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DataStories at SemEval-2017 Task 4: Deep LSTM with Attention for Message-level and Topic-based Sentiment Analysis
Christos Baziotis
Nikos Pelekis
Christos Doulkeridis
Paper Details:
Month: August
Year: 2017
Location: Vancouver, Canada
NLPZZX at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Using Ensemble Method for Emotion and Sentiment Intensity Determination
Zhengxin Zhang
Qimin Zhou
Hao Wu
EiTAKA at SemEval-2018 Task 1: An Ensemble of N-Channels ConvNet and XGboost Regressors for Emotion Analysis of Tweets
Mohammed Jabreel
Antonio Moreno
AffecThor at SemEval-2018 Task 1: A cross-linguistic approach to sentiment intensity quantification in tweets
Mostafa Abdou
Artur Kulmizev
Joan Ginés i Ametllé
deepSA2018 at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Multi-task Learning of Different Label for Affect in Tweets
Zi-Yuan Gao
Chia-Ping Chen
NTUA-SLP at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Predicting Affective Content in Tweets with Deep Attentive RNNs and Transfer Learning
Christos Baziotis
Athanasiou Nikolaos
Alexandra Chronopoulou
Athanasia Kolovou
Georgios Paraskevopoulos
Nikolaos Ellinas
Shrikanth Narayanan
Alexandros Potamianos
DMCB at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Transfer Learning of Sentiment Classification Using Group LSTM for Emotion Intensity prediction
Youngmin Kim
Hyunju Lee
Zewen at SemEval-2018 Task 1: An Ensemble Model for Affect Prediction in Tweets
Zewen Chi
Heyan Huang
Jiangui Chen
Hao Wu
Ran Wei
psyML at SemEval-2018 Task 1: Transfer Learning for Sentiment and Emotion Analysis
Grace Gee
Eugene Wang
NTUA-SLP at SemEval-2018 Task 2: Predicting Emojis using RNNs with Context-aware Attention
Christos Baziotis
Athanasiou Nikolaos
Athanasia Kolovou
Georgios Paraskevopoulos
Nikolaos Ellinas
Alexandros Potamianos
WLV at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Dissecting Tweets in Search of Irony
Omid Rohanian
Shiva Taslimipoor
Richard Evans
Ruslan Mitkov
NTUA-SLP at SemEval-2018 Task 3: Tracking Ironic Tweets using Ensembles of Word and Character Level Attentive RNNs
Christos Baziotis
Athanasiou Nikolaos
Pinelopi Papalampidi
Athanasia Kolovou
Georgios Paraskevopoulos
Nikolaos Ellinas
Alexandros Potamianos
EmotionX-Area66: Predicting Emotions in Dialogues using Hierarchical Attention Network with Sequence Labeling
Rohit Saxena
Savita Bhat
Niranjan Pedanekar
Fully Connected Neural Network with Advance Preprocessor to Identify Aggression over Facebook and Twitter
Kashyap Raiyani
Teresa Gonçalves
Paulo Quaresma
Vitor Beires Nogueira
LSTMs with Attention for Aggression Detection
Nishant Nikhil
Ramit Pahwa
Mehul Kumar Nirala
Rohan Khilnani
NTUA-SLP at IEST 2018: Ensemble of Neural Transfer Methods for Implicit Emotion Classification
Alexandra Chronopoulou
Aikaterini Margatina
Christos Baziotis
Alexandros Potamianos
UWB at IEST 2018: Emotion Prediction in Tweets with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
Pavel Přibáň
Jiří Martínek
Sentylic at IEST 2018: Gated Recurrent Neural Network and Capsule Network Based Approach for Implicit Emotion Detection
Prabod Rathnayaka
Supun Abeysinghe
Chamod Samarajeewa
Isura Manchanayake
Malaka Walpola
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Sentiment Analysis
Word Segmentation
Deep Learning
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