Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
The Berkeley FrameNet Project
Collin F. Baker
Charles J. Fillmore
John B. Lowe
Paper Details:
Year: 1998
Inducing Latent Semantic Relations for Structured Distributional Semantics
Sujay Kumar Jauhar
Eduard Hovy
Million-scale Derivation of Semantic Relations from a Manually Constructed Predicate Taxonomy
Motoki Sano
Kentaro Torisawa
Julien Kloetzer
Chikara Hashimoto
István Varga
Jong-Hoon Oh
Unsupervised extraction of semantic relations using discourse cues
Juliette Conrath
Stergos Afantenos
Nicholas Asher
Philippe Muller
HARPY: Hypernyms and Alignment of Relational Paraphrases
Adam Grycner
Gerhard Weikum
Separating Brands from Types: an Investigation of Different Features for the Food Domain
Michael Wiegand
Dietrich Klakow
Nerdle: Topic-Specific Question Answering Using Wikia Seeds
Umar Maqsud
Sebastian Arnold
Michael Hülfenhaus
Alan Akbik
Deeper syntax for better semantic parsing
Olivier Michalon
Corentin Ribeyre
Marie Candito
Alexis Nasr
Multilingual Supervision of Semantic Annotation
Peter Exner
Marcus Klang
Pierre Nugues
High Accuracy Rule-based Question Classification using Question Syntax and Semantics
Harish Tayyar Madabushi
Mark Lee
Facing the most difficult case of Semantic Role Labeling: A collaboration of word embeddings and co-training
Quynh Ngoc Thi Do
Steven Bethard
Marie-Francine Moens
Incremental Fine-grained Information Status Classification Using Attention-based LSTMs
Yufang Hou
Revisiting the Evaluation for Cross Document Event Coreference
Shyam Upadhyay
Nitish Gupta
Christos Christodoulopoulos
Dan Roth
A Supervised Approach for Enriching the Relational Structure of Frame Semantics in FrameNet
Shafqat Mumtaz Virk
Philippe Muller
Juliette Conrath
Valencer: an API to Query Valence Patterns in FrameNet
Alexandre Kabbach
Corentin Ribeyre
Korean FrameNet Expansion Based on Projection of Japanese FrameNet
Jeong-uk Kim
Younggyun Hahm
Key-Sun Choi
From Text to Lexicon: Bridging the Gap between Word Embeddings and Lexical Resources
Ilia Kuznetsov
Iryna Gurevych
Open-Domain Event Detection using Distant Supervision
Jun Araki
Teruko Mitamura
Encoding Sentiment Information into Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis
Zhe Ye
Fang Li
Timothy Baldwin
Retrofitting Distributional Embeddings to Knowledge Graphs with Functional Relations
Ben Lengerich
Andrew Maas
Christopher Potts
Synonymy in Bilingual Context: The CzEngClass Lexicon
Zdeňka Urešová
Eva Fučíková
Eva Hajičová
Jan Hajič
Automatically Creating a Lexicon of Verbal Polarity Shifters: Mono- and Cross-lingual Methods for German
Marc Schulder
Michael Wiegand
Josef Ruppenhofer
Gold Standard Annotations for Preposition and Verb Sense with Semantic Role Labels in Adult-Child Interactions
Lori Moon
Christos Christodoulopoulos
Cynthia Fisher
Sandra Franco
Dan Roth
Butterfly Effects in Frame Semantic Parsing: impact of data processing on model ranking
Alexandre Kabbach
Corentin Ribeyre
Aurélie Herbelot
Arrows are the Verbs of Diagrams
Malihe Alikhani
Matthew Stone
Multi-Predicate Semantic Role Labeling
Haitong Yang
Chengqing Zong
Werdy: Recognition and Disambiguation of Verbs and Verb Phrases with Syntactic and Semantic Pruning
Luciano Del Corro
Rainer Gemulla
Gerhard Weikum
Question-Answer Driven Semantic Role Labeling: Using Natural Language to Annotate Natural Language
Luheng He
Mike Lewis
Luke Zettlemoyer
FINET: Context-Aware Fine-Grained Named Entity Typing
Luciano Del Corro
Abdalghani Abujabal
Rainer Gemulla
Gerhard Weikum
Semantic Role Labeling with Neural Network Factors
Nicholas FitzGerald
Oscar Täckström
Kuzman Ganchev
Dipanjan Das
RELLY: Inferring Hypernym Relationships Between Relational Phrases
Adam Grycner
Gerhard Weikum
Jay Pujara
James Foulds
Lise Getoor
Joint A* CCG Parsing and Semantic Role Labelling
Mike Lewis
Luheng He
Luke Zettlemoyer
Adjective Intensity and Sentiment Analysis
Raksha Sharma
Mohit Gupta
