Authors Timeline
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Assessing the Ability of LSTMs to Learn Syntax-Sensitive Dependencies
Tal Linzen
Emmanuel Dupoux
Yoav Goldberg
Paper Details:
Year: 2016
Distance-Free Modeling of Multi-Predicate Interactions in End-to-End Japanese Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis
Yuichiroh Matsubayashi
Kentaro Inui
RNN Simulations of Grammaticality Judgments on Long-distance Dependencies
Shammur Absar Chowdhury
Roberto Zamparelli
Assessing Composition in Sentence Vector Representations
Allyson Ettinger
Ahmed Elgohary
Colin Phillips
Philip Resnik
Encoding Sentences with Graph Convolutional Networks for Semantic Role Labeling
Diego Marcheggiani
Ivan Titov
Graph Convolutional Encoders for Syntax-aware Neural Machine Translation
Joost Bastings
Ivan Titov
Wilker Aziz
Diego Marcheggiani
Khalil Sima’an
Collecting Diverse Natural Language Inference Problems for Sentence Representation Evaluation
Adam Poliak
Aparajita Haldar
Rachel Rudinger
J. Edward Hu
Ellie Pavlick
Aaron Steven White
Benjamin Van Durme
Targeted Syntactic Evaluation of Language Models
Rebecca Marvin
Tal Linzen
Dissecting Contextual Word Embeddings: Architecture and Representation
Matthew Peters
Mark Neumann
Luke Zettlemoyer
Wen-tau Yih
Multi-Source Syntactic Neural Machine Translation
Anna Currey
Kenneth Heafield
Explaining Character-Aware Neural Networks for Word-Level Prediction: Do They Discover Linguistic Rules?
Fréderic Godin
Kris Demuynck
Joni Dambre
Wesley De Neve
Thomas Demeester
Why Self-Attention? A Targeted Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Architectures
Gongbo Tang
Mathias Müller
Annette Rios
Rico Sennrich
A Neural Model of Adaptation in Reading
Marten van Schijndel
Tal Linzen
The Importance of Being Recurrent for Modeling Hierarchical Structure
Ke Tran
Arianna Bisazza
Christof Monz
Interpretable Emoji Prediction via Label-Wise Attention LSTMs
Francesco Barbieri
Luis Espinosa-Anke
Jose Camacho-Collados
Steven Schockaert
Horacio Saggion
Comparing Character-level Neural Language Models Using a Lexical Decision Task
Gaël Le Godais
Tal Linzen
Emmanuel Dupoux
Evaluating Layers of Representation in Neural Machine Translation on Part-of-Speech and Semantic Tagging Tasks
Yonatan Belinkov
Lluís Màrquez
Hassan Sajjad
Nadir Durrani
Fahim Dalvi
James Glass
Capturing Long-range Contextual Dependencies with Memory-enhanced Conditional Random Fields
Fei Liu
Timothy Baldwin
Trevor Cohn
Exploring the Syntactic Abilities of RNNs with Multi-task Learning
Émile Enguehard
Yoav Goldberg
Tal Linzen
Encoding of phonology in a recurrent neural model of grounded speech
Afra Alishahi
Marie Barking
Grzegorz Chrupała
A Simple and Accurate Syntax-Agnostic Neural Model for Dependency-based Semantic Role Labeling
Diego Marcheggiani
Anton Frolov
Ivan Titov
Vectorial Semantic Spaces Do Not Encode Human Judgments of Intervention Similarity
Paola Merlo
Francesco Ackermann
Colorless Green Recurrent Networks Dream Hierarchically
Kristina Gulordava
Piotr Bojanowski
Edouard Grave
Tal Linzen
Marco Baroni
On the Evaluation of Semantic Phenomena in Neural Machine Translation Using Natural Language Inference
Adam Poliak
Yonatan Belinkov
James Glass
Benjamin Van Durme
Semi-supervised sequence tagging with bidirectional language models
Matthew Peters
Waleed Ammar
Chandra Bhagavatula
Russell Power
Sharp Nearby, Fuzzy Far Away: How Neural Language Models Use Context
Urvashi Khandelwal
He He
Peng Qi
Dan Jurafsky
LSTMs Can Learn Syntax-Sensitive Dependencies Well, But Modeling Structure Makes Them Better
Adhiguna Kuncoro
Chris Dyer
John Hale
Dani Yogatama
Stephen Clark
Phil Blunsom
What you can cram into a single $&!#* vector: Probing sentence embeddings for linguistic properties
Alexis Conneau
German Kruszewski
Guillaume Lample
Loïc Barrault
Marco Baroni
Finding syntax in human encephalography with beam search
John Hale
Chris Dyer
Adhiguna Kuncoro
Jonathan Brennan
Trick Me If You Can: Adversarial Writing of Trivia Challenge Questions
Eric Wallace
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Learning Structured Text Representations
Yang Liu
Mirella Lapata
Scheduled Multi-Task Learning: From Syntax to Translation
Eliyahu Kiperwasser
Miguel Ballesteros
Do latent tree learning models identify meaningful structure in sentences?
