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Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Paraphrases
Chris Callison-Burch
Philipp Koehn
Miles Osborne
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2006
Location: New York City, USA
Phrase Clustering for Smoothing TM Probabilities - or, How to Extract Paraphrases from Phrase Tables
Roland Kuhn
Boxing Chen
George Foster
Evan Stratford
Contextual Modeling for Meeting Translation Using Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation
Mei Yang
Katrin Kirchhoff
Paraphrasing with Search Engine Query Logs
Shiqi Zhao
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Leveraging Multiple MT Engines for Paraphrase Generation
Shiqi Zhao
Haifeng Wang
Xiang Lan
Ting Liu
The True Score of Statistical Paraphrase Generation
Jonathan Chevelu
Ghislain Putois
Yves Lepage
Monolingual Distributional Profiles for Word Substitution in Machine Translation
Rashmi Gangadharaiah
Ralf D. Brown
Jaime Carbonell
Unsupervised Discriminative Language Model Training for Machine Translation using Simulated Confusion Sets
Zhifei Li
Ziyuan Wang
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Jason Eisner
Translating Unknown Words by Analogical Learning
Philippe Langlais
Alexandre Patry
Syntactic Constraints on Paraphrases Extracted from Parallel Corpora
Chris Callison-Burch
Improved Statistical Machine Translation Using Monolingually-Derived Paraphrases
Yuval Marton
Chris Callison-Burch
Philip Resnik
Improved Statistical Machine Translation for Resource-Poor Languages Using Related Resource-Rich Languages
Preslav Nakov
Hwee Tou Ng
Facilitating Translation Using Source Language Paraphrase Lattices
Jinhua Du
Jie Jiang
Andy Way
PEM: A Paraphrase Evaluation Metric Exploiting Parallel Texts
Chang Liu
Daniel Dahlmeier
Hwee Tou Ng
A Generate and Rank Approach to Sentence Paraphrasing
Prodromos Malakasiotis
Ion Androutsopoulos
Source Language Adaptation for Resource-Poor Machine Translation
Pidong Wang
Preslav Nakov
Hwee Tou Ng
Enlarging Paraphrase Collections through Generalization and Instantiation
Atsushi Fujita
Pierre Isabelle
Roland Kuhn
Unsupervised Induction of Cross-Lingual Semantic Relations
Mike Lewis
Mark Steedman
Translating into Morphologically Rich Languages with Synthetic Phrases
Victor Chahuneau
Eva Schlinger
Noah A. Smith
Chris Dyer
Harvesting Parallel News Streams to Generate Paraphrases of Event Relations
Congle Zhang
Daniel S. Weld
Improving Statistical Machine Translation with a Multilingual Paraphrase Database
Ramtin Mehdizadeh Seraj
Maryam Siahbani
Anoop Sarkar
Power-Law Distributions for Paraphrases Extracted from Bilingual Corpora
Spyros Martzoukos
Christof Monz
Augmenting Translation Models with Simulated Acoustic Confusions for Improved Spoken Language Translation
Yulia Tsvetkov
Florian Metze
Chris Dyer
Paraphrasing Revisited with Neural Machine Translation
Jonathan Mallinson
Rico Sennrich
Mirella Lapata
Chinese Unknown Word Translation by Subword Re-segmentation
Ruiqiang Zhang
Eiichiro Sumita
Generating Phrasal and Sentential Paraphrases: A Survey of Data-Driven Methods
Nitin Madnani
Bonnie J. Dorr
Statistical Metaphor Processing
Ekaterina Shutova
Simone Teufel
Anna Korhonen
Communicating Unknown Words in Machine Translation
Matthias Eck
Stephan Vogel
Alex Waibel
Creating and using large monolingual parallel corpora for sentential paraphrase generation
Sander Wubben
Antal van den Bosch
Emiel Krahmer
Aligning Predicate-Argument Structures for Paraphrase Fragment Extraction
Michaela Regneri
Rui Wang
Manfred Pinkal
Semantic Clustering of Pivot Paraphrases
Marianna Apidianaki
Emilia Verzeni
Diana McCarthy
Using BabelNet to Improve OOV Coverage in SMT