Astha Agarwal
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
That’s So Annoying!!!: A Lexical and Frame-Semantic Embedding Based Data Augmentation Approach to Automatic Categorization of Annoying Behaviors using #petpeeve Tweets
William Yang Wang
Diyi Yang
Distinguishing Past, On-going, and Future Events: The EventStatus Corpus
Ruihong Huang
Ignacio Cases
Dan Jurafsky
Cleo Condoravdi
Ellen Riloff
Nested Propositions in Open Information Extraction
Nikita Bhutani
H. V. Jagadish
Dragomir Radev
Understanding Negation in Positive Terms Using Syntactic Dependencies
Zahra Sarabi
Eduardo Blanco
Cross Sentence Inference for Process Knowledge
Samuel Louvan
Chetan Naik
Sadhana Kumaravel
Heeyoung Kwon
Niranjan Balasubramanian
Peter Clark
SimVerb-3500: A Large-Scale Evaluation Set of Verb Similarity
Daniela Gerz
Ivan Vulić
Felix Hill
Roi Reichart
Anna Korhonen
POLY: Mining Relational Paraphrases from Multilingual Sentences
Adam Grycner
Gerhard Weikum
Creating a Large Benchmark for Open Information Extraction
Gabriel Stanovsky
Ido Dagan
Sentiment Intensity Ranking among Adjectives Using Sentiment Bearing Word Embeddings
Raksha Sharma
Arpan Somani
Lakshya Kumar
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Zero-Shot Activity Recognition with Verb Attribute Induction
Rowan Zellers
Yejin Choi
A Joint Sequential and Relational Model for Frame-Semantic Parsing
Bishan Yang
Tom Mitchell
Story Comprehension for Predicting What Happens Next
Snigdha Chaturvedi
Haoruo Peng
Dan Roth
CROWD-IN-THE-LOOP: A Hybrid Approach for Annotating Semantic Roles
Chenguang Wang
Alan Akbik
Laura Chiticariu
Yunyao Li
Fei Xia
Anbang Xu
Cross-Lingual Induction and Transfer of Verb Classes Based on Word Vector Space Specialisation
Ivan Vulić
Nikola Mrkšić
Anna Korhonen
Detecting and Explaining Causes From Text For a Time Series Event
Dongyeop Kang
Varun Gangal
Ang Lu
Zheng Chen
Eduard Hovy
Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Gender Bias Amplification using Corpus-level Constraints
Jieyu Zhao
Tianlu Wang
Mark Yatskar
Vicente Ordonez
Kai-Wei Chang
The NLTK FrameNet API: Designing for Discoverability with a Rich Linguistic Resource
Nathan Schneider
Chuck Wooters
Collecting Diverse Natural Language Inference Problems for Sentence Representation Evaluation
Adam Poliak
Aparajita Haldar
Rachel Rudinger
J. Edward Hu
Ellie Pavlick
Aaron Steven White
Benjamin Van Durme
Textual Analogy Parsing: What’s Shared and What’s Compared among Analogous Facts
Matthew Lamm
Arun Chaganty
Christopher D. Manning
Dan Jurafsky
Percy Liang
SWAG: A Large-Scale Adversarial Dataset for Grounded Commonsense Inference
Rowan Zellers
Yonatan Bisk
Roy Schwartz
Yejin Choi
Neural-Davidsonian Semantic Proto-role Labeling
Rachel Rudinger
Adam Teichert
Ryan Culkin
Sheng Zhang
Benjamin Van Durme
Event Detection with Neural Networks: A Rigorous Empirical Evaluation
Walker Orr
Prasad Tadepalli
Xiaoli Fern
Automatic Event Salience Identification
Zhengzhong Liu
Chenyan Xiong
Teruko Mitamura
Eduard Hovy
A Span Selection Model for Semantic Role Labeling
Hiroki Ouchi
Hiroyuki Shindo
Yuji Matsumoto
Syntactic Scaffolds for Semantic Structures
Swabha Swayamdipta
Sam Thomson
Kenton Lee
Luke Zettlemoyer
Chris Dyer
Noah A. Smith
A strong baseline for question relevancy ranking
Ana Gonzalez
Isabelle Augenstein
Anders Søgaard
Inducing Example-based Semantic Frames from a Massive Amount of Verb Uses
Daisuke Kawahara
Daniel Peterson
Octavian Popescu
Martha Palmer
Automated Verb Sense Labelling Based on Linked Lexical Resources
Kostadin Cholakov
Judith Eckle-Kohler
Iryna Gurevych
Leveraging Verb-Argument Structures to Infer Semantic Relations
Eduardo Blanco
Dan Moldovan
Frame Semantic Tree Kernels for Social Network Extraction from Text
Apoorv Agarwal
Sriramkumar Balasubramanian
Anup Kotalwar
Jiehan Zheng
Owen Rambow
Multi-class Animacy Classification with Semantic Features
Johannes Bjerva
