Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information
Piotr Bojanowski
Edouard Grave
Armand Joulin
Tomas Mikolov
Paper Details:
Year: 2017
Towards Sub-Word Level Compositions for Sentiment Analysis of Hindi-English Code Mixed Text
Aditya Joshi
Ameya Prabhu
Manish Shrivastava
Vasudeva Varma
RuSentiment: An Enriched Sentiment Analysis Dataset for Social Media in Russian
Anna Rogers
Alexey Romanov
Anna Rumshisky
Svitlana Volkova
Mikhail Gronas
Alex Gribov
Leveraging Meta-Embeddings for Bilingual Lexicon Extraction from Specialized Comparable Corpora
Amir Hazem
Emmanuel Morin
JTAV: Jointly Learning Social Media Content Representation by Fusing Textual, Acoustic, and Visual Features
Hongru Liang
Haozheng Wang
Jun Wang
Shaodi You
Zhe Sun
Jin-Mao Wei
Zhenglu Yang
Who Feels What and Why? Annotation of a Literature Corpus with Semantic Roles of Emotions
Evgeny Kim
Roman Klinger
Transfer Learning for a Letter-Ngrams to Word Decoder in the Context of Historical Handwriting Recognition with Scarce Resources
Adeline Granet
Emmanuel Morin
Harold Mouchère
Solen Quiniou
Christian Viard-Gaudin
Subword-augmented Embedding for Cloze Reading Comprehension
Zhuosheng Zhang
Yafang Huang
Hai Zhao
Aff2Vec: Affect–Enriched Distributional Word Representations
Sopan Khosla
Niyati Chhaya
Kushal Chawla
Learning to Generate Word Representations using Subword Information
Yeachan Kim
Kang-Min Kim
Ji-Min Lee
SangKeun Lee
Evaluation of Unsupervised Compositional Representations
Hanan Aldarmaki
Mona Diab
What’s in Your Embedding, And How It Predicts Task Performance
Anna Rogers
Shashwath Hosur Ananthakrishna
Anna Rumshisky
Emotion Representation Mapping for Automatic Lexicon Construction (Mostly) Performs on Human Level
Sven Buechel
Udo Hahn
DIDEC: The Dutch Image Description and Eye-tracking Corpus
Emiel van Miltenburg
Ákos Kádár
Ruud Koolen
Emiel Krahmer
Distinguishing affixoid formations from compounds
Josef Ruppenhofer
Michael Wiegand
Rebecca Wilm
Katja Markert
Neural Machine Translation with Source-Side Latent Graph Parsing
Kazuma Hashimoto
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
A Joint Many-Task Model: Growing a Neural Network for Multiple NLP Tasks
Kazuma Hashimoto
Caiming Xiong
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Richard Socher
Knowledge Distillation for Bilingual Dictionary Induction
Ndapandula Nakashole
Raphael Flauger
Deep Pivot-Based Modeling for Cross-language Cross-domain Transfer with Minimal Guidance
Yftah Ziser
Roi Reichart
Unsupervised Multilingual Word Embeddings
Xilun Chen
Claire Cardie
Adversarial Propagation and Zero-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer of Word Vector Specialization
Edoardo Maria Ponti
Ivan Vulić
Goran Glavaš
Nikola Mrkšić
Anna Korhonen
Improving Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings by Meeting in the Middle
Yerai Doval
Jose Camacho-Collados
Luis Espinosa-Anke
Steven Schockaert
Neural Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition with Minimal Resources
Jiateng Xie
Zhilin Yang
Graham Neubig
Noah A. Smith
Jaime Carbonell
A Discriminative Latent-Variable Model for Bilingual Lexicon Induction
Sebastian Ruder
Ryan Cotterell
Yova Kementchedjhieva
Anders Søgaard
NORMA: Neighborhood Sensitive Maps for Multilingual Word Embeddings
Ndapa Nakashole
SimpleQuestions Nearly Solved: A New Upperbound and Baseline Approach
Michael Petrochuk
Luke Zettlemoyer
Why is unsupervised alignment of English embeddings from different algorithms so hard?
