Authors Timeline
Field of Study
ACL N-gram Stats
A Simple Rule-Based Part of Speech Tagger
Eric Brill
Paper Details:
Month: March
Year: 1992
Location: Trento, Italy
Experiments on Sentence Boundary Detection
Mark Stevenson
Robert Gaizauskas
DP: A Detector for Presuppositions in survey questions
Katja Wiemer-Hastings
Peter Wiemer-Hastings
Sonya Rajah
Multilingual Coreference Resolution
Sanda M. Harabagiu
Steven J. Maiorano
Using Corpus-derived Name Lists for Named Entity Recognition
Mark Stevenson
Robert Gaizauskas
Does Baum-Welch Re-estimation Help Taggers?
David Elworthy
Tagging and Morphological Disambiguation of Turkish Text
Kemal Oflazer
Ilker Kuruoz
Probabilistic and Rule-Based Tagger of an Inflective Language- a Comparison
Jan Hajic
Barbora Hladka
Multilingual Generation and Summarization of Job Adverts: the TREE Project
Harold Somers
Bill Black
Joakim Nivre
Torbjorn Lager
Annarosa Multari
Luca Gilardoni
Jeremy Ellman
Alex Rogers
An Automatic Extraction of Key Paragraphs Based on Context Dependency
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Yoshimi Suzuki
Jun’ichi Fukumoto
Mixed-Initiative Development of Language Processing Systems
David Day
John Aberdeen
Lynette Hirschman
Robyn Kozierok
Patricia Robinson
Marc Vilain
Morphological Rule Induction for Terminology Acquisition
Beatrice Daille
Automatic Refinement of a POS Tagger Using a Reliable Parser and Plain Text Corpora
Hideki Hirakawa
Kenji Ono
Yumiko Yoshimura
Identifying Terms by their Family and Friends
Diana Maynard
Sophia Ananiadou
Decision-Tree based Error Correction for Statistical Phrase Break Prediction in Korean
Byeongchang Kim
Geunbae Lee
Detecting Shifts in News Stories for Paragraph Extraction
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Yoshimi Suzuki
Extending a Broad-Coverage Parser for a General NLP Toolkit
Hassan Alam
Hua Cheng
Rachmat Hartono
Aman Kumar
Paul Llido
Crystal Nakatsu
Fuad Rahman
Yuliya Tarnikova
Timotius Tjahjadi
Che Wilcox
Lexical Query Paraphrasing for Document Retrieval
Ingrid Zukerman
Bhavani Raskutti
An XML-based Document Suite
Dietmar Rösner
Manuela Kunze
Part-of-Speech Tagging in Context
Michele Banko
Robert C. Moore
Verification and Implementation of Language-Based Deception Indicators in Civil and Criminal Narratives
Joan Bachenko
Eileen Fitzpatrick
Michael Schonwetter
Assigning Fine-grained PoS Tags based on High-precision Coarse-grained Tagging
Tobias Horsmann
Torsten Zesch
Restructuring Tagged Corpora with Morpheme Adjustment Rules
Toshihisa Tashiro
Noriyoshi Uratani
Tsuyoshi Morimoto
A Rule-Based Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment Disambiguation
Eric Brill
Philip Resnik
Extracting Nested Collocations
Katerina T. Frantzi
Sophia Ananiadou
Markov random field based English Part-Of-Speech tagging system
Sung-Young Jung
Young C. Park
Key-Sun Choi
Youngwhan Kim
An Automatic Clustering of Articles Using Dictionary Definitions
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Yoshimi Suzuki
Learning to Recognize Names Across Languages
Anthony F. Gallippi
Parallel Replacement in Finite State Calculus
Andre Kempe
Lauri Karttunen
Automatic English-to-Korean Text Translation of Telegraphic Messages in a Limited Domain
Clifford Weinstein
Dinesh Tummala
Young-Suk Lee
Stephanie Seneff
POS Tagging Using Relaxation Labelling
Lluis Padro
A Self-Learning Universal Concept Spotter
Tomek Strzalkowski
Jin Wang
Tagging Spoken Language Using Written Language Statistics
Joakim Nivre
Leif Gronqvist
Malin Gustafsson
TorbjSrn Lager
Sylvana Sofkova
Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation with Methods for Addressing the Class Imbalance Problem
Jingbo Zhu
Eduard Hovy
Transforming Trees to Improve Syntactic Convergence
