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Natural Logic for Textual Inference
Bill MacCartney
Christopher D. Manning
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2007
Location: Prague
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Modeling Semantic Containment and Exclusion in Natural Language Inference
Bill MacCartney
Christopher D. Manning
Probabilistic Tree-Edit Models with Structured Latent Variables for Textual Entailment and Question Answering
Mengqiu Wang
Christopher Manning
Distributional Inclusion Hypothesis for Tensor-based Composition
Dimitri Kartsaklis
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
It’s a Contradiction – no, it’s not: A Case Study using Functional Relations
Alan Ritter
Stephen Soderland
Doug Downey
Oren Etzioni
Scaling Textual Inference to the Web
Stefan Schoenmackers
Oren Etzioni
Daniel Weld
NaturalLI: Natural Logic Inference for Common Sense Reasoning
Gabor Angeli
Christopher D. Manning
Question-Answer Driven Semantic Role Labeling: Using Natural Language to Annotate Natural Language
Luheng He
Mike Lewis
Luke Zettlemoyer
Higher-order logical inference with compositional semantics
Koji Mineshima
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Yusuke Miyao
Daisuke Bekki
Building compositional semantics and higher-order inference system for a wide-coverage Japanese CCG parser
Koji Mineshima
Ribeka Tanaka
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Yusuke Miyao
Daisuke Bekki
A hierarchical taxonomy for classifying hardness of inference tasks
Martin Gleize
Brigitte Grau
A SICK cure for the evaluation of compositional distributional semantic models
Marco Marelli
Stefano Menini
Marco Baroni
Luisa Bentivogli
Raffaella Bernardi
Roberto Zamparelli
Mapping Texts to Scripts: An Entailment Study
Simon Ostermann
Hannah Seitz
Stefan Thater
Manfred Pinkal
Without a ’doubt’? Unsupervised Discovery of Downward-Entailing Operators
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Lillian Lee
Richard Ducott
TruthTeller: Annotating Predicate Truth
Amnon Lotan
Asher Stern
Ido Dagan
Knowledge-Guided Linguistic Rewrites for Inference Rule Verification
Prachi Jain
A Probabilistic Modeling Framework for Lexical Entailment
Eyal Shnarch
Jacob Goldberger
Ido Dagan
Logical Inference on Dependency-based Compositional Semantics
Ran Tian
Yusuke Miyao
Takuya Matsuzaki
Adding Semantics to Data-Driven Paraphrasing
Ellie Pavlick
Johan Bos
Malvina Nissim
Charley Beller
Benjamin Van Durme
Chris Callison-Burch
Combining Natural Logic and Shallow Reasoning for Question Answering
Gabor Angeli
Neha Nayak
Christopher D. Manning
ccg2lambda: A Compositional Semantics System
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Koji Mineshima
Yusuke Miyao
Daisuke Bekki
Discourse Marker Augmented Network with Reinforcement Learning for Natural Language Inference
Boyuan Pan
Yazheng Yang
Zhou Zhao
Yueting Zhuang
Deng Cai
Xiaofei He
Combined Distributional and Logical Semantics
Mike Lewis
Mark Steedman
Ordinal Common-sense Inference
Sheng Zhang
Rachel Rudinger
Kevin Duh
Benjamin Van Durme
A Hybrid System to apply Natural Language Inference over Dependency Trees
Ali Almiman
Allan Ramsay
HDU: Cross-lingual Textual Entailment with SMT Features
Katharina Wäschle
Sascha Fendrich
Natural Solution to FraCaS Entailment Problems
Lasha Abzianidze
Adding Context to Semantic Data-Driven Paraphrasing
Vered Shwartz
Ido Dagan
Learning Alignments and Leveraging Natural Logic
Nathanael Chambers
Daniel Cer
Trond Grenager
David Hall
Chloe Kiddon
Bill MacCartney
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
Daniel Ramage
Eric Yeh
Christopher D. Manning
Towards a Probabilistic Model for Lexical Entailment
Eyal Shnarch
Jacob Goldberger
Ido Dagan
On the Proper Treatment of Quantifiers in Probabilistic Logic Semantics
Islam Beltagy
Katrin Erk
A Monotonicity Calculus and Its Completeness
Thomas Icard
Lawrence Moss
William Tune
Action Languages and Question Answering
Yuliya Lierler
Daniela Inclezan
Michael Gelfond
GKR: the Graphical Knowledge Representation for semantic parsing
Aikaterini-Lida Kalouli
Richard Crouch
Encoding Generalized Quantifiers in Dependency-based Compositional Semantics
Yubing Dong
Ran Tian
Yusuke Miyao
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Field Of Study
Textual Entailment
Relation Extraction
Question Answering
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