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An Investigation into the Validity of Some Metrics for Automatically Evaluating Natural Language Generation Systems
Ehud Reiter
Anja Belz
Paper Details:
Year: 2009
CL |
Evaluating the text quality, human likeness and tailoring component of PASS: A Dutch data-to-text system for soccer
Chris van der Lee
Bart Verduijn
Emiel Krahmer
Sander Wubben
Further Meta-Evaluation of Broad-Coverage Surface Realization
Dominic Espinosa
Rajakrishnan Rajkumar
Michael White
Shoshana Berleant
How NOT To Evaluate Your Dialogue System: An Empirical Study of Unsupervised Evaluation Metrics for Dialogue Response Generation
Chia-Wei Liu
Ryan Lowe
Iulian Serban
Mike Noseworthy
Laurent Charlin
Joelle Pineau
Midge: Generating Image Descriptions From Computer Vision Detections
Margaret Mitchell
Jesse Dodge
Amit Goyal
Kota Yamaguchi
Karl Stratos
Xufeng Han
Alyssa Mensch
Alex Berg
Tamara Berg
Hal Daumé III
A Comparative Evaluation Methodology for NLG in Interactive Systems
Helen Hastie
Anja Belz
Flow Graph Corpus from Recipe Texts
Shinsuke Mori
Hirokuni Maeta
Yoko Yamakata
Tetsuro Sasada
Generating Expressions that Refer to Visible Objects
Margaret Mitchell
Kees van Deemter
Ehud Reiter
Correlating Human and Automatic Evaluation of a German Surface Realiser
Aoife Cahill
Comparing Automatic Evaluation Measures for Image Description
Desmond Elliott
Frank Keller
Learning to Generate Move-by-Move Commentary for Chess Games from Large-Scale Social Forum Data
Harsh Jhamtani
Varun Gangal
Eduard Hovy
Graham Neubig
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Probabilistic Verb Selection for Data-to-Text Generation
Dell Zhang
Jiahao Yuan
Xiaoling Wang
Adam Foster
Textual Properties and Task-based Evaluation: Investigating the Role of Surface Properties, Structure and Content
Albert Gatt
François Portet
Towards an Extrinsic Evaluation of Referring Expressions in Situated Dialogs
Philipp Spanger
Ryu Iida
Takenobu Tokunaga
Asuka Terai
Naoko Kuriyama
Learning Preferences for Referring Expression Generation: Effects of Domain, Language and Algorithm
Ruud Koolen
Emiel Krahmer
Mariët Theune
An eye-tracking evaluation of some parser complexity metrics
Matthew J. Green
A language-independent method for the extraction of RDF verbalization templates
Basil Ell
Andreas Harth
Reading Times Predict the Quality of Generated Text Above and Beyond Human Ratings
Sina Zarrieß
Sebastian Loth
David Schlangen
A Snapshot of NLG Evaluation Practices 2005 - 2014
Dimitra Gkatzia
Saad Mahamood
Absolute and Relative Properties in Geographic Referring Expressions
Rodrigo de Oliveira
Somayajulu Sripada
Ehud Reiter
Treat the system like a human student: Automatic naturalness evaluation of generated text without reference texts
Isabel Groves
Ye Tian
Ioannis Douratsos
Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Data-to-Text Natural Language Generation: Word- vs. Character-based Processing and Output Diversity
Glorianna Jagfeld
Sabrina Jenne
Ngoc Thang Vu
Generation of Company descriptions using concept-to-text and text-to-text deep models: dataset collection and systems evaluation
Raheel Qader
Khoder Jneid
François Portet
Cyril Labbé
Evaluation methodologies in Automatic Question Generation 2013-2018
Jacopo Amidei
Paul Piwek
Alistair Willis
E2E NLG Challenge: Neural Models vs. Templates
Yevgeniy Puzikov
Iryna Gurevych
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Language Generation
Machine Translation
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