Authors Timeline
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ACL N-gram Stats
Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Shankar Kumar
William Byrne
Paper Details:
Month: May 2 - May 7
Year: 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Fluency Constraints for Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding of Statistical Machine Translation Lattices
Graeme Blackwood
Adrià de Gispert
William Byrne
Local lexical adaptation in Machine Translation through triangulation: SMT helping SMT
Josep Maria Crego
Aurélien Max
François Yvon
Mixture Model-based Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding using Multiple Machine Translation Systems
Nan Duan
Mu Li
Dongdong Zhang
Ming Zhou
Investigating the Usefulness of Generalized Word Representations in SMT
Nadir Durrani
Philipp Koehn
Helmut Schmid
Alexander Fraser
Query Lattice for Translation Retrieval
Meiping Dong
Yong Cheng
Yang Liu
Jia Xu
Maosong Sun
Tatsuya Izuha
Jie Hao
Multi-Engine and Multi-Alignment Based Automatic Post-Editing and its Impact on Translation Productivity
Santanu Pal
Sudip Kumar Naskar
Josef van Genabith
Improving Word Alignment with Bridge Languages
Shankar Kumar
Franz J. Och
Wolfgang Macherey
Probabilistic Models of Nonprojective Dependency Trees
David A. Smith
Noah A. Smith
A Systematic Comparison of Training Criteria for Statistical Machine Translation
Richard Zens
Saša Hasan
Hermann Ney
An Empirical Study on Computing Consensus Translations from Multiple Machine Translation Systems
Wolfgang Macherey
Franz J. Och
Probabilistic Inference for Machine Translation
Phil Blunsom
Miles Osborne
Decomposability of Translation Metrics for Improved Evaluation and Efficient Algorithms
David Chiang
Steve DeNeefe
Yee Seng Chan
Hwee Tou Ng
Lattice Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Roy Tromble
Shankar Kumar
Franz Och
Wolfgang Macherey
Lattice-based Minimum Error Rate Training for Statistical Machine Translation
Wolfgang Macherey
Franz Och
Ignacio Thayer
Jakob Uszkoreit
Improving NLP through Marginalization of Hidden Syntactic Structure
Jason Naradowsky
Sebastian Riedel
David Smith
Exact Sampling and Decoding in High-Order Hidden Markov Models
Simon Carter
Marc Dymetman
Guillaume Bouchard
A Systematic Exploration of Diversity in Machine Translation
Kevin Gimpel
Dhruv Batra
Chris Dyer
Gregory Shakhnarovich
Testing for Significance of Increased Correlation with Human Judgment
Yvette Graham
Timothy Baldwin
Search-Aware Tuning for Machine Translation
Lemao Liu
Liang Huang
Reordering Grammar Induction
Miloš Stanojević
Khalil Sima’an
Rule Filtering by Pattern for Efficient Hierarchical Translation
Gonzalo Iglesias
Adrià de Gispert
Eduardo R. Banga
William Byrne
N-Gram-Based Statistical Machine Translation versus Syntax Augmented Machine Translation: Comparison and System Combination
Maxim Khalilov
José A. R. Fonollosa
Word Ordering with Phrase-Based Grammars
Adrià de Gispert
Marcus Tomalin
Bill Byrne
Integrating an Unsupervised Transliteration Model into Statistical Machine Translation
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Hieu Hoang
Philipp Koehn
Neural Machine Translation by Minimising the Bayes-risk with Respect to Syntactic Translation Lattices
Felix Stahlberg
Adrià de Gispert
Eva Hasler
Bill Byrne
Deriving Consensus for Multi-Parallel Corpora: an English Bible Study
Patrick Xia
David Yarowsky
Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Weighted Finite-State Transducers and Shallow-n Grammars
Adrià de Gispert
Gonzalo Iglesias
Graeme Blackwood
Eduardo R. Banga
William Byrne
Automatically Assessing Machine Summary Content Without a Gold Standard
Annie Louis
Ani Nenkova
Pushdown Automata in Statistical Machine Translation
Cyril Allauzen
Bill Byrne
Adrià de Gispert
Gonzalo Iglesias
Michael Riley
N-gram Counts and Language Models from the Common Crawl
Christian Buck
Kenneth Heafield
Bas van Ooyen
The AMARA Corpus: Building Parallel Language Resources for the Educational Domain
Ahmed Abdelali
Francisco Guzman
Hassan Sajjad
Stephan Vogel
Preference Grammars: Softening Syntactic Constraints to Improve Statistical Machine Translation
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Noah A. Smith
Stephan Vogel
