Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Estimators for Stochastic “Unification-Based” Grammars
Mark Johnson
Stuart Geman
Stephen Canon
Zhiyi Chi
Stefan Riezler
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 1999
Location: College Park, Maryland, USA
Exploiting auxiliary distributions in stochastic unification-based grammars
Mark Johnson
Stefan Riezler
An Empirical Evaluation of LFG-DOP
Rens Bod
Estimation of Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars using an Informative Sample
Miles Osborne
A Generative Probability Model for Unification-Based Grammars
Helmut Schmid
A Novel Disambiguation Method for Unification-Based Grammars Using Probabilistic Context-Free Approximations
Bernd Kiefer
Hans-Ulrich Krieger
Detlef Prescher
Improved Iterative Scaling Can Yield Multiple Globally Optimal Models with Radically Differing Performance Levels
Iain Bancarz
Miles Osborne
The LinGO Redwoods Treebank: Motivation and Preliminary Applications
Stephan Oepen
Kristina Toutanova
Stuart Shieber
Christopher Manning
Dan Flickinger
Thorsten Brants
Deep Linguistic Analysis for the Accurate Identification of Predicate-Argument Relations
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Structured Prediction Models via the Matrix-Tree Theorem
Terry Koo
Amir Globerson
Xavier Carreras
Michael Collins
Online Learning of Relaxed CCG Grammars for Parsing to Logical Form
Luke Zettlemoyer
Michael Collins
Exploiting Parse Structures for Native Language Identification
Sze-Meng Jojo Wong
Mark Dras
Investigating GIS and Smoothing for Maximum Entropy Taggers
James R. Curran
Stephen Clark
Structural Correspondence Learning for Parse Disambiguation
Barbara Plank
Improving a Strong Neural Parser with Conjunction-Specific Features
Jessica Ficler
Yoav Goldberg
Hidden-Variable Models for Discriminative Reranking
Terry Koo
Michael Collins
Probabilistic Top-Down Parsing and Language Modeling
Brian Roark
Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing
Michael Collins
Terry Koo
Weighted and Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars Are Equally Expressive
Noah A. Smith
Mark Johnson
Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models
Stephen Clark
James R. Curran
Speculation and Negation: Rules, Rankers, and the Role of Syntax
Erik Velldal
Lilja Øvrelid
Jonathon Read
Stephan Oepen
Treelet Probabilities for HPSG Parsing and Error Correction
Angelina Ivanova
Gertjan van Noord
Statistical Sentence Condensation using Ambiguity Packing and Stochastic Disambiguation Methods for Lexical-Functional Grammar
Stefan Riezler
Tracy H. King
Richard Crouch
Annie Zaenen
Feature-Rich Part-of-Speech Tagging with a Cyclic Dependency Network
Kristina Toutanova
Dan Klein
Christopher D. Manning
Yoram Singer
Ensemble-based Active Learning for Parse Selection
Miles Osborne
Jason Baldridge
Effective Self-Training for Parsing
David McClosky
Eugene Charniak
Mark Johnson
Chart Mining-based Lexical Acquisition with Precision Grammars
Yi Zhang
Timothy Baldwin
Valia Kordoni
David Martinez
Jeremy Nicholson
Lexicalized Stochastic Modeling of Constraint-Based Grammars using Log-Linear Measures and EM Training
Stefan Riezler
Detlef Prescher
Jonas Kuhn
Mark Johnson
Joint and Conditional Estimation of Tagging and Parsing Models
Mark Johnson
OT Syntax – Decidability of Generation-based Optimization
Jonas Kuhn
New Ranking Algorithms for Parsing and Tagging: Kernels over Discrete Structures, and the Voted Perceptron
Michael Collins
Nigel Duffy
Parsing the Wall Street Journal using a Lexical-Functional Grammar and Discriminative Estimation Techniques
Stefan Riezler
Tracy H. King
Ronald M. Kaplan
Richard Crouch
John T. Maxwell III
Mark Johnson
Dynamic programming for parsing and estimation of stochastic unification-based grammars
Stuart Geman
Mark Johnson
Building Deep Dependency Structures using a Wide-Coverage CCG Parser
