Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Optimal Constituent Alignment with Edge Covers for Semantic Projection
Sebastian Padó
Mirella Lapata
Paper Details:
Month: July
Year: 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
Universal Reordering via Linguistic Typology
Joachim Daiber
Miloš Stanojević
Khalil Sima’an
Using Semantic Roles to Improve Question Answering
Dan Shen
Mirella Lapata
Unsupervised Multilingual Learning for POS Tagging
Benjamin Snyder
Tahira Naseem
Jacob Eisenstein
Regina Barzilay
Graph Alignment for Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling
Hagen Fürstenau
Mirella Lapata
Universal Morphological Analysis using Structured Nearest Neighbor Prediction
Young-Bum Kim
João Graça
Benjamin Snyder
Universal Grapheme-to-Phoneme Prediction Over Latin Alphabets
Young-Bum Kim
Benjamin Snyder
Semi-Supervised Semantic Role Labeling
Hagen Fürstenau
Mirella Lapata
Improving Grammaticality in Statistical Sentence Generation: Introducing a Dependency Spanning Tree Algorithm with an Argument Satisfaction Model
Stephen Wan
Mark Dras
Robert Dale
Cécile Paris
Projection-based Acquisition of a Temporal Labeller
Kathrin Spreyer
Anette Frank
Identification of Comparable Argument-Head Relations in Parallel Corpora
Kathrin Spreyer
Jonas Kuhn
Bettina Schrader
On Complex Word Alignment Configurations
Miriam Kaeshammer
Anika Westburg
Deep Generative Model for Joint Alignment and Word Representation
Miguel Rios
Wilker Aziz
Khalil Sima’an
Unsupervised Multilingual Learning for Morphological Segmentation
Benjamin Snyder
Regina Barzilay
Cross-lingual Model Transfer Using Feature Representation Projection
Mikhail Kozhevnikov
Ivan Titov
Data-Driven Dependency Parsing of New Languages Using Incomplete and Noisy Training Data
Kathrin Spreyer
Jonas Kuhn
Empirical Lower Bounds on Aligment Error Rates in Syntax-Based Machine Translation
Anders Søgaard
Jonas Kuhn
Semantic Mapping Using Automatic Word Alignment and Semantic Role Labeling
Shumin Wu
Martha Palmer
Experiments with word alignment, normalization and clause reordering for SMT between English and German
Maria Holmqvist
Sara Stymne
Lars Ahrenberg
Unsupervised frame based Semantic Role Induction: application to French and English
Alejandra Lorenzo
Christophe Cerisara
A Formal Characterization of Parsing Word Alignments by Synchronous Grammars with Empirical Evidence to the ITG Hypothesis.
Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger
Khalil Sima’an
Synchronous Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems for Machine Translation
Miriam Kaeshammer
Improving Chinese-English PropBank Alignment
Shumin Wu
Martha Palmer
Examining the Relationship between Preordering and Word Order Freedom in Machine Translation
Joachim Daiber
Miloš Stanojević
Wilker Aziz
Khalil Sima’an
Field Of Study
Semantic Parsing
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