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ACL N-gram Stats
Character-based Neural Machine Translation
Marta R. Costa-jussà
José A. R. Fonollosa
Paper Details:
Month: August
Year: 2016
Location: Berlin, Germany
Ensemble Learning for Multi-Source Neural Machine Translation
Ekaterina Garmash
Christof Monz
Challenges of language technologies for the indigenous languages of the Americas
Manuel Mager
Ximena Gutierrez-Vasques
Gerardo Sierra
Ivan Meza-Ruiz
An Evaluation of Neural Machine Translation Models on Historical Spelling Normalization
Gongbo Tang
Fabienne Cap
Eva Pettersson
Joakim Nivre
Learning to Generate Word Representations using Subword Information
Yeachan Kim
Kang-Min Kim
Ji-Min Lee
SangKeun Lee
Tailoring Neural Architectures for Translating from Morphologically Rich Languages
Peyman Passban
Andy Way
Qun Liu
Incorporating Discrete Translation Lexicons into Neural Machine Translation
Philip Arthur
Graham Neubig
Satoshi Nakamura
Character Sequence Models for Colorful Words
Kazuya Kawakami
Chris Dyer
Bryan Routledge
Noah A. Smith
Revisiting Character-Based Neural Machine Translation with Capacity and Compression
Colin Cherry
George Foster
Ankur Bapna
Orhan Firat
Wolfgang Macherey
An Extensive Empirical Evaluation of Character-Based Morphological Tagging for 14 Languages
Georg Heigold
Guenter Neumann
Josef van Genabith
A Multifaceted Evaluation of Neural versus Phrase-Based Machine Translation for 9 Language Directions
Antonio Toral
Víctor M. Sánchez-Cartagena
Neural Machine Translation by Minimising the Bayes-risk with Respect to Syntactic Translation Lattices
Felix Stahlberg
Adrià de Gispert
Eva Hasler
Bill Byrne
Neural Machine Translation with Recurrent Attention Modeling
Zichao Yang
Zhiting Hu
Yuntian Deng
Chris Dyer
Alex Smola
Context-Aware Smoothing for Neural Machine Translation
Kehai Chen
Rui Wang
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Tiejun Zhao
Neural Maximum Subgraph Parsing for Cross-Domain Semantic Dependency Analysis
Yufei Chen
Sheng Huang
Fang Wang
Junjie Cao
Weiwei Sun
Xiaojun Wan
Machine Translation of Low-Resource Spoken Dialects: Strategies for Normalizing Swiss German
Pierre-Edouard Honnet
Andrei Popescu-Belis
Claudiu Musat
Michael Baeriswyl
Improving Character-Based Decoding Using Target-Side Morphological Information for Neural Machine Translation
Peyman Passban
Qun Liu
Andy Way
Combining Character and Word Information in Neural Machine Translation Using a Multi-Level Attention
Huadong Chen
Shujian Huang
David Chiang
Xinyu Dai
Jiajun Chen
Character-Based Neural Networks for Sentence Pair Modeling
Wuwei Lan
Wei Xu
Achieving Open Vocabulary Neural Machine Translation with Hybrid Word-Character Models
Minh-Thang Luong
Christopher D. Manning
Character-based Neural Machine Translation
Marta R. Costa-jussà
José A. R. Fonollosa
Chunk-Based Bi-Scale Decoder for Neural Machine Translation
Hao Zhou
Zhaopeng Tu
Shujian Huang
Xiaohua Liu
Hang Li
Jiajun Chen
Challenging Language-Dependent Segmentation for Arabic: An Application to Machine Translation and Part-of-Speech Tagging
Hassan Sajjad
Fahim Dalvi
Nadir Durrani
Ahmed Abdelali
Yonatan Belinkov
Stephan Vogel
Character Composition Model with Convolutional Neural Networks for Dependency Parsing on Morphologically Rich Languages
Xiang Yu
Ngoc Thang Vu
Subword-level Word Vector Representations for Korean
Sungjoon Park
Jeongmin Byun
Sion Baek
Yongseok Cho
Alice Oh
Compositional Representation of Morphologically-Rich Input for Neural Machine Translation
Duygu Ataman
Marcello Federico
Fully Character-Level Neural Machine Translation without Explicit Segmentation
Jason Lee
Kyunghyun Cho
Thomas Hofmann
Neural Lattice Language Models
Jacob Buckman
Graham Neubig
MetaMind Neural Machine Translation System for WMT 2016
James Bradbury
Richard Socher
WMT 2016 Multimodal Translation System Description based on Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks with Double-Embeddings
Sergio Rodríguez Guasch
Marta R. Costa-jussà
Moses-based official baseline for NEWS 2016
Marta R. Costa-jussà
Translation of Patent Sentences with a Large Vocabulary of Technical Terms Using Neural Machine Translation
Zi Long
Takehito Utsuro
Tomoharu Mitsuhashi
Mikio Yamamoto
Character-based Decoding in Tree-to-Sequence Attention-based Neural Machine Translation
Akiko Eriguchi
Kazuma Hashimoto
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Normalizing Medieval German Texts: from rules to deep learning
Natalia Korchagina
Why Catalan-Spanish Neural Machine Translation? Analysis, comparison and combination with standard Rule and Phrase-based technologies
Marta R. Costa-jussà
Character and Subword-Based Word Representation for Neural Language Modeling Prediction
Matthieu Labeau
Alexandre Allauzen
A General-Purpose Tagger with Convolutional Neural Networks
Xiang Yu
Agnieszka Falenska
Ngoc Thang Vu
Byte-based Neural Machine Translation
Marta R. Costa-jussà
Carlos Escolano
José A. R. Fonollosa
Word Representations in Factored Neural Machine Translation
Franck Burlot
Mercedes García-Martínez
Loïc Barrault
Fethi Bougares
François Yvon
The TALP-UPC Neural Machine Translation System for German/Finnish-English Using the Inverse Direction Model in Rescoring
Carlos Escolano
Marta R. Costa-jussà
José A. R. Fonollosa
Character-level Intra Attention Network for Natural Language Inference
Han Yang
Marta R. Costa-jussà
José A. R. Fonollosa
Morphological Word Embeddings for Arabic Neural Machine Translation in Low-Resource Settings
Pamela Shapiro
Kevin Duh
Meaningless yet meaningful: Morphology grounded subword-level NMT
Tamali Banerjee
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
How Robust Are Character-Based Word Embeddings in Tagging and MT Against Wrod Scramlbing or Randdm Nouse?
Georg Heigold
Stalin Varanasi
Günter Neumann
Josef van Genabith
Word-like character n-gram embedding
Geewook Kim
Kazuki Fukui
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
Beyond Weight Tying: Learning Joint Input-Output Embeddings for Neural Machine Translation
Nikolaos Pappas
Lesly Miculicich
James Henderson
JUCBNMT at WMT2018 News Translation Task: Character Based Neural Machine Translation of Finnish to English
Sainik Kumar Mahata
Dipankar Das
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Data-to-Text Natural Language Generation: Word- vs. Character-based Processing and Output Diversity
Glorianna Jagfeld
Sabrina Jenne
Ngoc Thang Vu
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Named Entity Recognition
Machine Translation
Deep Learning
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