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Sentiment Propagation via Implicature Constraints
Lingjia Deng
Janyce Wiebe
Paper Details:
Month: April
Year: 2014
Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
Joint Inference and Disambiguation of Implicit Sentiments via Implicature Constraints
Lingjia Deng
Janyce Wiebe
Yoonjung Choi
+/-EffectWordNet: Sense-level Lexicon Acquisition for Opinion Inference
Yoonjung Choi
Janyce Wiebe
Joint Prediction for Entity/Event-Level Sentiment Analysis using Probabilistic Soft Logic Models
Lingjia Deng
Janyce Wiebe
Opinion Holder and Target Extraction based on the Induction of Verbal Categories
Michael Wiegand
Josef Ruppenhofer
Effect Functors for Opinion Inference
Josef Ruppenhofer
Jasper Brandes
Sentiframes: A Resource for Verb-centered German Sentiment Inference
Manfred Klenner
Michael Amsler
Entity/Event-Level Sentiment Detection and Inference
Lingjia Deng
Opinion Holder and Target Extraction on Opinion Compounds – A Linguistic Approach
Michael Wiegand
Christine Bocionek
Josef Ruppenhofer
Human Needs Categorization of Affective Events Using Labeled and Unlabeled Data
Haibo Ding
Ellen Riloff
Sentiment and Belief: How to Think about, Represent, and Annotate Private States
Owen Rambow
Janyce Wiebe
Connotation Frames: A Data-Driven Investigation
Hannah Rashkin
Sameer Singh
Yejin Choi
Document-level Sentiment Inference with Social, Faction, and Discourse Context
Eunsol Choi
Hannah Rashkin
Luke Zettlemoyer
Yejin Choi
Learning Lexico-Functional Patterns for First-Person Affect
Lena Reed
Jiaqi Wu
Shereen Oraby
Pranav Anand
Marilyn Walker
Multilingual Connotation Frames: A Case Study on Social Media for Targeted Sentiment Analysis and Forecast
Hannah Rashkin
Eric Bell
Yejin Choi
Svitlana Volkova
How Factuality Determines Sentiment Inferences
Manfred Klenner
Simon Clematide
Detecting Stance in Tweets And Analyzing its Interaction with Sentiment
Parinaz Sobhani
Saif Mohammad
Svetlana Kiritchenko
An Investigation for Implicatures in Chinese : Implicatures in Chinese and in English are similar !
Lingjia Deng
Janyce Wiebe
Lexical Acquisition for Opinion Inference: A Sense-Level Lexicon of Benefactive and Malefactive Events
Yoonjung Choi
Lingjia Deng
Janyce Wiebe
A Conceptual Framework for Inferring Implicatures
Janyce Wiebe
Lingjia Deng
Verb-centered Sentiment Inference with Description Logics
Manfred Klenner
A Practical Guide to Sentiment Annotation: Challenges and Solutions
Saif Mohammad
Linguistic Reflexes of Well-Being and Happiness in Echo
Jiaqi Wu
Marilyn Walker
Pranav Anand
Steve Whittaker
An Object-oriented Model of Role Framing and Attitude Prediction
Manfred Klenner
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Sentiment Analysis
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