Hierarchical Phrase-Based Translation with Weighted Finite State Transducers
Gonzalo Iglesias
Adrià de Gispert
Eduardo R. Banga
William Byrne
Minimum Bayes Risk Combination of Translation Hypotheses from Alternative Morphological Decompositions
Adrià de Gispert
Sami Virpioja
Mikko Kurimo
William Byrne
Expected Sequence Similarity Maximization
Cyril Allauzen
Shankar Kumar
Wolfgang Macherey
Mehryar Mohri
Michael Riley
Model Combination for Machine Translation
John DeNero
Shankar Kumar
Ciprian Chelba
Franz Och
Speed-Constrained Tuning for Statistical Machine Translation Using Bayesian Optimization
Daniel Beck
Adrià de Gispert
Gonzalo Iglesias
Aurelien Waite
Bill Byrne
Farasa: A Fast and Furious Segmenter for Arabic
Ahmed Abdelali
Kareem Darwish
Nadir Durrani
Hamdy Mubarak
Accelerating NMT Batched Beam Decoding with LMBR Posteriors for Deployment
Gonzalo Iglesias
William Tambellini
Adrià De Gispert
Eva Hasler
Bill Byrne
Minimum Risk Annealing for Training Log-Linear Models
David A. Smith
Jason Eisner
Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding for BLEU
Nicola Ehling
Richard Zens
Hermann Ney
Efficient Multi-Pass Decoding for Synchronous Context Free Grammars
Hao Zhang
Daniel Gildea
Efficient Minimum Error Rate Training and Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Translation Hypergraphs and Lattices
Shankar Kumar
Wolfgang Macherey
Chris Dyer
Franz Och
Fast Consensus Decoding over Translation Forests
John DeNero
David Chiang
Kevin Knight
Collaborative Decoding: Partial Hypothesis Re-ranking Using Translation Consensus between Decoders
Mu Li
Nan Duan
Dongdong Zhang
Chi-Ho Li
Ming Zhou
A Comparative Study of Hypothesis Alignment and its Improvement for Machine Translation System Combination
Boxing Chen
Min Zhang
Haizhou Li
Aiti Aw
K-Best A* Parsing
Adam Pauls
Dan Klein
A Statistical Machine Translation Model Based on a Synthetic Synchronous Grammar
Hongfei Jiang
Muyun Yang
Tiejun Zhao
Sheng Li
Bo Wang
Efficient Path Counting Transducers for Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding of Statistical Machine Translation Lattices
Graeme Blackwood
Adrià de Gispert
William Byrne
Hypothesis Mixture Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Nan Duan
Mu Li
Ming Zhou
Minimum Bayes-risk System Combination
Jesús González-Rubio
Alfons Juan
Francisco Casacuberta
Learning Translation Consensus with Structured Label Propagation
Shujie Liu
Chi-Ho Li
Mu Li
Ming Zhou
Joint Learning of a Dual SMT System for Paraphrase Generation
Hong Sun
Ming Zhou
A Tale about PRO and Monsters
Preslav Nakov
Francisco Guzmán
Stephan Vogel
Can Markov Models Over Minimal Translation Units Help Phrase-Based SMT?
Nadir Durrani
Alexander Fraser
Helmut Schmid
Hieu Hoang
Philipp Koehn
Minimum Bayes Risk based Answer Re-ranking for Question Answering
Nan Duan
Decoder Integration and Expected BLEU Training for Recurrent Neural Network Language Models
Michael Auli
Jianfeng Gao
Neural System Combination for Machine Translation
Long Zhou
Wenpeng Hu
Jiajun Zhang
Chengqing Zong
Learning to translate with products of novices: a suite of open-ended challenge problems for teaching MT
Adam Lopez
Matt Post
Chris Callison-Burch
Jonathan Weese
Juri Ganitkevitch
Narges Ahmidi
Olivia Buzek
Leah Hanson
Beenish Jamil
Matthias Lee
Ya-Ting Lin
Henry Pao
Fatima Rivera
Leili Shahriyari
Debu Sinha
Adam Teichert
Stephen Wampler
Michael Weinberger
Daguang Xu
Lin Yang
Shang Zhao
Adapting to All Domains at Once: Rewarding Domain Invariance in SMT
Hoang Cuong
Khalil Sima’an
Ivan Titov
Statistical Significance Tests for Machine Translation Evaluation
Philipp Koehn
Training and Evaluating Error Minimization Decision Rules for Statistical Machine Translation
Ashish Venugopal
Andreas Zollmann
Alex Waibel
On Some Pitfalls in Automatic Evaluation and Significance Testing for MT
Stefan Riezler
John T. Maxwell
Better k-best Parsing
Liang Huang
David Chiang
Loss Minimization in Parse Reranking
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Towards better Machine Translation Quality for the German-English Language Pairs
Philipp Koehn
Abhishek Arun
Hieu Hoang
The TALP-UPC Phrase-Based Translation System for EACL-WMT 2009
José A. R. Fonollosa
Maxim Khalilov
Marta R. Costa-jussà
José B. Mariño
Carlos A. Henráquez Q.
