Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Automatic Discovery of Part-Whole Relations
Roxana Girju
Adriana Badulescu
Dan Moldovan
Paper Details:
Year: 2006
CL |
Looking for Trouble
Stijn De Saeger
Kentaro Torisawa
Jun’ichi Kazama
Automated Translation of Semantic Relationships
Dmitry Davidov
Ari Rappoport
Composition of Semantic Relations: Model and Applications
Eduardo Blanco
Hakki C. Cankaya
Dan Moldovan
Inclusive yet Selective: Supervised Distributional Hypernymy Detection
Stephen Roller
Katrin Erk
Gemma Boleda
Automatic Discovery of Manner Relations and its Applications
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Dual Tensor Model for Detecting Asymmetric Lexico-Semantic Relations
Goran Glavaš
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
The Syntax and Semantics of Prepositions in the Task of Automatic Interpretation of Nominal Phrases and Compounds: A Cross-Linguistic Study
Roxana Girju
OntoLearn Reloaded: A Graph-Based Algorithm for Taxonomy Induction
Paola Velardi
Stefano Faralli
Roberto Navigli
L-ISA: Learning Domain Specific Isa-Relations from the Web
Alessandra Potrich
Emanuele Pianta
Designing and Evaluating a Reliable Corpus of Web Genres via Crowd-Sourcing
Noushin Rezapour Asheghi
Serge Sharoff
Katja Markert
Combining dependency information and generalization in a pattern-based approach to the classification of lexical-semantic relation instances
Silvia Necşulescu
Sara Mendes
Núria Bel
EVALution-MAN: A Chinese Dataset for the Training and Evaluation of DSMs
Liu Hongchao
Karl Neergaard
Enrico Santus
Chu-Ren Huang
Network Features Based Co-hyponymy Detection
Abhik Jana
Pawan Goyal
Inferring Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge from Semantic Roles
Eduardo Blanco
Alakananda Vempala
Mining Possessions: Existence, Type and Temporal Anchors
Dhivya Chinnappa
Eduardo Blanco
A Metric-based Framework for Automatic Taxonomy Induction
Hui Yang
Jamie Callan
Extraction and Approximation of Numerical Attributes from the Web
Dmitry Davidov
Ari Rappoport
On Learning Subtypes of the Part-Whole Relation: Do Not Mix Your Seeds
Ashwin Ittoo
Gosse Bouma
Knowledge-Rich Word Sense Disambiguation Rivaling Supervised Systems
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Roberto Navigli
Automatically Generating Term Frequency Induced Taxonomies
Karin Murthy
Tanveer A Faruquie
L Venkata Subramaniam
Hima Prasad K
Mukesh Mohania
Using Conceptual Class Attributes to Characterize Social Media Users
Shane Bergsma
Benjamin Van Durme
Combining Word Patterns and Discourse Markers for Paradigmatic Relation Classification
Michael Roth
Sabine Schulte im Walde
A VSM-based Statistical Model for the Semantic Relation Interpretation of Noun-Modifier Pairs
Nitesh Surtani
Soma Paul
Reading Between the Lines: Overcoming Data Sparsity for Accurate Classification of Lexical Relationships
Silvia Necşulescu
Sara Mendes
David Jurgens
Núria Bel
Roberto Navigli
Recognition and extraction of definitional contexts in Spanish for sketching a lexical network
César Aguilar
Olga Acosta
Gerardo Sierra
Predicting Cognitively Salient Modifiers of the Constitutive Parts of Concepts
Gerhard Kremer
Marco Baroni
Towards the Automatic Creation of a Wordnet from a Term-Based Lexical Network
Hugo Gonçalo Oliveira
Paulo Gomes
A Model for Composing Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Towards semi-automatic methods for improving WordNet
Nervo Verdezoto
Laure Vieu
Extracting glossary sentences from scholarly articles: A comparative evaluation of pattern bootstrapping and deep analysis
Melanie Reiplinger
Ulrich Schäfer
Magdalena Wolska
Integrating Word Embedding Offsets into the Espresso System for Part-Whole Relation Extraction
Van-Thuy Phi
Yuji Matsumoto
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Lexical Semantics
Word Sense Disambiguation
Semantic Similarity
Question Answering
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