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Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Kathleen R. McKeown
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 1993
Location: Columbus, Ohio, USA
Experiments in Automated Lexicon Building for Text Searching
Barry Schiffman
Kathleen R. McKeown
Acquisition of Semantic Classes for Adjectives from Distributional Evidence
Gemma Boleda
Toni Badia
Eloi Batlle
Construction of an Objective Hierarchy of Abstract Concepts via Directional Similarity
Kyoko Kanzaki
Eiko Yamamoto
Qing Ma
Hitoshi Isahara
A Structured Vector Space Model for Hidden Attribute Meaning in Adjective-Noun Phrases
Matthias Hartung
Anette Frank
Modelling Polysemy in Adjective Classes by Multi-Label Classification
Gemma Boleda
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Toni Badia
A Comparison of Selectional Preference Models for Automatic Verb Classification
Will Roberts
Markus Egg
Clustering Adjectives for Class Discovery
Gemma Boleda Torrent
Laura Alonso i Alemany
An Empirically-based System for Processing Definite Descriptions
Renata Vieira
Massimo Poesio
Learning Methods to Combine Linguistic Indicators:Improving Aspectual Classification and Revealing Linguistic Insights
Eric V. Siegel
Kathleen R. McKeown
Sentence Fusion for Multidocument News Summarization
Regina Barzilay
Kathleen R. McKeown
Experiments on the Automatic Induction of German Semantic Verb Classes
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Modeling Regular Polysemy: A Study on the Semantic Classification of Catalan Adjectives
Gemma Boleda
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Toni Badia
Statistical Metaphor Processing
Ekaterina Shutova
Simone Teufel
Anna Korhonen
Corpus-based Semantic Relatedness for the Construction of Polish WordNet
Bartosz Broda
Magdalena Derwojedowa
Maciej Piasecki
Stanislaw Szpakowicz
Utilizing the World Wide Web as an Encyclopedia: Extracting Term Descriptions from Semi-Structured Texts
Atsushi Fujii
Tetsuya Ishikawa
Extracting Paraphrases from a Parallel Corpus
Regina Barzilay
Kathleen R. McKeown
A Quantitative Evaluation of Linguistic Tests for the Automatic Prediction of Semantic Markedness
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Kathleen McKeown
Evaluation of Semantic Clusters
Rajeev Agarwal
Predicting the Semantic Orientation of Adjectives
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Kathleen R. McKeown
Measures of Distributional Similarity
Lillian Lee
Corpus-Based Linguistic Indicators for Aspectual Classification
Eric V. Siegel
Ordering Among Premodifiers
James Shaw
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Good, Great, Excellent: Global Inference of Semantic Intensities
Gerard de Melo
Mohit Bansal
Classification of Adjectival and Non-adjectival Nouns Based on their Semantic Behavior by Using a Self-Organizing Semantic Map
Kyoko Kanzaki
Qing Ma
Masaki Murata
Hitoshi Isahara
Learning Word Meanings and Descriptive Parameter Spaces from Music
Brian Whitman
Deb Roy
Barry Vercoe
Attribute-Based and Value-Based Clustering: An Evaluation
Abdulrahman Almuhareb
Massimo Poesio
Morphology vs. Syntax in Adjective Class Acquisition
Gemma Boleda
Toni Badia
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Can Human Verb Associations Help Identify Salient Features for Semantic Verb Classification?
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Do we Need Linguistics When We Have Statistics? A Comparative Analysis of the Contributions of Linguistic Cues to a Statistical Word Grouping System
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Towards Automatic Grammar Acquisition from a Bracketed Corpus
Thanaruk Theeramunkong
Manabu Okumara
Investigating Complementary Methods for Verb Sense Pruning
Hongyan Jing
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Rebecca Passonneau
Kathleen McKeown
Learning Methods for Combining Linguistic Indicators to Classify Verbs
Eric V. Siegel
Extending a thesaurus by classifying words
Takenobu Tokunaga
Atsushi Fujii
Naoyuki Sakurai
Hozumi Tanaka
Learning New Compositions from Given Ones
Donghong Ji
Jun He
Changning Huang
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Information Retrieval
Knowledge Acquisition
Machine Translation
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