Jinhua Du
Andy Way
Andrzej Zydron
Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words with Word Embeddings and Semantic Lexicons for Low Resource Statistical Machine Translation
Chenhui Chu
Sadao Kurohashi
ProphetMT: A Tree-based SMT-driven Controlled Language Authoring/Post-Editing Tool
Xiaofeng Wu
Jinhua Du
Qun Liu
Andy Way
A Comparison of Pivot Methods for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Masao Utiyama
Hitoshi Isahara
Using paraphrases for improving first story detection in news and Twitter
Saša Petrović
Miles Osborne
Victor Lavrenko
Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation: Pivoting through Modern Standard Arabic
Wael Salloum
Nizar Habash
Learning Translation Models from Monolingual Continuous Representations
Kai Zhao
Hany Hassan
Michael Auli
Machine Translation by Triangulation: Making Effective Use of Multi-Parallel Corpora
Trevor Cohn
Mirella Lapata
Pivot Language Approach for Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation
Hua Wu
Haifeng Wang
Unsupervised Translation Induction for Chinese Abbreviations using Monolingual Corpora
Zhifei Li
David Yarowsky
Large Scale Acquisition of Paraphrases for Learning Surface Patterns
Rahul Bhagat
Deepak Ravichandran
Pivot Approach for Extracting Paraphrase Patterns from Bilingual Corpora
Shiqi Zhao
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Sheng Li
Combining Multiple Resources to Improve SMT-based Paraphrasing Model
Shiqi Zhao
Cheng Niu
Ming Zhou
Ting Liu
Sheng Li
Partial Matching Strategy for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
Zhongjun He
Qun Liu
Shouxun Lin
Paraphrase Identification as Probabilistic Quasi-Synchronous Recognition
Dipanjan Das
Noah A. Smith
Source-Language Entailment Modeling for Translating Unknown Terms
Shachar Mirkin
Lucia Specia
Nicola Cancedda
Ido Dagan
Marc Dymetman
Idan Szpektor
Introduction of a new paraphrase generation tool based on Monte-Carlo sampling
Jonathan Chevelu
Thomas Lavergne
Yves Lepage
Thierry Moudenc
Data Cleaning for Word Alignment
Tsuyoshi Okita
Paraphrase Lattice for Statistical Machine Translation
Takashi Onishi
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Collecting Highly Parallel Data for Paraphrase Evaluation
David Chen
William Dolan
Extracting Paraphrases from Definition Sentences on the Web
Chikara Hashimoto
Kentaro Torisawa
Stijn De Saeger
Jun’ichi Kazama
Sadao Kurohashi
Translating from Morphologically Complex Languages: A Paraphrase-Based Approach
Preslav Nakov
Hwee Tou Ng
Corpus Expansion for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Role Label Substitution Rules
Qin Gao
Stephan Vogel
Improve SMT Quality with Automatically Extracted Paraphrase Rules
Wei He
Hua Wu
Haifeng Wang
Ting Liu
Automatically Mining Question Reformulation Patterns from Search Log Data
Xiaobing Xue
Yu Tao
Daxin Jiang
Hang Li
Combining Word-Level and Character-Level Models for Machine Translation Between Closely-Related Languages
Preslav Nakov
Jörg Tiedemann
Graph Propagation for Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Statistical Machine Translation
Majid Razmara
Maryam Siahbani
Reza Haffari
Anoop Sarkar
SORT: An Interactive Source-Rewriting Tool for Improved Translation
Shachar Mirkin
Sriram Venkatapathy
Marc Dymetman
Ioan Calapodescu
Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning of Translation Models from Monolingual Data
Avneesh Saluja
Hany Hassan
Kristina Toutanova
Chris Quirk
Parsing Paraphrases with Joint Inference
Do Kook Choe
David McClosky
Lexicon Stratification for Translating Out-of-Vocabulary Words
Yulia Tsvetkov
Chris Dyer
What’s in a Domain? Analyzing Genre and Topic Differences in Statistical Machine Translation