David Burkett
Dan Klein
A syntax-based part-of-speech analyser
Atro Voutilainen
Word Sense Disambiguation in Untagged Text based on Term Weight Learning
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Yoshimi Suzuki
Entry Vocabulary - a Technology to Enhance Digital Search
Fredric Gey
Michael Buckland
Aitao Chen
Ray Larson
Integrated Information Management: An Interactive, Extensible Architecture for Information Retrieval
Eric Nyberg
Hal Daume
The Use of Dynamic Segment Scoring for Language-Independent Question Answering
Daniel Pack
Clifford Weinstein
Automatic Grammar Induction and Parsing Free Text: A Transformation-Based Approach
Eric Brill
A Report of Recent Progress in Transformation-Based Error-Driven Learning
Eric Brill
A Comparative Study of Language Models for Book and Author Recognition
Özlem Uzuner
Boris Katz
Learning a Stopping Criterion for Active Learning for Word Sense Disambiguation and Text Classification
Jingbo Zhu
Huizhen Wang
Eduard Hovy
Learning Decision Lists with Known Rules for Text Mining
Venkatesan Chakravarthy
Sachindra Joshi
Ganesh Ramakrishnan
Shantanu Godbole
Sreeram Balakrishnan
Combining Context Features by Canonical Belief Network for Chinese Part-Of-Speech Tagging
Hongzhi Xu
Chunping Li
Morphology Driven Manipuri POS Tagger
Thoudam Doren Singh
Sivaji Bandyopadhyay
Improving Accuracy in word class tagging through the Combination of Machine Learning Systems
Hans Van Halteren
Jakub Zavrel
Walter Daelemans
Learning Subjective Language
Janyce Wiebe
Theresa Wilson
Rebecca Bruce
Matthew Bell
Melanie Martin
ACL Lifetime Achievement Award: The Dawn of Statistical ASR and MT
Frederick Jelinek
Lexicon-Based Methods for Sentiment Analysis
Maite Taboada
Julian Brooke
Milan Tofiloski
Kimberly Voll
Manfred Stede
Annotating and Learning Event Durations in Text
Feng Pan
Rutu Mulkar-Mehta
Jerry R. Hobbs
Automatic Stochastic Tagging of Natural Language Texts
Evangelos Dermatas
George Kokkinakis
Deterministic Part-Of-Speech Tagging With Finite State Transducers
Emmanuel Roche
Yves Schabes
Transformation-Based Error-Driven Learning and Natural Language Processing: A Case Study in Part-of-Speech Tagging
Eric Brill
Disambiguating Highly Ambiguous Words
Geoffrey Towell
Ellen M. Voorhees
The KiezDeutsch Korpus (KiDKo) Release 1.0
Ines Rehbein
Sören Schalowski
Heike Wiese
Leveraging Lexical Resources and Constraint Grammar for Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging in Welsh
Steven Neale
Kevin Donnelly
Gareth Watkins
Dawn Knight
John Aberdeen
John Burger
David Day
Lynette Hirschman
Patricia Robinson
Marc Vilain
University of Sheffield: Description of the LaSIE-II System as Used for MUC-7
K. Humphreys
R. Gaizauskas
S. Azzam
C. Huyck
B. Mitchell
H. Cunningham
Y. Wilks
Extracting Appraisal Expressions
Kenneth Bloom
Navendu Garg
Shlomo Argamon
Reliable Measures for Aligning Japanese-English News Articles and Sentences
Masao Utiyama
Hitoshi Isahara
An Ontology-based Semantic Tagger for IE system
Narjès Boufaden
Learning Event Durations from Event Descriptions
Feng Pan
Rutu Mulkar
Jerry R. Hobbs
Fast Semantic Extraction Using a Novel Neural Network Architecture
Ronan Collobert
Jason Weston
Enriching Morphologically Poor Languages for Statistical Machine Translation
Eleftherios Avramidis
Philipp Koehn
Improving Automatic Speech Recognition for Lectures through Transformation-based Rules Learned from Minimal Data
Cosmin Munteanu
Gerald Penn
Xiaodan Zhu
Extracting Comparative Entities and Predicates from Texts Using Comparative Type Classification
Seon Yang
Youngjoong Ko
DErivBase: Inducing and Evaluating a Derivational Morphology Resource for German
Britta Zeller
Jan Šnajder
