Authors Timeline
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Inflection Generation as Discriminative String Transduction
Garrett Nicolai
Colin Cherry
Grzegorz Kondrak
Paper Details:
Month: May–June
Year: 2015
Location: Denver, Colorado
Still not there? Comparing Traditional Sequence-to-Sequence Models to Encoder-Decoder Neural Networks on Monotone String Translation Tasks
Carsten Schnober
Steffen Eger
Erik-Lân Do Dinh
Iryna Gurevych
Online Segment to Segment Neural Transduction
Lei Yu
Jan Buys
Phil Blunsom
Paradigm Completion for Derivational Morphology
Ryan Cotterell
Ekaterina Vylomova
Huda Khayrallah
Christo Kirov
David Yarowsky
Neural Transductive Learning and Beyond: Morphological Generation in the Minimal-Resource Setting
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Neural Multi-Source Morphological Reinflection
Katharina Kann
Ryan Cotterell
Hinrich Schütze
Neural Graphical Models over Strings for Principal Parts Morphological Paradigm Completion
Ryan Cotterell
John Sylak-Glassman
Christo Kirov
CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection in 52 Languages
Ryan Cotterell
Christo Kirov
John Sylak-Glassman
Géraldine Walther
Ekaterina Vylomova
Patrick Xia
Manaal Faruqui
Sandra Kübler
David Yarowsky
Jason Eisner
Mans Hulden
If you can’t beat them, join them: the University of Alberta system description
Garrett Nicolai
Bradley Hauer
Mohammad Motallebi
Saeed Najafi
Grzegorz Kondrak
The NYU System for the CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task on Universal Morphological Reinflection
Katharina Kann
Stanislas Lauly
Kyunghyun Cho
IIT(BHU)–IIITH at CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task on Universal Morphological Reinflection
Abhishek Sharma
Ganesh Katrapati
Dipti Misra Sharma
UniMorph 2.0: Universal Morphology
Christo Kirov
Ryan Cotterell
John Sylak-Glassman
Géraldine Walther
Ekaterina Vylomova
Patrick Xia
Manaal Faruqui
Sebastian Mielke
Arya McCarthy
Sandra Kübler
David Yarowsky
Jason Eisner
Mans Hulden
Morphological Inflection Generation Using Character Sequence to Sequence Learning
Manaal Faruqui
Yulia Tsvetkov
Graham Neubig
Chris Dyer
Unsupervised Disambiguation of Syncretism in Inflected Lexicons
Ryan Cotterell
Christo Kirov
Sebastian J. Mielke
Jason Eisner
Single-Model Encoder-Decoder with Explicit Morphological Representation for Reinflection
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
One-Shot Neural Cross-Lingual Transfer for Paradigm Completion
Katharina Kann
Ryan Cotterell
Hinrich Schütze
Morphological Inflection Generation with Hard Monotonic Attention
Roee Aharoni
Yoav Goldberg
A Structured Variational Autoencoder for Contextual Morphological Inflection
Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin
Jason Naradowsky
Sebastian J. Mielke
Ryan Cotterell
Recurrent Neural Networks in Linguistic Theory: Revisiting Pinker and Prince (1988) and the Past Tense Debate
Christo Kirov
Ryan Cotterell
The SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task—Morphological Reinflection
Ryan Cotterell
Christo Kirov
John Sylak-Glassman
David Yarowsky
Jason Eisner
Mans Hulden
Morphological Reinflection via Discriminative String Transduction
Garrett Nicolai
Bradley Hauer
Adam St Arnaud
Grzegorz Kondrak
Morphological reinflection with conditional random fields and unsupervised features
Ling Liu
Lingshuang Jack Mao
Improving Sequence to Sequence Learning for Morphological Inflection Generation: The BIU-MIT Systems for the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task for Morphological Reinflection
Roee Aharoni
Yoav Goldberg
Yonatan Belinkov
Evaluating Sequence Alignment for Learning Inflectional Morphology
David King
Using longest common subsequence and character models to predict word forms
Alexey Sorokin
MED: The LMU System for the SIGMORPHON 2016 Shared Task on Morphological Reinflection
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Improving the Naturalness and Expressivity of Language Generation for Spanish
Cristina Barros
Dimitra Gkatzia
Elena Lloret
Exploring Cross-Lingual Transfer of Morphological Knowledge In Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Huiming Jin
Katharina Kann
Unlabeled Data for Morphological Generation With Character-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Inflection Generation for Spanish Verbs using Supervised Learning
Cristina Barros
Dimitra Gkatzia
Elena Lloret
The OSU Realizer for SRST ‘18: Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Inflection and Incremental Locality-Based Linearization
David King
Michael White
String Transduction with Target Language Models and Insertion Handling
Garrett Nicolai
Saeed Najafi
Grzegorz Kondrak
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Machine Translation
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