: A Forest-to-String Machine Translation Engine based on Tree Transducers
Adaptive Chinese Word Segmentation with Online Passive-Aggressive Algorithm
Paraphrase Fragment Extraction from Monolingual Comparable Corpora
The AMARA Corpus: Building Parallel Language Resources for the Educational Domain
WFST-Based Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion: Open Source tools for Alignment, Model-Building and Decoding
Capturing Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Lexical Relations: Towards Accurate Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging
The Effect of Error Rate in Artificially Generated Data for Automatic Preposition and Determiner Correction
Exploiting Bilingual Information to Improve Web Search
Design and compilation of a specialized Spanish-German parallel corpus
The Ellogon Pattern Engine: Context-free Grammars over Annotations
NTNU-CORE: Combining strong features for semantic similarity
Ten Pairs to Tag – Multilingual POS Tagging via Coarse Mapping between Embeddings
Ontologies of Linguistic Annotation: Survey and perspectives
Learning from evolving data streams: online triage of bug reports
German nach-Particle Verbs in Semantic Theory and Corpus Data
Referring Expressions as Formulas of Description Logic
Folheador: browsing through Portuguese semantic relations
An eye-tracking evaluation of some parser complexity metrics
NAIST at 2013 CoNLL Grammatical Error Correction Shared Task
MultiSum: Query-Based Multi-Document Summarization
Integrated Tools for Query-driven Development of Light-weight Ontologies and Information Extraction Components
A Rule-based Shallow-transfer Machine Translation System for Scots and English
Jointly Modeling Inter-Slot Relations by Random Walk on Knowledge Graphs for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding
An ontology-driven system for detecting global health events
Automatic Methods for the Extension of a Bilingual Dictionary using Comparable Corpora
Variable Mini-Batch Sizing and Pre-Trained Embeddings
Low-Rank Tensors for Verbs in Compositional Distributional Semantics
bot.zen @ EmpiriST 2015 - A minimally-deep learning PoS-tagger (trained for German CMC and Web data)
HANSpeller: A Unified Framework for Chinese Spelling Correction
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 20, Number 1, June 2015-Special Issue on Chinese as a Foreign Language
NaCTeM at SemEval-2016 Task 1: Inferring sentence-level semantic similarity from an ensemble of complementary lexical and sentence-level features
Knowing the Author by the Company His Words Keep
UKPDIPF: Lexical Semantic Approach to Sentiment Polarity Prediction in Twitter Data
A Continuous Space Rule Selection Model for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation
evision PDF of 'Points, Paths, and Playscapes: Large-scale Spatial Language Understanding Tasks Set in the Real World
Automatic Tweet Generation From Traffic Incident Data
Identifying and Tracking Sentiments and Topics from Social Media Texts during Natural Disasters
Multivariate Linear Regression of Symptoms-related Tweets for Infectious Gastroenteritis Scale Estimation
Homing in on Twitter Users: Evaluating an Enhanced Geoparser for User Profile Locations
Geographical Visualization of Search Results in Historical Corpora
Entity Resolution and Location Disambiguation in the Ancient Hindu Temples Domain using Web Data
Alex: Bootstrapping a Spoken Dialogue System for a New Domain by Real Users
NICT Disaster Information Analysis System
Language Identification of Short Text Segments with N-gram Models
Extracting Subevents via an Effective Two-phase Approach
Catching the Red Priest: Using Historical Editions of Encyclopaedia Britannica to Track the Evolution of Reputations
JUNLP at IJCNLP-2017 Task 3: A Rank Prediction Model for Review Opinion Diversification
Chinese Sentiments on the Clouds: A Preliminary Experiment on Corpus Processing and Exploration on Cloud Service