Authors Timeline
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Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars
Stuart M. Shieber
Yves Schabes
Paper Details:
Year: 1990
XTAG - A Graphical Workbench for Developing Tree-Adjoining Grammars
Patrick Paroubek
Yves Schabes
Aravind K. Joshi
Data-Oriented Translation
Arjen Poutsma
Range Concatenation Grammars for Translation
Anders Søgaard
A Novel Reordering Model Based on Multi-layer Phrase for Statistical Machine Translation
Yanqing He
Yu Zhou
Chengqing Zong
Huilin Wang
Detecting Speech Repairs Incrementally Using a Noisy Channel Approach
Simon Zwarts
Mark Johnson
Robert Dale
Hybrid Grammars for Discontinuous Parsing
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Heiko Vogler
Using Lexicalized Tags for Machine Translation
Anne Abeille
Yves Schabes
Aravind K. Joshi
Structure Sharing in Lexicalized Tree-Adjoining Grammars
K. Vijay-Shanker
Yves Schabes
David Milward
Robin Cooper
Pattern-Based Machine Translation
Koichi Takeda
Synchronous Tree Adjoining Machine Translation
Steve DeNeefe
Kevin Knight
What is Hidden among Translation Rules
Libin Shen
Bowen Zhou
Disfluency Detection using Auto-Correlational Neural Networks
Paria Jamshid Lou
Peter Anderson
Mark Johnson
Topological Parsing
Gerald Penn
Mohammad Haji-Abdolhosseini
Two Recent Developments in Tree Adjoining Grammars: Semantics and Efficient Processing
Yves Schabes
Aravind K. Joshi
Fixed and Flexible Phrase Structure: Coordination in Tree Adjoining Grammars
Aravind K. Joshi
Yves Schabes
Machine Translation Based on Constraint-Based Synchronous Grammar
Fai Wong
Dong-Cheng Hu
Yu-Hang Mao
Ming-Chui Dong
Yi-Ping Li
Binarization of Synchronous Context-Free Grammars
Liang Huang
Hao Zhang
Daniel Gildea
Kevin Knight
On the String Translations Produced by Multi Bottom–Up Tree Transducers
Daniel Gildea
Phrase Dependency Machine Translation with Quasi-Synchronous Tree-to-Tree Features
Kevin Gimpel
Noah A. Smith
An Alternative Conception of Tree-Adjoining Derivation
Yves Schabes
Stuart M. Shieber
Multitext Grammars and Synchronous Parsers
I. Dan Melamed
Synchronous Binarization for Machine Translation
Hao Zhang
Liang Huang
Daniel Gildea
Kevin Knight
Joint Parsing and Alignment with Weakly Synchronized Grammars
David Burkett
John Blitzer
Dan Klein
Computational Properties of Environment-based Disambiguation
William Schuler
Learning Non-Isomorphic Tree Mappings for Machine Translation
Jason Eisner
A TAG-based noisy-channel model of speech repairs
Mark Johnson
Eugene Charniak
Machine Translation Using Probabilistic Synchronous Dependency Insertion Grammars
Yuan Ding
Martha Palmer
Polarized Unification Grammars
Sylvain Kahane
A DOM Tree Alignment Model for Mining Parallel Data from the Web
Lei Shi
Cheng Niu
Ming Zhou
Jianfeng Gao
Optimal k-arization of Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammar-arization of Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammar
Rebecca Nesson
Giorgio Satta
Stuart M. Shieber
A Tree Transducer Model for Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars
Andreas Maletti
Tools for Multilingual Grammar-Based Translation on the Web
Aarne Ranta
Krasimir Angelov
Thomas Hallgren
Incremental Syntactic Language Models for Phrase-based Translation
Lane Schwartz
Chris Callison-Burch
William Schuler
Stephen Wu
How to train your multi bottom-up tree transducer
Andreas Maletti
Adjoining Tree-to-String Translation
Yang Liu
Qun Liu
Yajuan Lü
An Alternative Conception of Tree-Adjoining Derivation
Yves Schabes
Stuart M. Shieber
Tricolor DAGs for Machine Translation
Koichi Takeda