Mareike Hartmann
Yova Kementchedjhieva
Anders Søgaard
Generalizing Word Embeddings using Bag of Subwords
Jinman Zhao
Sidharth Mudgal
Yingyu Liang
Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction via Latent Variable Models
Zi-Yi Dou
Zhi-Hao Zhou
Shujian Huang
Improving Unsupervised Word-by-Word Translation with Language Model and Denoising Autoencoder
Yunsu Kim
Jiahui Geng
Hermann Ney
Conversational Decision-Making Model for Predicting the King’s Decision in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty
JinYeong Bak
Alice Oh
Unsupervised Learning of Syntactic Structure with Invertible Neural Projections
Junxian He
Graham Neubig
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Card-660: Cambridge Rare Word Dataset - a Reliable Benchmark for Infrequent Word Representation Models
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Dimitri Kartsaklis
Victor Prokhorov
Nigel Collier
Lessons from Natural Language Inference in the Clinical Domain
Alexey Romanov
Chaitanya Shivade
Predicting Semantic Relations using Global Graph Properties
Yuval Pinter
Jacob Eisenstein
Gromov-Wasserstein Alignment of Word Embedding Spaces
David Alvarez-Melis
Tommi Jaakkola
Deriving Machine Attention from Human Rationales
Yujia Bao
Shiyu Chang
Mo Yu
Regina Barzilay
Large-scale Exploration of Neural Relation Classification Architectures
Hoang-Quynh Le
Duy-Cat Can
Sinh T. Vu
Thanh Hai Dang
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Nigel Collier
Joint Multilingual Supervision for Cross-lingual Entity Linking
Shyam Upadhyay
Nitish Gupta
Dan Roth
Free as in Free Word Order: An Energy Based Model for Word Segmentation and Morphological Tagging in Sanskrit
Amrith Krishna
Bishal Santra
Sasi Prasanth Bandaru
Gaurav Sahu
Vishnu Dutt Sharma
Pavankumar Satuluri
Pawan Goyal
Learning Better Internal Structure of Words for Sequence Labeling
Yingwei Xin
Ethan Hart
Vibhuti Mahajan
Jean-David Ruvini
Reducing Gender Bias in Abusive Language Detection
Ji Ho Park
Jamin Shin
Pascale Fung
Multi-Multi-View Learning: Multilingual and Multi-Representation Entity Typing
Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh
Hinrich Schütze
Limbic: Author-Based Sentiment Aspect Modeling Regularized with Word Embeddings and Discourse Relations
Zhe Zhang
Munindar Singh
CARER: Contextualized Affect Representations for Emotion Recognition
Elvis Saravia
Hsien-Chi Toby Liu
Yen-Hao Huang
Junlin Wu
Yi-Shin Chen
Modeling Empathy and Distress in Reaction to News Stories
Sven Buechel
Anneke Buffone
Barry Slaff
Lyle Ungar
João Sedoc
Refining Pretrained Word Embeddings Using Layer-wise Relevance Propagation
Akira Utsumi
Similarity-Based Reconstruction Loss for Meaning Representation
Olga Kovaleva
Anna Rumshisky
Alexey Romanov
Phrase-Based & Neural Unsupervised Machine Translation
Guillaume Lample
Myle Ott
Alexis Conneau
Ludovic Denoyer
Marc’Aurelio Ranzato
Magnitude: A Fast, Efficient Universal Vector Embedding Utility Package
Ajay Patel
Alexander Sands
Chris Callison-Burch
Marianna Apidianaki
Multi-level Representations for Fine-Grained Typing of Knowledge Base Entities
Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh
Hinrich Schütze
Nonsymbolic Text Representation
Hinrich Schütze
Geographical Evaluation of Word Embeddings
Michal Konkol
Tomáš Brychcín
Michal Nykl
Tomáš Hercig
Demographic Word Embeddings for Racism Detection on Twitter
Mohammed Hasanuzzaman
Gaël Dias
Andy Way
ClassifierGuesser: A Context-based Classifier Prediction System for Chinese Language Learners
Nicole Peinelt
Maria Liakata
Shu-Kai Hsieh
IJCNLP-2017 Task 2: Dimensional Sentiment Analysis for Chinese Phrases
Liang-Chih Yu
Lung-Hao Lee
Jin Wang
Kam-Fai Wong
MainiwayAI at IJCNLP-2017 Task 2: Ensembles of Deep Architectures for Valence-Arousal Prediction
Yassine Benajiba
Jin Sun
Yong Zhang
Zhiliang Weng
Or Biran
Stanford’s Graph-based Neural Dependency Parser at the CoNLL 2017 Shared Task
Timothy Dozat
Peng Qi
Christopher D. Manning
Churn Intent Detection in Multilingual Chatbot Conversations and Social Media
Christian Abbet
Meryem M’hamdi
Athanasios Giannakopoulos
Robert West
Andreea Hossmann
Michael Baeriswyl
Claudiu Musat
Uncovering Divergent Linguistic Information in Word Embeddings with Lessons for Intrinsic and Extrinsic Evaluation
Mikel Artetxe
Gorka Labaka
Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio
Eneko Agirre
Modeling Composite Labels for Neural Morphological Tagging
Alexander Tkachenko
Kairit Sirts
Vectorial Semantic Spaces Do Not Encode Human Judgments of Intervention Similarity
Paola Merlo
Francesco Ackermann
Bringing Order to Neural Word Embeddings with Embeddings Augmented by Random Permutations (EARP)
Trevor Cohen
Dominic Widdows
IBM Research at the CoNLL 2018 Shared Task on Multilingual Parsing
Hui Wan
Tahira Naseem
Young-Suk Lee
Vittorio Castelli
Miguel Ballesteros
Universal Dependency Parsing with a General Transition-Based DAG Parser
Daniel Hershcovich
Omri Abend
Ari Rappoport
Universal Dependency Parsing from Scratch
Peng Qi
Timothy Dozat
Yuhao Zhang
Christopher D. Manning
Towards JointUD: Part-of-speech Tagging and Lemmatization using Recurrent Neural Networks
Gor Arakelyan
Karen Hambardzumyan
Hrant Khachatrian
ELMoLex: Connecting ELMo and Lexicon Features for Dependency Parsing
Ganesh Jawahar
Benjamin Muller
Amal Fethi
Louis Martin
Éric Villemonte de la Clergerie
Benoît Sagot
Djamé Seddah
A Morphology-Based Representation Model for LSTM-Based Dependency Parsing of Agglutinative Languages
Şaziye Betül Özateş
Arzucan Özgür
Tunga Güngör
Balkız Öztürk
Advances in Pre-Training Distributed Word Representations
Tomas Mikolov
Edouard Grave
Piotr Bojanowski
Christian Puhrsch
Armand Joulin
Evaluation of Croatian Word Embeddings
Lukáš Svoboda
Slobodan Beliga
Grapheme-level Awareness in Word Embeddings for Morphologically Rich Languages
Suzi Park
Hyopil Shin
BPEmb: Tokenization-free Pre-trained Subword Embeddings in 275 Languages
Benjamin Heinzerling
Michael Strube
Learning Word Vectors for 157 Languages
Edouard Grave
Piotr Bojanowski
Prakhar Gupta
Armand Joulin
Tomas Mikolov
Universal Neural Machine Translation for Extremely Low Resource Languages
Jiatao Gu
Hany Hassan
Jacob Devlin
Victor O.K. Li
attr2vec: Jointly Learning Word and Contextual Attribute Embeddings with Factorization Machines
