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An Annotation Scheme for Free Word Order Languages
Wojciech Skut
Brigitte Krenn
Thorsten Brants
Hans Uszkoreit
Paper Details:
Month: March
Year: 1997
Location: Washington, DC, USA
TnT – A Statistical Part-of-Speech Tagger
Thorsten Brants
Software for Annotating Argument Structure
Wojciech Skut
Brigitte Krenn
Thorsten Brants
Hans Uszkoreit
A Description Language for Syntactically Annotated Corpora
Esther Konig
Wolfgang Lezius
(Semi-)Automatic Detection of Errors in PoS-Tagged Corpora
Pavel Kvĕtoň
Karel Oliva
Experiments in German Noun Chunking
Michael Schiehlen
Representing discourse coherence: A corpus-based analysis
Florian Wolf
Edward Gibson
Annotation Strategies for Probabilistic Parsing in German
Michael Schiehlen
Optimizing Algorithms for Pronoun Resolution
Michael Schiehlen
High-Performance Tagging on Medical Texts
Udo Hahn
Joachim Wermter
Data-Driven Parsing with Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Laura Kallmeyer
Wolfgang Maier
A Neural Model for Part-of-Speech Tagging in Historical Texts
Christian Hardmeier
Treebank Annotation Schemes and Parser Evaluation for German
Ines Rehbein
Josef van Genabith
Sparse Multi-Scale Grammars for Discriminative Latent Variable Parsing
Slav Petrov
Dan Klein
Evaluating Dependency Parsing: Robust and Heuristics-Free Cross-Annotation Evaluation
Reut Tsarfaty
Joakim Nivre
Evelina Andersson
Syntactic Parse Fusion
Do Kook Choe
David McClosky
Eugene Charniak
Diversity in Spectral Learning for Natural Language Parsing
Shashi Narayan
Shay B. Cohen
Detecting Errors in Part-of-Speech Annotation
Markus Dickinson
W. Detmar Meurers
Experiments on Candidate Data for Collocation Extraction
Stefan Evert
Hannah Kermes
A Cascaded Finite-State Parser for German
Michael Schiehlen
Efficient parsing with Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Andreas van Cranenburgh
Subcategorisation Acquisition from Raw Text for a Free Word-Order Language
Will Roberts
Markus Egg
Valia Kordoni
Incremental Discontinuous Phrase Structure Parsing with the GAP Transition
Maximin Coavoux
Benoît Crabbé
Cascaded Markov Models
Thorsten Brants
eBonsai: An Integrated Environment for Annotating Treebanks
Hiroshi Ichikawa
Masaki Noguchi
Taiichi Hashimoto
Takenobu Tokunaga
Hozumi Tanaka
Some remarks on the Annotation of Quantifying Noun Groups in Treebanks
Kristina Spranger
Representing Discourse Coherence: A Corpus-Based Study
Florian Wolf
Edward Gibson
Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages: Introduction to the Special Issue
Reut Tsarfaty
Djamé Seddah
Sandra Kübler
Joakim Nivre
Data-Driven Parsing using Probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems
Laura Kallmeyer
Wolfgang Maier
Phrase Dependency Machine Translation with Quasi-Synchronous Tree-to-Tree Features
Kevin Gimpel
Noah A. Smith
Acquiring a Taxonomy from the German Wikipedia
Laura Kassner
Vivi Nastase
Michael Strube
First approach toward Semantic Role Labeling for Basque
Haritz Salaberri
Olatz Arregi
Beñat Zapirain
Combining Ontologies and Neural Networks for Analyzing Historical Language Varieties. A Case Study in Middle Low German
Maria Sukhareva
Christian Chiarcos
Detecting Annotation Scheme Variation in Out-of-Domain Treebanks
Yannick Versley
Julius Steen
Improved Inference for Unlexicalized Parsing
Slav Petrov
Dan Klein
Products of Random Latent Variable Grammars
Slav Petrov
Probabilistic Parsing for German Using Sister-Head Dependencies
Amit Dubey
Frank Keller
Combining Deep and Shallow Approaches in Parsing German
Michael Schiehlen
Deep Dependencies from Context-Free Statistical Parsers: Correcting the Surface Dependency Approximation
Roger Levy
Christopher Manning
Lexicalization in Crosslinguistic Probabilistic Parsing: The Case of French
Abhishek Arun
Frank Keller
What to Do When Lexicalization Fails: Parsing German with Suffix Analysis and Smoothing
Amit Dubey
Detecting Errors in Discontinuous Structural Annotation
Markus Dickinson
W. Detmar Meurers
Creating a CCGbank and a Wide-Coverage CCG Lexicon for German
Julia Hockenmaier
An All-Subtrees Approach to Unsupervised Parsing
Rens Bod
Annotation Schemes and their Influence on Parsing Results
Wolfgang Maier
Surprising Parser Actions and Reading Difficulty
Marisa Ferrara Boston
John T. Hale
Reinhold Kliegl
Shravan Vasishth
Clause Restructuring For SMT Not Absolutely Helpful
Susan Howlett
Mark Dras
Parsing as Reduction
Daniel Fernández-González
André F. T. Martins
Optimizing Spectral Learning for Parsing
Shashi Narayan
Shay B. Cohen
Discourse-level Annotation for Investigating Information Structure
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayova
Geert-Jan M. Kruijff
Fast, Deep-Linguistic Statistical Dependency Parsing
Gerold Schneider
Fabio Rinaldi
James Dowdall
Towards a Dependency Parser for Basque
M.J. Aranzabe
J.M. Arriola
A. Diaz de Ilarraza
Multi-dimensional annotation of linguistic corpora for investigating information structure
Stefan Baumann
Caren Brinckmann
Silvia Hansen-Schirra
Geert-Jan Kruijff
Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová
Stella Neumann
Elke Teich
Is it Really that Difficult to Parse German?
Sandra Kübler
Erhard W. Hinrichs
Wolfgang Maier
Unsupervised Parsing with U-DOP
Rens Bod
A Dependency-Driven Parser for German Dependency and Constituency Representations
Johan Hall
Joakim Nivre
Direct Parsing of Discontinuous Constituents in German
Wolfgang Maier
Reducing the Size of the Representation for the uDOP-Estimate
Christoph Teichmann
Edinburgh’s Syntax-Based Machine Translation Systems
Maria Nadejde
Philip Williams
Philipp Koehn
New Technologies for Old Germanic. Resources and Research on Parallel Bibles in Older Continental Western Germanic
Christian Chiarcos
Maria Sukhareva
Roland Mittmann
Timothy Price
Gaye Detmold
Jan Chobotsky
Semi-Semantic Part of Speech Annotation and Evaluation
Qaiser Abbas
Defining the Eukalyptus forest – the Koala treebank of Swedish
Yvonne Adesam
Gerlof Bouma
Richard Johansson
Discontinuity (Re)²-visited: A Minimalist Approach to Pseudoprojective Constituent Parsing
Yannick Versley
Tagging Grammatical Functions
Thorsten Brants
Wojciech Skut
Brigitte Krenn
A Maximum-Entropy Partial Parser for Unrestricted Text
Wojciech Skut
Thorsten Brants
Automation of Treebank Annotation
Thorsten Brants
Wojciech Skut
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Linguistic Trends
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