Authors Timeline
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SemEval-2010 Task 3: Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation
Els Lefever
Veronique Hoste
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2009
Location: Boulder, Colorado
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Addressing the MFS Bias in WSD systems
Marten Postma
Ruben Izquierdo
Eneko Agirre
German Rigau
Piek Vossen
BabelNet: Building a Very Large Multilingual Semantic Network
Roberto Navigli
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
ParaSense or How to Use Parallel Corpora for Word Sense Disambiguation
Els Lefever
Véronique Hoste
Martine De Cock
A Unified Multilingual Semantic Representation of Concepts
José Camacho-Collados
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Roberto Navigli
EuroSense: Automatic Harvesting of Multilingual Sense Annotations from Parallel Text
Claudio Delli Bovi
Jose Camacho-Collados
Alessandro Raganato
Roberto Navigli
Entity Linking meets Word Sense Disambiguation: a Unified Approach
Andrea Moro
Alessandro Raganato
Roberto Navigli
Enriching Word Sense Embeddings with Translational Context
Mehdi Ghanimifard
Richard Johansson
SemEval-2010 Task 3: Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation
Els Lefever
Veronique Hoste
FCC: Modeling Probabilities with GIZA++ for Task 2 and 3 of SemEval-2
Darnes Vilariño Ayala
Carlos Balderas Posada
David Eduardo Pinto Avendaño
Miguel Rodríguez Hernández
Saul León Silverio
UHD: Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation Using Multilingual Co-Occurrence Graphs
Carina Silberer
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
OWNS: Cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation Using Weighted Overlap Counts and Wordnet Based Similarity Measures
Lipta Mahapatra
Meera Mohan
Mitesh Khapra
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
UvT-WSD1: A Cross-Lingual Word Sense Disambiguation System
Maarten van Gompel
HLTDI: CL-WSD Using Markov Random Fields for SemEval-2013 Task 10
Alex Rudnick
Can Liu
Michael Gasser
An Iterative ‘Sudoku Style’ Approach to Subgraph-based Word Sense Disambiguation
Steve L. Manion
Raazesh Sainudiin
SemEval 2014 Task 5 - L2 Writing Assistant
Maarten van Gompel
Iris Hendrickx
Antal van den Bosch
Els Lefever
Véronique Hoste
Team Z: Wiktionary as a L2 Writing Assistant
Anubhav Gupta
UEdin: Translating L1 Phrases in L2 Context using Context-Sensitive SMT
Eva Hasler
SemEval-2015 Task 13: Multilingual All-Words Sense Disambiguation and Entity Linking
Andrea Moro
Roberto Navigli
SUDOKU: Treating Word Sense Disambiguation & Entitiy Linking as a Deterministic Problem - via an Unsupervised & Iterative Approach
Steve L. Manion
Using Word Embeddings for Bilingual Unsupervised WSD
Sudha Bhingardive
Dhirendra Singh
Rudramurthy V
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Improving Word Sense Disambiguation in Neural Machine Translation with Sense Embeddings
Annette Rios Gonzales
Laura Mascarell
Rico Sennrich
The Word Sense Disambiguation Test Suite at WMT18
Annette Rios
Mathias Müller
Rico Sennrich
Field Of Study
Word Sense Disambiguation
Information Retrieval
Knowledge Acquisition
Machine Translation
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