Authors Timeline
Field of Study
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Generalizing Case Frames Using a Thesaurus and the MDL Principle
Hang Li
Naoki Abe
Paper Details:
Year: 1998
CL |
A Class-based Probabilistic approach to Structural Disambiguation
Stephen Clark
David Weir
Semi-Supervised WSD in Selectional Preferences with Semantic Redundancy
Xuri Tang
Xiaohe Chen
Weiguang Qu
Shiwen Yu
Improving Statistical Machine Translation with Selectional Preferences
Haiqing Tang
Deyi Xiong
Min Zhang
Zhengxian Gong
Modeling Context-sensitive Selectional Preference with Distributed Representations
Naoya Inoue
Yuichiroh Matsubayashi
Masayuki Ono
Naoaki Okazaki
Kentaro Inui
Detecting Compositionality of Verb-Object Combinations using Selectional Preferences
Diana McCarthy
Sriram Venkatapathy
Aravind Joshi
Discriminative Learning of Selectional Preference from Unlabeled Text
Shane Bergsma
Dekang Lin
Randy Goebel
Local and Global Context for Supervised and Unsupervised Metonymy Resolution
Vivi Nastase
Alex Judea
Katja Markert
Michael Strube
A Neural Network Approach to Selectional Preference Acquisition
Tim Van de Cruys
A Comparison of Selectional Preference Models for Automatic Verb Classification
Will Roberts
Markus Egg
Evaluating and Combining Approaches to Selectional Preference Acquisition
Carsten Brockmann
Mirella Lapata
Deriving Generalized Knowledge from Corpora Using WordNet Abstraction
Benjamin Van Durme
Phillip Michalak
Lenhart Schubert
A Semantic Scattering Model for the Automatic Interpretation of Genitives
Dan Moldovan
Adriana Badulescu
Unsupervised All-words Word Sense Disambiguation with Grammatical Dependencies
Vivi Nastase
Class-Based Probability Estimation Using a Semantic Hierarchy
Stephen Clark
David Weir
The Disambiguation of Nominalizations
Maria Lapata
A Probabilistic Account of Logical Metonymy
Maria Lapata
Alex Lascarides
Using the Web to Obtain Frequencies for Unseen Bigrams
Frank Keller
Mirella Lapata
Disambiguating Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives Using Automatically Acquired Selectional Preferences
Diana McCarthy
John Carroll
CorMet: A Computational, Corpus-Based Conventional Metaphor Extraction System
Zachary J. Mason
Co-occurrence Retrieval: A Flexible Framework for Lexical Distributional Similarity
Julie Weeds
David Weir
Experiments on the Automatic Induction of German Semantic Verb Classes
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Selectional Preferences for Semantic Role Classification
Beñat Zapirain
Eneko Agirre
Lluís Màrquez
Mihai Surdeanu
Probabilistic Distributional Semantics with Latent Variable Models
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Anna Korhonen
Generalizing Case Frames Using a Thesaurus and the MDL Principle
Hang Li
Naoki Abe
Learning Dependencies between Case Frame Slots
Hang Li
Naoki Abe
Unsupervised Acquisition of Verb Subcategorization Frames from Shallow-Parsed Corpora
Alessandro Lenci
Barbara McGillivray
Simonetta Montemagni
Vito Pirrelli
Tree-Cut and a Lexicon Based on Systematic Polysemy
Noriko Tomuro
Class-Based Probability Estimation Using a Semantic Hierarchy
Stephen Clark
David Weir
Unsupervised methods for developing taxonomies by combining syntactic and statistical information
Dominic Widdows
The Descent of Hierarchy, and Selection in Relational Semantics
Barbara Rosario
Marti Hearst
Charles Fillmore
Searching Questions by Identifying Question Topic and Question Focus
Huizhong Duan
Yunbo Cao
Chin-Yew Lin
Yong Yu
Improving Parsing and PP Attachment Performance with Sense Information
Eneko Agirre
Timothy Baldwin
David Martinez
Combining EM Training and the MDL Principle for an Automatic Verb Classification Incorporating Selectional Preferences
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Christian Hying
Christian Scheible
Helmut Schmid
Fully Unsupervised Core-Adjunct Argument Classification
Omri Abend
Ari Rappoport
A Latent Dirichlet Allocation Method for Selectional Preferences
Alan Ritter
Oren Etzioni
Automatic Selectional Preference Acquisition for Latin Verbs
Barbara McGillivray
A Random Walk Approach to Selectional Preferences Based on Preference Ranking and Propagation
Zhenhua Tian
Hengheng Xiang
Ziqi Liu
Qinghua Zheng
evision PDF of 'SPred: Large-scale Harvesting of Semantic Predicates
Tiziano Flati
Roberto Navigli
Perceptually Grounded Selectional Preferences
Ekaterina Shutova
Niket Tandon
Gerard de Melo
Word Clustering and Disambiguation Based on Co-occurrence Data
Hang Li
Naoki Abe
A Connectionist Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment for Real World Texts
Josep M. Sopena
Agusti LLoberas
Joan L. Moliner
Modelling selectional preferences in a lexical hierarchy
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Anna Korhonen
Automatic Extraction of Systematic Polysemy Using Tree-cut
Noriko Tomuro
Classifying the Semantic Relations in Noun Compounds via a Domain-Specific Lexical Hierarchy
Barbara Rosario
Marti Hearst
Calculating Semantic Distance between Word Sense Probability Distributions
Vivian Tsang
Suzanne Stevenson
Using Selectional Profile Distance to Detect Verb Alternations
Vivian Tsang
Suzanne Stevenson
Effective use of WordNet Semantics via Kernel-Based Learning
Roberto Basili
Marco Cammisa
Alessandro Moschitti
A Cognitive Model for the Representation and Acquisition of Verb Selectional Preferences
Afra Alishahi
Suzanne Stevenson
Predicting Fine-grained Social Roles with Selectional Preferences
Charley Beller
Craig Harman
Benjamin Van Durme
An Iterative Approach to Estimating Frequencies over a Semantic Hierarchy
Stephen Clark
David Weir
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Lexical Semantics
Knowledge Acquisition
Bayesian Model
Unsupervised Learning
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