Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation with Log-Linear Models
Hoifung Poon
Colin Cherry
Kristina Toutanova
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2009
Location: Boulder, Colorado
Unsupervised Discriminative Language Model Training for Machine Translation using Simulated Confusion Sets
Zhifei Li
Ziyuan Wang
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Jason Eisner
Extending the Use of Adaptor Grammars for Unsupervised Morphological Segmentation of Unseen Languages
Ramy Eskander
Owen Rambow
Tianchun Yang
Data-driven learning of symbolic constraints for a log-linear model in a phonological setting
Gabriel Doyle
Roger Levy
Unsupervised Morphology Learning with Statistical Paradigms
Hongzhi Xu
Mitchell Marcus
Charles Yang
Lyle Ungar
Predicting the Semantic Compositionality of Prefix Verbs
Shane Bergsma
Aditya Bhargava
Hua He
Grzegorz Kondrak
Universal Morphological Analysis using Structured Nearest Neighbor Prediction
Young-Bum Kim
João Graça
Benjamin Snyder
Fast Generation of Translation Forest for Large-Scale SMT Discriminative Training
Xinyan Xiao
Yang Liu
Qun Liu
Shouxun Lin
Weakly-Supervised Learning with Cost-Augmented Contrastive Estimation
Kevin Gimpel
Mohit Bansal
Neural Morphological Analysis: Encoding-Decoding Canonical Segments
Katharina Kann
Ryan Cotterell
Hinrich Schütze
Paradigm Completion for Derivational Morphology
Ryan Cotterell
Ekaterina Vylomova
Huda Khayrallah
Christo Kirov
David Yarowsky
Mapping Dialectal Variation by Querying Social Media
Gabriel Doyle
Painless Semi-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Conditional Random Fields
Teemu Ruokolainen
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
From Segmentation to Analyses: a Probabilistic Model for Unsupervised Morphology Induction
Toms Bergmanis
Sharon Goldwater
Labeled Morphological Segmentation with Semi-Markov Models
Ryan Cotterell
Thomas Müller
Alexander Fraser
Hinrich Schütze
Neural Sequence-to-sequence Learning of Internal Word Structure
Tatyana Ruzsics
Tanja Samardžić
A Novel Evaluation Method for Morphological Segmentation
Javad Nouri
Roman Yangarber
Joint Inference for Knowledge Extraction from Biomedical Literature
Hoifung Poon
Lucy Vanderwende
Supervised Learning of Complete Morphological Paradigms
Greg Durrett
John DeNero
Morphological Inflection Generation Using Character Sequence to Sequence Learning
Manaal Faruqui
Yulia Tsvetkov
Graham Neubig
Chris Dyer
A Joint Model of Orthography and Morphological Segmentation
Ryan Cotterell
Tim Vieira
Hinrich Schütze
evision PDF of 'Unsupervised Search for the Optimal Segmentation for Statistical Machine Translation
Coşkun Mermer
Learning Sub-Word Units for Open Vocabulary Speech Recognition
Carolina Parada
Mark Dredze
Abhinav Sethy
Ariya Rastrow
Unsupervised Bilingual Morpheme Segmentation and Alignment with Context-rich Hidden Semi-Markov Models
Jason Naradowsky
Kristina Toutanova
Automatic Event Extraction with Structured Preference Modeling
Wei Lu
Dan Roth
Unsupervised Morphology Rivals Supervised Morphology for Arabic MT
David Stallard
Jacob Devlin
Michael Kayser
Yoong Keok Lee
Regina Barzilay
Inferring User Political Preferences from Streaming Communications
Svitlana Volkova
Glen Coppersmith
Benjamin Van Durme
Leveraging Inflection Tables for Stemming and Lemmatization.
Garrett Nicolai
Grzegorz Kondrak
MORSE: Semantic-ally Drive-n MORpheme SEgment-er
Tarek Sakakini
Suma Bhat
Pramod Viswanath
Minimally-Supervised Morphological Segmentation using Adaptor Grammars
Kairit Sirts
Sharon Goldwater
An Unsupervised Method for Uncovering Morphological Chains
Karthik Narasimhan
Regina Barzilay
Tommi Jaakkola
Unsupervised Learning of Morphological Forests
Jiaming Luo
Karthik Narasimhan
Regina Barzilay
Log-linear Models for Uyghur Segmentation in Spoken Language Translation
Chenggang Mi
Yating Yang
Rui Dong
Xi Zhou
Lei Wang
Xiao Li
Tonghai Jiang
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology with Graph Sampling
Maciej Sumalvico
Semi-Supervised Learning of Concatenative Morphology
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Krista Lagus
Modeling Syntactic Context Improves Morphological Segmentation
Yoong Keok Lee
Aria Haghighi
Regina Barzilay
The Study of Effect of Length in Morphological Segmentation of Agglutinative Languages
Loganathan Ramasamy
Zdeněk Žabokrtský
Sowmya Vajjala
Supervised Morphological Segmentation in a Low-Resource Learning Setting using Conditional Random Fields
Teemu Ruokolainen
Oskar Kohonen
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
Learning the hyperparameters to learn morphology
Stella Frank
Unsupervised Word Segmentation Improves Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation
Kamla Al-Mannai
Hassan Sajjad
Alaa Khader
Fahad Al Obaidli
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
Joint Bayesian Morphology Learning for Dravidian Languages
Arun Kumar
Lluís Padró
Antoni Oliver
Account Deletion Prediction on RuNet: A Case Study of Suspicious Twitter Accounts Active During the Russian-Ukrainian Crisis
Svitlana Volkova
Eric Bell
A Multilinear Approach to the Unsupervised Learning of Morphology
Anthony Meyer
Markus Dickinson
Automatic Morpheme Segmentation and Labeling in Universal Dependencies Resources
Miikka Silfverberg
Mans Hulden
Morphological Analysis for the Maltese Language: The challenges of a hybrid system
Claudia Borg
Albert Gatt
Weakly supervised learning of allomorphy
Miikka Silfverberg
Mans Hulden
Unlabeled Data for Morphological Generation With Character-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Bilingually motivated segmentation and generation of word translations using relatively small translation data sets
Kavitha Karimbi Mahesh
Luís Gomes
José Lopes
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Word Segmentation
Semi-supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
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