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Unsupervised Modeling of Twitter Conversations
Alan Ritter
Colin Cherry
Bill Dolan
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2010
Location: Los Angeles, California
Unsupervised learning of rhetorical structure with un-topic models
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Simone Teufel
Capturing Cultural Differences in Expressions of Intentions
Marc Tomlinson
David Bracewell
Wayne Krug
Part of Speech Tagging for French Social Media Data
Farhad Nooralahzadeh
Caroline Brun
Claude Roux
Stance Classification in Rumours as a Sequential Task Exploiting the Tree Structure of Social Media Conversations
Arkaitz Zubiaga
Elena Kochkina
Maria Liakata
Rob Procter
Michal Lukasik
“All I know about politics is what I read in Twitter”: Weakly Supervised Models for Extracting Politicians’ Stances From Twitter
Kristen Johnson
Dan Goldwasser
Multi-task dialog act and sentiment recognition on Mastodon
Christophe Cerisara
Somayeh Jafaritazehjani
Adedayo Oluokun
Hoa T. Le
Context-Sensitive Generation of Open-Domain Conversational Responses
Weinan Zhang
Yiming Cui
Yifa Wang
Qingfu Zhu
Lingzhi Li
Lianqiang Zhou
Ting Liu
Expressively vulgar: The socio-dynamics of vulgarity and its effects on sentiment analysis in social media
Isabel Cachola
Eric Holgate
Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro
Junyi Jessy Li
NIPS Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2017 Winner System: Skill-based Conversational Agent with Supervised Dialog Manager
Idris Yusupov
Yurii Kuratov
Towards Conversation Entailment: An Empirical Investigation
Chen Zhang
Joyce Chai
Data-Driven Response Generation in Social Media
Alan Ritter
Colin Cherry
William B. Dolan
Linguistic Redundancy in Twitter
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Marco Pennacchiotti
Kostas Tsioutsiouliklis
The Imagination of Crowds: Conversational AAC Language Modeling using Crowdsourcing and Large Data Sources
Keith Vertanen
Per Ola Kristensson
Closing the Loop: Fast, Interactive Semi-Supervised Annotation With Queries on Features and Instances
Burr Settles
Mixed Membership Markov Models for Unsupervised Conversation Modeling
Michael J. Paul
Automatically Constructing a Normalisation Dictionary for Microblogs
Bo Han
Paul Cook
Timothy Baldwin
A Graph-based Approach for Contextual Text Normalization
Cagil Sönmez
Arzucan Özgür
Self-disclosure topic model for classifying and analyzing Twitter conversations
JinYeong Bak
Chin-Yew Lin
Alice Oh
Major Life Event Extraction from Twitter based on Congratulations/Condolences Speech Acts
Jiwei Li
Alan Ritter
Claire Cardie
Eduard Hovy
Scientific Article Summarization Using Citation-Context and Article’s Discourse Structure
Arman Cohan
Nazli Goharian
That’s So Annoying!!!: A Lexical and Frame-Semantic Embedding Based Data Augmentation Approach to Automatic Categorization of Annoying Behaviors using #petpeeve Tweets
William Yang Wang
Diyi Yang
How NOT To Evaluate Your Dialogue System: An Empirical Study of Unsupervised Evaluation Metrics for Dialogue Response Generation
Chia-Wei Liu
Ryan Lowe
Iulian Serban
Mike Noseworthy
Laurent Charlin
Joelle Pineau
Neural Net Models of Open-domain Discourse Coherence
Jiwei Li
Dan Jurafsky
Modeling Dialogue Acts with Content Word Filtering and Speaker Preferences
Yohan Jo
Michael Yoder
Hyeju Jang
Carolyn Rosé
Towards Exploiting Background Knowledge for Building Conversation Systems
Nikita Moghe
Siddhartha Arora
Suman Banerjee
Mitesh M. Khapra
Generating More Interesting Responses in Neural Conversation Models with Distributional Constraints
Ashutosh Baheti
Alan Ritter
Jiwei Li
Bill Dolan
Why Swear? Analyzing and Inferring the Intentions of Vulgar Expressions
Eric Holgate
Isabel Cachola
Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro
Junyi Jessy Li
MultiWOZ - A Large-Scale Multi-Domain Wizard-of-Oz Dataset for Task-Oriented Dialogue Modelling
Paweł Budzianowski
Tsung-Hsien Wen
Bo-Hsiang Tseng
Iñigo Casanueva
Stefan Ultes
Osman Ramadan
Milica Gašić
Unsupervised Dialogue Act Induction using Gaussian Mixtures
Tomáš Brychcín
Pavel Král
Book Reviews: Natural Language Processing for Social Media by Atefeh Farzindar and Diana Inkpen
Annie Louis
#mygoal: Finding Motivations on Twitter
Marc Tomlinson
David Bracewell
Wayne Krug
David Hinote
A German Twitter Snapshot
Tatjana Scheffler
Clustering tweets usingWikipedia concepts
Guoyu Tang
Yunqing Xia
Weizhi Wang
Raymond Lau
Fang Zheng
Twitter as a Lifeline: Human-annotated Twitter Corpora for NLP of Crisis-related Messages
Muhammad Imran
Prasenjit Mitra
Carlos Castillo
JDCFC: A Japanese Dialogue Corpus with Feature Changes
Tetsuaki Nakamura
Daisuke Kawahara
evision PDF of 'Predicting Responses to Microblog Posts
Yoav Artzi
Patrick Pantel
Michael Gamon
What to do about bad language on the internet
Jacob Eisenstein
Overcoming the Memory Bottleneck in Distributed Training of Latent Variable Models of Text
Yi Yang
Alexander Yates