Adolfo Hernández H.
Rafael E. Banchs
MATREX: The DCU MT System for WMT 2009
Jinhua Du
Yifan He
Sergio Penkale
Andy Way
Joshua: An Open Source Toolkit for Parsing-Based Machine Translation
Zhifei Li
Chris Callison-Burch
Chris Dyer
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Lane Schwartz
Wren Thornton
Jonathan Weese
Omar Zaidan
The University of Maryland Statistical Machine Translation System for the Fourth Workshop on Machine Translation
Chris Dyer
Hendra Setiawan
Yuval Marton
Philip Resnik
Monte Carlo inference and maximization for phrase-based translation
Abhishek Arun
Chris Dyer
Barry Haddow
Phil Blunsom
Adam Lopez
Philipp Koehn
Fast Consensus Hypothesis Regeneration for Machine Translation
Boxing Chen
George Foster
Roland Kuhn
The University of Maryland Statistical Machine Translation System for the Fifth Workshop on Machine Translation
Vladimir Eidelman
Chris Dyer
Philip Resnik
FBK at WMT 2010: Word Lattices for Morphological Reduction and Chunk-Based Reordering
Christian Hardmeier
Arianna Bisazza
Marcello Federico
MATREX: The DCU MT System for WMT 2010
Sergio Penkale
Rejwanul Haque
Sandipan Dandapat
Pratyush Banerjee
Ankit K. Srivastava
Jinhua Du
Pavel Pecina
Sudip Kumar Naskar
Mikel L. Forcada
Andy Way
The CUED HiFST System for the WMT10 Translation Shared Task
Juan Pino
Gonzalo Iglesias
Adrià de Gispert
Graeme Blackwood
Jamie Brunning
William Byrne
Reproducible Results in Parsing-Based Machine Translation: The JHU Shared Task Submission
Lane Schwartz
Vs and OOVs: Two Problems for Translation between German and English
Sara Stymne
Maria Holmqvist
Lars Ahrenberg
Applying Morphological Decompositions to Statistical Machine Translation
Sami Virpioja
Jaakko Väyrynen
André Mansikkaniemi
Mikko Kurimo
An Augmented Three-Pass System Combination Framework: DCU Combination System for WMT 2010
Jinhua Du
Pavel Pecina
Andy Way
A Unified Approach to Minimum Risk Training and Decoding
Abhishek Arun
Barry Haddow
Philipp Koehn
N-Best Reranking by Multitask Learning
Kevin Duh
Katsuhito Sudoh
Hajime Tsukada
Hideki Isozaki
Masaaki Nagata
The UPV-PRHLT combination system for WMT 2011
Jesús González-Rubio
Francisco Casacuberta
The CMU-ARK German-English Translation System
Chris Dyer
Kevin Gimpel
Jonathan H. Clark
Noah A. Smith
Joshua 3.0: Syntax-based Machine Translation with the Thrax Grammar Extractor
Jonathan Weese
Juri Ganitkevitch
Chris Callison-Burch
Matt Post
Adam Lopez
CCG Syntactic Reordering Models for Phrase-based Machine Translation
Dennis Nolan Mehay
Christopher Hardie Brew
The CMU-Avenue French-English Translation System
Michael Denkowski
Greg Hanneman
Alon Lavie
The TALP-UPC phrase-based translation systems for WMT12: Morphology simplification and domain adaptation
Lluís Formiga
Carlos A. Henríquez Q.
