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What’s with the Attitude? Identifying Sentences with Attitude in Online Discussions
Ahmed Hassan
Vahed Qazvinian
Dragomir Radev
Paper Details:
Month: October
Year: 2010
Location: Cambridge, MA
Detecting Subgroups in Online Discussions by Modeling Positive and Negative Relations among Participants
Ahmed Hassan
Amjad Abu-Jbara
Dragomir Radev
Detecting Disagreement in Conversations using Pseudo-Monologic Rhetorical Structure
Kelsey Allen
Giuseppe Carenini
Raymond Ng
Locating Requests among Open Source Software Communication Messages
Ioannis Korkontzelos
Sophia Ananiadou
Internet Argument Corpus 2.0: An SQL schema for Dialogic Social Media and the Corpora to go with it
Rob Abbott
Brian Ecker
Pranav Anand
Marilyn Walker
AttitudeMiner: Mining Attitude from Online Discussions
Amjad Abu-Jbara
Ahmed Hassan
Dragomir Radev
Identifying the Semantic Orientation of Foreign Words
Ahmed Hassan
Amjad Abu-Jbara
Rahul Jha
Dragomir Radev
Subgroup Detection in Ideological Discussions
Amjad Abu-Jbara
Pradeep Dasigi
Mona Diab
Dragomir Radev
Genre Independent Subgroup Detection in Online Discussion Threads: A Study of Implicit Attitude using Textual Latent Semantics
Pradeep Dasigi
Weiwei Guo
Mona Diab
Identifying Opinion Subgroups in Arabic Online Discussions
Amjad Abu-Jbara
Ben King
Mona Diab
Dragomir Radev
A Piece of My Mind: A Sentiment Analysis Approach for Online Dispute Detection
Lu Wang
Claire Cardie
Extracting Signed Social Networks from Text
Ahmed Hassan
Amjad Abu-Jbara
Dragomir Radev
Topic Independent Identification of Agreement and Disagreement in Social Media Dialogue
Amita Misra
Marilyn Walker
Improving Agreement and Disagreement Identification in Online Discussions with A Socially-Tuned Sentiment Lexicon
Lu Wang
Claire Cardie
And That’s A Fact: Distinguishing Factual and Emotional Argumentation in Online Dialogue
Shereen Oraby
Lena Reed
Ryan Compton
Ellen Riloff
Marilyn Walker
Steve Whittaker
Identification and Disambiguation of Lexical Cues of Rhetorical Relations across Different Text Genres
Taraneh Khazaei
Lu Xiao
Robert Mercer
Topic-Based Chinese Message Sentiment Analysis: A Multilayered Analysis System
Hongjie Li
Zhongqian Sun
Wei Yang
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Relation Extraction
Sentiment Analysis
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