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A Unified Model for Word Sense Representation and Disambiguation
Xinxiong Chen
Zhiyuan Liu
Maosong Sun
Paper Details:
Month: October
Year: 2014
Location: Doha, Qatar
Semi Supervised Preposition-Sense Disambiguation using Multilingual Data
Hila Gonen
Yoav Goldberg
Inducing Bilingual Lexica From Non-Parallel Data With Earth Mover’s Distance Regularization
Meng Zhang
Yang Liu
Huanbo Luan
Yiqun Liu
Maosong Sun
Extending WordNet with Fine-Grained Collocational Information via Supervised Distributional Learning
Luis Espinosa-Anke
Jose Camacho-Collados
Sara Rodríguez-Fernández
Horacio Saggion
Leo Wanner
LanguageNet: Learning to Find Sense Relevant Example Sentences
Shang-Chien Cheng
Jhih-Jie Chen
Chingyu Yang
Jason Chang
Online Learning of Interpretable Word Embeddings
Hongyin Luo
Zhiyuan Liu
Huanbo Luan
Maosong Sun
Do Multi-Sense Embeddings Improve Natural Language Understanding?
Jiwei Li
Dan Jurafsky
Context-Dependent Sense Embedding
Lin Qiu
Kewei Tu
Yong Yu
Neural Sequence Learning Models for Word Sense Disambiguation
Alessandro Raganato
Claudio Delli Bovi
Roberto Navigli
Auto-Encoding Dictionary Definitions into Consistent Word Embeddings
Tom Bosc
Pascal Vincent
Spot the Odd Man Out: Exploring the Associative Power of Lexical Resources
Gabriel Stanovsky
Mark Hopkins
Coming to Your Senses: on Controls and Evaluation Sets in Polysemy Research
Haim Dubossarsky
Eitan Grossman
Daphna Weinshall
Unsupervised Does Not Mean Uninterpretable: The Case for Word Sense Induction and Disambiguation
Alexander Panchenko
Eugen Ruppert
Stefano Faralli
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Chris Biemann
Word Sense Disambiguation: A Unified Evaluation Framework and Empirical Comparison
Alessandro Raganato
Jose Camacho-Collados
Roberto Navigli
ShotgunWSD: An unsupervised algorithm for global word sense disambiguation inspired by DNA sequencing
Andrei Butnaru
Radu Tudor Ionescu
Florentina Hristea
On Modeling Sense Relatedness in Multi-prototype Word Embedding
Yixin Cao
Jiaxin Shi
Juanzi Li
Zhiyuan Liu
Chengjiang Li
Training Word Sense Embeddings With Lexicon-based Regularization
Luis Nieto-Piña
Richard Johansson
AutoExtend: Combining Word Embeddings with Semantic Resources
Sascha Rothe
Hinrich Schütze
context2vec: Learning Generic Context Embedding with Bidirectional LSTM
Oren Melamud
Jacob Goldberger
Ido Dagan
Embedding Words and Senses Together via Joint Knowledge-Enhanced Training
Massimiliano Mancini
Jose Camacho-Collados
Ignacio Iacobacci
Roberto Navigli
Multi-prototype Chinese Character Embedding
Yanan Lu
Yue Zhang
Donghong Ji
Addressing the MFS Bias in WSD systems
Marten Postma
Ruben Izquierdo
Eneko Agirre
German Rigau
Piek Vossen
A Large-Scale Multilingual Disambiguation of Glosses
José Camacho-Collados
Claudio Delli Bovi
Alessandro Raganato
Roberto Navigli
Cross-Lingual Generation and Evaluation of a Wide-Coverage Lexical Semantic Resource
Attila Novák
Borbála Novák
UFSAC: Unification of Sense Annotated Corpora and Tools
Loïc Vial
Benjamin Lecouteux
Didier Schwab
Automatic Thesaurus Construction for Modern Hebrew
Chaya Liebeskind
Ido Dagan
Jonathan Schler
Unsupervised Most Frequent Sense Detection using Word Embeddings
Sudha Bhingardive
Dhirendra Singh
Rudramurthy V
Hanumant Redkar
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Bilingual Learning of Multi-sense Embeddings with Discrete Autoencoders
Simon Šuster
Ivan Titov
Gertjan van Noord
Handling Homographs in Neural Machine Translation
Frederick Liu
Han Lu
Graham Neubig
SensEmbed: Learning Sense Embeddings for Word and Relational Similarity
Ignacio Iacobacci
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Roberto Navigli
A Unified Multilingual Semantic Representation of Concepts
José Camacho-Collados
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Roberto Navigli
Entity Hierarchy Embedding
Zhiting Hu
Poyao Huang
Yuntian Deng
Yingkai Gao
Eric Xing
AutoExtend: Extending Word Embeddings to Embeddings for Synsets and Lexemes