Sebastian Padó
Open-Source Tools for Morphology, Lemmatization, POS Tagging and Named Entity Recognition
Jana Straková
Milan Straka
Jan Hajič
Automatic Grammar Induction and Parsing Free Text: A Transformation-Based Approach
Eric Brill
Integrating Multiple Knowledge Sources to Disambiguate Word Sense: An Exemplar-Based Approach
Hwee Tou Ng
Hian Beng Lee
High-Performance Bilingual Text Alignment Using Statistical and Dictionary Information
Masahiko Haruno
Takefumi Yamazaki
Using Textual Clues to Improve Metaphor Processing
Stephane Ferrari
A Synopsis of Learning to Recognize Names Across Languages
Anthony F. Gallippi
Ambiguity Resolution for Machine Translation of Telegraphic Messages
Young-Suk Lee
Clifford Weinstein
Stephanie Seneff
Dinesh Tummala
Morphological Disambiguation by Voting Constraints
Kemal Oflazer
Gokhan Tur
Mistake-Driven Mixture of Hierarchical Tag Context Trees
Masahiko Haruno
Yuji Matsumoto
A Flexible POS Tagger Using an Automatically Acquired Language Model
Lluis Marquez
Lluis Padro
Finite State Transducers Approximating Hidden Markov Models
Andre Kempe
A Memory-Based Approach to Learning Shallow Natural Language Patterns
Shlomo Argamon
Ido Dagan
Yuval Krymolowski
Combining Stochastic and Rule-Based Methods for Disambiguation in Agglutinative Languages
N. Ezeiza
I. Alegria
J.M. Arriola
R. Urizar
I. Aduriz
Japanese Morphological Analyzer using Word Co-occurrence - JTAG
Takeshi Fuchi
Shinichiro Takagi
Improving Data Driven Wordclass Tagging by System Combination
Hans van Halteren
Jakub Zavrel
Walter Daelemans
Tagging English by Path Voting Constraints
Gokhan Tlir
Kemal Oflazer
Word Sense Disambiguation using Optimised Combinations of Knowledge Sources
Yorick Wilks
Mark Stevenson
Ordering Among Premodifiers
James Shaw
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
*SEM 2012 Shared Task: Resolving the Scope and Focus of Negation
Roser Morante
Eduardo Blanco
SNAP: A Multi-Stage XML-Pipeline for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis
Clemens Schulze Wettendorf
Robin Jegan
Allan Körner
Julia Zerche
Nataliia Plotnikova
Julian Moreth
Tamara Schertl
Verena Obermeyer
Susanne Streil
Tamara Willacker
Stefan Evert
Extracting Key Paragraph based on Topic and Event Detection Towards Multi-Document Summarization
Fumiyo Fukumoto
Yoshimi Suzuki
Semantic Indexing using WordNet Senses
Rada Mihalcea
Dan Moldovan
REXTOR: A System for Generating Relations from Natural Language
Boris Katz
Jimmy Lin
GIST-IT: Combining Linguistic and Machine Learning Techniques for Email Summarization
Evelyne Tzoukermann
Smaranda Muresan
Judith L. Klavans
Adapting and Extending Lexical Resources in a Dialogue System
Ana García-Serrano
Paloma Martínez
Luis Rodrigo
How to Integrate Linguistic information in FILES and generate feedback for grammar errors
R. Delmonte
L. Chiran
C. Bacalu
A Corpus Study of Evaluative and Speculative Language
Janyce Wiebe
Rebecca Bruce
Matthew Bell
Melanie Martin
Theresa Wilson
Use of Support Vector Machines in Extended Named Entity Recognition
Koichi Takeuchi
Nigel Collier
Learning Word Meanings and Descriptive Parameter Spaces from Music
Brian Whitman
Deb Roy
Barry Vercoe
Bio-Medical Entity Extraction using Support Vector Machines
Koichi Takeuchi
Nigel Collier
NE Recognition Without Training Data on a Language You Don’t Speak
Diana Maynard
Valentin Tablan
Hamish Cunningham
Lexical Paraphrasing for Document Retrieval and Node Identification
Ingrid Zukerman
Sarah George
Yingying Wen
A first evaluation of logic form identification systems
Vasile Rus
WSD based on mutual information and syntactic patterns
David Férnandez-Amorós
Using Syntactic Information to Identify Plagiarism
Özlem Uzuner
Boris Katz
Thade Nahnsen