Adolfo Hernández
José B. Mariño
Enric Monte
José A. R. Fonollosa
QCRI at WMT12: Experiments in Spanish-English and German-English Machine Translation of News Text
Francisco Guzmán
Preslav Nakov
Ahmed Thabet
Stephan Vogel
UPM system for WMT 2012
Verónica López-Ludeña
Rubén San-Segundo
Juan M. Montero
Constructing Parallel Corpora for Six Indian Languages via Crowdsourcing
Matt Post
Chris Callison-Burch
Miles Osborne
WFST-Based Grapheme-to-Phoneme Conversion: Open Source tools for Alignment, Model-Building and Decoding
Josef R. Novak
Nobuaki Minematsu
Keikichi Hirose
Hierarchical Alignment Decomposition Labels for Hiero Grammar Rules
Gideon Maillette de Buy Wenniger
Khalil Sima’an
Yandex School of Data Analysis Machine Translation Systems for WMT13
Alexey Borisov
Jacob Dlougach
Irina Galinskaya
TÜBİTAK-BİLGEM German-English Machine Translation Systems for W13
İlknur Durgar El-Kahlout
Coşkun Mermer
The University of Cambridge Russian-English System at WMT13
Juan Pino
Aurelien Waite
Tong Xiao
Adrià de Gispert
Federico Flego
William Byrne
The CNGL-DCU-Prompsit Translation Systems for WMT13
Raphael Rubino
Antonio Toral
Santiago Cortés Vaíllo
Jun Xie
Xiaofeng Wu
Stephen Doherty
Qun Liu
Investigations in Exact Inference for Hierarchical Translation
Wilker Aziz
Marc Dymetman
Sriram Venkatapathy
Yandex School of Data Analysis Russian-English Machine Translation System for WMT14
Alexey Borisov
Irina Galinskaya
Edinburgh’s Phrase-based Machine Translation Systems for WMT-14
Nadir Durrani
Barry Haddow
Philipp Koehn
Kenneth Heafield
EU-BRIDGE MT: Combined Machine Translation
Markus Freitag
Stephan Peitz
Joern Wuebker
Hermann Ney
Matthias Huck
Rico Sennrich
Nadir Durrani
Maria Nadejde
Philip Williams
Philipp Koehn
Teresa Herrmann
Eunah Cho
Alex Waibel
Stanford University’s Submissions to the WMT 2014 Translation Task
Julia Neidert
Sebastian Schuster
Spence Green
Kenneth Heafield
Christopher Manning
Randomized Significance Tests in Machine Translation
Yvette Graham
Nitika Mathur
Timothy Baldwin
Unsupervised Word Segmentation Improves Dialectal Arabic to English Machine Translation
Kamla Al-Mannai
Hassan Sajjad
Alaa Khader
Fahad Al Obaidli
Preslav Nakov
Stephan Vogel
The Edinburgh/JHU Phrase-based Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2015
Barry Haddow
Matthias Huck
Alexandra Birch
Nikolay Bogoychev
Philipp Koehn
UdS-Sant: English–German Hybrid Machine Translation System
Santanu Pal
Sudip Naskar
Josef van Genabith
The JHU Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2016
Shuoyang Ding
Kevin Duh
Huda Khayrallah
Philipp Koehn
Matt Post
The QT21/HimL Combined Machine Translation System
Jan-Thorsten Peter
Tamer Alkhouli
Hermann Ney
Matthias Huck
Fabienne Braune
Alexander Fraser
Aleš Tamchyna
Ondřej Bojar
Barry Haddow
Rico Sennrich
Frédéric Blain
Lucia Specia
Jan Niehues
Alex Waibel
Alexandre Allauzen
Lauriane Aufrant
Franck Burlot
Elena Knyazeva
Thomas Lavergne
François Yvon
Mārcis Pinnis
Stella Frank
The Edit Distance Transducer in Action: The University of Cambridge English-German System at WMT16
Felix Stahlberg
Eva Hasler
Bill Byrne
Edinburgh’s Statistical Machine Translation Systems for WMT16
Philip Williams
Rico Sennrich
Maria Nădejde
Matthias Huck
Barry Haddow
Ondřej Bojar
The JHU Machine Translation Systems for WMT 2017
Shuoyang Ding
Huda Khayrallah
Philipp Koehn
Matt Post
Gaurav Kumar
Kevin Duh
Why not be Versatile? Applications of the SGNMT Decoder for Machine Translation
Felix Stahlberg
Danielle Saunders
Gonzalo Iglesias
Bill Byrne
On the Impact of Various Types of Noise on Neural Machine Translation
Huda Khayrallah
Philipp Koehn
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Machine Translation
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