Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Design Challenges for Entity Linking
Xiao Ling
Sameer Singh
Daniel S. Weld
Paper Details:
Year: 2015
TASTY: Interactive Entity Linking As-You-Type
Sebastian Arnold
Robert Dziuba
Alexander Löser
Attributed and Predictive Entity Embedding for Fine-Grained Entity Typing in Knowledge Bases
Hailong Jin
Lei Hou
Juanzi Li
Tiansi Dong
Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Word Similarity Calculation Using Word Vector Representation from a Knowledge-based Graph
Dongsuk O
Sunjae Kwon
Kyungsun Kim
Youngjoong Ko
Corpus-level Fine-grained Entity Typing Using Contextual Information
Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh
Hinrich Schütze
Rule Extraction for Tree-to-Tree Transducers by Cost Minimization
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Yusuke Miyao
Entity Linking for Queries by Searching Wikipedia Sentences
Chuanqi Tan
Furu Wei
Pengjie Ren
Weifeng Lv
Ming Zhou
Entity Linking via Joint Encoding of Types, Descriptions, and Context
Nitish Gupta
Sameer Singh
Dan Roth
Entity Linking within a Social Media Platform: A Case Study on Yelp
Hongliang Dai
Yangqiu Song
Liwei Qiu
Rijia Liu
Joint Multilingual Supervision for Cross-lingual Entity Linking
Shyam Upadhyay
Nitish Gupta
Dan Roth
Neural Architectures for Fine-grained Entity Type Classification
Sonse Shimaoka
Pontus Stenetorp
Kentaro Inui
Sebastian Riedel
Joint Learning of the Embedding of Words and Entities for Named Entity Disambiguation
Ikuya Yamada
Hiroyuki Shindo
Hideaki Takeda
Yoshiyasu Takefuji
Learning Text Representations for 500K Classification Tasks on Named Entity Disambiguation
Ander Barrena
Aitor Soroa
Eneko Agirre
Wikification for Scriptio Continua
Yugo Murawaki
Shinsuke Mori
Evaluating Entity Linking: An Analysis of Current Benchmark Datasets and a Roadmap for Doing a Better Job
Marieke van Erp
Pablo Mendes
Heiko Paulheim
Filip Ilievski
Julien Plu
Giuseppe Rizzo
Joerg Waitelonis
Entity Commonsense Representation for Neural Abstractive Summarization
Reinald Kim Amplayo
Seonjae Lim
Seung-won Hwang
ELDEN: Improved Entity Linking Using Densified Knowledge Graphs
Priya Radhakrishnan
Partha Talukdar
Vasudeva Varma
Construction of the Literature Graph in Semantic Scholar
Waleed Ammar
Dirk Groeneveld
Chandra Bhagavatula
Iz Beltagy
Miles Crawford
Doug Downey
Jason Dunkelberger
Ahmed Elgohary
Sergey Feldman
Vu Ha
Rodney Kinney
Sebastian Kohlmeier
Kyle Lo
Tyler Murray
Hsu-Han Ooi
Matthew Peters
Joanna Power
Sam Skjonsberg
Lucy Wang
Chris Wilhelm
Zheng Yuan
Madeleine van Zuylen
Oren Etzioni
Building a Corpus for Japanese Wikification with Fine-Grained Entity Classes
Davaajav Jargalsaikhan
Naoaki Okazaki
Koji Matsuda
Kentaro Inui
Towards a Seamless Integration of Word Senses into Downstream NLP Applications
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Jose Camacho-Collados
Roberto Navigli
Nigel Collier
diaNED: Time-Aware Named Entity Disambiguation for Diachronic Corpora
Prabal Agarwal
Jannik Strötgen
Luciano del Corro
Johannes Hoffart
Gerhard Weikum
Learning Distributed Representations of Texts and Entities from Knowledge Base
Ikuya Yamada
Hiroyuki Shindo
Hideaki Takeda
Yoshiyasu Takefuji
A Pipeline Japanese Entity Linking System with Embedding Features
Shuangshuang Zhou
Neural Joint Learning for Classifying Wikipedia Articles into Fine-grained Named Entity Types
Masatoshi Suzuki
Koji Matsuda
Satoshi Sekine
Naoaki Okazaki
Kentaro Inui
Field Of Study
Word Sense Disambiguation
Named Entity Recognition
Information Extraction
Relation Extraction
Coreference Resolution
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