Authors Timeline
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Inducing History Representations for Broad Coverage Statistical Parsing
James Henderson
Paper Details:
Year: 2003
Fast and Robust Multilingual Dependency Parsing with a Generative Latent Variable Model
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Deriving lexical and syntactic expectation-based measures for psycholinguistic modeling via incremental top-down parsing
Brian Roark
Asaf Bachrach
Carlos Cardenas
Christophe Pallier
Top-Down Nearly-Context-Sensitive Parsing
Eugene Charniak
Parser Showdown at the Wall Street Corral: An Empirical Investigation of Error Types in Parser Output
Jonathan K. Kummerfeld
David Hall
James R. Curran
Dan Klein
Fast(er) Exact Decoding and Global Training for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing via a Minimal Feature Set
Tianze Shi
Liang Huang
Lillian Lee
Effective Inference for Generative Neural Parsing
Mitchell Stern
Daniel Fried
Dan Klein
Accurate Function Parsing
Paola Merlo
Gabriele Musillo
Discriminative Reranking for Natural Language Parsing
Michael Collins
Terry Koo
Incremental Recurrent Neural Network Dependency Parser with Search-based Discriminative Training
Majid Yazdani
James Henderson
Fully Parsing the Penn Treebank
Ryan Gabbard
Seth Kulick
Mitchell Marcus
Accurate Parsing of the Proposition Bank
Gabriele Musillo
Paola Merlo
Domain Adaptation with Artificial Data for Semantic Parsing of Speech
Lonneke van der Plas
James Henderson
Paola Merlo
Recurrent Neural Network Grammars
Chris Dyer
Adhiguna Kuncoro
Miguel Ballesteros
Noah A. Smith
Discriminative Training of a Neural Network Statistical Parser
James Henderson
Probabilistic CFG with Latent Annotations
Takuya Matsuzaki
Yusuke Miyao
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Data-Defined Kernels for Parse Reranking Derived from Probabilistic Models
James Henderson
Ivan Titov
Constituent Parsing with Incremental Sigmoid Belief Networks
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Unlexicalised Hidden Variable Models of Split Dependency Grammars
Gabriele Antonio Musillo
Paola Merlo
Less Grammar, More Features
David Hall
Greg Durrett
Dan Klein
Neural CRF Parsing
Greg Durrett
Dan Klein
Transition-based Neural Constituent Parsing
Taro Watanabe
Eiichiro Sumita
Globally Normalized Transition-Based Neural Networks
Daniel Andor
Chris Alberti
David Weiss
Aliaksei Severyn
Alessandro Presta
Kuzman Ganchev
Slav Petrov
Michael Collins
Incremental Parsing with Minimal Features Using Bi-Directional LSTM
James Cross
Liang Huang
A Generative Parser with a Discriminative Recognition Algorithm
Jianpeng Cheng
Adam Lopez
Mirella Lapata
Improving Neural Parsing by Disentangling Model Combination and Reranking Effects
Daniel Fried
Mitchell Stern
Dan Klein
LSTMs Can Learn Syntax-Sensitive Dependencies Well, But Modeling Structure Makes Them Better
Adhiguna Kuncoro
Chris Dyer
John Hale
Dani Yogatama
Stephen Clark
Phil Blunsom
Many Languages, One Parser
Waleed Ammar
George Mulcaire
Miguel Ballesteros
Chris Dyer
Noah A. Smith
Lookahead in Deterministic Left-Corner Parsing
James Henderson
Fast, Deep-Linguistic Statistical Dependency Parsing
Gerold Schneider
Fabio Rinaldi
James Dowdall
A robust and hybrid deep-linguistic theory applied to large-scale parsing
Gerold Schneider
James Dowdall
Fabio Rinaldi
Lexical and Structural Biases for Function Parsing
Gabriele Musillo
Paola Merlo
Constituent Parsing by Classification
Joseph Turian
I. Dan Melamed
Learning Phrasal Categories
William P. Headden III
Eugene Charniak
Mark Johnson
Loss Minimization in Parse Reranking
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Robust Parsing of the Proposition Bank
Gabriele Musillo
Paola Merlo
Porting Statistical Parsers with Data-Defined Kernels
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
A Latent Variable Model for Generative Dependency Parsing
Ivan Titov
James Henderson
Semantic Parsing for High-Precision Semantic Role Labelling
Paola Merlo
Gabriele Musillo
Arc-Standard Spinal Parsing with Stack-LSTMs
Miguel Ballesteros
Xavier Carreras
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Field Of Study
Morphological Analysis
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