Comparing methods for deriving intensity scores for adjectives
Josef Ruppenhofer
Michael Wiegand
Jasper Brandes
When is multitask learning effective? Semantic sequence prediction under varying data conditions
Héctor Martínez Alonso
Barbara Plank
Building Lexical Vector Representations from Concept Definitions
Danilo Silva de Carvalho
Minh Le Nguyen
RAMBLE ON: Tracing Movements of Popular Historical Figures
Stefano Menini
Rachele Sprugnoli
Giovanni Moretti
Enrico Bignotti
Sara Tonelli
Bruno Lepri
Improving Implicit Semantic Role Labeling by Predicting Semantic Frame Arguments
Quynh Ngoc Thi Do
Steven Bethard
Marie-Francine Moens
Image-Grounded Conversations: Multimodal Context for Natural Question and Response Generation
Nasrin Mostafazadeh
Chris Brockett
Bill Dolan
Michel Galley
Jianfeng Gao
Georgios Spithourakis
Lucy Vanderwende
Towards Bootstrapping a Polarity Shifter Lexicon using Linguistic Features
Marc Schulder
Michael Wiegand
Josef Ruppenhofer
Benjamin Roth
Unsupervised Event Coreference Resolution
Cosmin Adrian Bejan
Sanda Harabagiu
Obituary: Charles J. Fillmore
Dan Jurafsky
Unrestricted Bridging Resolution
Yufang Hou
Katja Markert
Michael Strube
Survey: Anaphora With Non-nominal Antecedents in Computational Linguistics: a Survey
Varada Kolhatkar
Adam Roussel
Stefanie Dipper
Heike Zinsmeister
Learning an Executable Neural Semantic Parser
Jianpeng Cheng
Siva Reddy
Vijay Saraswat
Mirella Lapata
Opinion Holder and Target Extraction based on the Induction of Verbal Categories
Michael Wiegand
Josef Ruppenhofer
Event Linking with Sentential Features from Convolutional Neural Networks
Sebastian Krause
Feiyu Xu
Hans Uszkoreit
Dirk Weissenborn
A Joint Model for Semantic Sequences: Frames, Entities, Sentiments
Haoruo Peng
Snigdha Chaturvedi
Dan Roth
A Simple and Accurate Syntax-Agnostic Neural Model for Dependency-based Semantic Role Labeling
Diego Marcheggiani
Anton Frolov
Ivan Titov
Corpus-Driven Thematic Hierarchy Induction
Ilia Kuznetsov
Iryna Gurevych
NomLex-PT: A Lexicon of Portuguese Nominalizations
Valeria de Paiva
Livy Real
Alexandre Rademaker
Gerard de Melo
OpenLogos Semantico-Syntactic Knowledge-Rich Bilingual Dictionaries
Anabela Barreiro
Fernando Batista
Ricardo Ribeiro
Helena Moniz
Isabel Trancoso
Reusing Swedish FrameNet for training semantic roles
Ildikó Pilán
Elena Volodina
Can the Crowd be Controlled?: A Case Study on Crowd Sourcing and Automatic Validation of Completed Tasks based on User Modeling
Balamurali A.R
Annotating Relations in Scientific Articles
Adam Meyers
Giancarlo Lee
Angus Grieve-Smith
Yifan He
Harriet Taber
NewsReader: recording history from daily news streams
Piek Vossen
German Rigau
Luciano Serafini
Pim Stouten
Francis Irving
Willem Van Hage
Developing a French FrameNet: Methodology and First results
Marie Candito
Pascal Amsili
Lucie Barque
Farah Benamara
Gaël de Chalendar
Marianne Djemaa
Pauline Haas
Richard Huyghe
Yvette Yannick Mathieu
Philippe Muller
Benoît Sagot
Laure Vieu
HuRIC: a Human Robot Interaction Corpus
Emanuele Bastianelli
Giuseppe Castellucci
Danilo Croce
Luca Iocchi
Roberto Basili
Daniele Nardi
Bootstrapping an Italian VerbNet: data-driven analysis of verb alternations
Gianluca Lebani
Veronica Viola
Alessandro Lenci
Predicate Matrix: extending SemLink through WordNet mappings
Maddalen Lopez de Lacalle
Egoitz Laparra
German Rigau
A multimodal interpreter for 3D visualization and animation of verbal concepts
Coline Claude-Lachenaud
Éric Charton
Benoît Ozell
Michel Gagnon
The Development of the Multilingual LUNA Corpus for Spoken Language System Porting
Evgeny Stepanov
Giuseppe Riccardi
Ali Orkan Bayer
Paraphrasing Out-of-Vocabulary Words with Word Embeddings and Semantic Lexicons for Low Resource Statistical Machine Translation
Chenhui Chu
Sadao Kurohashi
PreMOn: a Lemon Extension for Exposing Predicate Models as Linked Data
Francesco Corcoglioniti
Marco Rospocher
Alessio Palmero Aprosio
Sara Tonelli