Sascha Rothe
Hinrich Schütze
Improving Distributed Representation of Word Sense via WordNet Gloss Composition and Context Clustering
Tao Chen
Ruifeng Xu
Yulan He
Xuan Wang
Embeddings for Word Sense Disambiguation: An Evaluation Study
Ignacio Iacobacci
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Roberto Navigli
LexSemTm: A Semantic Dataset Based on All-words Unsupervised Sense Distribution Learning
Andrew Bennett
Timothy Baldwin
Jey Han Lau
Diana McCarthy
Francis Bond
Learning Text Pair Similarity with Context-sensitive Autoencoders
Hadi Amiri
Philip Resnik
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Hal Daumé III
Supersense Embeddings: A Unified Model for Supersense Interpretation, Prediction, and Utilization
Lucie Flekova
Iryna Gurevych
On the Linearity of Semantic Change: Investigating Meaning Variation via Dynamic Graph Models
Steffen Eger
Alexander Mehler
Multimodal Word Distributions
Ben Athiwaratkun
Andrew Wilson
Towards a Seamless Integration of Word Senses into Downstream NLP Applications
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Jose Camacho-Collados
Roberto Navigli
Nigel Collier
Improved Word Representation Learning with Sememes
Yilin Niu
Ruobing Xie
Zhiyuan Liu
Maosong Sun
Ontology-Aware Token Embeddings for Prepositional Phrase Attachment
Pradeep Dasigi
Waleed Ammar
Chris Dyer
Eduard Hovy
Incorporating Glosses into Neural Word Sense Disambiguation
Fuli Luo
Tianyu Liu
Qiaolin Xia
Baobao Chang
Zhifang Sui
A Simple and Efficient Method to Generate Word Sense Representations
Luis Nieto Piña
Richard Johansson
Word Sense Disambiguation with Recurrent Neural Networks
Alexander Popov
Sense Embedding Learning for Word Sense Induction
Linfeng Song
Zhiguo Wang
Haitao Mi
Daniel Gildea
A Mixture Model for Learning Multi-Sense Word Embeddings
Dai Quoc Nguyen
Dat Quoc Nguyen
Ashutosh Modi
Stefan Thater
Manfred Pinkal
BuzzSaw at SemEval-2017 Task 7: Global vs. Local Context for Interpreting and Locating Homographic English Puns with Sense Embeddings
Dieke Oele
Kilian Evang
Using Word Embeddings for Bilingual Unsupervised WSD
Sudha Bhingardive
Dhirendra Singh
Rudramurthy V
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Embedding Senses for Efficient Graph-based Word Sense Disambiguation
Luis Nieto Piña
Richard Johansson
Improved Semantic Representation for Domain-Specific Entities
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Nigel Collier
Semantic Indexing of Multilingual Corpora and its Application on the History Domain
Alessandro Raganato
Jose Camacho-Collados
Antonio Raganato
Yunseo Joung
A Comparison of Word Embeddings for English and Cross-Lingual Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation
Hong Jin Kang
Tao Chen
Muthu Kumar Chandrasekaran
Min-Yen Kan
Integrating WordNet for Multiple Sense Embeddings in Vector Semantics
David Foley
Jugal Kalita
One Representation per Word - Does it make Sense for Composition?
Thomas Kober
Julie Weeds
John Wilkie
Jeremy Reffin
David Weir
Learning to Embed Words in Context for Syntactic Tasks
Lifu Tu
Kevin Gimpel
Karen Livescu
Lexical Chains meet Word Embeddings in Document-level Statistical Machine Translation
Laura Mascarell
Distributional Lesk: Effective Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation
Dieke Oele
Gertjan van Noord
Exploiting Common Characters in Chinese and Japanese to Learn Cross-Lingual Word Embeddings via Matrix Factorization
Jilei Wang
Shiying Luo
Weiyan Shi
Tao Dai
Shu-Tao Xia
Complementary Strategies for Low Resourced Morphological Modeling
Alexander Erdmann
Nizar Habash
Implicit Subjective and Sentimental Usages in Multi-sense Word Embeddings
Yuqi Sun
Haoyue Shi
Junfeng Hu
Japanese all-words WSD system using the Kyoto Text Analysis ToolKit
Hiroyuki Shinnou
Kanako Komiya
Minoru Sasaki
Shinsuke Mori
Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Word Sense Disambiguation
Information Retrieval
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