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A Word Embedding Approach to Predicting the Compositionality of Multiword Expressions
Bahar Salehi
Paul Cook
Timothy Baldwin
Paper Details:
Month: May–June
Year: 2015
Location: Denver, Colorado
Semantically Motivated Hebrew Verb-Noun Multi-Word Expressions Identification
Chaya Liebeskind
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner
Learning Semantic Composition to Detect Non-compositionality of Multiword Expressions
Majid Yazdani
Meghdad Farahmand
James Henderson
Distinguishing Japanese Non-standard Usages from Standard Ones
Tatsuya Aoki
Ryohei Sasano
Hiroya Takamura
Manabu Okumura
Learning Compositionality Functions on Word Embeddings for Modelling Attribute Meaning in Adjective-Noun Phrases
Matthias Hartung
Fabian Kaupmann
Soufian Jebbara
Philipp Cimiano
When a Red Herring in Not a Red Herring: Using Compositional Methods to Detect Non-Compositional Phrases
Julie Weeds
Thomas Kober
Jeremy Reffin
David Weir
mwetoolkit+sem: Integrating Word Embeddings in the mwetoolkit for Semantic MWE Processing
Silvio Cordeiro
Carlos Ramisch
Aline Villavicencio
Predicting the Compositionality of Nominal Compounds: Giving Word Embeddings a Hard Time
Silvio Cordeiro
Carlos Ramisch
Marco Idiart
Aline Villavicencio
How Naked is the Naked Truth? A Multilingual Lexicon of Nominal Compound Compositionality
Carlos Ramisch
Silvio Cordeiro
Leonardo Zilio
Marco Idiart
Aline Villavicencio
Towards a Seamless Integration of Word Senses into Downstream NLP Applications
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Jose Camacho-Collados
Roberto Navigli
Nigel Collier
UFRGS&LIF at SemEval-2016 Task 10: Rule-Based MWE Identification and Predominant-Supersense Tagging
Silvio Cordeiro
Carlos Ramisch
Aline Villavicencio
The Role of Modifier and Head Properties in Predicting the Compositionality of English and German Noun-Noun Compounds: A Vector-Space Perspective
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Anna Hätty
Stefan Bott
A Comparative Study of Embedding Models in Predicting the Compositionality of Multiword Expressions
Navnita Nandakumar
Bahar Salehi
Timothy Baldwin
Detection of Multiword Expressions for Hindi Language using Word Embeddings and WordNet-based Features
Dhirendra Singh
Sudha Bhingardive
Kevin Patel
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Data61-CSIRO systems at the CLPsych 2016 Shared Task
Sunghwan Mac Kim
Yufei Wang
Stephen Wan
Cécile Paris
An Empirical Evaluation of doc2vec with Practical Insights into Document Embedding Generation
Jey Han Lau
Timothy Baldwin
Using Word Embeddings for Improving Statistical Machine Translation of Phrasal Verbs
Kostadin Cholakov
Valia Kordoni
Representing Support Verbs in FrameNet
Miriam R. L. Petruck
Michael Ellsworth
A Word Embedding Approach to Identifying Verb-Noun Idiomatic Combinations
Waseem Gharbieh
Virendra Bhavsar
Paul Cook
Detection of Verbal Multi-Word Expressions via Conditional Random Fields with Syntactic Dependency Features and Semantic Re-Ranking
Alfredo Maldonado
Lifeng Han
Erwan Moreau
Ashjan Alsulaimani
Koel Dutta Chowdhury
Carl Vogel
Qun Liu
One Representation per Word - Does it make Sense for Composition?
Thomas Kober
Julie Weeds
John Wilkie
Jeremy Reffin
David Weir
Do Character-Level Neural Network Language Models Capture Knowledge of Multiword Expression Compositionality?
Ali Hakimi Parizi
Paul Cook
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Distributional Semantics
Sentiment Analysis
Machine Translation
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