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A Taxonomy, Dataset, and Classifier for Automatic Noun Compound Interpretation
Stephen Tratz
Eduard Hovy
Paper Details:
Month: July
Year: 2010
Location: Uppsala, Sweden
Improving Translation Selection with Supersenses
Haiqing Tang
Deyi Xiong
Oier Lopez de Lacalle
Eneko Agirre
Treat us like the sequences we are: Prepositional Paraphrasing of Noun Compounds using LSTM
Girishkumar Ponkiya
Kevin Patel
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Girish Palshikar
Large-Scale Noun Compound Interpretation Using Bootstrapping and the Web as a Corpus
Su Nam Kim
Preslav Nakov
A Fast, Accurate, Non-Projective, Semantically-Enriched Parser
Stephen Tratz
Eduard Hovy
Reverse-engineering Language: A Study on the Semantic Compositionality of German Compounds
Corina Dima
Transfer and Multi-Task Learning for Noun–Noun Compound Interpretation
Murhaf Fares
Stephan Oepen
Erik Velldal
Possessors Change Over Time: A Case Study with Artworks
Dhivya Chinnappa
Eduardo Blanco
Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to Infer Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Last Words: Amazon Mechanical Turk: Gold Mine or Coal Mine?
Karën Fort
Gilles Adda
K. Bretonnel Cohen
How to Tell a Schneemann from a Milchmann: An Annotation Scheme for Compound-Internal Relations
Corina Dima
Verena Henrich
Erhard Hinrichs
Christina Hoppermann
Towards a Standardized Dataset for Noun Compound Interpretation
Girishkumar Ponkiya
Kevin Patel
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Girish K Palshikar
Learning Whom to Trust with MACE
Dirk Hovy
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Ashish Vaswani
Eduard Hovy
Opinion Holder and Target Extraction on Opinion Compounds – A Linguistic Approach
Michael Wiegand
Christine Bocionek
Josef Ruppenhofer
Mining Possessions: Existence, Type and Temporal Anchors
Dhivya Chinnappa
Eduardo Blanco
Automatic Interpretation of the English Possessive
Stephen Tratz
Eduard Hovy
Semantic Structure Analysis of Noun Phrases using Abstract Meaning Representation
Yuichiro Sawai
Hiroyuki Shindo
Yuji Matsumoto
A Dataset for Joint Noun-Noun Compound Bracketing and Interpretation
Murhaf Fares
Identifying 1950s American Jazz Musicians: Fine-Grained IsA Extraction via Modifier Composition
Ellie Pavlick
Marius Paşca
A VSM-based Statistical Model for the Semantic Relation Interpretation of Noun-Modifier Pairs
Nitesh Surtani
Soma Paul
An Unsupervised Ranking Model for Noun-Noun Compositionality
Karl Moritz Hermann
Phil Blunsom
Stephen Pulman
SemEval-2013 Task 4: Free Paraphrases of Noun Compounds
Iris Hendrickx
Zornitsa Kozareva
Preslav Nakov
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Stan Szpakowicz
Tony Veale
MELODI: A Supervised Distributional Approach for Free Paraphrasing of Noun Compounds
Tim Van de Cruys
Stergos Afantenos
Philippe Muller
Automatic Compound Processing: Compound Splitting and Semantic Analysis for Afrikaans and Dutch
Ben Verhoeven
Menno van Zaanen
Walter Daelemans
Gerhard van Huyssteen
On Why Coarse Class Classification is Bottleneck in Noun Compound Interpretation
Girishkumar Ponkiya
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Girish K. Palshikar
Unsupervised Induction of Compositional Types for English Adjective-Noun Pairs
Wiebke Petersen
Oliver Hellwig
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Lexical Semantics
Question Answering
Machine Translation
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