Fabio Petroni
Vassilis Plachouras
Timothy Nugent
Jochen L. Leidner
Post-Specialisation: Retrofitting Vectors of Words Unseen in Lexical Resources
Ivan Vulić
Goran Glavaš
Nikola Mrkšić
Anna Korhonen
Unsupervised Learning of Sentence Embeddings Using Compositional n-Gram Features
Matteo Pagliardini
Prakhar Gupta
Martin Jaggi
Specialising Word Vectors for Lexical Entailment
Ivan Vulić
Nikola Mrkšić
Context Sensitive Neural Lemmatization with Lematus
Toms Bergmanis
Sharon Goldwater
Word Emotion Induction for Multiple Languages as a Deep Multi-Task Learning Problem
Sven Buechel
Udo Hahn
Hierarchical Structured Model for Fine-to-Coarse Manifesto Text Analysis
Shivashankar Subramanian
Trevor Cohn
Timothy Baldwin
Deep Contextualized Word Representations
Matthew Peters
Mark Neumann
Mohit Iyyer
Matt Gardner
Christopher Clark
Kenton Lee
Luke Zettlemoyer
Discriminating between Lexico-Semantic Relations with the Specialization Tensor Model
Goran Glavaš
Ivan Vulić
Evaluating bilingual word embeddings on the long tail
Fabienne Braune
Viktor Hangya
Tobias Eder
Alexander Fraser
Cross-Domain Review Helpfulness Prediction Based on Convolutional Neural Networks with Auxiliary Domain Discriminators
Cen Chen
Yinfei Yang
Jun Zhou
Xiaolong Li
Forrest Sheng Bao
Data Collection for Dialogue System: A Startup Perspective
Yiping Kang
Yunqi Zhang
Jonathan K. Kummerfeld
Lingjia Tang
Jason Mars
Igbo Diacritic Restoration using Embedding Models
Ignatius Ezeani
Mark Hepple
Ikechukwu Onyenwe
Enemouh Chioma
RiskFinder: A Sentence-level Risk Detector for Financial Reports
Yu-Wen Liu
Liang-Chih Liu
Chuan-Ju Wang
Ming-Feng Tsai
Explicit Retrofitting of Distributional Word Vectors
Goran Glavaš
Ivan Vulić
Multitask Parsing Across Semantic Representations
Daniel Hershcovich
Omri Abend
Ari Rappoport
On the Limitations of Unsupervised Bilingual Dictionary Induction
Anders Søgaard
Sebastian Ruder
Ivan Vulić
Subword-level Word Vector Representations for Korean
Sungjoon Park
Jeongmin Byun
Sion Baek
Yongseok Cho
Alice Oh
Incorporating Chinese Characters of Words for Lexical Sememe Prediction
Huiming Jin
Hao Zhu
Zhiyuan Liu
Ruobing Xie
Maosong Sun
Fen Lin
Leyu Lin
A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German
Martin Riedl
Sebastian Padó
Characterizing Departures from Linearity in Word Translation
Ndapa Nakashole
Raphael Flauger
Judicious Selection of Training Data in Assisting Language for Multilingual Neural NER
Rudra Murthy
Anoop Kunchukuttan
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
An Empirical Study of Building a Strong Baseline for Constituency Parsing
Jun Suzuki
Sho Takase
Hidetaka Kamigaito
Makoto Morishita
Masaaki Nagata
Scoring Lexical Entailment with a Supervised Directional Similarity Network
Marek Rei
Daniela Gerz
Ivan Vulić
NovelPerspective: Identifying Point of View Characters
Lyndon White
Roberto Togneri
Wei Liu
Mohammed Bennamoun
Unsupervised Word Mapping Using Structural Similarities in Monolingual Embeddings
Hanan Aldarmaki
Mahesh Mohan
Mona Diab
Building Chatbots from Forum Data: Model Selection Using Question Answering Metrics