Semi-automatically Alignment of Predicates between Speech and OntoNotes data
Niraj Shrestha
Marie-Francine Moens
Relation- and Phrase-level Linking of FrameNet with Sar-graphs
Aleksandra Gabryszak
Sebastian Krause
Leonhard Hennig
Feiyu Xu
Hans Uszkoreit
Italian VerbNet: A Construction-based Approach to Italian Verb Classification
Lucia Busso
Alessandro Lenci
VerbLexPor: a lexical resource with semantic roles for Portuguese
Leonardo Zilio
Maria José Bocorny Finatto
Aline Villavicencio
A Multilingual Predicate Matrix
Maddalen Lopez de Lacalle
Egoitz Laparra
Itziar Aldabe
German Rigau
Building A Case-based Semantic English-Chinese Parallel Treebank
Huaxing Shi
Tiejun Zhao
Keh-Yih Su
Combining Semantic Annotation of Word Sense & Semantic Roles: A Novel Annotation Scheme for VerbNet Roles on German Language Data
Éva Mújdricza-Maydt
Silvana Hartmann
Iryna Gurevych
Anette Frank
Corpus Annotation within the French FrameNet: a Domain-by-domain Methodology
Marianne Djemaa
Marie Candito
Philippe Muller
Laure Vieu
A General Framework for the Annotation of Causality Based on FrameNet
Laure Vieu
Philippe Muller
Marie Candito
Marianne Djemaa
Annotating Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge on Top of OntoNotes Semantic Roles
Alakananda Vempala
Eduardo Blanco
SlangNet: A WordNet like resource for English Slang
Shehzaad Dhuliawala
Diptesh Kanojia
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Semi-automatic Korean FrameNet Annotation over KAIST Treebank
Younggyun Hahm
Jiseong Kim
Sunggoo Kwon
Key-Sun Choi
A FrameNet for Cancer Information in Clinical Narratives: Schema and Annotation
Kirk Roberts
Yuqi Si
Anshul Gandhi
Elmer Bernstam
Systems’ Agreements and Disagreements in Temporal Processing: An Extensive Error Analysis of the TempEval-3 Task
Tommaso Caselli
Roser Morante
Enriching Frame Representations with Distributionally Induced Senses
Stefano Faralli
Alexander Panchenko
Chris Biemann
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Acquiring Verb Classes Through Bottom-Up Semantic Verb Clustering
Olga Majewska
Diana McCarthy
Ivan Vulić
Anna Korhonen
Semantic Frame Parsing for Information Extraction : the CALOR corpus
Gabriel Marzinotto
Jeremy Auguste
Frederic Bechet
Geraldine Damnati
Alexis Nasr
Creating a Verb Synonym Lexicon Based on a Parallel Corpus
Zdeňka Urešová
Eva Fučíková
Eva Hajičová
Jan Hajič
The New Propbank: Aligning Propbank with AMR through POS Unification
Tim O’Gorman
Sameer Pradhan
Martha Palmer
Julia Bonn
Katie Conger
James Gung
Simple Semantic Annotation and Situation Frames: Two Approaches to Basic Text Understanding in LORELEI
Kira Griffitt
Jennifer Tracey
Ann Bies
Stephanie Strassel
MPST: A Corpus of Movie Plot Synopses with Tags
Sudipta Kar
Suraj Maharjan
A. Pastor López-Monroy
Thamar Solorio
Towards a Standardized Dataset for Noun Compound Interpretation
Girishkumar Ponkiya
Kevin Patel
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Girish K Palshikar
Annotating Zero Anaphora for Question Answering
Yoshihiko Asao
Ryu Iida
Kentaro Torisawa
A vision-grounded dataset for predicting typical locations for verbs
Nelson Mukuze
Anna Rohrbach
Vera Demberg
Bernt Schiele
Metaphor Suggestions based on a Semantic Metaphor Repository
Gerard de Melo
A Corpus Study and Annotation Schema for Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction of Business Products
Saskia Schön
Veselina Mironova
Aleksandra Gabryszak
Leonhard Hennig
Unsupervised Induction of Semantic Roles within a Reconstruction-Error Minimization Framework
Ivan Titov
Ehsan Khoddam
Predicate Argument Alignment using a Global Coherence Model
Travis Wolfe
Mark Dredze
Benjamin Van Durme
Inferring Temporally-Anchored Spatial Knowledge from Semantic Roles
Eduardo Blanco
Alakananda Vempala
Corpus-based discovery of semantic intensity scales
Chaitanya Shivade
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
Eric Fosler-Lussier
Albert M. Lai