Quantifier Scope and Constituency
Jong C. Park
Mapping Scrambled Korean Sentences into English Using Synchronous TAGs
Hyun S. Park
Synchronous Models off Language
Owen Rambow
Giorgio Satta
Pattern-Based Context-Free Grammars for Machine Translation
Koichi Takeda
Representing Paraphrases Using Synchronous TAGS
Mark Dras
Simultaneous Interpretation Utilizing Example-based Incremental Transfer
Hideki Mima
Hitoshi Iida
Osamu Furuse
A Pattern-based Machine Translation System Extended by Example-based Processing
Hideo Watanabe
Koichi Takeda
A Meta-Level Grammar: Redefining Synchronous TAG for Translation and Paraphrase
Mark Dras
Preserving Semantic Dependencies in Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar
William Schuler
Representations of Actions as an Interlingua
Karin Christine Kipper
Martha Palmer
A Synchronization Structure of SSTC and Its Applications in Machine Translation
Mosleh H. Al-Adhaileh
Enya Kong Tang
Zaharin Yusoff
Generation of Single-sentence Paraphrases from Predicate/Argument Structure using Lexico-grammatical Resources
Raymond Kozlowski
Kathleen F. McCoy
K. Vijay-Shanker
Synchronous Dependency Insertion Grammars: A Grammar Formalism for Syntax Based Statistical MT
Yuan Ding
Martha Palmer
Bilingual Parsing with Factored Estimation: Using English to Parse Korean
David A. Smith
Noah A. Smith
Pied-Piping in Relative Clauses: Syntax and Compositional Semantics Based on Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar
Chung-hye Han
A Discriminative Model for Tree-to-Tree Translation
Brooke Cowan
Ivona Kuc̆erová
Michael Collins
Quasi-Synchronous Grammars: Alignment by Soft Projection of Syntactic Dependencies
David Smith
Jason Eisner
A Syntax-Directed Translator with Extended Domain of Locality
Liang Huang
Kevin Knight
Aravind Joshi
Extraction Phenomena in Synchronous TAG Syntax and Semantics
Rebecca Nesson
Stuart M. Shieber
Probabilistic Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars for Machine Translation: The Argument from Bilingual Dictionaries
Stuart M. Shieber
Syntax-Driven Learning of Sub-Sentential Translation Equivalents and Translation Rules from Parsed Parallel Corpora
Alon Lavie
Alok Parlikar
Vamshi Ambati
Empirical Lower Bounds on Aligment Error Rates in Syntax-Based Machine Translation
Anders Søgaard
Jonas Kuhn
Preservation of Recognizability for Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammars
Zoltán Fülöp
Andreas Maletti
Heiko Vogler
A Decoder for Probabilistic Synchronous Tree Insertion Grammars
Steve DeNeefe
Kevin Knight
Heiko Vogler
Chinese in the Grammatical Framework: Grammar, Translation, and Other Applications Anonymous
Aarne Ranta
Yan Tian
Haiyan Qiao
Extended Tree Transducers in Natural Language Processing
Andreas Maletti
EM-Training for Weighted Aligned Hypergraph Bimorphisms
Frank Drewes
Kilian Gebhardt
Heiko Vogler
Modelling Discourse in STAG: Subordinate Conjunctions and Attributing Phrases
Timothée Bernard
Laurence Danlos
Reflexives and Reciprocals in Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar
Cristina Aggazzotti
Stuart M. Shieber
Coordination in TAG without the Conjoin Operation
Chung-hye Han
Anoop Sarkar
Fine-Grained Discourse Structures in Continuation Semantics
Timothée Bernard
Toward Bayesian Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammars for Sentence Planning
David M. Howcroft
Dietrich Klakow
Vera Demberg
Generation and Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammars
Stuart M. Shieber
Yves Schabes
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
Machine Translation
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