Authors Timeline
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ACL N-gram Stats
Inducing Sentence Structure from Parallel Corpora for Reordering
John DeNero
Jakob Uszkoreit
Paper Details:
Month: July
Year: 2011
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
Chinese Word Ordering Errors Detection and Correction for Non-Native Chinese Language Learners
Shuk-Man Cheng
Chi-Hsin Yu
Hsin-Hsi Chen
Hierarchical Permutation Complexity for Word Order Evaluation
Miloš Stanojević
Khalil Sima’an
Fast and Accurate Reordering with ITG Transition RNN
Hao Zhang
Axel Ng
Richard Sproat
Forced Derivation Tree based Model Training to Statistical Machine Translation
Nan Duan
Mu Li
Ming Zhou
Inducing a Discriminative Parser to Optimize Machine Translation Reordering
Graham Neubig
Taro Watanabe
Shinsuke Mori
Source-Side Classifier Preordering for Machine Translation
Uri Lerner
Slav Petrov
Shift-Reduce Word Reordering for Machine Translation
Katsuhiko Hayashi
Katsuhito Sudoh
Hajime Tsukada
Jun Suzuki
Masaaki Nagata
Reordering Grammar Induction
Miloš Stanojević
Khalil Sima’an
Source-side Preordering for Translation using Logistic Regression and Depth-first Branch-and-Bound Search
Laura Jehl
Adrià de Gispert
Mark Hopkins
Bill Byrne
Phrase Dependency Machine Translation with Quasi-Synchronous Tree-to-Tree Features
Kevin Gimpel
Noah A. Smith
Improving reordering performance using higher order and structural features
Mitesh M. Khapra
Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan
Karthik Visweswariah
Fast and Accurate Preordering for SMT using Neural Networks
Adrià de Gispert
Gonzalo Iglesias
Bill Byrne
A Feature-Rich Constituent Context Model for Grammar Induction
Dave Golland
John DeNero
Jakob Uszkoreit
Post-ordering by Parsing for Japanese-English Statistical Machine Translation
Isao Goto
Masao Utiyama
Eiichiro Sumita
Cut the noise: Mutually reinforcing reordering and alignments for improved machine translation
Karthik Visweswariah
Mitesh M. Khapra
Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan
Efficient Top-Down BTG Parsing for Machine Translation Preordering
Tetsuji Nakagawa
Unsupervised Tree Induction for Tree-based Translation
Feifei Zhai
Jiajun Zhang
Yu Zhou
Chengqing Zong
Do latent tree learning models identify meaningful structure in sentences?
Adina Williams
Andrew Drozdov
Samuel R. Bowman
Combining Word Reordering Methods on different Linguistic Abstraction Levels for Statistical Machine Translation
Teresa Herrmann
Jan Niehues
Alex Waibel
Delimiting Morphosyntactic Search Space with Source-Side Reordering Models
Joachim Daiber
Khalil Sima’an
Examining the Relationship between Preordering and Word Order Freedom in Machine Translation
Joachim Daiber
Miloš Stanojević
Wilker Aziz
Khalil Sima’an
BTG-based Machine Translation with Simple Reordering Model using Structured Perceptron
Hao Wang
Yves Lepage
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Machine Translation
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