Jointly Modeling Inter-Slot Relations by Random Walk on Knowledge Graphs for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding
Yun-Nung Chen
William Yang Wang
Alexander Rudnicky
Retrofitting Word Vectors to Semantic Lexicons
Manaal Faruqui
Jesse Dodge
Sujay Kumar Jauhar
Chris Dyer
Eduard Hovy
Noah A. Smith
Towards a Better Semantic Role Labeling of Complex Predicates
Glorianna Jagfeld
Lonneke van der Plas
Joint Learning Templates and Slots for Event Schema Induction
Lei Sha
Sujian Li
Baobao Chang
Zhifang Sui
A Study of the Impact of Persuasive Argumentation in Political Debates
Amparo Elizabeth Cano-Basave
Yulan He
Automatic Generation and Scoring of Positive Interpretations from Negated Statements
Eduardo Blanco
Zahra Sarabi
Unsupervised Learning of Prototypical Fillers for Implicit Semantic Role Labeling
Niko Schenk
Christian Chiarcos
An End-to-end Approach to Learning Semantic Frames with Feedforward Neural Network
Yukun Feng
Yipei Xu
Dong Yu
Inducing a Lexicon of Abusive Words – a Feature-Based Approach
Michael Wiegand
Josef Ruppenhofer
Anna Schmidt
Clayton Greenberg
Multimodal Frame Identification with Multilingual Evaluation
Teresa Botschen
Iryna Gurevych
Jan-Christoph Klie
Hatem Mousselly-Sergieh
Stefan Roth
Learning Joint Semantic Parsers from Disjoint Data
Hao Peng
Sam Thomson
Swabha Swayamdipta
Noah A. Smith
Crowdsourcing Question-Answer Meaning Representations
Julian Michael
Gabriel Stanovsky
Luheng He
Ido Dagan
Luke Zettlemoyer
The Alexa Meaning Representation Language
Thomas Kollar
Danielle Berry
Lauren Stuart
Karolina Owczarzak
Tagyoung Chung
Lambert Mathias
Michael Kayser
Bradford Snow
Spyros Matsoukas
Joint Syntactic and Semantic Parsing with Combinatory Categorial Grammar
Jayant Krishnamurthy
Tom M. Mitchell
evision PDF of 'Semantic Frame Identification with Distributed Word Representations
Karl Moritz Hermann
Dipanjan Das
Jason Weston
Kuzman Ganchev
WELT: Using Graphics Generation in Linguistic Fieldwork
Morgan Ulinski
Anusha Balakrishnan
Bob Coyne
Julia Hirschberg
Owen Rambow
Matrix Factorization with Knowledge Graph Propagation for Unsupervised Spoken Language Understanding
Yun-Nung Chen
William Yang Wang
Anatole Gershman
Alexander Rudnicky
Implicit Role Linking on Chinese Discourse: Exploiting Explicit Roles and Frame-to-Frame Relations
Ru Li
Juan Wu
Zhiqiang Wang
Qinghua Chai
Sparse Overcomplete Word Vector Representations
Manaal Faruqui
Yulia Tsvetkov
Dani Yogatama
Chris Dyer
Noah A. Smith
Frame-Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Annotations
Meghana Kshirsagar
Sam Thomson
Nathan Schneider
Jaime Carbonell
Noah A. Smith
Chris Dyer
FrameNet+: Fast Paraphrastic Tripling of FrameNet
Ellie Pavlick
Travis Wolfe
Pushpendre Rastogi
Chris Callison-Burch
Mark Dredze
Benjamin Van Durme
Non-distributional Word Vector Representations
Manaal Faruqui
Chris Dyer
Machine Comprehension with Syntax, Frames, and Semantics
Hai Wang
Mohit Bansal
Kevin Gimpel
David McAllester
Two Discourse Driven Language Models for Semantics
Haoruo Peng
Dan Roth
Connotation Frames: A Data-Driven Investigation
Hannah Rashkin
Sameer Singh
Yejin Choi
Verbs Taking Clausal and Non-Finite Arguments as Signals of Modality – Revisiting the Issue of Meaning Grounded in Syntax
Judith Eckle-Kohler
Embeddings for Word Sense Disambiguation: An Evaluation Study
Ignacio Iacobacci
Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Roberto Navigli
Annotating and Predicting Non-Restrictive Noun Phrase Modifications
Gabriel Stanovsky
Ido Dagan
Commonsense Knowledge Base Completion
Xiang Li
Aynaz Taheri
Lifu Tu
Kevin Gimpel
Physical Causality of Action Verbs in Grounded Language Understanding
Qiaozi Gao
Malcolm Doering
Shaohua Yang
Joyce Chai
Leveraging FrameNet to Improve Automatic Event Detection
Shulin Liu
Yubo Chen
Shizhu He
Kang Liu
Jun Zhao
Verb Physics: Relative Physical Knowledge of Actions and Objects
Maxwell Forbes
Yejin Choi
Deep Learning in Semantic Kernel Spaces
Danilo Croce
