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Recognising Textual Entailment with Logical Inference
Johan Bos
Katja Markert
Paper Details:
Month: October
Year: 2005
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Efficiently Parsing with the Product-Free Lambek Calculus
Timothy A. D. Fowler
Metaphor in Textual Entailment
Rodrigo Agerri
Adopting the Word-Pair-Dependency-Triplets with Individual Comparison for Natural Language Inference
Qianlong Du
Chengqing Zong
Keh-Yih Su
Ensure the Correctness of the Summary: Incorporate Entailment Knowledge into Abstractive Sentence Summarization
Haoran Li
Junnan Zhu
Jiajun Zhang
Chengqing Zong
Towards Conversation Entailment: An Empirical Investigation
Chen Zhang
Joyce Chai
A large annotated corpus for learning natural language inference
Samuel R. Bowman
Gabor Angeli
Christopher Potts
Christopher D. Manning
A Tableau Prover for Natural Logic and Language
Lasha Abzianidze
Building compositional semantics and higher-order inference system for a wide-coverage Japanese CCG parser
Koji Mineshima
Ribeka Tanaka
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Yusuke Miyao
Daisuke Bekki
LangPro: Natural Language Theorem Prover
Lasha Abzianidze
Distributional Lexical Entailment by Topic Coherence
Laura Rimell
On-demand Injection of Lexical Knowledge for Recognising Textual Entailment
Pascual Martínez-Gómez
Koji Mineshima
Yusuke Miyao
Daisuke Bekki
CCGbank: A Corpus of CCG Derivations and Dependency Structures Extracted from the Penn Treebank
Julia Hockenmaier
Mark Steedman
Adversarially Regularising Neural NLI Models to Integrate Logical Background Knowledge
Pasquale Minervini
Sebastian Riedel
Performance Impact Caused by Hidden Bias of Training Data for Recognizing Textual Entailment
Masatoshi Tsuchiya
Effectively Using Syntax for Recognizing False Entailment
Rion Snow
Lucy Vanderwende
Arul Menezes
Learning to recognize features of valid textual entailments
Bill MacCartney
Trond Grenager
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
Daniel Cer
Christopher D. Manning
Without a ’doubt’? Unsupervised Discovery of Downward-Entailing Operators
Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil
Lillian Lee
Richard Ducott
Syntactic/Semantic Structures for Textual Entailment Recognition
Yashar Mehdad
Alessandro Moschitti
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Injecting Logical Background Knowledge into Embeddings for Relation Extraction
Tim Rocktäschel
Sameer Singh
Sebastian Riedel
Abstract Meaning Representation for Paraphrase Detection
Fuad Issa
Marco Damonte
Shay B. Cohen
Xiaohui Yan
Yi Chang
Automatic Learning of Textual Entailments with Cross-Pair Similarities
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Alessandro Moschitti
A Logic-Based Semantic Approach to Recognizing Textual Entailment
Marta Tatu
Dan Moldovan
Assessing the Role of Discourse References in Entailment Inference
Shachar Mirkin
Ido Dagan
Sebastian Padó
Semantic Representation of Negation Using Focus Detection
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
BIUTEE: A Modular Open-Source System for Recognizing Textual Entailment
Asher Stern
Ido Dagan
Logical Inference on Dependency-based Compositional Semantics
Ran Tian
Yusuke Miyao
Takuya Matsuzaki
The State of the Art in Semantic Representation
Omri Abend
Ari Rappoport
Event2Mind: Commonsense Inference on Events, Intents, and Reactions
Hannah Rashkin
Maarten Sap
Emily Allaway
Noah A. Smith
Yejin Choi
Combined Distributional and Logical Semantics
Mike Lewis
Mark Steedman
A Graph-based Text Similarity Measure That Employs Named Entity Information
Leonidas Tsekouras
Iraklis Varlamis
George Giannakopoulos
DeepPurple: Estimating Sentence Semantic Similarity using N-gram Regression Models and Web Snippets
Nikos Malandrakis
Elias Iosif
Alexandros Potamianos
ICT: A Translation based Method for Cross-lingual Textual Entailment
Fandong Meng
Hao Xiong
Qun Liu
Montague Meets Markov: Deep Semantics with Probabilistic Logical Form
Islam Beltagy
Cuong Chau
Gemma Boleda
Dan Garrette
Katrin Erk
Raymond Mooney
DeepPurple: Lexical, String and Affective Feature Fusion for Sentence-Level Semantic Similarity Estimation
Nikolaos Malandrakis
Elias Iosif
Vassiliki Prokopi
Alexandros Potamianos
Shrikanth Narayanan
ECNU: One Stone Two Birds: Ensemble of Heterogenous Measures for Semantic Relatedness and Textual Entailment
Jiang Zhao
Tiantian Zhu
Man Lan
The Meaning Factory: Formal Semantics for Recognizing Textual Entailment and Determining Semantic Similarity
Johannes Bjerva
Johan Bos
Rob van der Goot
Malvina Nissim
TATO: Leveraging on Multiple Strategies for Semantic Textual Similarity
Tu Thanh Vu
Quan Hung Tran
Son Bao Pham
Lexical Reference: a Semantic Matching Subtask
Oren Glickman
Eyal Shnarch
Ido Dagan
Encoding Tree Pair-Based Graphs in Learning Algorithms: The Textual Entailment Recognition Case
Alessandro Moschitti
Fabio Massimo Zanzotto
Integrating Logical Representations with Probabilistic Information using Markov Logic
Dan Garrette
Katrin Erk
Raymond Mooney
Low-Dimensional Embeddings of Logic
Tim Rocktäschel
Matko Bosnjak
Sameer Singh
Sebastian Riedel
Fact Checking: Task definition and dataset construction
Andreas Vlachos
Sebastian Riedel
Exploiting Timegraphs in Temporal Relation Classification
Natsuda Laokulrat
Makoto Miwa
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
A Type-Theoretical system for the FraCaS test suite: Grammatical Framework meets Coq
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Stergios Chatzikyriakidis
Action Languages and Question Answering
Yuliya Lierler
Daniela Inclezan
Michael Gelfond
Fine-Grained Discourse Structures in Continuation Semantics
Timothée Bernard
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Word Sense Disambiguation
Textual Entailment
Knowledge Acquisition
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