Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Fully Parsing the Penn Treebank
Ryan Gabbard
Seth Kulick
Mitchell Marcus
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2006
Location: New York City, USA
Chasing the ghost: recovering empty categories in the Chinese Treebank
Yaqin Yang
Nianwen Xue
Hybrid Grammars for Discontinuous Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Heiko Vogler
Recovering Non-Local Dependencies for Chinese
Yuqing Guo
Haifeng Wang
Josef van Genabith
Recovery of Empty Nodes in Parse Structures
Denis Filimonov
Mary Harper
Effects of Empty Categories on Machine Translation
Tagyoung Chung
Daniel Gildea
Combining PCFG-LA Models with Dual Decomposition: A Case Study with Function Labels and Binarization
Joseph Le Roux
Antoine Rozenknop
Jennifer Foster
Cross-Framework Evaluation for Statistical Parsing
Reut Tsarfaty
Joakim Nivre
Evelina Andersson
CCGbank: A Corpus of CCG Derivations and Dependency Structures Extracted from the Penn Treebank
Julia Hockenmaier
Mark Steedman
Knowledge Sources for Constituent Parsing of German, a Morphologically Rich and Less-Configurational Language
Alexander Fraser
Helmut Schmid
Richárd Farkas
Renjing Wang
Hinrich Schütze
OntoNotes: The 90% Solution
Eduard Hovy
Mitchell Marcus
Martha Palmer
Lance Ramshaw
Ralph Weischedel
Accurate Parsing of the Proposition Bank
Gabriele Musillo
Paola Merlo
Dependency-based empty category detection via phrase structure trees
Nianwen Xue
Yaqin Yang
Empty Category Detection With Joint Context-Label Embeddings
Xun Wang
Katsuhito Sudoh
Masaaki Nagata
Sentences with Gapping: Parsing and Reconstructing Elided Predicates
Sebastian Schuster
Joakim Nivre
Christopher D. Manning
A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications
Xiaoqiang Luo
Bing Zhao
Language-Independent Parsing with Empty Elements
Shu Cai
David Chiang
Yoav Goldberg
Enlisting the Ghost: Modeling Empty Categories for Machine Translation
Bing Xiang
Xiaoqiang Luo
Bowen Zhou
Empty element recovery by spinal parser operations
Katsuhiko Hayashi
Masaaki Nagata
Towards Replicability in Parsing
Daniel Dakota
Sandra Kübler
Automatic Recognition of Logical Relations for English, Chinese and Japanese in the GLARF Framework
Adam Meyers
Michiko Kosaka
Nianwen Xue
Heng Ji
Ang Sun
Shasha Liao
Wei Xu
Coping With Implicit Arguments And Events Coreference
Rodolfo Delmonte
Constructing a Practical Constituent Parser from a Japanese Treebank with Function Labels
Takaaki Tanaka
Masaaki Nagata
Resumptive Pronoun Detection for Modern Standard Arabic to English MT
Stephen Tratz
Clare Voss
Jamal Laoudi
Field Of Study
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