Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Collective Content Selection for Concept-to-Text Generation
Regina Barzilay
Mirella Lapata
Paper Details:
Month: October
Year: 2005
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
The Power of Negative Thinking: Exploiting Label Disagreement in the Min-cut Classification Framework
Mohit Bansal
Claire Cardie
Lillian Lee
Computing EM-based Alignments of Routes and Route Directions as a Basis for Natural Language Generation
Michael Roth
Anette Frank
Building RDF Content for Data-to-Text Generation
Laura Perez-Beltrachini
Rania Sayed
Claire Gardent
Point Precisely: Towards Ensuring the Precision of Data in Generated Texts Using Delayed Copy Mechanism
Liunian Li
Xiaojun Wan
Inducing Document Plans for Concept-to-Text Generation
Ioannis Konstas
Mirella Lapata
Learning Distributions over Logical Forms for Referring Expression Generation
Nicholas FitzGerald
Yoav Artzi
Luke Zettlemoyer
Globally Coherent Text Generation with Neural Checklist Models
Chloé Kiddon
Luke Zettlemoyer
Yejin Choi
Neural Text Generation from Structured Data with Application to the Biography Domain
Rémi Lebret
David Grangier
Michael Auli
Challenges in Data-to-Document Generation
Sam Wiseman
Stuart Shieber
Alexander Rush
Generating More Interesting Responses in Neural Conversation Models with Distributional Constraints
Ashutosh Baheti
Alan Ritter
Jiwei Li
Bill Dolan
Domain-Adaptable Hybrid Generation of RDF Entity Descriptions
Or Biran
Kathleen McKeown
Acquisition and Assessment of Semantic Content for the Generation of Elaborateness and Indirectness in Spoken Dialogue Systems
Louisa Pragst
Koichiro Yoshino
Wolfgang Minker
Satoshi Nakamura
Stefan Ultes
Aggregation via Set Partitioning for Natural Language Generation
Regina Barzilay
Mirella Lapata
Unsupervised Concept-to-text Generation with Hypergraphs
Ioannis Konstas
Mirella Lapata
What to talk about and how? Selective Generation using LSTMs with Coarse-to-Fine Alignment
Hongyuan Mei
Mohit Bansal
Matthew R. Walter
Bootstrapping Generators from Noisy Data
Laura Perez-Beltrachini
Mirella Lapata
Generating Descriptions from Structured Data Using a Bifocal Attention Mechanism and Gated Orthogonalization
Preksha Nema
Shreyas Shetty
Parag Jain
Anirban Laha
Karthik Sankaranarayanan
Mitesh M. Khapra
Multi-lingual neural title generation for e-Commerce browse pages
Prashant Mathur
Nicola Ueffing
Gregor Leusch
Learning Semantic Correspondences with Less Supervision
Percy Liang
Michael Jordan
Dan Klein
Learning to Tell Tales: A Data-driven Approach to Story Generation
Neil McIntyre
Mirella Lapata
Structural Topic Model for Latent Topical Structure Analysis
Hongning Wang
Duo Zhang
ChengXiang Zhai
A Statistical NLG Framework for Aggregated Planning and Realization
Ravi Kondadadi
Blake Howald
Frank Schilder
Using Integer Linear Programming in Concept-to-Text Generation to Produce More Compact Texts
Gerasimos Lampouras
Ion Androutsopoulos
Comparing Multi-label Classification with Reinforcement Learning for Summarisation of Time-series Data
Dimitra Gkatzia
Helen Hastie
Oliver Lemon
Learning to Generate Market Comments from Stock Prices
Soichiro Murakami
Akihiko Watanabe
Akira Miyazawa
Keiichi Goshima
Toshihiko Yanase
Hiroya Takamura
Yusuke Miyao
Parsing entire discourses as very long strings: Capturing topic continuity in grounded language learning
Minh-Thang Luong
Michael C. Frank
Mark Johnson
Get out the vote: Determining support or opposition from Congressional floor-debate transcripts
Matt Thomas
Bo Pang
Lillian Lee
What’s In a Message? Interpreting Geo-referenced Data for the Visually-impaired
Kavita Thomas
Yaji Sripada
Investigating Content Selection for Language Generation using Machine Learning
Colin Kelly
Ann Copestake
Nikiforos Karamanis
BALLGAME: A Corpus for Computational Semantics
Ezra Keshet
Terrence Szymanski
Stephen Tyndall
Content Selection From Semantic Web Data
Nadjet Bouayad-Agha
Gerard Casamayor
Leo Wanner
Chris Mellish
Using Integer Linear Programming for Content Selection, Lexicalization, and Aggregation to Produce Compact Texts from OWL Ontologies
Gerasimos Lampouras
Ion Androutsopoulos
Generating Student Feedback from Time-Series Data Using Reinforcement Learning
Dimitra Gkatzia
Helen Hastie
Srinivasan Janarthanam
Oliver Lemon
GenNext: A Consolidated Domain Adaptable NLG System
Frank Schilder
Blake Howald
Ravi Kondadadi
Inducing Clause-Combining Rules: A Case Study with the SPaRKy Restaurant Corpus
Michael White
David M. Howcroft
PASS: A Dutch data-to-text system for soccer, targeted towards specific audiences
Chris van der Lee
Emiel Krahmer
Sander Wubben
Modeling Linguistic and Personality Adaptation for Natural Language Generation
Zhichao Hu
Jean Fox Tree
Marilyn Walker
Automated learning of templates for data-to-text generation: comparing rule-based, statistical and neural methods
Chris van der Lee
Emiel Krahmer
Sander Wubben
Can Neural Generators for Dialogue Learn Sentence Planning and Discourse Structuring?
Lena Reed
Shereen Oraby
Marilyn Walker
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Language Generation
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