Martin Boyanov
Preslav Nakov
Alessandro Moschitti
Giovanni Da San Martino
Ivan Koychev
Texterra at SemEval-2018 Task 7: Exploiting Syntactic Information for Relation Extraction and Classification in Scientific Papers
Andrey Sysoev
Vladimir Mayorov
UWB at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Capturing Discriminative Attributes from Word Distributions
Tomáš Brychcín
Tomáš Hercig
Josef Steinberger
Michal Konkol
ABDN at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Recognising Discriminative Attributes using Context Embeddings and WordNet
Rui Mao
Guanyi Chen
Ruizhe Li
Chenghua Lin
NTU NLP Lab System at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Verifying Semantic Differences by Integrating Distributional Information and Expert Knowledge
Yow-Ting Shiue
Hen-Hsen Huang
Hsin-Hsi Chen
HHU at SemEval-2018 Task 12: Analyzing an Ensemble-based Deep Learning Approach for the Argument Mining Task of Choosing the Correct Warrant
Matthias Liebeck
Andreas Funke
Stefan Conrad
Deep Affix Features Improve Neural Named Entity Recognizers
Vikas Yadav
Rebecca Sharp
Steven Bethard
Agree or Disagree: Predicting Judgments on Nuanced Assertions
Michael Wojatzki
Torsten Zesch
Saif Mohammad
Svetlana Kiritchenko
A Comparative Study of Embedding Models in Predicting the Compositionality of Multiword Expressions
Navnita Nandakumar
Bahar Salehi
Timothy Baldwin
A Bag of Useful Tricks for Practical Neural Machine Translation: Embedding Layer Initialization and Large Batch Size
Masato Neishi
Jin Sakuma
Satoshi Tohda
Shonosuke Ishiwatari
Naoki Yoshinaga
Masashi Toyoda
The Sentimental Value of Chinese Sub-Character Components
Yassine Benajiba
Or Biran
Zhiliang Weng
Yong Zhang
Jin Sun
Can adult mental health be predicted by childhood future-self narratives? Insights from the CLPsych 2018 Shared Task
Kylie Radford
Louise Lavrencic
Ruth Peters
Kim Kiely
Ben Hachey
Scott Nowson
Will Radford
Using Language Learner Data for Metaphor Detection
Egon Stemle
Alexander Onysko
Entropy-Based Subword Mining with an Application to Word Embeddings
Ahmed El-Kishky
Frank Xu
Aston Zhang
Stephen Macke
Jiawei Han
Subword-level Composition Functions for Learning Word Embeddings
Bofang Li
Aleksandr Drozd
Tao Liu
Xiaoyong Du
Incorporating Subword Information into Matrix Factorization Word Embeddings
Alexandre Salle
Aline Villavicencio
System Description of Supervised and Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation Approaches from “NL Processing” Team at DeepHack.Babel Task
Ilya Gusev
Artem Oboturov
Embedding Transfer for Low-Resource Medical Named Entity Recognition: A Case Study on Patient Mobility
Denis Newman-Griffis
Ayah Zirikly
Compositional Morpheme Embeddings with Affixes as Functions and Stems as Arguments
Daniel Edmiston
Karl Stratos
Subcharacter Information in Japanese Embeddings: When Is It Worth It?
Marzena Karpinska
Bofang Li
Anna Rogers
Aleksandr Drozd
A Hybrid Learning Scheme for Chinese Word Embedding
Wenfan Chen
Weiguo Sheng
Injecting Lexical Contrast into Word Vectors by Guiding Vector Space Specialisation
Ivan Vulić
Characters or Morphemes: How to Represent Words?
