Authors Timeline
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ACL N-gram Stats
Model With Minimal Translation Units, But Decode With Phrases
Nadir Durrani
Alexander Fraser
Helmut Schmid
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2013
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Investigating the Usefulness of Generalized Word Representations in SMT
Nadir Durrani
Philipp Koehn
Helmut Schmid
Alexander Fraser
Anchor Graph: Global Reordering Contexts for Statistical Machine Translation
Hendra Setiawan
Bowen Zhou
Bing Xiang
Word Translation Prediction for Morphologically Rich Languages with Bilingual Neural Networks
Ke M. Tran
Arianna Bisazza
Christof Monz
A Comparison between Count and Neural Network Models Based on Joint Translation and Reordering Sequences
Andreas Guta
Tamer Alkhouli
Jan-Thorsten Peter
Joern Wuebker
Hermann Ney
Producing Unseen Morphological Variants in Statistical Machine Translation
Matthias Huck
Aleš Tamchyna
Ondřej Bojar
Alexander Fraser
Enhancing Access to Online Education: Quality Machine Translation of MOOC Content
Valia Kordoni
Antal van den Bosch
Katia Lida Kermanidis
Vilelmini Sosoni
Kostadin Cholakov
Iris Hendrickx
Matthias Huck
Andy Way
Can Markov Models Over Minimal Translation Units Help Phrase-Based SMT?
Nadir Durrani
Alexander Fraser
Helmut Schmid
Hieu Hoang
Philipp Koehn
A Continuous Space Rule Selection Model for Syntax-based Statistical Machine Translation
Jingyi Zhang
Masao Utiyama
Eiichro Sumita
Graham Neubig
Satoshi Nakamura
Edinburgh’s Machine Translation Systems for European Language Pairs
Nadir Durrani
Barry Haddow
Kenneth Heafield
Philipp Koehn
Munich-Edinburgh-Stuttgart Submissions of OSM Systems at WMT13
Nadir Durrani
Alexander Fraser
Helmut Schmid
Hassan Sajjad
Richárd Farkas
Munich-Edinburgh-Stuttgart Submissions at WMT13: Morphological and Syntactic Processing for SMT
Marion Weller
Max Kisselew
Svetlana Smekalova
Alexander Fraser
Helmut Schmid
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Richárd Farkas
Factored Markov Translation with Robust Modeling
Yang Feng
Trevor Cohn
Xinkai Du
Extended Translation Models in Phrase-based Decoding
Andreas Guta
Joern Wuebker
Miguel Graça
Yunsu Kim
Hermann Ney
Field Of Study
Machine Translation
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