Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
A Categorial Variation Database for English
Nizar Habash
Bonnie Dorr
Paper Details:
Year: 2003
Learning Entailment Rules for Unary Templates
Idan Szpektor
Ido Dagan
Towards Semantic Validation of a Derivational Lexicon
Britta Zeller
Sebastian Padó
Jan Šnajder
Predictability of Distributional Semantics in Derivational Word Formation
Sebastian Padó
Aurélie Herbelot
Max Kisselew
Jan Šnajder
A Latent Variable Model for Discourse-aware Concept and Entity Disambiguation
Angela Fahrni
Michael Strube
Learning Entailment Relations by Global Graph Structure Optimization
Jonathan Berant
Ido Dagan
Jacob Goldberger
Evaluation of a Machine Translation System for Low Resource Languages: METIS-II
Vincent Vandeghinste
Peter Dirix
Ineke Schuurman
Stella Markantonatou
Sokratis Sofianopoulos
Marina Vassiliou
Olga Yannoutsou
Toni Badia
Maite Melero
Gemma Boleda
Michael Carl
Paul Schmidt
| A High-Coverage Derivational Morphology Resource for Croatian
Jan Šnajder
Semantic Links for Portuguese
Fabricio Chalub
Livy Real
Alexandre Rademaker
Valeria de Paiva
Expanding Paraphrase Lexicons by Exploiting Lexical Variants
Atsushi Fujita
Pierre Isabelle
Supervised Open Information Extraction
Gabriel Stanovsky
Julian Michael
Luke Zettlemoyer
Ido Dagan
Inducing Frame Semantic Verb Classes from WordNet and LDOCE
Rebecca Green
Bonnie J. Dorr
Philip Resnik
Generating Entailment Rules from FrameNet
Roni Ben Aharon
Idan Szpektor
Ido Dagan
A Probabilistic Modeling Framework for Lexical Entailment
Eyal Shnarch
Jacob Goldberger
Ido Dagan
DErivBase: Inducing and Evaluating a Derivational Morphology Resource for German
Britta Zeller
Jan Šnajder
Sebastian Padó
PLIS: a Probabilistic Lexical Inference System
Eyal Shnarch
Erel Segal-haLevi
Jacob Goldberger
Ido Dagan
Semantic Structure Analysis of Noun Phrases using Abstract Meaning Representation
Yuichiro Sawai
Hiroyuki Shindo
Yuji Matsumoto
Predicting Correlations Between Lexical Alignments and Semantic Inferences
Simone Magnolini
Bernardo Magnini
A Probabilistic Lexical Model for Ranking Textual Inferences
Eyal Shnarch
Ido Dagan
Jacob Goldberger
Statistical Machine Translation Using Coercive Two-Level Syntactic Transduction
Charles Schafer
David Yarowsky
Interpretation of Compound Nominalisations using Corpus and Web Statistics
Jeremy Nicholson
Timothy Baldwin
Adjective-to-Verb Paraphrasing in Japanese Based on Lexical Constraints of Verbs
Atsushi Fujita
Naruaki Masuno
Satoshi Sato
Takehito Utsuro
Towards Strict Sentence Intersection: Decoding and Evaluation Strategies
Kapil Thadani
Kathleen McKeown
Towards a Probabilistic Model for Lexical Entailment
Eyal Shnarch
Jacob Goldberger
Ido Dagan
Constructing Coherent Event Hierarchies from News Stories
Goran Glavaš
Jan Šnajder
The Case for Systematically Derived Spatial Language Usage
Bonnie Dorr
Clare Voss
STYLUS: A Resource for Systematically Derived Language Usage
Bonnie Dorr
Clare Voss
Assisted Nominalization for Academic English Writing
John Lee
Dariush Saberi
Marvin Lam
Jonathan Webster
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Morphological Analysis
Information Retrieval
Language Generation
Machine Translation
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