Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Linguistically Motivated Large-Scale NLP with C&C and Boxer
James Curran
Stephen Clark
Johan Bos
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2007
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Investigating Statistical Techniques for Sentence-Level Event Classification
Martina Naughton
Nicola Stokes
Joe Carthy
Normal-form parsing for Combinatory Categorial Grammars with generalized composition and type-raising
Julia Hockenmaier
Yonatan Bisk
Exploring variation across biomedical subdomains
Tom Lippincott
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Lin Sun
Anna Korhonen
An Analysis of Causality between Events and its Relation to Temporal Information
Paramita Mirza
Sara Tonelli
Semantic Tagging with Deep Residual Networks
Johannes Bjerva
Barbara Plank
Johan Bos
A Weakly-supervised Approach to Argumentative Zoning of Scientific Documents
Yufan Guo
Anna Korhonen
Thierry Poibeau
Exploring Markov Logic Networks for Question Answering
Tushar Khot
Niranjan Balasubramanian
Eric Gribkoff
Ashish Sabharwal
Peter Clark
Oren Etzioni
A Tableau Prover for Natural Logic and Language
Lasha Abzianidze
Integrating Order Information and Event Relation for Script Event Prediction
Zhongqing Wang
Yue Zhang
Ching-Yun Chang
Split and Rephrase
Shashi Narayan
Claire Gardent
Shay B. Cohen
Anastasia Shimorina
Grounding language acquisition by training semantic parsers using captioned videos
Candace Ross
Andrei Barbu
Yevgeni Berzak
Battushig Myanganbayar
Boris Katz
A platform for collaborative semantic annotation
Valerio Basile
Johan Bos
Kilian Evang
Noortje Venhuizen
Cross-Genre and Cross-Domain Detection of Semantic Uncertainty
György Szarvas
Veronika Vincze
Richárd Farkas
György Móra
Iryna Gurevych
Concrete Models and Empirical Evaluations for the Categorical Compositional Distributional Model of Meaning
Edward Grefenstette
Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh
TagNText: A parallel corpus for the induction of resource-specific non-taxonomical relations from tagged images
Theodosia Togia
Ann Copestake
Improved Information Structure Analysis of Scientific Documents Through Discourse and Lexical Constraints
Yufan Guo
Roi Reichart
Anna Korhonen
Using Large Monolingual and Bilingual Corpora to Improve Coordination Disambiguation
Shane Bergsma
David Yarowsky
Kenneth Church
Learning Syntactic Verb Frames using Graphical Models
Thomas Lippincott
Anna Korhonen
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
The Role of Syntax in Vector Space Models of Compositional Semantics
Karl Moritz Hermann
Phil Blunsom
Simple Negation Scope Resolution through Deep Parsing: A Semantic Solution to a Semantic Problem
Woodley Packard
Emily M. Bender
Jonathon Read
Stephan Oepen
Rebecca Dridan
Hybrid Simplification using Deep Semantics and Machine Translation
Shashi Narayan
Claire Gardent
The NL2KR Platform for building Natural Language Translation Systems
Nguyen Vo
Arindam Mitra
Chitta Baral
CCG Supertagging with a Recurrent Neural Network
Wenduan Xu
Michael Auli
Stephen Clark
Low-Rank Tensors for Verbs in Compositional Distributional Semantics
Daniel Fried
Tamara Polajnar
Stephen Clark
Unsupervised Declarative Knowledge Induction for Constraint-Based Learning of Information Structure in Scientific Documents
Yufan Guo
Roi Reichart
Anna Korhonen
UGroningen: Negation detection with Discourse Representation Structures
Valerio Basile
Johan Bos
Kilian Evang
Noortje Venhuizen
Generating Simulations of Motion Events from Verbal Descriptions
James Pustejovsky
Nikhil Krishnaswamy
JU-Evora: A Graph Based Cross-Level Semantic Similarity Analysis using Discourse Information
Swarnendu Ghosh
Nibaran Das
Teresa Gonçalves
Paulo Quaresma
The Meaning Factory: Formal Semantics for Recognizing Textual Entailment and Determining Semantic Similarity
Johannes Bjerva
Johan Bos
Rob van der Goot
Malvina Nissim
SemEval-2016 Task 8: Meaning Representation Parsing
Jonathan May
The Meaning Factory at SemEval-2016 Task 8: Producing AMRs with Boxer
Johannes Bjerva
Johan Bos
Hessel Haagsma
Wide-Coverage Semantic Analysis with Boxer
Johan Bos
Document-Level Automatic MT Evaluation based on Discourse Representations
Elisabet Comelles
Jesús Giménez
Lluís Màrquez
Irene Castellón
Victoria Arranz
Identifying the Information Structure of Scientific Abstracts: An Investigation of Three Different Schemes
Yufan Guo
Anna Korhonen
Maria Liakata
Ilona Silins
Lin Sun
Ulla Stenius
No Sentence Is Too Confusing To Ignore
Paul Cook
Suzanne Stevenson
Classifying Gene Sentences in Biomedical Literature by Combining High-Precision Gene Identifiers
Sun Kim
Won Kim
Don Comeau
W. John Wilbur
NLI Shared Task 2013: MQ Submission
Shervin Malmasi
Sze-Meng Jojo Wong
Mark Dras
Social and Semantic Diversity: Socio-semantic Representation of a Scientific Corpus
Thierry Poibeau
Elisa Omodei
Jean-Philippe Cointet
Yufan Guo
gdbank: The beginnings of a corpus of dependency structures and type-logical grammar in Scottish Gaelic
Colin Batchelor
On the Proper Treatment of Quantifiers in Probabilistic Logic Semantics
Islam Beltagy
Katrin Erk
Semantic construction with graph grammars
Alexander Koller
Open-Domain Semantic Parsing with Boxer
Johan Bos
Parser Adaptation to the Biomedical Domain without Re-Training
Jeff Mitchell
Mark Steedman
A Repository of Frame Instance Lexicalizations for Generation
Valerio Basile
CogALex-V Shared Task: Mach5 – A traditional DSM approach to semantic relatedness
Stefan Evert
Unsupervised Sentence Simplification Using Deep Semantics
Shashi Narayan
Claire Gardent
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
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