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The LMU System for the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task on Universal Morphological Reinflection
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Paper Details:
Month: August
Year: 2017
Location: Vancouver
Challenges of language technologies for the indigenous languages of the Americas
Manuel Mager
Ximena Gutierrez-Vasques
Gerardo Sierra
Ivan Meza-Ruiz
Neural Transductive Learning and Beyond: Morphological Generation in the Minimal-Resource Setting
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Neural Multi-Source Morphological Reinflection
Katharina Kann
Ryan Cotterell
Hinrich Schütze
Neural Graphical Models over Strings for Principal Parts Morphological Paradigm Completion
Ryan Cotterell
John Sylak-Glassman
Christo Kirov
CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection in 52 Languages
Ryan Cotterell
Christo Kirov
John Sylak-Glassman
Géraldine Walther
Ekaterina Vylomova
Patrick Xia
Manaal Faruqui
Sandra Kübler
David Yarowsky
Jason Eisner
Mans Hulden
Training Data Augmentation for Low-Resource Morphological Inflection
Toms Bergmanis
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Sharon Goldwater
The LMU System for the CoNLL-SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task on Universal Morphological Reinflection
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Align and Copy: UZH at SIGMORPHON 2017 Shared Task for Morphological Reinflection
Peter Makarov
Tatiana Ruzsics
Simon Clematide
Data Augmentation for Morphological Reinflection
Miikka Silfverberg
Adam Wiemerslage
Ling Liu
Lingshuang Jack Mao
Seq2seq for Morphological Reinflection: When Deep Learning Fails
Hajime Senuma
Akiko Aizawa
UZH at CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task on Universal Morphological Reinflection
Peter Makarov
Simon Clematide
Morphological Reinflection in Context: CU Boulder’s Submission to CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task
Ling Liu
Ilamvazhuthy Subbiah
Adam Wiemerslage
Jonathan Lilley
Sarah Moeller
Copenhagen at CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018: Multilingual Inflection in Context with Explicit Morphosyntactic Decoding
Yova Kementchedjhieva
Johannes Bjerva
Isabelle Augenstein
Tübingen-Oslo system at SIGMORPHON shared task on morphological inflection. A multi-tasking multilingual sequence to sequence model.
Taraka Rama
Çağrı Çöltekin
BME-HAS System for CoNLL–SIGMORPHON 2018 Shared Task: Universal Morphological Reinflection
Judit Ács
Context Sensitive Neural Lemmatization with Lematus
Toms Bergmanis
Sharon Goldwater
One-Shot Neural Cross-Lingual Transfer for Paradigm Completion
Katharina Kann
Ryan Cotterell
Hinrich Schütze
Recurrent Neural Networks in Linguistic Theory: Revisiting Pinker and Prince (1988) and the Past Tense Debate
Christo Kirov
Ryan Cotterell
A Comparison of Feature-Based and Neural Scansion of Poetry
Manex Agirrezabal
Iñaki Alegria
Mans Hulden
Character-based recurrent neural networks for morphological relational reasoning
Olof Mogren
Richard Johansson
Unlabeled Data for Morphological Generation With Character-Based Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Katharina Kann
Hinrich Schütze
Sound Analogies with Phoneme Embeddings
Miikka P. Silfverberg
Lingshuang Mao
Mans Hulden
The OSU Realizer for SRST ‘18: Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Inflection and Incremental Locality-Based Linearization
David King
Michael White
Phonological Features for Morphological Inflection
Adam Wiemerslage
Miikka Silfverberg
Mans Hulden
Data-Driven Morphological Analysis for Uralic Languages
Miikka Silfverberg
Francis Tyers
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Morphological Analysis
Machine Translation
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