Simone Filice
Giuseppe Castellucci
Roberto Basili
Automatically Labeled Data Generation for Large Scale Event Extraction
Yubo Chen
Shulin Liu
Xiang Zhang
Kang Liu
Jun Zhao
An Analysis of Action Recognition Datasets for Language and Vision Tasks
Spandana Gella
Frank Keller
Explicit Retrofitting of Distributional Word Vectors
Goran Glavaš
Ivan Vulić
Event2Mind: Commonsense Inference on Events, Intents, and Reactions
Hannah Rashkin
Maarten Sap
Emily Allaway
Noah A. Smith
Yejin Choi
Large-Scale QA-SRL Parsing
Nicholas FitzGerald
Julian Michael
Luheng He
Luke Zettlemoyer
Zero-Shot Transfer Learning for Event Extraction
Lifu Huang
Heng Ji
Kyunghyun Cho
Ido Dagan
Sebastian Riedel
Clare Voss
Unsupervised Semantic Frame Induction using Triclustering
Dmitry Ustalov
Alexander Panchenko
Andrey Kutuzov
Chris Biemann
Simone Paolo Ponzetto
Crosslingual and Multilingual Construction of Syntax-Based Vector Space Models
Jason Utt
Sebastian Padó
It’s All Fun and Games until Someone Annotates: Video Games with a Purpose for Linguistic Annotation
David Jurgens
Roberto Navigli
Efficient Inference and Structured Learning for Semantic Role Labeling
Oscar Täckström
Kuzman Ganchev
Dipanjan Das
Concept Grounding to Multiple Knowledge Bases via Indirect Supervision
Chen-Tse Tsai
Dan Roth
Encoding Prior Knowledge with Eigenword Embeddings
Dominique Osborne
Shashi Narayan
Shay B. Cohen
Cross-Sentence N-ary Relation Extraction with Graph LSTMs
Nanyun Peng
Hoifung Poon
Chris Quirk
Kristina Toutanova
Wen-tau Yih
Automatically Tagging Constructions of Causation and Their Slot-Fillers
Jesse Dunietz
Lori Levin
Jaime Carbonell
Semantic Specialization of Distributional Word Vector Spaces using Monolingual and Cross-Lingual Constraints
Nikola Mrkšić
Ivan Vulić
Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha
Ira Leviant
Roi Reichart
Milica Gašić
Anna Korhonen
Steve Young
Ordinal Common-sense Inference
Sheng Zhang
Rachel Rudinger
Kevin Duh
Benjamin Van Durme
Towards a Lexicon-grammar based Framework for NLP: an Opinion Mining Application
Annibale Elia
Serena Pelosi
Alessandro Maisto
Raffaele Guarasci
Towards the Unsupervised Acquisition of Implicit Semantic Roles
Niko Schenk
Christian Chiarcos
Maria Sukhareva
Cross-Lingual SRL Based upon Universal Dependencies
Ondřej Pražák
Miloslav Konopík
Semantic Role Labelling with minimal resources: Experiments with French
Rasoul Kaljahi
Jennifer Foster
Johann Roturier
NILC_USP: Aspect Extraction using Semantic Labels
Pedro Balage Filho
Thiago Pardo
RTM-DCU: Referential Translation Machines for Semantic Similarity
Ergun Biçici
Andy Way
A New Dataset and Evaluation for Belief/Factuality
Vinodkumar Prabhakaran
Tomas By
Julia Hirschberg
Owen Rambow
Samira Shaikh
Tomek Strzalkowski
Jennifer Tracey
Michael Arrigo
Rupayan Basu
Micah Clark
Adam Dalton
Mona Diab
Louise Guthrie
Anna Prokofieva
Stephanie Strassel
Gregory Werner
Yorick Wilks
Janyce Wiebe
Automatic Generation of a Lexical Resource to support Semantic Role Labeling in Portuguese
Magali Sanches Duran
Sandra Aluísio
UH-PRHLT at SemEval-2016 Task 3: Combining Lexical and Semantic-based Features for Community Question Answering
Marc Franco-Salvador
Sudipta Kar
Thamar Solorio
Paolo Rosso
Automatic Identification of Aspectual Classes across Verbal Readings
Ingrid Falk
Fabienne Martin
Semantic Frame Labeling with Target-based Neural Model
Yukun Feng
Dong Yu
Jian Xu
Chunhua Liu
Frame-Based Continuous Lexical Semantics through Exponential Family Tensor Factorization and Semantic Proto-Roles
Francis Ferraro
Adam Poliak
Ryan Cotterell
Benjamin Van Durme
Embedded Semantic Lexicon Induction with Joint Global and Local Optimization
Sujay Kumar Jauhar
Eduard Hovy
SemEval-2017 Task 1: Semantic Textual Similarity Multilingual and Crosslingual Focused Evaluation
Daniel Cer
Mona Diab
Eneko Agirre
Iñigo Lopez-Gazpio
Lucia Specia
SemEval-2018 Task 5: Counting Events and Participants in the Long Tail