Stephen Clark
Julia Hockenmaier
Mark Steedman
Ranking Algorithms for Named Entity Extraction: Boosting and the VotedPerceptron
Michael Collins
Discriminative Language Modeling with Conditional Random Fields and the Perceptron Algorithm
Brian Roark
Murat Saraclar
Michael Collins
Mark Johnson
Incremental Parsing with the Perceptron Algorithm
Michael Collins
Brian Roark
Using Conditional Random Fields to Predict Pitch Accents in Conversational Speech
Michelle Gregory
Yasemin Altun
Probabilistic Disambiguation Models for Wide-Coverage HPSG Parsing
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Coarse-to-Fine n-Best Parsing and MaxEnt Discriminative Reranking
Eugene Charniak
Mark Johnson
Contrastive Estimation: Training Log-Linear Models on Unlabeled Data
Noah A. Smith
Jason Eisner
Discriminative Syntactic Language Modeling for Speech Recognition
Michael Collins
Brian Roark
Murat Saraclar
Discriminative Classifiers for Deterministic Dependency Parsing
Johan Hall
Joakim Nivre
Jens Nilsson
A Comparative Study of Parameter Estimation Methods for Statistical Natural Language Processing
Jianfeng Gao
Galen Andrew
Mark Johnson
Kristina Toutanova
Learning Context-Dependent Mappings from Sentences to Logical Form
Luke Zettlemoyer
Michael Collins
Reversible Stochastic Attribute-Value Grammars
Daniël de Kok
Barbara Plank
Gertjan van Noord
Probabilistic Graph-based Dependency Parsing with Convolutional Neural Network
Zhisong Zhang
Hai Zhao
Lianhui Qin
A Comparison of Algorithms for Maximum Entropy Parameter Estimation
Robert Malouf
Feature Selection for a Rich HPSG Grammar Using Decision Trees
Kristina Toutanova
Christopher D. Manning
A model of syntactic disambiguation based on lexicalized grammars
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Active learning for HPSG parse selection
Jason Baldridge
Miles Osborne
Log-Linear Models for Wide-Coverage CCG Parsing
Stephen Clark
James Curran
Investigating Loss Functions and Optimization Methods for Discriminative Learning of Label Sequences
Yasemin Altun
Mark Johnson
Thomas Hofmann
Efficient Incremental Beam-Search Parsing with Generative and Discriminative Models
Brian Roark
Max-Margin Parsing
Ben Taskar
Dan Klein
Mike Collins
Daphne Koller
Christopher Manning
Active Learning and the Total Cost of Annotation
Jason Baldridge
Miles Osborne
Bilingual Parsing with Factored Estimation: Using English to Parse Korean
David A. Smith
Noah A. Smith
Incremental Feature Selection and l1 Regularization for Relaxed Maximum-Entropy Modeling
Stefan Riezler
Alexander Vasserman
Efficacy of Beam Thresholding, Unification Filtering and Hybrid Parsing in Probabilistic HPSG Parsing
Takashi Ninomiya
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Extremely Lexicalized Models for Accurate and Fast HPSG Parsing
Takashi Ninomiya
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Statistical Ranking in Tactical Generation
Erik Velldal
Stephan Oepen
Perceptron Training for a Wide-Coverage Lexicalized-Grammar Parser
Stephen Clark
James Curran
Filling Statistics with Linguistics – Property Design for the Disambiguation of German LFG Parses
Martin Forst
Partial Parse Selection for Robust Deep Processing
Yi Zhang
Valia Kordoni
Erin Fitzgerald
Efficiency in Unification-Based N-Best Parsing
Yi Zhang
Stephan Oepen
John Carroll
A log-linear model with an n-gram reference distribution for accurate HPSG parsing
Takashi Ninomiya
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
TAG, Dynamic Programming, and the Perceptron for Efficient, Feature-Rich Parsing
Xavier Carreras
Michael Collins
Terry Koo
How the Statistical Revolution Changes (Computational) Linguistics
Mark Johnson
A Virtual Manipulative for Learning Log-Linear Models
Francis Ferraro
Jason Eisner
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Field Of Study
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