Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Speed and Accuracy in Shallow and Deep Stochastic Parsing
Ron Kaplan
Stefan Riezler
Tracy H. King
John T. Maxwell III
Alex Vasserman
Richard Crouch
Paper Details:
Month: May 2 - May 7
Year: 2004
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
The Importance of Supertagging for Wide-Coverage CCG Parsing
Stephen Clark
James R. Curran
Skeletons in the parser: Using a shallow parser to improve deep parsing
Mary Swift
James Allen
Daniel Gildea
Wide-Coverage Semantic Representations from a CCG Parser
Johan Bos
Stephen Clark
Mark Steedman
James R. Curran
Julia Hockenmaier
Chart Pruning for Fast Lexicalised-Grammar Parsing
Yue Zhang
Byung-Gyu Ahn
Stephen Clark
Curt Van Wyk
James R. Curran
Laura Rimell
Structured Prediction Models via the Matrix-Tree Theorem
Terry Koo
Amir Globerson
Xavier Carreras
Michael Collins
Pro3Gres Parser in the CoNLL Domain Adaptation Shared Task
Gerold Schneider
Kaarel Kaljurand
Fabio Rinaldi
Tobias Kuhn
Parser Evaluation over Local and Non-Local Deep Dependencies in a Large Corpus
Emily M. Bender
Dan Flickinger
Stephan Oepen
Yi Zhang
Wide-Coverage Efficient Statistical Parsing with CCG and Log-Linear Models
Stephen Clark
James R. Curran
Feature Forest Models for Probabilistic HPSG Parsing
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
LFG Generation by Grammar Specialization
Jürgen Wedekind
Ronald M. Kaplan
Parsing for Grammatical Relations via Graph Merging
Weiwei Sun
Yantao Du
Xiaojun Wan
The Covert Helps Parse the Overt
Xun Zhang
Weiwei Sun
Xiaojun Wan
GENIA-GR: a Grammatical Relation Corpus for Parser Evaluation in the Biomedical Domain
Yuka Tateisi
Yusuke Miyao
Kenji Sagae
Jun’ichi Tsujii
RH: A Retro-Hybrid Parser
Paula Newman
Extrinsic Parse Selection
David Goss-Grubbs
Long-Distance Dependency Resolution in Automatically Acquired Wide-Coverage PCFG-Based LFG Approximations
Aoife Cahill
Michael Burke
Ruth O’Donovan
Josef van Genabith
Andy Way
Deep Dependencies from Context-Free Statistical Parsers: Correcting the Surface Dependency Approximation
Roger Levy
Christopher Manning
Probabilistic Disambiguation Models for Wide-Coverage HPSG Parsing
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Advances in Discriminative Parsing
Joseph Turian
I. Dan Melamed
Evaluating the Accuracy of an Unlexicalized Statistical Parser on the PARC DepBank
Ted Briscoe
John Carroll
Formalism-Independent Parser Evaluation with CCG and DepBank
Stephen Clark
James Curran
Linguistically Motivated Large-Scale NLP with C&C and Boxer
James Curran
Stephen Clark
Johan Bos
Task-oriented Evaluation of Syntactic Parsers and Their Representations
Yusuke Miyao
Rune Sætre
Kenji Sagae
Takuya Matsuzaki
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Transfer Learning for Constituency-Based Grammars
Yuan Zhang
Regina Barzilay
Amir Globerson
Grammatical Relations in Chinese: GB-Ground Extraction and Data-Driven Parsing
Weiwei Sun
Yantao Du
Xin Kou
Shuoyang Ding
Xiaojun Wan
A robust and hybrid deep-linguistic theory applied to large-scale parsing
Gerold Schneider
James Dowdall
Fabio Rinaldi
Max-Margin Parsing
Ben Taskar
Dan Klein
Mike Collins
Daphne Koller
Christopher Manning
Incremental Feature Selection and l1 Regularization for Relaxed Maximum-Entropy Modeling
Stefan Riezler
Alexander Vasserman
Efficient and Robust LFG Parsing: SxLFG
Pierre Boullier
Benoît Sagot
Efficacy of Beam Thresholding, Unification Filtering and Hybrid Parsing in Probabilistic HPSG Parsing
Takashi Ninomiya
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Efficient Extraction of Grammatical Relations
Rebecca Watson
John Carroll
Ted Briscoe
Generic Parsing for Multi-Domain Semantic Interpretation
Myroslava Dzikovska
Mary Swift
James Allen
William de Beaumont
Extremely Lexicalized Models for Accurate and Fast HPSG Parsing
Takashi Ninomiya
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Pruning the Search Space of a Hand-Crafted Parsing System with a Probabilistic Parser
Aoife Cahill
Tracy Holloway King
John T. Maxwell III
Improving the Efficiency of a Wide-Coverage CCG Parser
Bojan Djordjevic
James Curran
Stephen Clark
A log-linear model with an n-gram reference distribution for accurate HPSG parsing
Takashi Ninomiya
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Symbolic Preference Using Simple Scoring
Paula Newman
Automatic Treebank-Based Acquisition of Arabic LFG Dependency Structures
Lamia Tounsi
Mohammed Attia
Josef van Genabith
Findings of the 2013 Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation
Ondřej Bojar
Christian Buck
Chris Callison-Burch
Christian Federmann
Barry Haddow
Philipp Koehn
Christof Monz
Matt Post
Radu Soricut
Lucia Specia
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Information Extraction
Machine Translation
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