Authors Timeline
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Single Malt or Blended? A Study in Multilingual Parser Optimization
Johan Hall
Jens Nilsson
Joakim Nivre
Gülşen Eryiǧit
Beáta Megyesi
Mattias Nilsson
Markus Saers
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2007
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Chinese Dependency Parsing with Large Scale Automatically Constructed Case Structures
Kun Yu
Daisuke Kawahara
Sadao Kurohashi
Evaluation of Dependency Parsers on Unbounded Dependencies
Joakim Nivre
Laura Rimell
Ryan McDonald
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Semi-supervised dependency parsing using generalized tri-training
Anders Søgaard
Christian Rishøj
Automatic Feature Selection for Agenda-Based Dependency Parsing
Miguel Ballesteros
Bernd Bohnet
The CoNLL 2007 Shared Task on Dependency Parsing
Joakim Nivre
Johan Hall
Sandra Kübler
Ryan McDonald
Jens Nilsson
Sebastian Riedel
Deniz Yuret
A Tale of Two Parsers: Investigating and Combining Graph-based and Transition-based Dependency Parsing
Yue Zhang
Stephen Clark
Incremental Graph-based Neural Dependency Parsing
Xiaoqing Zheng
Dependency Parsing of Hungarian: Baseline Results and Challenges
Richárd Farkas
Veronika Vincze
Helmut Schmid
Dependency Parsing with Short Dependency Relations in Unlabeled Data
Wenliang Chen
Daisuke Kawahara
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Yujie Zhang
Hitoshi Isahara
Learning Reliability of Parses for Domain Adaptation of Dependency Parsing
Daisuke Kawahara
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Algorithms for Deterministic Incremental Dependency Parsing
Joakim Nivre
Syntactic Processing Using the Generalized Perceptron and Beam Search
Yue Zhang
Stephen Clark
Analyzing and Integrating Dependency Parsers
Ryan McDonald
Joakim Nivre
Squibs: Going to the Roots of Dependency Parsing
Miguel Ballesteros
Joakim Nivre
Reverse Revision and Linear Tree Combination for Dependency Parsing
Giuseppe Attardi
Felice Dell’Orletta
Ensemble Models for Dependency Parsing: Cheap and Good?
Mihai Surdeanu
Christopher D. Manning
Improving Data Driven Dependency Parsing using Clausal Information
Phani Gadde
Karan Jindal
Samar Husain
Dipti Misra Sharma
Rajeev Sangal
Integrating Graph-Based and Transition-Based Dependency Parsers
Joakim Nivre
Ryan McDonald
Cross Language Dependency Parsing using a Bilingual Lexicon
Hai Zhao
Yan Song
Chunyu Kit
Guodong Zhou
Coreference Resolution across Corpora: Languages, Coding Schemes, and Preprocessing Information
Marta Recasens
Eduard Hovy
Importance of Linguistic Constraints in Statistical Dependency Parsing
Bharat Ram Ambati
Temporal Restricted Boltzmann Machines for Dependency Parsing
Nikhil Garg
James Henderson
An Ensemble Model that Combines Syntactic and Semantic Clustering for Discriminative Dependency Parsing
Gholamreza Haffari
Marzieh Razavi
Anoop Sarkar
On WordNet Semantic Classes and Dependency Parsing
Kepa Bengoetxea
Eneko Agirre
Joakim Nivre
Yue Zhang
Koldo Gojenola
Generalized Transition-based Dependency Parsing via Control Parameters
Bernd Bohnet
Ryan McDonald
Emily Pitler
Ji Ma
Domain Adaptation for Syntactic and Semantic Dependency Parsing Using Deep Belief Networks
Haitong Yang
Tao Zhuang
Chengqing Zong
Selecting Corpus-Semantic Models for Neurolinguistic Decoding
Brian Murphy
Partha Talukdar
Tom Mitchell
ICT:A System Combination for Chinese Semantic Dependency Parsing
Hao Xiong
Qun Liu
Data-Driven Dependency Parsing across Languages and Domains: Perspectives from the CoNLL-2007 Shared task
Joakim Nivre
A Dependency-Driven Parser for German Dependency and Constituency Representations
Johan Hall
Joakim Nivre
Parsing Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies with Two Single-Stage Maximum Entropy Models
Hai Zhao
Chunyu Kit
Mixing and Blending Syntactic and Semantic Dependencies
Yvonne Samuelsson
Oscar Täckström
Sumithra Velupillai
Johan Eklund
Mark Fishel
Markus Saers
Two Methods to Incorporate ’Local Morphosyntactic’ Features in Hindi Dependency Parsing
Bharat Ram Ambati
Samar Husain
Sambhav Jain
Dipti Misra Sharma
Rajeev Sangal
Application of Different Techniques to Dependency Parsing of Basque
Kepa Bengoetxea
Koldo Gojenola
On the Role of Morphosyntactic Features in Hindi Dependency Parsing
Bharat Ram Ambati
Samar Husain
Joakim Nivre
Rajeev Sangal
The Effect of Automatic Tokenization, Vocalization, Stemming, and POS Tagging on Arabic Dependency Parsing
Emad Mohamed
Hybrid Combination of Constituency and Dependency Trees into an Ensemble Dependency Parser
Nathan Green
Zdeněk Žabokrtský
Documents and Dependencies: an Exploration of Vector Space Models for Semantic Composition
Alona Fyshe
Brian Murphy
Partha Talukdar
Tom Mitchell
Effective Morphological Feature Selection with MaltOptimizer at the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task
Miguel Ballesteros
Overview of the SPMRL 2013 Shared Task: A Cross-Framework Evaluation of Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages
Djamé Seddah
Reut Tsarfaty
Sandra Kübler
Marie Candito
Jinho D. Choi
Richárd Farkas
Jennifer Foster
Iakes Goenaga
Koldo Gojenola Galletebeitia
Yoav Goldberg
Spence Green
Nizar Habash
Marco Kuhlmann
Wolfgang Maier
Joakim Nivre
Adam Przepiórkowski
Ryan Roth
Wolfgang Seeker
Yannick Versley
Veronika Vincze
Marcin Woliński
Alina Wróblewska
Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie
Treebank Translation for Cross-Lingual Parser Induction
Jörg Tiedemann
Željko Agić
Joakim Nivre
Experiments for Dependency Parsing of Greek
Prokopis Prokopidis
Haris Papageorgiou
Field Of Study
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