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Multimedia Lab @ ACL WNUT NER Shared Task: Named Entity Recognition for Twitter Microposts using Distributed Word Representations
Fréderic Godin
Baptist Vandersmissen
Wesley De Neve
Rik Van de Walle
Paper Details:
Month: July
Year: 2015
Location: Beijing, China
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How emotional are you? Neural Architectures for Emotion Intensity Prediction in Microblogs
Devang Kulshreshtha
Pranav Goel
Anil Kumar Singh
Ranking Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks for Purchase Stage Identification on Imbalanced Twitter Data
Heike Adel
Francine Chen
Yan-Ying Chen
Improving Hate Speech Detection with Deep Learning Ensembles
Steven Zimmerman
Udo Kruschwitz
Chris Fox
Modeling Noisiness to Recognize Named Entities using Multitask Neural Networks on Social Media
Gustavo Aguilar
Adrian Pastor López-Monroy
Fabio González
Thamar Solorio
HLP@UPenn at SemEval-2017 Task 4A: A simple, self-optimizing text classification system combining dense and sparse vectors
Abeed Sarker
Graciela Gonzalez
LSIS at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Using Adapted Sentiment Similarity Seed Words For English and Arabic Tweet Polarity Classification
Amal Htait
Sébastien Fournier
Patrice Bellot
ELiRF-UPV at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning
José-Ángel González
Ferran Pla
Lluís-F. Hurtado
TSA-INF at SemEval-2017 Task 4: An Ensemble of Deep Learning Architectures Including Lexicon Features for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Amit Ajit Deshmane
Jasper Friedrichs
IITP at SemEval-2017 Task 5: An Ensemble of Deep Learning and Feature Based Models for Financial Sentiment Analysis
Deepanway Ghosal
Shobhit Bhatnagar
Md Shad Akhtar
Asif Ekbal
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
THU_NGN at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Tweet Irony Detection with Densely connected LSTM and Multi-task Learning
Chuhan Wu
Fangzhao Wu
Sixing Wu
Junxin Liu
Zhigang Yuan
Yongfeng Huang
THU_NGN at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Fine-grained Tweet Sentiment Intensity Analysis with Attention CNN-LSTM
Chuhan Wu
Fangzhao Wu
Junxin Liu
Zhigang Yuan
Sixing Wu
Yongfeng Huang
KU-MTL at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Multi-task Identification of Affect in Tweets
Thomas Nyegaard-Signori
Casper Veistrup Helms
Johannes Bjerva
Isabelle Augenstein
WLV at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Dissecting Tweets in Search of Irony
Omid Rohanian
Shiva Taslimipoor
Richard Evans
Ruslan Mitkov
ELiRF-UPV at SemEval-2018 Tasks 1 and 3: Affect and Irony Detection in Tweets
José-Ángel González
Lluís-F. Hurtado
Ferran Pla
Bidirectional LSTM for Named Entity Recognition in Twitter Messages
Nut Limsopatham
Nigel Collier
Learning to recognise named entities in tweets by exploiting weakly labelled data
Kurt Junshean Espinosa
Riza Theresa Batista-Navarro
Sophia Ananiadou
DeepNNNER: Applying BLSTM-CNNs and Extended Lexicons to Named Entity Recognition in Tweets
Fabrice Dugas
Eric Nichols
A Multi-task Approach for Named Entity Recognition in Social Media Data
Gustavo Aguilar
Suraj Maharjan
Adrian Pastor López-Monroy
Thamar Solorio
Prayas at EmoInt 2017: An Ensemble of Deep Neural Architectures for Emotion Intensity Prediction in Tweets
Pranav Goel
Devang Kulshreshtha
Prayas Jain
Kaushal Kumar Shukla
UWat-Emote at EmoInt-2017: Emotion Intensity Detection using Affect Clues, Sentiment Polarity and Word Embeddings
Vineet John
Olga Vechtomova
Are you serious?: Rhetorical Questions and Sarcasm in Social Media Dialog
Shereen Oraby
Vrindavan Harrison
Amita Misra
Ellen Riloff
Marilyn Walker
IIT (BHU) Submission for the ACL Shared Task on Named Entity Recognition on Code-switched Data
Shashwat Trivedi
Harsh Rangwani
Anil Kumar Singh
Did you offend me? Classification of Offensive Tweets in Hinglish Language
Puneet Mathur
Ramit Sawhney
Meghna Ayyar
Rajiv Shah
Detecting Tweets Mentioning Drug Name and Adverse Drug Reaction with Hierarchical Tweet Representation and Multi-Head Self-Attention
Chuhan Wu
Fangzhao Wu
Junxin Liu
Sixing Wu
Yongfeng Huang
Xing Xie
DataSEARCH at IEST 2018: Multiple Word Embedding based Models for Implicit Emotion Classification of Tweets with Deep Learning
Yasas Senarath
Uthayasanker Thayasivam
USI-IR at IEST 2018: Sequence Modeling and Pseudo-Relevance Feedback for Implicit Emotion Detection
Esteban Ríssola
Anastasia Giachanou
Fabio Crestani
What Makes You Stressed? Finding Reasons From Tweets
Reshmi Gopalakrishna Pillai
Mike Thelwall
Constantin Orasan
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Named Entity Recognition
Deep Learning
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