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Multi30K: Multilingual English-German Image Descriptions
Desmond Elliott
Stella Frank
Khalil Sima’an
Lucia Specia
Paper Details:
Month: August
Year: 2016
Location: Berlin, Germany
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DIDEC: The Dutch Image Description and Eye-tracking Corpus
Emiel van Miltenburg
Ákos Kádár
Ruud Koolen
Emiel Krahmer
An empirical study on the effectiveness of images in Multimodal Neural Machine Translation
Jean-Benoit Delbrouck
Stéphane Dupont
Incorporating Global Visual Features into Attention-based Neural Machine Translation.
Iacer Calixto
Qun Liu
Image Pivoting for Learning Multilingual Multimodal Representations
Spandana Gella
Rico Sennrich
Frank Keller
Mirella Lapata
Adversarial Evaluation of Multimodal Machine Translation
Desmond Elliott
A Visual Attention Grounding Neural Model for Multimodal Machine Translation
Mingyang Zhou
Runxiang Cheng
Yong Jae Lee
Zhou Yu
Using Images to Improve Machine-Translating E-Commerce Product Listings.
Iacer Calixto
Daniel Stein
Evgeny Matusov
Pintu Lohar
Sheila Castilho
Andy Way
Pragmatic descriptions of perceptual stimuli
Emiel van Miltenburg
Imagination Improves Multimodal Translation
Desmond Elliott
Ákos Kádár
Construction of English-French Multimodal Affective Conversational Corpus from TV Dramas
Sashi Novitasari
Quoc Truong Do
Sakriani Sakti
Dessi Lestari
Satoshi Nakamura
Multimodal Lexical Translation
Chiraag Lala
Lucia Specia
Adding Syntactic Annotations to Flickr30k Entities Corpus for Multimodal Ambiguous Prepositional-Phrase Attachment Resolution
Sebastien Delecraz
Alexis Nasr
Frederic Bechet
Benoit Favre
Multi-Modal Representations for Improved Bilingual Lexicon Learning
Ivan Vulić
Douwe Kiela
Stephen Clark
Marie-Francine Moens
Doubly-Attentive Decoder for Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation
Iacer Calixto
Qun Liu
Nick Campbell
STAIR Captions: Constructing a Large-Scale Japanese Image Caption Dataset
Yuya Yoshikawa
Yutaro Shigeto
Akikazu Takeuchi
Bridging Languages through Images with Deep Partial Canonical Correlation Analysis
Guy Rotman
Ivan Vulić
Roi Reichart
Illustrative Language Understanding: Large-Scale Visual Grounding with Image Search
Jamie Kiros
William Chan
Geoffrey Hinton
Are BLEU and Meaning Representation in Opposition?
Ondřej Cífka
Ondřej Bojar
Learning Translations via Images with a Massively Multilingual Image Dataset
John Hewitt
Daphne Ippolito
Brendan Callahan
Reno Kriz
Derry Tanti Wijaya
Chris Callison-Burch
Sentence-Level Multilingual Multi-modal Embedding for Natural Language Processing
Iacer Calixto
Qun Liu
A Shared Task on Multimodal Machine Translation and Crosslingual Image Description
Lucia Specia
Stella Frank
Khalil Sima’an
Desmond Elliott
Does Multimodality Help Human and Machine for Translation and Image Captioning?
Ozan Caglayan
Walid Aransa
Yaxing Wang
Marc Masana
Mercedes García-Martínez
Fethi Bougares
Loïc Barrault
Joost van de Weijer
DCU-UvA Multimodal MT System Report
Iacer Calixto
Desmond Elliott
Stella Frank
Attention-based Multimodal Neural Machine Translation
Po-Yao Huang
Frederick Liu
Sz-Rung Shiang
Jean Oh
Chris Dyer
WMT 2016 Multimodal Translation System Description based on Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks with Double-Embeddings
Sergio Rodríguez Guasch
Marta R. Costa-jussà
SHEF-Multimodal: Grounding Machine Translation on Images
Kashif Shah
Josiah Wang
Lucia Specia
Pragmatic Factors in Image Description: The Case of Negations
Emiel van Miltenburg
Roser Morante
Desmond Elliott
Human Evaluation of Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation: A Case-Study on E-Commerce Listing Titles
Iacer Calixto
Daniel Stein
Evgeny Matusov
Sheila Castilho
Andy Way
Cross-linguistic differences and similarities in image descriptions
Emiel van Miltenburg
Desmond Elliott
Piek Vossen
Findings of the Second Shared Task on Multimodal Machine Translation and Multilingual Image Description
Desmond Elliott
Stella Frank
Loïc Barrault
Fethi Bougares
Lucia Specia
LIUM-CVC Submissions for WMT17 Multimodal Translation Task
Ozan Caglayan
Walid Aransa
Adrien Bardet
Mercedes García-Martínez
Fethi Bougares
Loïc Barrault
Marc Masana
Luis Herranz
Joost van de Weijer
DCU System Report on the WMT 2017 Multi-modal Machine Translation Task
Iacer Calixto
Koel Dutta Chowdhury
Qun Liu
Generating Image Descriptions using Multilingual Data
Alan Jaffe
OSU Multimodal Machine Translation System Report
Mingbo Ma
Dapeng Li
Kai Zhao
Liang Huang
Sheffield MultiMT: Using Object Posterior Predictions for Multimodal Machine Translation
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha
Josiah Wang
Lucia Specia
NICT-NAIST System for WMT17 Multimodal Translation Task
Jingyi Zhang
Masao Utiyama
Eiichro Sumita
Graham Neubig
Satoshi Nakamura
A Dataset and Reranking Method for Multimodal MT of User-Generated Image Captions
Shigehiko Schamoni
Julian Hitschler
Stefan Riezler
Varying image description tasks: spoken versus written descriptions
Emiel van Miltenburg
Ruud Koolen
Emiel Krahmer
Input Combination Strategies for Multi-Source Transformer Decoder
Jindřich Libovický
Jindřich Helcl
David Mareček
Findings of the Third Shared Task on Multimodal Machine Translation
Loïc Barrault
Fethi Bougares
Lucia Specia
Chiraag Lala
Desmond Elliott
Stella Frank
LIUM-CVC Submissions for WMT18 Multimodal Translation Task
Ozan Caglayan
Adrien Bardet
Fethi Bougares
Loïc Barrault
Kai Wang
Marc Masana
Luis Herranz
Joost van de Weijer
CUNI System for the WMT18 Multimodal Translation Task
Jindřich Helcl
Jindřich Libovický
Dušan Variš
Sheffield Submissions for WMT18 Multimodal Translation Shared Task
Chiraag Lala
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha
Carolina Scarton
Lucia Specia
Ensemble Sequence Level Training for Multimodal MT: OSU-Baidu WMT18 Multimodal Machine Translation System Report
Renjie Zheng
Yilin Yang
Mingbo Ma
Liang Huang
Field Of Study
Machine Translation
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