Marten Postma
Filip Ilievski
Piek Vossen
Coarse Lexical Frame Acquisition at the Syntax–Semantics Interface Using a Latent-Variable PCFG Model
Laura Kallmeyer
Behrang QasemiZadeh
Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Putting Semantics into Semantic Roles
James Allen
Choh Man Teng
Measuring Frame Instance Relatedness
Valerio Basile
Roque Lopez Condori
Elena Cabrio
Bringing together over- and under- represented languages: Linking WordNet to the SIL Semantic Domains
Muhammad Zulhelmy bin Mohd Rosman
František Kratochvíl
Francis Bond
Recognizing Causality in Verb-Noun Pairs via Noun and Verb Semantics
Mehwish Riaz
Roxana Girju
Parsing Screenplays for Extracting Social Networks from Movies
Apoorv Agarwal
Sriramkumar Balasubramanian
Jiehan Zheng
Sarthak Dash
Documenting Endangered Languages with the WordsEye Linguistics Tool
Morgan Ulinski
Anusha Balakrishnan
Daniel Bauer
Bob Coyne
Julia Hirschberg
Owen Rambow
Intermediary Semantic Representation through Proposition Structures
Gabriel Stanovsky
Jessica Ficler
Ido Dagan
Yoav Goldberg
Semantic Role Labeling of Emotions in Tweets
Saif Mohammad
Xiaodan Zhu
Joel Martin
A Comparison of the Events and Relations Across ACE, ERE, TAC-KBP, and FrameNet Annotation Standards
Jacqueline Aguilar
Charley Beller
Paul McNamee
Benjamin Van Durme
Stephanie Strassel
Zhiyi Song
Joe Ellis
Statistical Models for Frame-Semantic Parsing
Dipanjan Das
Structuring Operative Notes using Active Learning
Kirk Roberts
Sanda Harabagiu
Michael Skinner
Syntax and Semantics in Quality Estimation of Machine Translation
Rasoul Kaljahi
Jennifer Foster
Johann Roturier
In-depth Exploitation of Noun and Verb Semantics to Identify Causation in Verb-Noun Pairs
Mehwish Riaz
Roxana Girju
MusiTAL: a six hands music for NLP (MusiTAL : une partition à six mains pour le TAL) [in French]
Marie Dozol
Paul Sabatier
Marie-Hélène Stéfanini
Layers of Interpretation: On Grammar and Compositionality
Emily M. Bender
Dan Flickinger
Stephan Oepen
Woodley Packard
Ann Copestake
Encoding event structure in Urdu/Hindi VerbNet
Annette Hautli-Janisz
Tracy Holloway King
Gilian Ramchand
Semantic Interoperability for Cross-lingual and cross-document Event Detection
Piek Vossen
Egoitz Laparra
German Rigau
Itziar Aldabe
Improving Chinese-English PropBank Alignment
Shumin Wu
Martha Palmer
Exploring Sensorial Features for Metaphor Identification
Serra Sinem Tekiroğlu
Gözde Özbal
Carlo Strapparava
A Hierarchy with, of, and for Preposition Supersenses
Nathan Schneider
Vivek Srikumar
Jena D. Hwang
Martha Palmer
Annotating Causal Language Using Corpus Lexicography of Constructions
Jesse Dunietz
Lori Levin
Jaime Carbonell
Extracting Semantic Frames using hfst-pmatch
Sam Hardwick
Miikka Silfverberg
Krister Lindén
Extending effect annotation with lexical decomposition
Josef Ruppenhofer
Jasper Brandes
Opinion Holder and Target Extraction for Verb-based Opinion Predicates – The Problem is Not Solved
Michael Wiegand
Marc Schulder
Josef Ruppenhofer
Conceptual Annotations Preserve Structure Across Translations: A French-English Case Study
Elior Sulem
Omri Abend
Ari Rappoport
Sar-graphs: A Linked Linguistic Knowledge Resource Connecting Facts with Language
Sebastian Krause
Leonhard Hennig
Aleksandra Gabryszak
Feiyu Xu
Hans Uszkoreit
Storylines for structuring massive streams of news
Piek Vossen
Tommaso Caselli
Yiota Kontzopoulou
Memory-Based Acquisition of Argument Structures and its Application to Implicit Role Detection
Christian Chiarcos
Niko Schenk
Metaphor Detection in Discourse
Hyeju Jang
Seungwhan Moon
Yohan Jo
Carolyn Rosé
VerbLexPor: um recurso léxico com anotação de papéis semânticos para o português (VerbLexPor: a lexical resource annotated with semantic roles for Portuguese)
Leonardo Zilio
Maria José Bocorny Finatto
Aline Villavicencio
Pictogrammar: an AAC device based on a semantic grammar
Fernando Martínez-Santiago
Miguel Ángel García-Cumbreras
Arturo Montejo-Ráez