Ahmet Üstün
Murathan Kurfalı
Burcu Can
A Corpus of Corporate Annual and Social Responsibility Reports: 280 Million Tokens of Balanced Organizational Writing
Sebastian G.M. Händschke
Sven Buechel
Jan Goldenstein
Philipp Poschmann
Tinghui Duan
Peter Walgenbach
Udo Hahn
Sub-label dependencies for Neural Morphological Tagging – The Joint Submission of University of Colorado and University of Helsinki for VarDial 2018
Miikka Silfverberg
Senka Drobac
Comparing CRF and LSTM performance on the task of morphosyntactic tagging of non-standard varieties of South Slavic languages
Nikola Ljubešić
STEVENDU2018’s system in VarDial 2018: Discriminating between Dutch and Flemish in Subtitles
Steven Du
Yuan Yuan Wang
Aggression Identification Using Deep Learning and Data Augmentation
Julian Risch
Ralf Krestel
Cross-Discourse and Multilingual Exploration of Textual Corpora with the DualNeighbors Algorithm
Taylor Arnold
Lauren Tilton
Conversational Image Editing: Incremental Intent Identification in a New Dialogue Task
Ramesh Manuvinakurike
Trung Bui
Walter Chang
Kallirroi Georgila
Neural Character-based Composition Models for Abuse Detection
Pushkar Mishra
Helen Yannakoudakis
Ekaterina Shutova
Challenges for Toxic Comment Classification: An In-Depth Error Analysis
Betty van Aken
Julian Risch
Ralf Krestel
Alexander Löser
Improving Moderation of Online Discussions via Interpretable Neural Models
Andrej Švec
Matúš Pikuliak
Marián Šimko
Mária Bieliková
Learning Representations for Detecting Abusive Language
Magnus Sahlgren
Tim Isbister
Fredrik Olsson
Affordance Extraction and Inference based on Semantic Role Labeling
Daniel Loureiro
Alípio Jorge
Robust Document Retrieval and Individual Evidence Modeling for Fact Extraction and Verification.
Tuhin Chakrabarty
Tariq Alhindi
Smaranda Muresan
Evaluation of a Sequence Tagging Tool for Biomedical Texts
Julien Tourille
Matthieu Doutreligne
Olivier Ferret
Aurélie Névéol
Nicolas Paris
Xavier Tannier
A Reinforcement Learning-driven Translation Model for Search-Oriented Conversational Systems
Wafa Aissa
Laure Soulier
Ludovic Denoyer
IRISA at SMM4H 2018: Neural Network and Bagging for Tweet Classification
Anne-Lyse Minard
Christian Raymond
Vincent Claveau
Robust Word Vectors: Context-Informed Embeddings for Noisy Texts
Valentin Malykh
Varvara Logacheva
Taras Khakhulin
Using Wikipedia Edits in Low Resource Grammatical Error Correction
Adriane Boyd
Word-like character n-gram embedding
Geewook Kim
Kazuki Fukui
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Measuring Issue Ownership using Word Embeddings
Amaru Cuba Gyllensten
Magnus Sahlgren
HGSGNLP at IEST 2018: An Ensemble of Machine Learning and Deep Neural Architectures for Implicit Emotion Classification in Tweets
Wenting Wang
Phrase-based Unsupervised Machine Translation with Compositional Phrase Embeddings
Maksym Del
Andre Tättar
Mark Fishel
The RWTH Aachen University English-German and German-English Unsupervised Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2018
Miguel Graça
Yunsu Kim
Julian Schamper
Jiahui Geng
Hermann Ney
The LMU Munich Unsupervised Machine Translation Systems
Dario Stojanovski
Viktor Hangya
Matthias Huck
Alexander Fraser
The AFRL-Ohio State WMT18 Multimodal System: Combining Visual with Traditional
Jeremy Gwinnup
Joshua Sandvick
Michael Hutt
Grant Erdmann
John Duselis
James Davis
Quality Estimation with Force-Decoded Attention and Cross-lingual Embeddings
Elizaveta Yankovskaya
Andre Tättar
Mark Fishel
An Unsupervised System for Parallel Corpus Filtering
Viktor Hangya
Alexander Fraser
NICT’s Corpus Filtering Systems for the WMT18 Parallel Corpus Filtering Task
Rui Wang
Benjamin Marie
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Treat the system like a human student: Automatic naturalness evaluation of generated text without reference texts
Isabel Groves
Ye Tian
Ioannis Douratsos
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Semantic Similarity
Sentiment Analysis
Machine Translation
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