Adina Williams
Andrew Drozdov
Samuel R. Bowman
Recurrent Neural Networks in Linguistic Theory: Revisiting Pinker and Prince (1988) and the Past Tense Debate
Christo Kirov
Ryan Cotterell
Analysis Methods in Neural Language Processing: A Survey
Yonatan Belinkov
James Glass
Evaluating the morphological competence of Machine Translation Systems
Franck Burlot
François Yvon
Assessing the Stylistic Properties of Neurally Generated Text in Authorship Attribution
Enrique Manjavacas
Jeroen De Gussem
Walter Daelemans
Mike Kestemont
The Fine Line between Linguistic Generalization and Failure in Seq2Seq-Attention Models
Noah Weber
Leena Shekhar
Niranjan Balasubramanian
Exploring Word Sense Disambiguation Abilities of Neural Machine Translation Systems (Non-archival Extended Abstract)
Rebecca Marvin
Philipp Koehn
Inducing Grammars with and for Neural Machine Translation
Yonatan Bisk
Ke Tran
Unsupervised Source Hierarchies for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation
Anna Currey
Kenneth Heafield
LSTMs Exploit Linguistic Attributes of Data
Nelson F. Liu
Omer Levy
Roy Schwartz
Chenhao Tan
Noah A. Smith
Jump to better conclusions: SCAN both left and right
Joost Bastings
Marco Baroni
Jason Weston
Kyunghyun Cho
Douwe Kiela
Can LSTM Learn to Capture Agreement? The Case of Basque
Shauli Ravfogel
Yoav Goldberg
Francis Tyers
What do RNN Language Models Learn about Filler–Gap Dependencies?
Ethan Wilcox
Roger Levy
Takashi Morita
Richard Futrell
Do Language Models Understand Anything? On the Ability of LSTMs to Understand Negative Polarity Items
Jaap Jumelet
Dieuwke Hupkes
Closing Brackets with Recurrent Neural Networks
Natalia Skachkova
Thomas Trost
Dietrich Klakow
Under the Hood: Using Diagnostic Classifiers to Investigate and Improve how Language Models Track Agreement Information
Mario Giulianelli
Jack Harding
Florian Mohnert
Dieuwke Hupkes
Willem Zuidema
Evaluating Grammaticality in Seq2seq Models with a Broad Coverage HPSG Grammar: A Case Study on Machine Translation
Johnny Wei
Khiem Pham
Brendan O’Connor
Brian Dillon
Context-Free Transductions with Neural Stacks
Yiding Hao
William Merrill
Dana Angluin
Robert Frank
Noah Amsel
Andrew Benz
Simon Mendelsohn
Probing sentence embeddings for structure-dependent tense
Geoff Bacon
Terry Regier
Extracting Syntactic Trees from Transformer Encoder Self-Attentions
David Mareček
Rudolf Rosa
Does Syntactic Knowledge in Multilingual Language Models Transfer Across Languages?
Prajit Dhar
Arianna Bisazza
Can Entropy Explain Successor Surprisal Effects in Reading?
Marten van Schijndel
Tal Linzen
Do RNNs learn human-like abstract word order preferences?
Richard Futrell
Roger P. Levy
Verb Argument Structure Alternations in Word and Sentence Embeddings
Katharina Kann
Alex Warstadt
Adina Williams
Samuel R. Bowman
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Machine Translation
Child Language
Child Language
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