Doug Downey
Conversational Flow in Oxford-style Debates
Justine Zhang
Ravi Kumar
Sujith Ravi
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Conversational Markers of Constructive Discussions
Vlad Niculae
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Microblog Conversation Recommendation via Joint Modeling of Topics and Discourse
Xingshan Zeng
Jing Li
Lu Wang
Nicholas Beauchamp
Sarah Shugars
Kam-Fai Wong
LSDSCC: a Large Scale Domain-Specific Conversational Corpus for Response Generation with Diversity Oriented Evaluation Metrics
Zhen Xu
Nan Jiang
Bingquan Liu
Wenge Rong
Bowen Wu
Baoxun Wang
Zhuoran Wang
Xiaolong Wang
Lexical Normalisation of Short Text Messages: Makn Sens a #twitter
Bo Han
Timothy Baldwin
Event Discovery in Social Media Feeds
Edward Benson
Aria Haghighi
Regina Barzilay
Part-of-Speech Tagging for Twitter: Annotation, Features, and Experiments
Kevin Gimpel
Nathan Schneider
Brendan O’Connor
Dipanjan Das
Daniel Mills
Jacob Eisenstein
Michael Heilman
Dani Yogatama
Jeffrey Flanigan
Noah A. Smith
Self-Disclosure and Relationship Strength in Twitter Conversations
JinYeong Bak
Suin Kim
Alice Oh
Exploiting Social Media for Natural Language Processing: Bridging the Gap between Language-centric and Real-world Applications
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Andrea Zielinski
Discovering Latent Structure in Task-Oriented Dialogues
Ke Zhai
Jason D. Williams
Deep Markov Neural Network for Sequential Data Classification
Min Yang
Hidden Softmax Sequence Model for Dialogue Structure Analysis
Zhiyang He
Xien Liu
Ping Lv
Ji Wu
Topic Extraction from Microblog Posts Using Conversation Structures
Jing Li
Ming Liao
Wei Gao
Yulan He
Kam-Fai Wong
Leveraging Behavioral and Social Information for Weakly Supervised Collective Classification of Political Discourse on Twitter
Kristen Johnson
Di Jin
Dan Goldwasser
Conversations Gone Awry: Detecting Early Signs of Conversational Failure
Justine Zhang
Jonathan Chang
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Lucas Dixon
Yiqing Hua
Dario Taraborelli
Nithum Thain
Large-scale Analysis of Counseling Conversations: An Application of Natural Language Processing to Mental Health
Tim Althoff
Kevin Clark
Jure Leskovec
Universal Word Segmentation: Implementation and Interpretation
Yan Shao
Christian Hardmeier
Joakim Nivre
ECNU: Leveraging Word Embeddings to Boost Performance for Paraphrase in Twitter
Jiang Zhao
Man Lan
Plans Toward Automated Chat Summarization
David C. Uthus
David W. Aha
Toward Learning and Evaluation of Dialogue Policies with Text Examples
David DeVault
Anton Leuski
Kenji Sagae
Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging in Noisy and Esoteric Domains With a Syntactic-Semantic Bayesian HMM
William M. Darling
Michael J. Paul
Fei Song
Hierarchical Conversation Structure Prediction in Multi-Party Chat
Elijah Mayfield
David Adamson
Carolyn Penstein Rosé
Dialog System Using Real-Time Crowdsourcing and Twitter Large-Scale Corpus
Fumihiro Bessho
Tatsuya Harada
Yasuo Kuniyoshi
Combining Verbal and Nonverbal Features to Overcome the “Information Gap” in Task-Oriented Dialogue
Eun Young Ha
Joseph F. Grafsgaard
Christopher Mitchell
Kristy Elizabeth Boyer
James C. Lester
Language Identification for Creating Language-Specific Twitter Collections
Shane Bergsma
Paul McNamee
Mossaab Bagdouri
Clayton Fink
Theresa Wilson
Bootstrapped Learning of Emotion Hashtags #hashtags4you
Ashequl Qadir
Ellen Riloff
In-Context Evaluation of Unsupervised Dialogue Act Models for Tutorial Dialogue
Aysu Ezen-Can
Kristy Boyer
The (Un)Predictability of Emotional Hashtags in Twitter
Florian Kunneman
Christine Liebrecht
Antal van den Bosch
Self-disclosure topic model for Twitter conversations
JinYeong Bak
Chin-Yew Lin
Alice Oh
Combining Task and Dialogue Streams in Unsupervised Dialogue Act Models
Aysu Ezen-Can
Kristy Boyer
Dialog Act Annotation for Twitter Conversations
Elina Zarisheva
Tatjana Scheffler
Semi-supervised and unsupervised categorization of posts in Web discussion forums using part-of-speech information and minimal features
Krish Perumal
Graeme Hirst
On the Evaluation of Dialogue Systems with Next Utterance Classification
Ryan Lowe
Iulian Vlad Serban
Michael Noseworthy
Laurent Charlin
Joelle Pineau
Identifying Stance by Analyzing Political Discourse on Twitter
Kristen Johnson
Dan Goldwasser
Not All Dialogues are Created Equal: Instance Weighting for Neural Conversational Models
Pierre Lison
Serge Bibauw
evision PDF of '#MeToo Alexa: How Conversational Systems Respond to Sexual Harassment
Amanda Cercas Curry
Verena Rieser
Stylistic Variation in Social Media Part-of-Speech Tagging
Murali Raghu Babu Balusu
Taha Merghani
Jacob Eisenstein
Modeling Structural Topic Transitions for Automatic Lyrics Generation
Kento Watanabe
Yuichiroh Matsubayashi
Kentaro Inui
Masataka Goto
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Semi-supervised Learning
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