Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Probabilistic CFG with Latent Annotations
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2005
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Modeling Latent-Dynamic in Shallow Parsing: A Latent Conditional Model with Improved Inference
Xu Sun
Louis-Philippe Morency
Daisuke Okanohara
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Benchmarking of Statistical Dependency Parsers for French
Marie Candito
Joakim Nivre
Pascal Denis
Enrique Henestroza Anguiano
Learning the Taxonomy of Function Words for Parsing
Dongchen Li
Xiantao Zhang
Dingsheng Luo
Xihong Wu
Generic refinement of expressive grammar formalisms with an application to discontinuous constituent parsing
Kilian Gebhardt
An Empirical Investigation of Error Types in Vietnamese Parsing
Quy Nguyen
Yusuke Miyao
Hiroshi Noji
Nhung Nguyen
Probabilistic Models of Nonprojective Dependency Trees
David A. Smith
Noah A. Smith
Joint Morphological and Syntactic Disambiguation
Shay B. Cohen
Noah A. Smith
Parsimonious Data-Oriented Parsing
Willem Zuidema
The Infinite PCFG Using Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
Percy Liang
Slav Petrov
Michael Jordan
Dan Klein
Learning Structured Models for Phone Recognition
Slav Petrov
Adam Pauls
Dan Klein
Dependency Parsing by Belief Propagation
David Smith
Jason Eisner
Sparse Multi-Scale Grammars for Discriminative Latent Variable Parsing
Slav Petrov
Dan Klein
Latent-Variable Modeling of String Transductions with Finite-State Methods
Markus Dreyer
Jason Smith
Jason Eisner
Self-Training PCFG Grammars with Latent Annotations Across Languages
Zhongqiang Huang
Mary Harper
On the Role of Lexical Features in Sequence Labeling
Yoav Goldberg
Michael Elhadad
Refining Grammars for Parsing with Hierarchical Semantic Knowledge
Xiaojun Lin
Yang Fan
Meng Zhang
Xihong Wu
Huisheng Chi
K-Best Combination of Syntactic Parsers
Hui Zhang
Min Zhang
Chew Lim Tan
Haizhou Li
Self-Training with Products of Latent Variable Grammars
Zhongqiang Huang
Mary Harper
Slav Petrov
Soft Syntactic Constraints for Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation Using Latent Syntactic Distributions
Zhongqiang Huang
Martin Čmejrek
Bowen Zhou
Lessons Learned in Part-of-Speech Tagging of Conversational Speech
Vladimir Eidelman
Zhongqiang Huang
Mary Harper
Accurate Parsing with Compact Tree-Substitution Grammars: Double-DOP
Federico Sangati
Willem Zuidema
Parse Correction with Specialized Models for Difficult Attachment Types
Enrique Henestroza Anguiano
Marie Candito
Training Factored PCFGs with Expectation Propagation
David Hall
Dan Klein
Learning to Map into a Universal POS Tagset
Yuan Zhang
Roi Reichart
Regina Barzilay
Amir Globerson
Combining PCFG-LA Models with Dual Decomposition: A Case Study with Function Labels and Binarization
Joseph Le Roux
Antoine Rozenknop
Jennifer Foster
A Multi-Teraflop Constituency Parser using GPUs
John Canny
David Hall
Dan Klein
Parsing low-resource languages using Gibbs sampling for PCFGs with latent annotations
Liang Sun
Jason Mielens
Jason Baldridge
Latent-Variable Synchronous CFGs for Hierarchical Translation
Avneesh Saluja
Chris Dyer
Shay B. Cohen
Reordering Grammar Induction
Miloš Stanojević
Khalil Sima’an
Conversation Trees: A Grammar Model for Topic Structure in Forums
Annie Louis
Shay B. Cohen
Diversity in Spectral Learning for Natural Language Parsing
Shashi Narayan
Shay B. Cohen
Sequential Labeling with Latent Variables: An Exact Inference Algorithm and its Efficient Approximation
Xu Sun
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Spectral Learning for Non-Deterministic Dependency Parsing
Franco M. Luque
Ariadna Quattoni
Borja Balle
Xavier Carreras
K-best Iterative Viterbi Parsing
Katsuhiko Hayashi
Masaaki Nagata
Hidden-Variable Models for Discriminative Reranking
Terry Koo
Michael Collins
Word Segmentation, Unknown-word Resolution, and Morphological Agreement in a Hebrew Parsing System
Yoav Goldberg
Michael Elhadad
Improved Inference for Unlexicalized Parsing
Slav Petrov
Dan Klein
Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Noah A. Smith
Stephan Vogel
Improving A Simple Bigram HMM Part-of-Speech Tagger by Latent Annotation and Self-Training
Zhongqiang Huang
Vladimir Eidelman
Mary Harper
Products of Random Latent Variable Grammars
Slav Petrov
Appropriately Handled Prosodic Breaks Help PCFG Parsing
Zhongqiang Huang
Mary Harper
Joint Parsing and Alignment with Weakly Synchronized Grammars
David Burkett
John Blitzer
Dan Klein
Experiments with Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs
Shay B. Cohen
Karl Stratos
Michael Collins
Dean P. Foster
Lyle Ungar
Approximate PCFG Parsing Using Tensor Decomposition
Shay B. Cohen
Giorgio Satta
Michael Collins
Ckylark: A More Robust PCFG-LA Parser
Yusuke Oda
Graham Neubig
Sakriani Sakti
Tomoki Toda
Satoshi Nakamura
Learning Accurate, Compact, and Interpretable Tree Annotation
Slav Petrov
Leon Barrett
Romain Thibaux
Dan Klein
Transforming Projective Bilexical Dependency Grammars into efficiently-parsable CFGs with Unfold-Fold
Mark Johnson
Constituent Parsing with Incremental Sigmoid Belief Networks
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Minimally Lexicalized Dependency Parsing
Daisuke Kawahara