Marlies van der Wees
Arianna Bisazza
Wouter Weerkamp
Christof Monz
Robust Tuning Datasets for Statistical Machine Translation
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
IBM_EG-CORE: Comparing multiple Lexical and NE matching features in measuring Semantic Textual similarity
Sara Noeman
Sensible: L2 Translation Assistance by Emulating the Manual Post-Editing Process
Liling Tan
Anne-Kathrin Schumann
Jose M.M. Martinez
Francis Bond
Re-evaluating Machine Translation Results with Paraphrase Support
Liang Zhou
Chin-Yew Lin
Eduard Hovy
Using Paraphrases for Parameter Tuning in Statistical Machine Translation
Nitin Madnani
Necip Fazil Ayan
Philip Resnik
Bonnie Dorr
Mutaphrase: Paraphrasing with FrameNet
Michael Ellsworth
Adam Janin
The University of Maryland Statistical Machine Translation System for the Fourth Workshop on Machine Translation
Chris Dyer
Hendra Setiawan
Yuval Marton
Philip Resnik
Improving Arabic-Chinese Statistical Machine Translation using English as Pivot Language
Nizar Habash
Jun Hu
Clustering and Matching Headlines for Automatic Paraphrase Acquisition
Sander Wubben
Antal van den Bosch
Emiel Krahmer
Erwin Marsi
Error Driven Paraphrase Annotation using Mechanical Turk
Olivia Buzek
Philip Resnik
Ben Bederson
TESLA: Translation Evaluation of Sentences with Linear-Programming-Based Analysis
Chang Liu
Daniel Dahlmeier
Hwee Tou Ng
Paraphrase Generation as Monolingual Translation: Data and Evaluation
Sander Wubben
Antal van den Bosch
Emiel Krahmer
Incorporating Source-Language Paraphrases into Phrase-Based SMT with Confusion Networks
Jie Jiang
Jinhua Du
Andy Way
TESLA at WMT 2011: Translation Evaluation and Tunable Metric
Daniel Dahlmeier
Chang Liu
Hwee Tou Ng
Filtering Antonymous, Trend-Contrasting, and Polarity-Dissimilar Distributional Paraphrases for Improving Statistical Machine Translation
Yuval Marton
Ahmed El Kholy
Nizar Habash
Dialectal to Standard Arabic Paraphrasing to Improve Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation
Wael Salloum
Nizar Habash
Enriching Parallel Corpora for Statistical Machine Translation with Semantic Negation Rephrasing
Dominikus Wetzel
Francis Bond
A Case Study Towards Turkish Paraphrase Alignment
Seniz Demir
İlknur Durgar El-Kahlout
Erdem Unal
Multilingual WSD-like Constraints for Paraphrase Extraction
Wilker Aziz
Lucia Specia
Five Shades of Noise: Analyzing Machine Translation Errors in User-Generated Text
Marlies van der Wees
Arianna Bisazza
Christof Monz
IXA Biomedical Translation System at WMT16 Biomedical Translation Task
Olatz Perez-de-Viñaspre
Gorka Labaka
Similarity-Based Alignment of Monolingual Corpora for Text Simplification Purposes
Sarah Albertsson
Evelina Rennes
Arne Jönsson
ParaDi: Dictionary of Paraphrases of Czech Complex Predicates with Light Verbs
Petra Barančíková
Václava Kettnerová
Learning Bilingual Projections of Embeddings for Vocabulary Expansion in Machine Translation
Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha
Cristina España-Bonet
Improving Machine Translation of English Relative Clauses with Automatic Text Simplification
Sanja Štajner
Maja Popović
Improving Statistical Machine Translation Accuracy Using Bilingual Lexicon Extractionwith Paraphrases
Chenhui Chu
Toshiaki Nakazawa
Sadao Kurohashi
Noun Paraphrasing Based on a Variety of Contexts
Tomoyuki Kajiwara
Kazuhide Yamamoto
Sentential Paraphrase Generation for Agglutinative Languages Using SVM with a String Kernel
Hancheol Park
Gahgene Gweon
Ho-Jin Choi
Jeong Heo
Pum-Mo Ryu
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Field Of Study
Machine Translation
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