Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Meaningful Clustering of Senses Helps Boost Word Sense Disambiguation Performance
Roberto Navigli
Paper Details:
Month: July
Year: 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia
High Performance Word Sense Alignment by Joint Modeling of Sense Distance and Gloss Similarity
Michael Matuschek
Iryna Gurevych
Semi-supervised Word Sense Disambiguation with Neural Models
Dayu Yuan
Julian Richardson
Ryan Doherty
Colin Evans
Eric Altendorf
Learning to Merge Word Senses
Rion Snow
Sushant Prakash
Daniel Jurafsky
Andrew Y. Ng
Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation
Cem Akkaya
Janyce Wiebe
Rada Mihalcea
Graded Word Sense Assignment
Katrin Erk
Diana McCarthy
Estimating Semantic Distance Using Soft Semantic Constraints in Knowledge-Source – Corpus Hybrid Models
Yuval Marton
Saif Mohammad
Philip Resnik
Automatic Domain Assignment for Word Sense Alignment
Tommaso Caselli
Carlo Strapparava
An Empirical Study on Class-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Rubén Izquierdo
Armando Suárez
German Rigau
Deriving Generalized Knowledge from Corpora Using WordNet Abstraction
Benjamin Van Durme
Phillip Michalak
Lenhart Schubert
UBY - A Large-Scale Unified Lexical-Semantic Resource Based on LMF
Iryna Gurevych
Judith Eckle-Kohler
Silvana Hartmann
Michael Matuschek
Christian M. Meyer
Christian Wirth
Managing Uncertainty in Semantic Tagging
Silvie Cinková
Martin Holub
Vincent Kríž
The Noisy Channel Model for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation
Deniz Yuret
Mehmet Ali Yatbaz
Towards Spanish Verbs’ Selectional Preferences Automatic Acquisition: Semantic Annotation of the SenSem Corpus
Jordi Carrera
Irene Castellón
Salvador Climent
Marta Coll-Florit
Translation-oriented Word Sense Induction Based on Parallel Corpora
Marianna Apidianaki
WordNet—Wikipedia—Wiktionary: Construction of a Three-way Alignment
Tristan Miller
Iryna Gurevych
Enriching the “Senso Comune” Platform with Automatically Acquired Data
Tommaso Caselli
Laure Vieu
Carlo Strapparava
Guido Vetere
Disambiguation of Verbal Shifters
Michael Wiegand
Sylvette Loda
Josef Ruppenhofer
Choosing Sense Distinctions for WSD: Psycholinguistic Evidence
Susan Windisch Brown
Topic Models for Word Sense Disambiguation and Token-Based Idiom Detection
Linlin Li
Benjamin Roth
Caroline Sporleder
Align, Disambiguate and Walk: A Unified Approach for Measuring Semantic Similarity
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
David Jurgens
Roberto Navigli
A Robust Approach to Aligning Heterogeneous Lexical Resources
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Roberto Navigli
Towards a Seamless Integration of Word Senses into Downstream NLP Applications
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Jose Camacho-Collados
Roberto Navigli
Nigel Collier
GPLSI-IXA: Using Semantic Classes to Acquire Monosemous Training Examples from Domain Texts
Rubén Izquierdo
Armando Suárez
German Rigau
SemEval-2014 Task 3: Cross-Level Semantic Similarity
David Jurgens
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Roberto Navigli
Marta Tatu
Dan Moldovan
Improving the Impact of Subjectivity Word Sense Disambiguation on Contextual Opinion Analysis
Cem Akkaya
Janyce Wiebe
Alexander Conrad
Rada Mihalcea
Crowdsourcing Word Sense Definition
Anna Rumshisky
Merging Word Senses
Sumit Bhagwani
Shrutiranjan Satapathy
Harish Karnick
Aligning Word Senses in GermaNet and the DWDS Dictionary of the German Language
Verena Henrich
Erhard Hinrichs
Reinhild Barkey
Aligning an Italian WordNet with a Lexicographic Dictionary: Coping with limited data
Tommaso Caselli
Carlo Strapparava
Laure Vieu
Guido Vetere
An Improved Crowdsourcing Based Evaluation Technique for Word Embedding Methods
Farhana Ferdousi Liza
Marek Grześ
Field Of Study
Word Sense Disambiguation
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