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Task-oriented Evaluation of Syntactic Parsers and Their Representations
Yusuke Miyao
Rune Sætre
Kenji Sagae
Takuya Matsuzaki
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Simple Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing
Terry Koo
Xavier Carreras
Michael Collins
Unlexicalised Hidden Variable Models of Split Dependency Grammars
Gabriele Antonio Musillo
Paola Merlo
Variational Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Zhifei Li
Jason Eisner
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Simple, Accurate Parsing with an All-Fragments Grammar
Mohit Bansal
Dan Klein
Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing
Nathan Bodenstab
Aaron Dunlop
Keith Hall
Brian Roark
Insertion Operator for Bayesian Tree Substitution Grammars
Hiroyuki Shindo
Akinori Fujino
Masaaki Nagata
Spectral Learning of Latent-Variable PCFGs
Shay B. Cohen
Karl Stratos
Michael Collins
Dean P. Foster
Lyle Ungar
Capturing Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Lexical Relations: Towards Accurate Chinese Part-of-Speech Tagging
Weiwei Sun
Hans Uszkoreit
Bayesian Symbol-Refined Tree Substitution Grammars for Syntactic Parsing
Hiroyuki Shindo
Yusuke Miyao
Akinori Fujino
Masaaki Nagata
Parsing with Compositional Vector Grammars
Richard Socher
John Bauer
Christopher D. Manning
Andrew Y. Ng
A Lattice-based Framework for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation, POS Tagging and Parsing
Zhiguo Wang
Chengqing Zong
Nianwen Xue
Sparser, Better, Faster GPU Parsing
David Hall
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Dan Klein
Less Grammar, More Features
David Hall
Greg Durrett
Dan Klein
A Provably Correct Learning Algorithm for Latent-Variable PCFGs
Shay B. Cohen
Michael Collins
Learning Grammar with Explicit Annotations for Subordinating Conjunctions
Dongchen Li
Xiantao Zhang
Xihong Wu
Transition-based Neural Constituent Parsing
Taro Watanabe
Eiichiro Sumita
Parsing as Reduction
Daniel Fernández-González
André F. T. Martins
Optimizing Spectral Learning for Parsing
Shashi Narayan
Shay B. Cohen
Gaussian Mixture Latent Vector Grammars
Yanpeng Zhao
Liwen Zhang
Kewei Tu
Data-driven, PCFG-based and Pseudo-PCFG-based Models for Chinese Dependency Parsing
Weiwei Sun
Xiaojun Wan
Learning to Prune: Exploring the Frontier of Fast and Accurate Parsing
Tim Vieira
Jason Eisner
Non-Deterministic Segmentation for Chinese Lattice Parsing
Hai Hu
Daniel Dakota
Sandra Kübler
Coarse Lexical Frame Acquisition at the Syntax–Semantics Interface Using a Latent-Variable PCFG Model
Laura Kallmeyer
Behrang QasemiZadeh
Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Head-Driven PCFGs with Latent-Head Statistics
Detlef Prescher
Learning Phrasal Categories
William P. Headden III
Eugene Charniak
Mark Johnson
Better Informed Training of Latent Syntactic Features
Markus Dreyer
Jason Eisner
Porting Statistical Parsers with Data-Defined Kernels
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Non-Local Modeling with a Mixture of PCFGs
Slav Petrov
Leon Barrett
Dan Klein
Nbest Dependency Parsing with linguistically rich models
Xiaodong Shi
A Latent Variable Model for Generative Dependency Parsing
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Three-Dimensional Parametrization for Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages
Reut Tsarfaty
Khalil Sima’an
Parsing German with Latent Variable Grammars
Slav Petrov
Dan Klein
On Statistical Parsing of French with Supervised and Semi-Supervised Strategies
Marie Candito
Benoit Crabbé
Djamé Seddah
Factors Affecting the Accuracy of Korean Parsing
Tagyoung Chung
Matt Post
Daniel Gildea
Handling Unknown Words in Statistical Latent-Variable Parsing Models for Arabic, English and French
Mohammed Attia
Jennifer Foster
Deirdre Hogan
Joseph Le Roux
Lamia Tounsi
Josef van Genabith
Parsing Word Clusters
Marie Candito
Djamé Seddah
Structured Composition of Semantic Vectors
Stephen Wu
William Schuler
Decreasing Lexical Data Sparsity in Statistical Syntactic Parsing - Experiments with Named Entities
Deirdre Hogan
Jennifer Foster
Josef van Genabith
Toward Tree Substitution Grammars with Latent Annotations
Francis Ferraro
Benjamin Van Durme
Matt Post
Statistical Parsing of Spanish and Data Driven Lemmatization
Joseph Le Roux
Benoît Sagot
Djamé Seddah
Spectral Learning of Refinement HMMs
Karl Stratos
Alexander Rush
Shay B. Cohen
Michael Collins
Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for PCFGs
Pengyu Wang
Phil Blunsom
Count-based State Merging for Probabilistic Regular Tree Grammars
Toni Dietze
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Examining the Relationship between Preordering and Word Order Freedom in Machine Translation
Joachim Daiber
Miloš Stanojević
Wilker Aziz
Khalil Sima’an
Equivalences between Ranked and Unranked Weighted Tree Automata via Binarization
Toni Dietze
Transition-based dependency parsing as latent-variable constituent parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Paraphrase Generation from Latent-Variable PCFGs for Semantic Parsing
Shashi Narayan
Siva Reddy
Shay B. Cohen
Latent-Variable PCFGs: Background and Applications
Shay Cohen
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Field Of Study
Generative Model
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