Unsupervised Gene/Protein Named Entity Normalization Using Automatically Extracted Dictionaries
Aaron Cohen
IntEx: A Syntactic Role Driven Protein-Protein Interaction Extractor for Bio-Medical Text
Syed Toufeeq Ahmed
Deepthi Chidambaram
Hasan Davulcu
Chitta Baral
Learning Effective Surface Text Patterns for Information Extraction
Gijs Geleijnse
Jan Korst
Off-Topic Detection in Conversational Telephone Speech
Robin Stewart
Andrea Danyluk
Yang Liu
Using DEDICOM for Completely Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging
Peter Chew
Brett Bader
Alla Rozovskaya
Refining the most frequent sense baseline
Judita Preiss
Jon Dehdari
Josh King
Dennis Mehay
Comparing Canonicalizations of Historical German Text
Bryan Jurish
Developing an Automatic Part-of-Speech Tagger for Scottish Gaelic
William Lamb
Samuel Danso
POS error detection in automatically annotated corpora
Ines Rehbein
Automatic morphological analysis of learner Hungarian
Scott Ledbetter
Markus Dickinson
Linguistic Knowledge-driven Approach to Chinese Comparative Elements Extraction
MinJun Park
Yulin Yuan
Use of Transformation-Based Learning in Annotation Pipeline of Igbo, an African Language
Ikechukwu Onyenwe
Mark Hepple
Chinedu Uchechukwu
Ignatius Ezeani
Part-of-speech Tagging of Code-Mixed Social Media Text
Souvick Ghosh
Satanu Ghosh
Dipankar Das
Neural Morphological Disambiguation Using Surface and Contextual Morphological Awareness
Akhilesh Sudhakar
Anil Kumar Singh
Unsupervised Learning of Disambiguation Rules for Part of Speech Tagging
Eric Brill
Automatic Evaluation and Uniform Filter Cascades for Inducing N-Best Translation Lexicons
I. Dan Melamed
Using Word Class for Part-of-speech Disambiguation
Evelyne Tzoukermann
Dragomir R. Radev
MBT: A Memory-Based Part of Speech Tagger-Generator
Walter Daelemans
Jakub Zavrel
Peter Berck
Steven Gillis
Unsupervised Learning of Syntactic Knowledge: Methods and Measures
R. Basili
A. Marziali
M.T. Pazienza
P. Velardi
Combining Hand-crafted Rules and Unsupervised Learning in Constraint-based Morphological Disambiguation
Kemal Oflazer
Gokhan Tur
A Statistics-Based Chinese Parser
Qiang Zhou
Automatic Identification of Zero Pronouns and their Antecedents within Aligned Sentence Pairs
Hiromi Nakaiwa
A Natural Language Correction Model for Continuous Speech Recognition
Tomek Strzalkowski
Ronald Brandow
Experience in WordNet Sense Tagging in the Wall Street Journal
Janyce Wiebe
Julie Maples
Lei Duan
Rebecca Bruce
A Lexicon for Underspecified Semantic Tagging
Paul Buitelaar
Measuring Semantic Entropy
I. Dan Melamed
Sense Tagging: Semantic Tagging with a Lexicon
Yorick Wilks
Mark Stevenson
An Experiment in Semantic Tagging using Hidden Markov Model Tagging
Frederique Segond
Anne Schiller
Gregory Grefenstette
Jean-Pierre Chanod
Automatic extraction of rules for anaphora resolution of Japanese. zero pronouns from aligned sentence pairs
Text Classification Using WordNet Hypernyms
Sam Scott
Stan Matwin
Discovering Lexical Information by Tagging Arabic Newspaper Text
Saleem Abuleil
Martha Evens
Generalized unknown morpheme guessing for hybrid POS tagging of Korean
Jeongwon Cha
Geunbae Lee
Jong-Hyeok Lee
Look-Back and Look-Ahead in the Conversion of Hidden Markov Models into Finite State Transducers
André Kempe
Methods and tricks used in an attempt to pass the Turing Test
V. Bastin
D. Cordier
Memory-Based Shallow Parsing
Walter Daelemans
Sabine Buchholz
Jorn Veenstra
Andrew Kehler
Jerry R. Hobbs
Douglas Appelt
John Bear
Matthew Caywood
David Israel
Megumi Kameyama
David Martin
Claire Monteleoni
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Field Of Study
Linguistic Trends
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