Manuel Carlos Díaz-Galiano
“Making the News”: Identifying Noteworthy Events in News Articles
Shyam Upadhyay
Christos Christodoulopoulos
Dan Roth
Supervised Metaphor Detection using Conditional Random Fields
Sunny Rai
Shampa Chakraverty
Devendra K. Tayal
Pragmatic Factors in Image Description: The Case of Negations
Emiel van Miltenburg
Roser Morante
Desmond Elliott
A Repository of Frame Instance Lexicalizations for Generation
Valerio Basile
A Web-based Tool for the Integrated Annotation of Semantic and Syntactic Structures
Richard Eckart de Castilho
Éva Mújdricza-Maydt
Seid Muhie Yimam
Silvana Hartmann
Iryna Gurevych
Anette Frank
Chris Biemann
A Study of Imitation Learning Methods for Semantic Role Labeling
Travis Wolfe
Mark Dredze
Benjamin Van Durme
From Treebank to Propbank: A Semantic-Role and VerbNet Corpus for Danish
Eckhard Bick
Parameter Free Hierarchical Graph-Based Clustering for Analyzing Continuous Word Embeddings
Thomas Alexander Trost
Dietrich Klakow
Beyond Bilingual: Multi-sense Word Embeddings using Multilingual Context
Shyam Upadhyay
Kai-Wei Chang
Matt Taddy
Adam Kalai
James Zou
Prediction of Frame-to-Frame Relations in the FrameNet Hierarchy with Frame Embeddings
Teresa Botschen
Hatem Mousselly-Sergieh
Iryna Gurevych
Event Detection Using Frame-Semantic Parser
Evangelia Spiliopoulou
Eduard Hovy
Teruko Mitamura
Structured Learning for Context-aware Spoken Language Understanding of Robotic Commands
Andrea Vanzo
Danilo Croce
Roberto Basili
Daniele Nardi
Storyteller: Visual Analytics of Perspectives on Rich Text Interpretations
Maarten van Meersbergen
Piek Vossen
Janneke van der Zwaan
Antske Fokkens
Willem van Hage
Inger Leemans
Isa Maks
Learning to Score System Summaries for Better Content Selection Evaluation.
Maxime Peyrard
Teresa Botschen
Iryna Gurevych
Modelling Protagonist Goals and Desires in First-Person Narrative
Elahe Rahimtoroghi
Jiaqi Wu
Ruimin Wang
Pranav Anand
Marilyn Walker
Propbank Annotation of Danish Noun Frames
Eckhard Bick
Handling Multiword Expressions in Causality Estimation
Shota Sasaki
Sho Takase
Naoya Inoue
Naoaki Okazaki
Kentaro Inui
A Multiform Balanced Dependency Treebank for Romanian
Mihaela Colhon
Cătălina Mărănduc
Cătălin Mititelu
Experiential, Distributional and Dependency-based Word Embeddings have Complementary Roles in Decoding Brain Activity
Samira Abnar
Rasyan Ahmed
Max Mijnheer
Willem Zuidema
Extrofitting: Enriching Word Representation and its Vector Space with Semantic Lexicons
Hwiyeol Jo
Stanley Jungkyu Choi
A Sequence-to-Sequence Model for Semantic Role Labeling
Angel Daza
Anette Frank
Using Embeddings to Compare FrameNet Frames Across Languages
Jennifer Sikos
Sebastian Padó
Addressing the Winograd Schema Challenge as a Sequence Ranking Task
Juri Opitz
Anette Frank
A Rich Annotation Scheme for Mental Events
William Croft
Pavlína Pešková
Michael Regan
Sook-kyung Lee
Crowdsourcing StoryLines: Harnessing the Crowd for Causal Relation Annotation
Tommaso Caselli
Oana Inel
Interoperable Annotation of Events and Event Relations across Domains
Jun Araki
Lamana Mulaffer
Arun Pandian
Yukari Yamakawa
Kemal Oflazer
Teruko Mitamura
Frame- and Entity-Based Knowledge for Common-Sense Argumentative Reasoning
Teresa Botschen
Daniil Sorokin
Iryna Gurevych
Semantic role labeling tools for biomedical question answering: a study of selected tools on the BioASQ datasets
Fabian Eckert
Mariana Neves
Team UMBC-FEVER : Claim verification using Semantic Lexical Resources
Ankur Padia
Francis Ferraro
Tim Finin
FrameIt: Ontology Discovery for Noisy User-Generated Text
Dan Iter
Alon Halevy
Wang-Chiew Tan
Abstract Meaning Representation for Human-Robot Dialogue
Claire N. Bonial
Lucia Donatelli
Jessica Ervin
Clare R. Voss
Verb Argument Structure Alternations in Word and Sentence Embeddings
Katharina Kann
Alex Warstadt
Adina Williams
Samuel R. Bowman
Field Of Study
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