Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
Word Embeddings through Hellinger PCA
Rémi Lebret
Ronan Collobert
Paper Details:
Month: April
Year: 2014
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
PersoNER: Persian Named-Entity Recognition
Hanieh Poostchi
Ehsan Zare Borzeshi
Mohammad Abdous
Massimo Piccardi
Task-oriented Word Embedding for Text Classification
Qian Liu
Heyan Huang
Yang Gao
Xiaochi Wei
Yuxin Tian
Luyang Liu
Composition of Word Representations Improves Semantic Role Labelling
Michael Roth
Kristian Woodsend
Glove: Global Vectors for Word Representation
Jeffrey Pennington
Richard Socher
Christopher Manning
Evaluation methods for unsupervised word embeddings
Tobias Schnabel
Igor Labutov
David Mimno
Thorsten Joachims
Sentiment Flow - A General Model of Web Review Argumentation
Henning Wachsmuth
Johannes Kiesel
Benno Stein
Comparing Word Representations for Implicit Discourse Relation Classification
Chloé Braud
Pascal Denis
Learning Connective-based Word Representations for Implicit Discourse Relation Identification
Chloé Braud
Pascal Denis
Robust Gram Embeddings
Taygun Kekeç
David M. J. Tax
Neural Text Generation from Structured Data with Application to the Biography Domain
Rémi Lebret
David Grangier
Michael Auli
Delexicalized Word Embeddings for Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing
Mathieu Dehouck
Pascal Denis
Online Learning of Task-specific Word Representations with a Joint Biconvex Passive-Aggressive Algorithm
Pascal Denis
Liva Ralaivola
Symmetric Pattern Based Word Embeddings for Improved Word Similarity Prediction
Roy Schwartz
Roi Reichart
Ari Rappoport
BiLSTM-CRF for Persian Named-Entity Recognition ArmanPersoNERCorpus: the First Entity-Annotated Persian Dataset
Hanieh Poostchi
Ehsan Zare Borzeshi
Massimo Piccardi
Multiview LSA: Representation Learning via Generalized CCA
Pushpendre Rastogi
Benjamin Van Durme
Raman Arora
Global Relation Embedding for Relation Extraction
Yu Su
Honglei Liu
Semih Yavuz
Izzeddin Gür
Huan Sun
Xifeng Yan
Vector space semantics with frequency-driven motifs
Shashank Srivastava
Eduard Hovy
Learning Word Representations by Jointly Modeling Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic Relations
Fei Sun
Jiafeng Guo
Yanyan Lan
Jun Xu
Xueqi Cheng
Strategies for Training Large Vocabulary Neural Language Models
Wenlin Chen
David Grangier
Michael Auli
DeepNL: a Deep Learning NLP pipeline
Giuseppe Attardi
An Improved Crowdsourcing Based Evaluation Technique for Word Embedding Methods
Farhana Ferdousi Liza
Marek Grześ
Bidirectional LSTM-CRF for Clinical Concept Extraction
Raghavendra Chalapathy
Ehsan Zare Borzeshi
Massimo Piccardi
Real-valued Syntactic Word Vectors (RSV) for Greedy Neural Dependency Parsing
Ali Basirat
Joakim Nivre
Spectral Graph-Based Method of Multimodal Word Embedding
Kazuki Fukui
Takamasa Oshikiri
Hidetoshi Shimodaira
A Geometric Method for Detecting Semantic Coercion
Stephen McGregor
Elisabetta Jezek
Matthew Purver
Geraint Wiggins
Syntax-based Transfer Learning for the Task of Biomedical Relation Extraction
Joël Legrand
Yannick Toussaint
Chedy Raïssi
Adrien Coulet
Reducing Lexical Features in Parsing by Word Embeddings
Hiroya Komatsu
Ran Tian
Naoaki Okazaki
Kentaro Inui
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Named Entity Recognition
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