Authors Timeline
Field of Study
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Discovering Sociolinguistic Associations with Structured Sparsity
Jacob Eisenstein
Noah A. Smith
Eric P. Xing
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2011
Location: Portland, Oregon, USA
Broad Twitter Corpus: A Diverse Named Entity Recognition Resource
Leon Derczynski
Kalina Bontcheva
Ian Roberts
TweetGeo - A Tool for Collecting, Processing and Analysing Geo-encoded Linguistic Data
Nikola Ljubešić
Tanja Samardžić
Curdin Derungs
Style Obfuscation by Invariance
Chris Emmery
Enrique Manjavacas Arevalo
Grzegorz Chrupała
User-Level Race and Ethnicity Predictors from Twitter Text
Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro
Lyle Ungar
Structured Sparsity in Structured Prediction
André Martins
Noah Smith
Mário Figueiredo
Pedro Aguiar
Word Salad: Relating Food Prices and Descriptions
Victor Chahuneau
Kevin Gimpel
Bryan R. Routledge
Lily Scherlis
Noah A. Smith
User Demographics and Language in an Implicit Social Network
Katja Filippova
A Log-Linear Model for Unsupervised Text Normalization
Yi Yang
Jacob Eisenstein
Paraphrasing 4 Microblog Normalization
Wang Ling
Chris Dyer
Alan W Black
Isabel Trancoso
This Text Has the Scent of Starbucks: A Laplacian Structured Sparsity Model for Computational Branding Analytics
William Yang Wang
Edward Lin
John Kominek
Confounds and Consequences in Geotagged Twitter Data
Umashanthi Pavalanathan
Jacob Eisenstein
Capturing Regional Variation with Distributed Place Representations and Geographic Retrofitting
Dirk Hovy
Christoph Purschke
Now We Stronger than Ever: African-American English Syntax in Twitter
Ian Stewart
A Computational Analysis of the Language of Drug Addiction
Carlo Strapparava
Rada Mihalcea
Cross-lingual syntactic variation over age and gender
Anders Johannsen
Dirk Hovy
Anders Søgaard
Feature Selection as Causal Inference: Experiments with Text Classification
Michael J. Paul
TwiSty: A Multilingual Twitter Stylometry Corpus for Gender and Personality Profiling
Ben Verhoeven
Walter Daelemans
Barbara Plank
Stylometric Analysis of Scientific Articles
Shane Bergsma
Matt Post
David Yarowsky
What to do about bad language on the internet
Jacob Eisenstein
Improved Part-of-Speech Tagging for Online Conversational Text with Word Clusters
Olutobi Owoputi
Brendan O’Connor
Chris Dyer
Kevin Gimpel
Nathan Schneider
Noah A. Smith
Broadly Improving User Classification via Communication-Based Name and Location Clustering on Twitter
Shane Bergsma
Mark Dredze
Benjamin Van Durme
Theresa Wilson
David Yarowsky
Inferring latent attributes of Twitter users with label regularization
Ehsan Mohammady Ardehaly
Aron Culotta
Historical Analysis of Legal Opinions with a Sparse Mixed-Effects Latent Variable Model
William Yang Wang
Elijah Mayfield
Suresh Naidu
Jeremiah Dittmar
Using Conceptual Class Attributes to Characterize Social Media Users
Shane Bergsma
Benjamin Van Durme
Linguistic Structured Sparsity in Text Categorization
Dani Yogatama
Noah A. Smith
Distributed Representations of Geographically Situated Language
David Bamman
Chris Dyer
Noah A. Smith
Demographic Factors Improve Classification Performance
Dirk Hovy
Sparse, Contextually Informed Models for Irony Detection: Exploiting User Communities, Entities and Sentiment
Byron C. Wallace
Do Kook Choe
Eugene Charniak
Exploring Stylistic Variation with Age and Income on Twitter
Lucie Flekova
Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro
Lyle Ungar
Language Identification for Creating Language-Specific Twitter Collections
Shane Bergsma
Paul McNamee
Mossaab Bagdouri
Clayton Fink
Theresa Wilson
Phonological Factors in Social Media Writing
Jacob Eisenstein
Using County Demographics to Infer Attributes of Twitter Users
Ehsan Mohammady
Aron Culotta
Personality Traits on Twitter—or—How to Get 1,500 Personality Tests in a Week
Barbara Plank
Dirk Hovy
Challenges of studying and processing dialects in social media
Anna Jørgensen
Dirk Hovy
Anders Søgaard
Sparsifying Word Representations for Deep Unordered Sentence Modeling
Prasanna Sattigeri
Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan
How Does Twitter User Behavior Vary Across Demographic Groups?
Zach Wood-Doughty
Michael Smith
David Broniatowski
Mark Dredze
Simple Queries as Distant Labels for Predicting Gender on Twitter
Chris Emmery
Grzegorz Chrupała
Walter Daelemans
Predicting Authorship and Author Traits from Keystroke Dynamics
Barbara Plank
Stylistic variation over 200 years of court proceedings according to gender and social class
Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb
Field Of Study
Information Extraction
Machine Translation
Generative Model
Social Media
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