Authors Timeline
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ACL N-gram Stats
Minimally Supervised Morphological Analysis by Multimodal Alignment
David Yarowsky
Richard Wicentowski
Paper Details:
Month: October
Year: 2000
Location: Hong Kong
Bootstrapping Feature-Rich Dependency Parsers with Entropic Priors
David A. Smith
Jason Eisner
Predicting the Semantic Compositionality of Prefix Verbs
Shane Bergsma
Aditya Bhargava
Hua He
Grzegorz Kondrak
Universal Morphological Analysis using Structured Nearest Neighbor Prediction
Young-Bum Kim
João Graça
Benjamin Snyder
Universal Grapheme-to-Phoneme Prediction Over Latin Alphabets
Young-Bum Kim
Benjamin Snyder
Automatic Extraction of Morphological Lexicons from Morphologically Annotated Corpora
Ramy Eskander
Nizar Habash
Owen Rambow
Generating Abbreviations for Chinese Named Entities Using Recurrent Neural Network with Dynamic Dictionary
Qi Zhang
Jin Qian
Ya Guo
Yaqian Zhou
Xuanjing Huang
Decipherment of Substitution Ciphers with Neural Language Models
Nishant Kambhatla
Anahita Mansouri Bigvand
Anoop Sarkar
Semi-supervised learning of morphological paradigms and lexicons
Mans Hulden
Markus Forsberg
Malin Ahlberg
Inducing Multilingual Text Analysis Tools via Robust Projection across Aligned Corpora
David Yarowsky
Grace Ngai
Richard Wicentowski
A Systematic Comparison of Various Statistical Alignment Models
Franz Josef Och
Hermann Ney
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology
Harald Hammarström
Lars Borin
Crowd-sourcing evaluation of automatically acquired, morphologically related word groupings
Claudia Borg
Albert Gatt
Knowledge-Free Induction of Inflectional Morphologies
Patrick Schone
Daniel Jurafsky
Inducing Multilingual POS Taggers and NP Bracketers via Robust Projection Across Aligned Corpora
David Yarowsky
Grace Ngai
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology for English and Inuktitut
Howard Johnson
Joel Martin
High-Performance, Language-Independent Morphological Segmentation
Sajib Dasgupta
Vincent Ng
Supervised Learning of Complete Morphological Paradigms
Greg Durrett
John DeNero
Morphological Inflection Generation Using Character Sequence to Sequence Learning
Manaal Faruqui
Yulia Tsvetkov
Graham Neubig
Chris Dyer
A Bayesian Model For Morpheme and Paradigm Identification
Matthew G. Snover
Michael R. Brent
An Empirical Study of Active Learning with Support Vector Machines forJapanese Word Segmentation
Manabu Sassano
Language Model Based Arabic Word Segmentation
Young-Suk Lee
Kishore Papineni
Salim Roukos
Ossama Emam
Hany Hassan
A Language-Independent Unsupervised Model for Morphological Segmentation
Vera Demberg
Compositional-ly Derived Representations of Morphologically Complex Words in Distributional Semantics
Angeliki Lazaridou
Marco Marelli
Roberto Zamparelli
Marco Baroni
Unsupervised Morphology-Based Vocabulary Expansion
Mohammad Sadegh Rasooli
Thomas Lippincott
Nizar Habash
Owen Rambow
Morphological Inflection Generation with Hard Monotonic Attention
Roee Aharoni
Yoav Goldberg
Joint Semantic Synthesis and Morphological Analysis of the Derived Word
Ryan Cotterell
Hinrich Schütze
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology with Graph Sampling
Maciej Sumalvico
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology Using a Novel Directed Search Algorithm: Taking the First Step
Matthew G. Snover
Gaja E. Jarosz
Michael R. Brent
Unsupervised discovery of morphologically related words based on orthographic and semantic similarity
Marco Baroni
Johannes Matiasek
Harald Trost
Unsupervised Italian Word Sense Disambiguation using WordNets and Unlabeled Corpora
Radu Florian
Richard Wicentowski
Modeling Consensus: Classifier Combination for Word Sense Disambiguation
Radu Florian
David Yarowsky
Bootstrapping a Multilingual Part-of-speech Tagger in One Person-day
Silviu Cucerzan
David Yarowsky
Inducing Translation Lexicons via Diverse Similarity Measures and Bridge Languages
Charles Schafer
David Yarowsky
Boosting for Named Entity Recognition
Dekai Wu
Grace Ngai
Marine Carpuat
Jeppe Larsen
Yongsheng Yang
Induction of a Simple Morphology for Highly-Inflecting Languages
Mathias Creutz
Krista Lagus
Multilingual Noise-Robust Supervised Morphological Analysis using the WordFrame Model
Richard Wicentowski
Robust ending guessing rules with application to slavonic languages
Preslav Nakov
Elena Paskaleva
A Resource-light Approach to Russian Morphology: Tagging Russian using Czech resources
Jiri Hana
Anna Feldman
Chris Brew
Morphology Induction from Term Clusters
Dayne Freitag
Unsupervised Named Entity Transliteration Using Temporal and Phonetic Correlation
Tao Tao
Su-Youn Yoon
Andrew Fister
Richard Sproat
ChengXiang Zhai
Tagging Portuguese with a Spanish Tagger
Jirka Hana
Anna Feldman
Luiz Amaral
Chris Brew
Learning Probabilistic Paradigms for Morphology in a Latent Class Model
Erwin Chan
A Naive Theory of Affixation and an Algorithm for Extraction
Harald Hammarström
Unsupervised Learning of the Morpho-Semantic Relationship in MEDLINE
W. John Wilbur
Acquistion of the Morphological Structure of the Lexicon Based on Lexical Similarity and Formal Analogy
Nabil Hathout
The Study of Effect of Length in Morphological Segmentation of Agglutinative Languages
Loganathan Ramasamy
Zdeněk Žabokrtský
Sowmya Vajjala
Improving Sequence to Sequence Learning for Morphological Inflection Generation: The BIU-MIT Systems for the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task for Morphological Reinflection
Roee Aharoni
Yoav Goldberg
Yonatan Belinkov
The Columbia University - New York University Abu Dhabi SIGMORPHON 2016 Morphological Reinflection Shared Task Submission
Dima Taji
Ramy Eskander
Nizar Habash
Owen Rambow
Inferring Morphotactics from Interlinear Glossed Text: Combining Clustering and Precision Grammars
Olga Zamaraeva
Morphological Analysis for the Maltese Language: The challenges of a hybrid system
Claudia Borg
Albert Gatt
Unsupervised Morpheme Segmentation Through Numerical Weighting and Thresholding
Joy Mahapatra
Sudip Kumar Naskar
BinLin: A Simple Method of Dependency Tree Linearization
Yevgeniy Puzikov
Iryna Gurevych
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