Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Semantic Role Labeling of Implicit Arguments for Nominal Predicates
Matthew Gerber
Joyce Y. Chai
Paper Details:
Year: 2012
CL |
Predicate-Argument Structure Analysis with Zero-Anaphora Resolution for Dialogue Systems
Kenji Imamura
Ryuichiro Higashinaka
Tomoko Izumi
AMR Beyond the Sentence: the Multi-sentence AMR corpus
Tim O’Gorman
Michael Regan
Kira Griffitt
Ulf Hermjakob
Kevin Knight
Martha Palmer
Composition of Word Representations Improves Semantic Role Labelling
Michael Roth
Kristian Woodsend
Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to Infer Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Crowdsourcing Annotation of Non-Local Semantic Roles
Parvin Sadat Feizabadi
Sebastian Padó
Improving Implicit Semantic Role Labeling by Predicting Semantic Frame Arguments
Quynh Ngoc Thi Do
Steven Bethard
Marie-Francine Moens
Global Inference for Bridging Anaphora Resolution
Yufang Hou
Katja Markert
Michael Strube
Inferring Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge from Semantic Roles
Eduardo Blanco
Alakananda Vempala
Unsupervised Learning of Prototypical Fillers for Implicit Semantic Role Labeling
Niko Schenk
Christian Chiarcos
Implicit Argument Prediction with Event Knowledge
Pengxiang Cheng
Katrin Erk
ImpAr: A Deterministic Algorithm for Implicit Semantic Role Labelling
Egoitz Laparra
German Rigau
Recognizing Implied Predicate-Argument Relationships in Textual Inference
Asher Stern
Ido Dagan
Document Level Time-anchoring for TimeLine Extraction
Egoitz Laparra
Itziar Aldabe
German Rigau
Context-aware Frame-Semantic Role Labeling
Michael Roth
Mirella Lapata
Towards the Unsupervised Acquisition of Implicit Semantic Roles
Niko Schenk
Christian Chiarcos
Maria Sukhareva
Casting Implicit Role Linking as an Anaphora Resolution Task
Carina Silberer
Anette Frank
Automatically Identifying Implicit Arguments to Improve Argument Linking and Coherence Modeling
Michael Roth
Anette Frank
Combining Seemingly Incompatible Corpora for Implicit Semantic Role Labeling
Parvin Sadat Feizabadi
Sebastian Padó
Interpreting Consumer Health Questions: The Role of Anaphora and Ellipsis
Halil Kilicoglu
Marcelo Fiszman
Dina Demner-Fushman
Likelihood of External Causation in the Structure of Events
Tanja Samardžić
Paola Merlo
Intermediary Semantic Representation through Proposition Structures
Gabriel Stanovsky
Jessica Ficler
Ido Dagan
Yoav Goldberg
Statistical Models for Frame-Semantic Parsing
Dipanjan Das
Memory-Based Acquisition of Argument Structures and its Application to Implicit Role Detection
Christian Chiarcos
Niko Schenk
Resource-Lean Modeling of Coherence in Commonsense Stories
Niko Schenk
Christian Chiarcos
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Semantic Similarity
Information Extraction
Question Answering
Coreference Resolution
Discriminative Model
Unsupervised Learning
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