Authors Timeline
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ACL N-gram Stats
The Infinite PCFG Using Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
Percy Liang
Slav Petrov
Michael Jordan
Dan Klein
Paper Details:
Month: June
Year: 2007
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Synchronous Constituent Context Model for Inducing Bilingual Synchronous Structures
Xiangyu Duan
Min Zhang
Qiaoming Zhu
Sparse Multi-Scale Grammars for Discriminative Latent Variable Parsing
Slav Petrov
Dan Klein
The infinite HMM for unsupervised PoS tagging
Jurgen Van Gael
Andreas Vlachos
Zoubin Ghahramani
Self-Training with Products of Latent Variable Grammars
Zhongqiang Huang
Mary Harper
Slav Petrov
Modeling Perspective Using Adaptor Grammars
Eric Hardisty
Jordan Boyd-Graber
Philip Resnik
Using Universal Linguistic Knowledge to Guide Grammar Induction
Tahira Naseem
Harr Chen
Regina Barzilay
Mark Johnson
Reducing Grounded Learning Tasks To Grammatical Inference
Benjamin Börschinger
Bevan K. Jones
Mark Johnson
Exploring Adaptor Grammars for Native Language Identification
Sze-Meng Jojo Wong
Mark Dras
Mark Johnson
Unambiguity Regularization for Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Grammars
Kewei Tu
Vasant Honavar
Learning to Map into a Universal POS Tagset
Yuan Zhang
Roi Reichart
Regina Barzilay
Amir Globerson
Unsupervised Spectral Learning of WCFG as Low-rank Matrix Completion
Raphaël Bailly
Xavier Carreras
Franco M. Luque
Ariadna Quattoni
Latent-Variable Synchronous CFGs for Hierarchical Translation
Avneesh Saluja
Chris Dyer
Shay B. Cohen
Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution
Cosmin Adrian Bejan
Sanda Harabagiu
Probabilistic Distributional Semantics with Latent Variable Models
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Anna Korhonen
Shared Logistic Normal Distributions for Soft Parameter Tying in Unsupervised Grammar Induction
Shay Cohen
Noah A. Smith
Structured Generative Models for Unsupervised Named-Entity Clustering
Micha Elsner
Eugene Charniak
Mark Johnson
Inducing Compact but Accurate Tree-Substitution Grammars
Trevor Cohn
Sharon Goldwater
Phil Blunsom
Variational Inference for Adaptor Grammars
Shay B. Cohen
David M. Blei
Noah A. Smith
Using Adaptor Grammars to Identify Synergies in the Unsupervised Acquisition of Linguistic Structure
Mark Johnson
A Note on the Implementation of Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes
Phil Blunsom
Trevor Cohn
Sharon Goldwater
Mark Johnson
PCFGs, Topic Models, Adaptor Grammars and Learning Topical Collocations and the Structure of Proper Names
Mark Johnson
Learning Common Grammar from Multilingual Corpus
Tomoharu Iwata
Daichi Mochihashi
Hiroshi Sawada
Sparsity in Dependency Grammar Induction
Jennifer Gillenwater
Kuzman Ganchev
João Graça
Fernando Pereira
Ben Taskar
Fine-Grained Class Label Markup of Search Queries
Joseph Reisinger
Marius Paşca
A Bayesian Model for Unsupervised Semantic Parsing
Ivan Titov
Alexandre Klementiev
Part-of-Speech Induction in Dependency Trees for Statistical Machine Translation
Akihiro Tamura
Taro Watanabe
Eiichiro Sumita
Hiroya Takamura
Manabu Okumura
Probing the Linguistic Strengths and Limitations of Unsupervised Grammar Induction
Yonatan Bisk
Julia Hockenmaier
An HDP Model for Inducing Combinatory Categorial Grammars
Yonatan Bisk
Julia Hockenmaier
Unsupervised Lexicon Discovery from Acoustic Input
Chia-ying Lee
Timothy J. O’Donnell
James Glass
Unsupervised Word Segmentation for Sesotho Using Adaptor Grammars
Mark Johnson
Unsupervised Syntactic Chunking with Acoustic Cues: Computational Models for Prosodic Bootstrapping
John Pate
Sharon Goldwater
Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for PCFGs
Pengyu Wang
Phil Blunsom
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Bayesian Model
Graphical Model
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