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Modeling Inflection and Word-Formation in SMT
Alexander Fraser
Marion Weller
Aoife Cahill
Fabienne Cap
Paper Details:
Month: April
Year: 2012
Location: Avignon, France
Investigating the Usefulness of Generalized Word Representations in SMT
Nadir Durrani
Philipp Koehn
Helmut Schmid
Alexander Fraser
Translating into Morphologically Rich Languages with Synthetic Phrases
Victor Chahuneau
Eva Schlinger
Noah A. Smith
Chris Dyer
A Joint Dependency Model of Morphological and Syntactic Structure for Statistical Machine Translation
Rico Sennrich
Barry Haddow
Joint Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging with Lemming
Thomas Müller
Ryan Cotterell
Alexander Fraser
Hinrich Schütze
LemmaTag: Jointly Tagging and Lemmatizing for Morphologically Rich Languages with BRNNs
Daniel Kondratyuk
Tomáš Gavenčiak
Milan Straka
Jan Hajič
How to Produce Unseen Teddy Bears: Improved Morphological Processing of Compounds in SMT
Fabienne Cap
Alexander Fraser
Marion Weller
Aoife Cahill
Producing Unseen Morphological Variants in Statistical Machine Translation
Matthias Huck
Aleš Tamchyna
Ondřej Bojar
Alexander Fraser
Addressing Problems across Linguistic Levels in SMT: Combining Approaches to Model Morphology, Syntax and Lexical Choice
Marion Weller-Di Marco
Alexander Fraser
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Inflection Generation as Discriminative String Transduction
Garrett Nicolai
Colin Cherry
Grzegorz Kondrak
Morphological Modeling for Machine Translation of English-Iraqi Arabic Spoken Dialogs
Katrin Kirchhoff
Yik-Cheung Tam
Colleen Richey
Wen Wang
Morphological Inflection Generation Using Character Sequence to Sequence Learning
Manaal Faruqui
Yulia Tsvetkov
Graham Neubig
Chris Dyer
A Class-Based Agreement Model for Generating Accurately Inflected Translations
Spence Green
John DeNero
Using subcategorization knowledge to improve case prediction for translation to German
Marion Weller
Alexander Fraser
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Lattice Desegmentation for Statistical Machine Translation
Mohammad Salameh
Colin Cherry
Grzegorz Kondrak
Morphological Inflection Generation with Hard Monotonic Attention
Roee Aharoni
Yoav Goldberg
SuperNMT: Neural Machine Translation with Semantic Supersenses and Syntactic Supertags
Eva Vanmassenhove
Andy Way
Modeling Word Forms Using Latent Underlying Morphs and Phonology
Ryan Cotterell
Nanyun Peng
Jason Eisner
Probes in a Taxonomy of Factored Phrase-Based Models
Ondřej Bojar
Bushra Jawaid
Amir Kamran
Chimera – Three Heads for English-to-Czech Translation
Ondřej Bojar
Rudolf Rosa
Aleš Tamchyna
Munich-Edinburgh-Stuttgart Submissions at WMT13: Morphological and Syntactic Processing for SMT
Marion Weller
Max Kisselew
Svetlana Smekalova
Alexander Fraser
Helmut Schmid
Nadir Durrani
Hassan Sajjad
Richárd Farkas
Generating English Determiners in Phrase-Based Translation with Synthetic Translation Options
Yulia Tsvetkov
Chris Dyer
Lori Levin
Archna Bhatia
CimS – The CIS and IMS joint submission to WMT 2014 translating from English into German
Fabienne Cap
Marion Weller
Anita Ramm
Alexander Fraser
Predicting Prepositions for SMT
Marion Weller
Alexander Fraser
Sabine Schulte im Walde
CimS - The CIS and IMS Joint Submission to WMT 2015 addressing morphological and syntactic differences in English to German SMT
Fabienne Cap
Marion Weller
Anita Ramm
Alexander Fraser
Morphological Segmentation and OPUS for Finnish-English Machine Translation
Jörg Tiedemann
Filip Ginter
Jenna Kanerva
Target-Side Generation of Prepositions for SMT
Marion Weller
Alexander Fraser
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Splitting Compounds by Semantic Analogy
Joachim Daiber
Lautaro Quiroz
Roger Wechsler
Stella Frank
Modeling verbal inflection for English to German SMT
Anita Ramm
Alexander Fraser
Modeling Complement Types in Phrase-Based SMT
Marion Weller-Di Marco
Alexander Fraser
Sabine Schulte im Walde
Phrase-Based SMT for Finnish with More Data, Better Models and Alternative Alignment and Translation Tools
Jörg Tiedemann
Fabienne Cap
Jenna Kanerva
Filip Ginter
Sara Stymne
Robert Östling
Marion Weller-Di Marco
Word Representations in Factored Neural Machine Translation
Franck Burlot
Mercedes García-Martínez
Loïc Barrault
Fethi Bougares
François Yvon
Target-side Word Segmentation Strategies for Neural Machine Translation
Matthias Huck
Simon Riess
Alexander Fraser
LMU Munich’s Neural Machine Translation Systems for News Articles and Health Information Texts
Matthias Huck
Fabienne Braune
Alexander Fraser
Neural Morphological Tagging of Lemma Sequences for Machine Translation
Costanza Conforti
Matthias Huck
Alexander Fraser
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Morphological Analysis
Machine Translation
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